Rate the Black Mirror Episode: S6E5 - Demon 79 + CALL FOR LATE RATINGS

Board 8


Not as high on this as others I guess. It is fun and the performances are good, but to me, this doesn't uniquely feel like a Black Mirror episode (I guess because it wasn't actually meant to be but I digress). I feel like it could slot in to just about any other horror anthology TV series out there. It doesn't have a unique voice to it. It does very little with its apparent 1970s horror influence outside the opening titles and I wish it leaned in to that more. And just like it does nothing with that influence, all the rest of the themes and plot points of the episode are all surface-level as well - everything pretty much happened and is explored like I expected it to. There's no twistiness or surprise to the narrative despite what should be an insane premise.
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