B8 NFL Ladder Contest 2023 Week 18

Board 8

HanOfTheNekos posted...
So if I get the bonus right this week, can I use it pass level 8 if I fail?

There is no skipping on the final week. Standings are updated based on picks at the end of the week, and then skips are applied at the beginning of the following week, and there is no next week so standings after picks resolve are final

Think of it like a mafia game; picks resolve during the "night" phase, and skips are applied at the beginning of the next "day" phase

Did I just make this rule up? Perhaps. But I have been using this joke bonus for Week 18 for 3 years now so I'm sticking with it! (and I don't think the former hosts had bonus questions for the final week at all)

also we won't know if you got the bonus right until September!
MZero , to the extreme