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Community » Back_Stabbath
these days you ask for their tiktok or insta, old man
as a half caste myself I don't really think it's worth gatekeeping heritage from either side unless theres been no real mix for at least like three generations lol
quick google says joe is black on his moms side and jason is black on his fathers side

ShadowMan033 posted...
Is it because one is a wife beater?

only thing worth being disturbed about ITT
these games.... retro....
is it possible there are enough edgy manchildren or just people who are apathetic in America who will vote for him because it's funny/interesting for him to have a shot?
my partner got the greataxe from skyrim tattooed on her forearm and hasn't touched an ES game lmao
Brykner posted...
Same energy.

felt way worse for virgil the first time i saw this than i do for boogie now lmao
LeoRavus posted...
Fucking 80k views in a day for that nonsense.

It can't. It just CAN'T be hard to make money on youtube. Why does it feel so impossible when this exists? It also appears to be a new channel with only 2 one day old videos.

its a reuploaded clip of The Late Show <_<
feels good until it doesn't
Sonic_Cannon posted...
They can make an offer, but they can't do a hostile takeover like you could with some public companies. Most of the shares are held by a small number of people

gaben holds like 51% last I heard so it would be up to him in the end yeah? i trust him not to accept any deal MS offers him. he'd go from one of the most beloved game dev icons to a fuckin villain overnight lmao
I'd be a child with a seroquel addiction to be able to sleep longer than I'm awake for 20 years >_>
Time to go into a coma and return to sweet, innocent, responsibility free childhoo-

Tyranthraxus posted...
Anesthesia & other medically induced coma states are exempt from this but drowsy medication / drugs in general isn't
i think thats his lawyer?

and no. meme request denied.
A NZ national supermarket chain tried to use AI to make recipes and the results were amazing
Sony has re-confirmed
SomeLikeItHoth posted...
I do care about that but I'd like a game similar to BOTW where I can get lost exploring and doing fun challenges.

the map is definitely not as open as botw sadly. It's pretty much a linear section of roads that you can't veer very far from. And the main challenges are fighting the same 3 types of mobs and maybe a troll or ogre every now and then ._.

I think a lot of the salt on this game comes from how it doesn't measure up to the first game at all besides being prettier. If you've never played DD1 maybe give that a go or skip it entirely so it doesn't ruin DD2 for you >_>
DD2 needs a expansion or something that fills in the barebones story which is probably what they planned for to double dip.

SomeLikeItHoth posted...
I've watched a few game play videos and I can't understand what makes it so good.

Narrative, player choice, good characters, amazing developer support. If you don't care about any of this and just want to get lost in an immersive world you'll probably like DD2. It has solid combat/gameplay at least.
Prometheus had a pretty damn cool OG script and the way they watered it down was crazy
Jiek_Fafn posted...
Lost my mom this time of year a few years back. The entire process was just absolutely draining leading up to her finally passing. I did the whole thing of holding her hand while she went, but man I wish I wouldn't have. She went out screaming in agony. I'm still kind of messed up by it. Lots of people slowly fade away and kind of just give out. Others thrash around and scream. I do not recommend the experience of the latter.

My MIL basically had to starve and choke to death on her own throat secretions after a stroke :( apparently its what she wanted. no fuckin idea how the doctors got that info out of her when she could barely get a syllable out
its just a zu recolor, that mount is cheap asf on the MB >_>
Every time you drop the bomb
You kill the god your child has born
looks metal af, way more fun than the usual boring stuff
is it worth enduring the queues? the game has been gettings DDoS'd hard recently and I can only imagine it getting worse with returning players and the DDoSers wanting to hit them when it hurts
Depends on how Black Myth Wukong and Star Wars Outlaws does, and if Elden Ring DLC is eligible. Dragons Dogma 2 is a downgrade from the first game but still seems kinda popular so it'll probably be on the list due to lack of strong contenders this year afaik

Helldivers 2 needs to undo the shit nerfs they've done on the weapons they've touched and buff all the useless ones. and release the Armored Weaponized Truck stratagem that is just sitting in the files for months ready to use, that shit made moving a team across the map fun asf, but only way to use it is having a modder in session
im very jaded on bethesda these days
like it would not surprise me at all if its crammed with paid mods and paid cosmetics
Harry Potsmoker and the Chamber of Smoke
was very excited for the campaign given the setting and it shat the bed
MP was fun for a few weeks
ford ranger is the choice of knobheads here
bit late there bud
i remember seeing this on reddit and trying to find stage 3-4 but couldn't find shit. this image seems to be the most popular one depicting bone cancer
twitch is the same. its fun baiting shitheads in chat into it lel
I'm gonna sound like an absolute square but why is this situation blowing up the internet?
nah Ant is a pretty chill, normal kiwi dude
tripleh213 posted...

that actually game me a fright lol, great illusion
Well done Agent 747, now find an exit.
also was that water chip failure line just a throwaway reference to the first game?

I thought it would be a big deal and they'd have to plan getting everyone to the surface but noooooope, never mentioned again like it never happened lol

sure. when I make a risqu post I know it'll eventually be deleted and my karma can take the hit :)
lol no

i know about how the benefits but fuck that I want a nice hot shower to burn the impurities from my body
cut down the fluff and do more 40 min eps for season 2
i clapped when the brother hacked the overseers terminal and the hacking screen from the game showed up
superben posted...
I just want to see deathclaws ;(

the yao guai looked like shit but the gulper looked ok, hope they can do it justice
Never should have come here.
Pain in the ass in summer, have to mow like twice a week instead of once a month if I want it to look good
the flowers hide away at the slightest sign of cold or shadow and look like long ugly stalks
leaked the book and is using it as shock advertising
do i also get chimpanzee strength where I can peel the faces off my enemies like a banana?
with milk? easily
without, prolly not
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