SaveEstelle & LeonhartFour in New Houses: Football Returns Edition [SELF]

Board 8

TOTK: Accidentally found another Shrine while bouncing around to turn in quests and check on a few things. Radar started pinging while I was hopping from shrine to shrine to get to places. It was one of the shrines inside a cave and I immediately realized what happened. It had to have been before I got my shrine radar because I never would have left it otherwise, and I must have been out of bombs because since the rock walls don't regenerate on a blood moon I could see my path through had been by just hammering through it with a 2H blunt sword. Normally I bomb those walls because it's just faster and gets more of the rock. But this particular one was blocking two "exits" and my hammering only got me to one of them while concealing the shrine behind the other. That's pretty rare so I must have just missed it since this had to have been pretty early on in my playing. So make that 145 Shrines.

Anyway, the Depths exploration has begun! I'm actually pretty good with this so far because now I am finally liberated from my Korok hunt (I did check way back when that there were no Koroks in the Depths) so I can finally equip something other than the Korok Mask lol. Early observation that I just want to check on, but I started in the area around Lookout Landing and it seems to be the case that the rivers are represented down here as impassable walls that you can't even climb over even if the minimap shows land just beyond. Is that accurate-ish? Kind of feels like it would naturally divide the Depths into chunks separated by them, though that's fine by me as well. Just defied my expectation that it was all completely connected like the overworld and that I'll need to pop up and go down different chasms to get to different spots.
May you find your book in this place.
Formerly known as xp1337.