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Community » Ivany2008
Or... and hear me out here... you can just get one of the newer Raspberry Pis and emulate that crap. Sony should have had backwards compatibility for all their systems since day 1.
Ima be honest, I've always preferred Nectarines to Peaches. More of a tangy flavour which I enjoy.
Shadow Hearts 1
Desktop. If I was lacking in space, I'd just get a Steam Deck or similar device. I really am not a fan of gaming laptops as in my opinion they always have some sort of cooling issue. Even if they don't, if something goes wrong, its a pain in the ass to replace parts in any laptop, not just a gaming laptop.
Get put on ADD medication
Get a CPAP machine
Your going to get cancer in your 30s, just be aware of it. You'll be fine.
The 100. It went from a show about people trying to survive a nuclear apocolypse to a show about surviving on a planet 100 years away.
LoveLikeJazz posted...
No, then a 175lb person would only require roughly 80g protein, but that isn't enough for substantial gains.

Btw I dunno what happened between like post 25-70 but you can get in lots of protein at once, but ideally you want various types of protein. Like 60g of egg protein all at once isn't going to absorb as well as 25g egg protein, 25g wey protein and 10g turkey protein eaten together. Then have a peanut butter sandwich between breakfast and lunch, then some chicken for lunch, maybe a protein bar for a snack between lunch and dinner, and more chicken for dinner. Finish the night with a wey shake, you're easily clearing 150g. That's not counting the little amounts of protein you get from the veggies/greens and whole grain carbs you can and should eat along with those meals.

There's no way in hell that me as a 280 lb man would require 280g of protein. That's just asanine. As the other poster put out, its .8 per kg. If your trying to gain weight, you add in more calories, or go above your daily allowance of protein.
I'm going to be completely honest with you. While Brotherhood is more faithful to the original manga, there are moments in the original that are just done better. Armstrong for example, was done a lot better in the original. While I would suggest watching Brotherhood, you should at the very least watch the first couple episodes of the original, which covers some things that aren't touched in Brotherhood outside flashbacks.

Brotherhood assumes you've watched the original. So with that in mind, the biggest change between the two is that certain characters are different in Brotherhood, simply because they weren't yet written in the manga at that time. Case in point: Sloth, who is a completely different character compared to the original.
Tyranthraxus posted...
D2:LoD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any other dlc you can think of

Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne, Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb
They were always bad. They have never released a game that wasn't full of bugs, and modders managed to make those games playable long before official patches. Yes, they release beautiful worlds with rich stories, but the bugs man. It's embarrassing from a AAA developer.
parisdolphin posted...
Payday because I've never eaten one before and I like all the others on the list.

Payday is surprisingly good. It's a peanut based bar that is salted. No chocolate on it.
Based on your name, I'd go with types of vehicles:

Picked' Up (Coffee & Spicy)
SUV (Spicy, Umami, Vinegary)
Hybrid (Sweet and Spicy)
ATV (Assholes Turning Violent)
I don't have spotify, only can list the last 5 songs off my YouTube playlist which were 2 AI generated metal songs, Within Temptation: Faster, Boys in the Bright White Sports Car by Trooper, and While my Guitar Gently Weeps cover by Jeff Healey
By pure definition the only 2 remaining are skittles and starburst. The only one close is Payday. The rest are chocolate bars. But I won't get into that discussion tonight. Off to play Elden Ring dlc.
As a game its pretty good. My biggest issue is that once again, much like 14, they director is sticking key moments into side quests.
Is Batman going to be the new Scooby Doo? Just meeting up with random people?
Where's the challenge? I eat 10 in about 2 minutes and that's me taking it slow. Long as I have sauce, I can devour 100 in maybe 20 minutes. I might not feel good afterwards, but I'd get it done.
bsp77 posted...
If people want to play videogames, we have options for them. That is the correct comparison. He said "leagues" though.

And these comments about Siuls fans being gatekeepers or elitist are unfair. Some, sure, but I personally do NOT feel that way. This isn't what it is about, but you keep attacking my character.

Holy shit, AceMos, Metroid Dread is fucking hard. Just as tough as Souls games IMO.

But sucks that it hurts. On the one hand, I don't have an issue with difficulty options in Souls games, but I also believe that if they had been there, they wouldn't have become as popular as they are today.

Dread isn't just hard, its confusing. I legit got lost at the very first teleporter because of the way the map is designed.
No. But that pretty much applies to anything outside wrestling. I can appreciate those who enjoy it, but I'd rather play the game rather than watch the game, and even that is at an all time low.
Yeah, I just started working out the past couple weeks. The only time I get to go to the gym is after work, so around 1/130 AM and I stay there for an hour. I'm learning a lot about myself, like I can't stay on a rowing machine for longer than 3 minutes without getting winded, and the weird bikes they have at the gym with the moving handles are about the same way.

It's a slow process. I just hope I start to lose weight so my doctor will get off my ass about losing weight.
cuh posted...
One Piece watchers complaining about nothin

One Piece isn't even that long. Now Case Closed/Detective Conan is another story entirely.
Dammit, I love that one TC. Fun story, they made a second one.

As for me, it always goes back to Celebrity Jeopardy or Stefan. I grew up with MADTV myself.
Had them before, they aren't amazing.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Soap Operas. Instead of killing off the franchise, they just kill off the characters and replace them with their children.
Persona posted...
why even worry that much, the game is still cool and fun even if you aren't following the minutiae

Sora doesn't even know the minutiae so they'll literally explain shit too

Yeah, I get that. But for me the last straw was the camera angles. I got so frustrated with them and the lack of direction in game I just gave up. I'll go back to it eventually, but I have a backlog of about 50 games right now that I want to get finished beforehand. It's hard enough getting the motivation to complete 2 chapters of Dave the Diver just to get back to the DLC, as I finished the game already and started fresh saving over my original file.
SSJKirby posted...
Understanding the story has never been a problem, the problem was that you need 18 different consoles to play all the games, now they're in a single collection.

