Does cilantro taste like soap?

Board 8

foolm0r0n posted...
There's clearly a spectrum since some people say they taste ZERO soap, which is crazy. To me, there's no question that it tastes like soap.

I also know people who gag when eating fish sauce, pickles, or broccoli, all of which I love. What's so special about cilantro that it needs a gene to explain distaste? I even have heard of people disliking mint because it tastes soapy (as in a common aroma associated with soap)

There's nothing special, there's just evidence:
There's a bunch of papers but here's one. Also: preference and detection may be driven by separate genes/gene complexes with some overlapping association. However, binding of the 'soapy' functions (a specific group of aldehydes) has been shown to be associated with a specific genetic variation in an olfactory receptor. It's a robust finding.
I'm am hungry I want some lasaga