All Purpose Wrestling Topic 512: Finishing the Story

Board 8

Yeah Im with Lopen here. Ive followed wrestling over the recent years, but havent been watching until probably summer slam of the last year on a whim, which successfully lured me back in. I had heard good things about AEW, and from what I understand its the majority opinion that it is not at the level that it was a few years ago. Ive watched a few ppvs, and 10-15 of the dynamite, and it just struggles to capture me. There are things to like, things to really like, but also some pretty garbage things as well as the shunned lover energy that I mentioned a few posts back, which is just a not a quality that the company should be having when trying to grow. They are allowed to make mistakes and bad choices from time to time, but it just seems like they arent learning from them and almost doubling down on them.

its very late 2000s tna-ish. A lot of good stuff to nibble at, but the overall dish itself is struggling to be fully palatable
"The only 'ist' I am, is atheist" - Neil DeGrasse Tyson