What four comedians belong on the Stand-Up Comedians Mount Rushmore? +TIEBREAKER

Board 8

Which of these games deserves the fourth spot on the "Video Games are ART" Mount Rushmore? - Results (84 votes)
Disco Elysium
32.14% (27 votes)
Papers, Please
14.29% (12 votes)
Silent Hill 2
26.19% (22 votes)
27.38% (23 votes)
This poll is now closed.
Discussion Topic: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/8-gamefaqs-contests/80708068 (if you want to complain about this topic series do it here and not in the current topic)

Rules: If you list more than 4 things I'm gonna just tally the first 4 you say. If you list the same character multiple times it won't count. Be nice. Don't shove your personal definition of "Mount Rushmore" down others' throats. Have fun. If you're going to majorly change a vote please quote your old vote to make it easier for me.

Stand-up-specific rules: Real people only, no fictional comedians. They need to have been a stand-up comedian for a substantial amount of their career and been well known for it, they can't be a celeb who did one or two sets as a stunt.

Reference links:

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uCR-viOTP-yKhRZnTyvaoXj7teKRA12gz7m-1rfmhoY/ (Sheet 1)
Cereal Mascots: Tony the Tiger, Trix Rabbit, Lucky, Cap'n Crunch
First Ladies: Eleanor Roosevelt, Jackie Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Abigail Adams
Sonic Songs: Green Hill, Live & Learn, Escape from the City, Chemical Plant
Mario Games: Mario 64, SMB, SMW, SMB3
Best Picture Winners: The Godfather, Gone With the Wind, LOTR: The Return of the King, Schindler's List
Video Game Urban Legends: Mew Under Truck, Sonic in Melee, Nuclear Gandhi, Sheng Long
Rappers: Tupac, Eminem, Jay-Z, Dr. Dre
Pie: Apple, Pumpkin, Pizza, Cherry
Fictional Assassins: Agent 47, John Wick, Ezio, The Bride
Disney Songs: Let It Go, When You Wish Upon a Star, A Whole New World, Under the Sea
Green Characters: Kermit, Hulk, Yoda, Luigi
Greek Mythological Figures: Zeus, Heracles, Hades, Medusa
"Video Games are ART": Journey, Shadow of the Colossus, Okami, TIEBREAKER SEE POLL

YESTERDAY: Easily the most competitive Rushmore we've ever had, resulting in a 4-way tie for 4th. We have those sometimes but they never last, but for this one we actually had a 6-WAY TIE for 3rd at one point.

We also had SotC and Journey trade first place back and fourth the entire time. Overall this was one of the most fun Rushmores we have done and it inspired some actual debate, which was the entire idea. It was also a lot of fun to see everyone's different interpretations of "art," including Snake for Nokia phones (thanks, MoMA).

Shoutout to Braid which may have actually had a shot at the Top 4 if the pro-Braid Brigade had shown up a little earlier. Braid went from 2 votes to 7 very quickly and it could have easily made up lost ground if there was more time.


WTF answer: Custer's Revenge and two other horny games, I didn't count them due to horny. I think if the argument of "they make me horny like true art" was posted I would have counted them


ChatGPT's Rushmore: won't post it so it doesn't influence the poll, although I did ask already and one of the 4 poll options was listed

AI Rushmore brought to you by Microsoft CoPilot:
can't post until tie is broken!

UPCOMING RUSHMORES (nominations welcome):
3/21: Cryptids
3/22: Board Games
3/23: Stephen King Stories
3/24: Nicktoons
3/25: Metal Albums
3/26: Mario 64 Worlds
3/27: Gen 3 Pokmon
3/28: Adult Swim Shows
3/29: Shonen Jump Protagonists
3/30: Time Travel Movies
3/31: Fictional Rabbits (Easter Special)
4/1: Hoaxes (April Fools Special)
4/2: Wii Games
4/3: Genesis games
4/4: NES Games
4/5: PS2 Games
4/6: N64 Games
4/7: PS1 Games
4/8: SNES Games
4/9: American Landmarks
4/10: Movie Villains
Nominations: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uCR-viOTP-yKhRZnTyvaoXj7teKRA12gz7m-1rfmhoY/ (Sheet 2)

(|| ' ' ||) When have you ever seen three big, very smooth arcs
. /|_|\ of hair sticking out of a person's forehead? I haven't!