[BOST 2022] DAY 11 - piano vs recorder

Board 8

Timestopper Tactics
Let Me Out
Un Deux Trois

[blank line here if additional contents after]

Frosty forest is uh... I mean, it's a rhythm game song! In a rhythm game! But it's not what I love about Deemo, and is what I dislike about rhythm game music (namely, a predilection for speed over, well, other things). Timestopper starts off cool, then quickly shifts to what are interesting sounds over a fairly standard techno rhythm. I don't like fairly standard techno rhythms! But hey, I can appreciate everything except that rhythm quite a bit.

Yadorigi is fine I guess. Dunno what else to say. It was all right, but also I think forgettable. Let me out just isn't clicking wait no it is clicking i have been reclicked?! Yeah somehow warped space broken dream thing is hitting me i blame everything.

poor kitty doesn't deserve to be sunk :( Impact might actually be my favorite of corro's set, but 123 is too strong.

i realize this is my own fault for choosing/needing not to be a more active participant in set selection, but after the mili goodness that was the nom set, the lack of her (yes i realize that's the group name shh) is kinda disappointing. Like not super disappointing, 123 is fantastic and Yadorigi was enjoyable, but still >_>

In unrelated news, people who write 4,000 line tests for 2,000 line functions and expect other people to maintain their code can go fudge themselves.
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius