Favourite Studio Ghibli film not directed by Miyazaki?

Board 8

Since it didn't make the cut I also want to insist that people check out Iblard Jikan which would be in my top 3 here (very high praise). It's definitely not for everyone, being an experience that many could argue doesn't even count as film, but I adore it.

Also those Capsule music videos animated by Studio Kajino (ghibli subsidiary) are pretty great actually.

Anyway Kaguya for sure. Grave of the Fireflies is just an inferior take on the subject matter presented compared to barefoot gen and in this corner of the world, Only Yesterday is actually great, Ocean Waves is... decent, I suppose, but also ultimately forgotten for a reason, Pom Poko is trash, Yamadas is worthless, Whisper of the Heart is also great but only really the third best here, Cat Returns has moments but falls apart in the ridiculously rushed conclusion, Arrietty is perhaps the most underwhelming take on the Borrowers ever which is impressive given where the bar is at, and Marnie... I honestly remember very little of Marnie which is perhaps a pretty bad sign for the most recent one here. Through its many flaws, Kaguya was a film that moved me more than a vast majority of other media.