
03.2024 -
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Community » CoyoteTheGreat
No topics logged for 'CoyoteTheGreat' Posts: 73
  1. It gives a lot of good development to side characters. Side characters are also interesting and have more complex personalities than in most shounen series where their personality is defined by having some kind of verbal tic.
  2. Battles are less about absurd power levels and more cerebral.
  3. It doesn't over-rely on the main character, and the main character has a more interesting personality and more pronounced flaws than is typical in shounen series. The main character doesn't "solve" all the arcs either.
  4. Generally it flips a lot of shounen tropes on their head, and was pretty innovative for that.
  5. Antagonists also tend to be better developed than most shounen shows and there is a lot more focus on them. Some memorable fights in the show are just between characters completely unrelated to the main characters.
Disobedience is the stamp of the hero. -Ragnar Redbeard
Also, this is Kagata..
Community » CoyoteTheGreat