Hades was kind of a letdown

Board 8

I do not enjoy repeating randomized content in games I have to directly engage with. I want my games to have structured goals with crafter progression and a linear narrative. A game like Hades has a strong narrative, but nothing about actually playing the game is enjoyable to me because I just see it as empty content, I can just watch the sorry on YouTube and will have a better time.

I liked Slay the Spire, but once I beat it with all 3 characters I was done. I beat it, so why keep playing? Same thing happened with Dead Cells, beat the boss on my 3rd ever run and I was done with the game.

I guess it's just how my brain is wired, I know plenty of people disagree with me. I loved Bastion, but if I was given a Bastion level randomizer and was just asked to play I would habe zere interest in it whatsoever.