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Community » ChocoboMog123
N64 and Genesis have opposite problems.

The N64 stick sucked, but it's c-button set up was novel and still hard to replicate. The next best option is either keyboard or mapping c-buttons to X/Y/L/R.

The Genesis has a fantastic d-pad, but has issues when you want to either hit buttons precisely or hit multiple buttons at once. You can piano, but that's awkward. Really isn't that much of an issue considering its library, but wouldn't hold up now. 6-button fixes many issues, but still rough to reach from A to C.

I'd give the Genesis the edge since it doesn't have mechanical problems.
"You're sorely underestimating the power of nostalgia goggles." - adjl
Here's a test, "Which system has the fewest games that a modern gamer (child/zoomer) would enjoy?"
I think it's N64.

There's plenty of games on the NES that still hold up: all the Marios, LoZ and similar games, two player games, Castlevanias, Ghosts n Goblins, beat em ups, and the Kirbies.

What N64 games hold up? SM64 (it does), Paper Mario, Kirby 64, Banjo, and Star Fox. The graphics are terrible and the controls are often worse.

I can find younger people who enjoy TMNT2: The Arcade Game. I can't find any who like OoT.
"You're sorely underestimating the power of nostalgia goggles." - adjl
Community » ChocoboMog123