03.2024 -
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Topics: 2
Current Events Doordash is about 4 miles away 10 minutes drive. Tipping 6$ 19 2024-03-18 19:01:59
Posts: 184
Wonder if they set limits on stuff and use volunteers to check people out to cut cost.
I respect it.

I sometimes think about what fun charity stuff i would do if I won the billion dollar powerball or something
Idk how good of an idea it is but i was thinking i would buy hotels and turn them into homeless shelters or like transition type homes for people or familes trying to get back on their feet. For some income to help hotel I would try to turn it into a culinary school or cooking class type place and the food they make would be like the lunch and dinner of the place.
Also stock the place with bunch of clothes and stuff.
I wash myself with a rag on stiiick