Fitness/Exercise/Health topic 2

Board 8

CoolCly posted...

I set up a home gym late last year that I've been using pretty regularly. It includes a bench and a couple dumbbell trees, going up to 25 pound dumbbells. But when I bought them, my supplier was missing a few increments in weights so I was missing some sizes. IE one tree had 15 pounds, 17.5, 22.5 and 25 pounds, but missing the 20 pound. The other just had 5 pound and 10 pound, but didn't have the 2.5 / 7.5 / 12.5. I finally went and picked them up ( turns out at this level its actually 3 pound, 8 pound, and 12, they don't start 2.5 increments till 17.5 I guess...)

So I've basically just been stuck at 10 pounds for everything that I do. I've been contemplating if I should just make the jump to 15 pounds. Like on my dumbbell bench press, I can do 20 reps for 3 sets pretty damn easily with 10 pounds. 15 pounds shouldn't be a big jump. In all my previous exercise attempts, doing barbell stuff always felt pretty trivial to make 10 pound jumps, so a 5 pound jump should be no big deal

So I finally made the switch to the new 12 pounds. I am shook by much heavier and difficult these are. I can't believe it. The difference is so small, yet they feel way heavier. 9 rep sets are very doable but I'm definitely feeling the strain. If I had jumped to 15 pounds I guess I just would have exploded.

Ive been meaning to respond to this

dumbbell jumps are always a bit of a challenge. Especially when your body has gotten so comfortable doing a certain weight for so long. Its gotten very used to doing the 10 pounders and it thinks that its all youll ever have to worry about, so even the small jump there Im sure was a shock to the system a bit.

but good for you for progressing! Those 15s will be easy soon enough :)

"The only 'ist' I am, is atheist" - Neil DeGrasse Tyson