It is if you don't follow them in order. If you go from 2 to 3, your going to be lost. I'm sure 2.5 and 2.8 cover a lot of things but as someone who has never played those, I got maybe an hour into 3 and just gave up.
First 3 yes. 358 1/2 wasn't bad, but the others I just found needlessly complex in story.
For me it was a 7. My biggest gripes with it are to do with the size and reusing assets. I get that it has to be done, but they reuse side bosses WAY too much.
That makes me sad. I really wish they had reached out to Mark Shepherd to play Penguin in the Batman movie. I miss him as Crowley in Supernatural.
Mom made a low calorie fudge dessert the other day. God I'm craving it now, even though there's none left.
Killmonger posted...
Good action game, but bad MGS game.

To be fair, a lot of Metal Gear games can be looked at like that. I personally didn't like 5, but loved Ground Zeroes.
Alteres posted...
The old DoS game? (iirc) hmm maybe not, still had our first desktop that ran DoS games and that is what I played it on along with x-wing vs tie fighter which came on 8? floppies and killed the fucking computer

It was called...Are You Afraid of the Dark? The Tale of Orpheo's Curse. I played it back 97, and at that time it really creeped me out. Even today I still have flashbacks to it.

A combination of time, weather and unfortunate events. Could be something as simple as too much rain caused the ground to soften. Though they are supposed to be dug fairly far down to prevent tipping.
It would have been done by someone else. Are You Afraid of the Dark came out with a game a long time ago that had that kind of vibe to it. It wasn't a very good game, but it was creepy.
Ok, throw it on the back corner of the classroom away from the teacher. So the teacher will be the only one that needs to look at it.
-Unowninator- posted...
Is that good or bad? I've never played Halo anything.

Halos 1-3 were masterpieces. I think 4 was decent, but after that it kind of fell off? At least I don't hear people singing the praises of 5 and 6 like they did 1-3.
Still no Terranigma. At this point I'm half tempted just to do it myself for myself, Christ, I'd have it done in 15-20 years before they actually decide to release one.
To be fair it probably will. Duke nukem played the long game, and sucked. Atomic Heart kind of played the long game, and wasn't as good as it should have been.
It's even funnier that they sound nothing like we think they do
vycebrand2 posted...
They have those? Well crap, should have told me. While I dont think my friend picked up anything from a shared room we did take precautions. There was someone coughing constantly and I asked if she could get another room. They understood and obliged

They do, but not all have them, and with immuno compromised patients we can get really sick off of a simple cold. I'm not immuno compromised but they still take precautions for me
I'm hoping they show that Layton game they had a teaser for a couple years ago
BlueBoy675 posted...
Also cant forget the patients who refuse to use their call buttons and insist on screaming across the whole building every time they want something. Those are always fun

To be fair, and this was only in my situation, the room I had had 2 call buttons. One attached to the bed, which apparently was broken, and one hanging from a cord. No one told me about the cord when I first went in.
Which kind of makes me glad I have a chance to be immuno compromised. Went through Chemo last year, so I have the option to be put in a separate waiting room by myself, and single rooms when I'm put into the hospital.
I find it interesting that he releases Horror movies when his background is in comedy. Makes me wonder what a comedic movie of his would look like.
__starsnostars posted...
I spent $34 at A&W for two combos today and they were only teen burgers, I think one of the cheaper options.

Don't even get me started on A&W. It used to be the go to for me and my dad until they started with this bs "Grassfed" campaign. All that did was jack up the prices to an unreasonable amount.

We always get the same. I get a Papa Cheese combo extra Papa Cheese on the side, Onion rings instead of fries, and a diet root beer. He gets a Teen combo extra Teen on the side, and a diet root beer. Used to cost us around 30 bucks about 10-15 years ago. Now its up to nearly 60 Canadian dollars after tax. Yes, its a lot of food but we are both heavier people, and that same combo anywhere else would only come to around 40.

EDIT: I just googled grass fed, and turns out, most of the fast food restaurants in Canada serve grass-fed beef. So A&W is just expensive for the sake of being expensive.
bigtiggie23 posted...
Except a lot of the funny scenes and lines go bye-bye.

Also, they seem to forget that Quina for a brief period of time has a main part in the story. Your actually introduced to Quina and the Quins, as part of the main story, and every now and then that race is used in cutscenes and story moments, whereas outside the initial introduction of Amarant, he really isn't used that much in the main story. Whereas his female counterpart, Lani is used surprisingly more.
7 - Cait Sith
8 - Selphie
9 - Amarant
10 - Rikku
12 - Penelo
13 - Fang
15 - Aranea Highwind Otherwise Prompto
16 - Tarja
Evolician posted...
Isnt Boogie like one of the two people on the planet who was fortunate enough to get gastric bypass surgery and STILL managed to not lose weight?

how on earth is that even possible

No, he lost a bunch of weight, and then started putting it back on. Got to remember that he started around 600 and went down to 370ish I want to say? Because gastric bypass isn't a miracle cure, you still have to put in work. He messed up, and that's on him. But it could happen to anyone.
I'm in Canada, but recent advances in the tech field have allowed me to move wherever, so wherever is cheapest with good internet lol
Completely tossing Jar Jar aside because of fan reactions. With the latest lego game they are showing Darth Jar Jar which should have been a thing from the beginning.
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