[VGMC] Day 3! feat. Reptiles, Ragers, Racers, Fivers, Circles, and... ... ...?

Board 8

Moiety Theme
About That...

I really dislike the vocals in Mutants over Broadway. They have this weird quality that feels like the singer is lurching or stumbling or something, and it just doesn't sound good. The rest of the sound is pretty good, but the song's already a lost cause. Rage is a JRPG-sounding power ballade that falls pretty firmly into the "good but not great" camp and is the clear vote here.

Moiety theme is a solid ambient song with some cool percussion, but doesn't really have a chance at finding its way into my favorites. Wild Woods has some individually cool sounds but the overall thing is a bit too goofy for me. The solo flute part at about the halfway point is very good though.

I don't like About That as much as some of the other Paradise Killer songs, but the combination of booming synth, sax, and 80's sounding vocals is still very good. Round has a very cool effect where it's constantly adding new parts and building on it's self. Great sense of progression but I don't know if it quite has the payoff that I would like. Still a very cool song and would have voted it in any of the other matches.

About That > Round > Rage > Moiety Theme > Wild Woods > Mutants Over Broadway
I didn't do guru this year but azuarc can be in my sig anyways.