[VGMC] Day 4! feat. Prisons, Power Plants, Casinos, Air, Space, and Burger King

Board 8

Burning, Churning, Empowering
Springy Windy Sky Larky

"One more awesome" is a great title. This is such a UF8 song. Weird jazz is interesting, something I can appreciate intellectually even if it's something I would never seek out on my own.

Funky Dealer is silly fun. It doesn't have the majesty of Wrapped in Black, or the anthem-like glory of Concept of Love, but it's still up there as one of Naganuma's best. The funky instrumental segment right in the middle is cool. I might like this more without the (blackjack?) dealer's calls, actually. Although, without them, would it still be a Naganuma song? An interesting question.

i kinda want to play this game solely based on the title ngl ANYWAYS this changes pretty drastically post-intro into something decently cool! The background flute is really nice.

"Burning, churning power plant" is almost good. But just two -ing adjectives is a mistake. Consider "Burning, Churning, Powering." Or "Empowering." Okay whatever the heck that instrument was at 1:00 was really cool. Ooh and the bells at the chorus :)

Okay the first thirty seconds of Astral are not promising. I hope it's not six minutes of this.

Well it was but Skylark is Asano and Asano always knows how to put a smile on my face. I love the Gust flute so much, and then the strings and accordion are just so beautifully arranged together. I just love how effortlessly everything trades off with each other, how we keep adding more instruments, how we go full HAM FLUTE! Wild Woods, take notes.
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius