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I actually hope it isn't a Sith. I like the idea of different dark side orders with different practices and teachings.

CyricZ posted...
Yord's gonna do something dumb before all this is over. I got that feeling.

The way everyone just flexes all over Yord I was half expecting him to turn by the end of the second episode.
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Kansas' SC are pretty strict constitutionalist. Which is why they also ruled that banning abortion was unconstitutional awhile back which is what caused right wing-nuts to try to pass a constitutional amendment that got voted down.

In this case because the KS constitution didn't explicitly state voting as a constitutional right, they say it isn't.
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One of the greatest games of all time.
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You'll probably need to resize it first though.
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Sufferedphoenix posted...
Orm I forget if had a super villain name but orm was his actual name
Ocean Master is his villain name.
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StarFighters76 posted...
Not to mention the urban legend about it (or was it the Orient) that was haunted. What happened was a girl either stood up or hand her hands up in the air while the ride was in motion, and was killed. Since then, it's been said she haunts the ride.
That's the Timberwolf. A girl in the 90s tried to change seats mid ride. Which isn't a great idea.
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Yes, I went to see 300 but my two friends weren't 17 yet so they were going to buy tickets to something else and sneak in. But they were dumbasses and picked some movie that no one would believe 16-year-old boys would see and broke under the slightest of pressure from the ticket person.
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Genealogy of the Holy War.
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rideshort posted...
Justin Hammer still a major villain in Iron Man comics todaay?
Hammer has been dead for like 24 years. Even being the villain of Iron Man 2 didn't bring him back.
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Ignoring the fact that Biden can't actually pardon Trump, it would instantly be deemed the single dumbest political move in American history. It would surpass shit like Hamilton accepting Burr's duel challenge.
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RchHomieQuanChi posted...
Yeah. Iron-Man's main thing is his villains don't really ever have a consistent identity. Iron Monger, Crimson Dynamo, Titanium Man, etc., all have like 6 people each that wore the armor lol.

The only one who's consistently popped up in Iron-Man stories throughout the years is the Mandarin.
I actually think Crimson Dynamo is at like 13 now. It makes me want to automatically give it to Madame Masque because she's at least the same person.
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Yeah I don't really consider Darkseid a Superman villain.
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Screamin' Eagle was my favorite roller coaster as a kid because it was big enough to feel adult but didn't actually have loops that scared me and it drove my dad crazy because he was not a fan of how rough it was. That thing is an ancient wooden roller coaster and it beats the shit out of you. The Timberwolf at Worlds of Fun is similar. Just a real violent experience.
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Iron Man is tough because the villain drop off after Mandrin is rough. But it's probably two of Madame Masque, Iron Monger, Ghost or Crimson Dynamo.
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ImAMarvel posted...
Doomsday is a non-character lol
Yeah the issue with the Doomsdays and the Banes of the world is they do one big thing once and then they don't know what to do with them ever again. Because anything you do after killing/maiming a super hero is gonna feel very underwhelming. This is especially true for functionally mindless characters like Doomsday, but even Bane spent years just being an occasional physical challenge for Batman, but generally not a threat. It wasn't until Secret Six where he got a pretty significant reinvention and moved him away from Batman before he started to become a compelling character again.

The adaptation test is a good one. Basically if your character when adapted is basically always doing the same story, you are probably not actually that significant of a villain. You get all sorts of Luthor/Joker/Riddler/Two-Face/Brainiac stories. But if Bane shows up you know he's gonna be hoisting Batman up to slam on his knee.
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I've been to a few Six Flags, mainly the St. Louis one because I have family that live there.

I also make at least one trip a year to my local Cedar Fair park, Worlds of Fun, Cedar Fair's forgotten child. It's fun enough but there isn't enough to do to warrant going more than once a year.
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Justice League/Unlimited is better in nearly way. Though convincing middle school me of that would be a lost cause.
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masterpug53 posted...
Nightstalkers and Cazadores are also weird-science experiments, the latter having become one of the series' most iconic (or at least infamous) monsters since NV released.

I always wondered why nightmarish rattlesnake-coyote hybrids didn't make an impression on the fandom the way Cazadores did. Probably because Cazadores are directly in the path of every new player's 'fuck you main quest I go wherever I want' route once they leave Goodsprings, so they get the benefit of making a hell of a first impression.
Cazadors are just plain more dangerous. Nightstalkers never felt like particularly dangerous enemies to the same degree. Cazadors are second only to Deathclaws in generating an "oh shit" reaction.
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Breloom is now and will forever be my boy.
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Sith =/= Dark force user

Sith are an extremely specific sect of force users with their own unique teachings and practices. So there is some uniformity to their beliefs and operations. And they aren't exactly searching out a guy who can't keep his just in check or someone who is always super sad.

There are plenty of jedi or force users out there who have fallen because they couldn't handle any number of emotions, but they are not Sith.
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Maximus clearly dumped Int and maxed out Luck. Man is incredibly stupid, but he is constantly failing upwards.
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Espeon is Bestpeon!
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August 26th, 2023.
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Blue_Popo posted...
Can you explain. Which were east and west

I only ever played 3 and 4

Also no deathclaw is lame
The East Coast is what you see in 3 and 4. Settlements are few and far between, tech is sparce. Nothing really approaching unified government. Just a lot of various scavenger groups.

West coast is like 1, 2 and NV. Fallout 1 looked a lot like the East coast, but by Fallout 2 civilization has come a long way to rebuilding. The NCR is a proper government. You have cars, trains and printed currency. Towns and cities are common place. New Vegas features an actual war between two governments with actual armies.
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Blue_Popo posted...
It told an original story within the continuity of the existimg world keeping the same look and feel.
Yes and no. It did a good job of keeping the look and feel of the East Coast Bethesda games. But the problem is that is a very different look than the West Coast games had, which were more post-post-apocalypse.

So as fun as the show is, and it is fun, it still had me a bit salty.
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Gravity Falls is weird but it's mostly fun weird.
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Somebody in Trump's camp is getting fired tonight. Just a disaster of a decision.
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Last Jedi is a flawed but ultimately competently made film. It takes several risks, I don't agree with a few of them, but it at least tries to do things with care.

Rise is a bunch of action figures being smashed together with the thinnest of plots stringing them together. It is pretty much incapable of justifying any of the scenes. It's just the heroes following one macguffin to the next in the dumbest ways possible. In that way it is not unlike Attack of the Clones and it shouldn't be a surprise that those two films are easily the worst of the franchise.
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Vampire pale. It's the only setting my skin has. The alternative is burned.
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Relient_K posted...
I would imagine it's more because the gaming and gamer bubbles have grown to include more casual players and games. And I'm not using casual in a negative sense, I mean more like accessibility.
This is my thought. I wouldn't be shocked if there are actually more thinking game enjoyers than ever, but that the video game audience as a whole has increased making them a smaller percentage of it.
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He's not wrong. Ash is a world class choker.
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Metroid is a game that absolutely pushed the boundaries of what video games could be and the NES's hardware. It's an extremely important game.

But frequently boundary pushing means that that you aren't actually that good. You are limited by technology. You are limited by not being able to learn from previous attempts. You have good ideas that you weren't able to be implemented properly. You have bad ideas that nobody knew were bad yet. The original Metroid aged horribly. There is basically no reason to play it outside of historical curiosity, especially since Zero Mission exist.
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I don't know and I don't care. I haven't bought a Pokmon game since Ultra Sun and have no intention to do so again until Game Freak shows they aren't a group of incompetents and actually put out a good product befitting the most successful media franchise in human history. Which they have so far not done.
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Even setting aside the very real privacy concerns, we currently live in a world where half the government is making a concerted effort to frame a lot of genuinely educational material as adult content, particularly in regards to women and LGBTQ content. So even if the privacy concerns were somehow resolved, we'd still be left with a legal cudgel to be used against already vulnerable groups of people.

It's a horrendous idea and it's genuinely distressing how it is getting the pass from some democratic lawmakers just because it's flying under the PrOrEcT cHiLdReN banner.
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Bullshit rumor. Like even if Microsoft wanted to but Steam, they wouldn't embarrass themselves with that low of an offer.
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The solution here is to just let more time pass in the show.

There is no reason that a 100-year-old war needs to be suddenly wrapped up in a couple of months.
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Puzzle #347

Green and blue were kinda guesses.
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I'd probably express my concerns but I'm not going to try to disallow it. I'd still help out with wedding stuff and the like.

You don't have to like your kids significant others.
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This is an extraordinarily stupid topic, even by Scotty topic standards.
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ImAMarvel posted...
I stopped watching CW a long time ago but it is sad.

It was pretty much THE channel for teen dramas. Wasn't really my thing but some of the shows on their were enjoyable and I do have to wonder, where will the teenage demographic get their content from now?
I mean CW had largely ceased being a teen drama channel by 2012 where it mostly became a genre TV channel focusing on sci-fi and fantasy. Even Shows that you would think would be straightforward teen dramas like Nancy Drew and Riverdale were fantasy shows.

All American is like the one outlier of the last decade where it was a long-running show that didn't involve super powers, the paranormal, sci-fi or fantasy elements.

But none of these recent Nextar developments are a surprise. I figured it would take about 2 years from its purchase to purge the channel of everything in favor of extremely low-cost programing. The CW of old was just not an entity capable of generating profit, which was fine when it just existed a content-arm for WB and CBS but would never work for an independent owner.
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Puzzle #344

Yellow felt super trap-y. So I ended up holding off until the very end.

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ai123 posted...
What I am saying is that, for most viewers, I don't believe there is four hours of worthwhile material to be had from the subject matter.
I won't say that the video couldn't benefit from some additional conciseness, but it largely used its run time well. It definitely isn't a casual dive into subject. It's probably the most extensive look at the hotel and it's experience. It definitely isn't for everyone but it is good to have really in depth views of now defunct experiences, that few got to have to begin with.
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I watched, and I do mean watched this isn't a podcast and it's full of video of the hotel, the whole thing in one sitting last night. While I do think it would have benefited from being sliced into 3 episodes. It still was very well done and fascinating.

The whole thing was a monument to Disney's hubris.
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Yeah the most prevailing theory is that an orca pod had a bad experience with a boat so they started attacking boats. But that it has turned into a "meme" among orcas so others are doing it too.

Like a violent version of salmon hats.
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It was on the Wii U. That's basically the beginning and end of the story. Like Smash Tour was shit but even if it had the far superior Smash Run, it still would have struggled because it was on a console that sold like shit.
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Most evidence indicates that Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens could successfully breed. I'd wager if Neanderthals didn't go extinct like the originally did, they'd probably be "extinct" just through thousands of years of interspecies breeding. Like you might have some parts of the world where people had more Neanderthal in them. But we likely wouldn't have full-blooded Neanderthals left.
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Dudebusters posted...
Basically my take is I'd rather a few hour long videos over the year than one four hour video once a year
This is exactly how I feel about it. Except I'm okay with those episodes dropping all at once too. But I just like having episodes.

An episodic format also has the benefit of enhancing conciseness and narrative structure because typically an episode will tell a specific "story".
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They'll keep him because he is a very, very good kicker and his beliefs, while absolutely abhorrent are not mainstream abhorrent.
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Colloquially, they are absolutely not. But for the purpose of some dumb stripmall rule. Sure.
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