[BOST 2022] DAY 11 - piano vs recorder

Board 8

Frosty Forest is awesome, I'm always down for songs with this rhythm. Tactics is some good synthwave-ish and it's enjoyable. Both are good, but I'll take Forest.

This is certified fungi beats. The piano intro is gentle and the song keeps me well engaged on it, very neat. LMO is a solid ambient song. I feel these are even too. But I'll pick the mushroom one.

Oh boy, 123. A song I'm crazy conflicted about. It's very pretty, but I have my problems with it. This isn't VGMC though, so my milleage will vary. Impact is interesting, but not much else to say about it.

Yeah, looks like today is a clean Deemo sweep, good job!

Frosty Forest
Un Deux Trois