Raetsel Raetsel Inc.'s fifth music ranking! [NOMINATIONS]

Board 8

Fluttershy_Pony posted...
No, extra songs don't have any really odd restrictions like that. Also, technically Charlie's song works as a character theme, so you already met the "one character song minimum" requirement even if I wanted to enforce it.

That didn't even occur to me, but great! Glad that worked out :)

Here are the two songs I definitely wanted to nominate:

Wintersun - Winter Madness (5:08)

15 years later, and this song still has, hands down, my favorite guitar solo of all time. And the rest of the song is pretty awesome too.

Ayreon - Dawn of a Million Souls (7:40)

I've been on a huge Ayreon kick recently. Arjen Lucassen writes these rock/metal operas, then gets his friends to perform them. If you ever get the chance, listen to The Human Equation. However, I think this particular song, from The Universal Migrator, works well enough on it's own that I can recommend it. The short version of the plot is that the last man in existence is using a device called the Dream Sequencer to witness the history of Earth and the universe.
Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it.