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Community » Miquella
Ragtag28 posted...
Because the sex board doesn't have regular mods that prevent discussion of those topics. A lot of bullies and people who are not liked from other boards tend to visit there. Use to be a lot of drama specifically started by a user named Luna. Who I don't think is here anymore. There was one topic where another user created to specifically attack and bully another person on this site which the regulars jumping in to get pot shots. Straight disgusting.

All I ever see you do is complain about other boards. Ever stop to think that maybe you are the problem? The sex board was more or less private and had loose topicality. Outside of a few bad apples (like there is everywhere), it was a tight knit community full of engaging people. You hardly posted there.
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This is basically a whole new game. I'm here for it!
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Dungeater posted...
because Dung Eater is one of my favorite characters in elden ring.

Guess mine?! And yes, that's a question.

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To all men:

Take care of your health, both physical and mental. Get a wellness check up at least once a year.

Take days off from work when needed.

Spend time with family.

If you need rest, REST.

Make time for hobbies and/or activities you enjoy.
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Sufferedphoenix posted...
It's weird I've never done anything for pride month like go to a parade but my straight best friend has gone to a few. Even picked up a girl at one.

That man has all the luck he even pulled a girl while homeless and it's what pulled him from homelessness as he met another girl through her who's dad happened to need a new crew member.

I've never been to a pride parade either. I'm not interested in parades at all, though. How big are pride events in your area?
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Happy pride, lovelys!
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ssb_yunglink2 posted...
lets see if he responds to this

He has no intention of responding coherently. He is going to keep talking in circles while continuing to demand that you answer his questions and prove your points to him.
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Next time I'm at the zoo and walk by the sealion enclosure, I'll wave to orcus.
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orcus_snake posted...
There is an entire side and movement that thinks otherwise, is your response just : nonono sir, what you believe is bad because I said so!

That is EXACTLY the cultist mindset you are describing in the OP, if you have lived your entire life in an echo chamber where everyone on your side just says X is bad and no one even bothers to explain why. Then what can you even do.

You just keep asking me if I really beleive something different than you expecting what you believe to be a priori already bad. If you want to defend your side do it, dont just keep asking me:

EDIT: To answer your question, I did not say being pro choice is BAD, I don't think in elemenentary school ideaology. What I said is that the logic of using terminology that dehumanizes lives in order to end them in the military, to segregate them in racism, or to to also temrinate their existence in abortions is consistent, call some living entity something dehumanizing and then its okay to commit heinous acts on them you can neutralize targets, you can abort fetuses or you can eradicate lesser beings in the holocaust, when people use this logic lives are lost.

If you think my argument is wrong, you can feel free to debunk it instead of just asking for the fourth time if I really believe X.

Notice how you are so bought into your own ideas that you represent exactly how MAGAS act when it comes to Trump, and this is why I said people in general are like this, it's not both sides, it's you people in general fall into this trap reagrdless. of side.

I don't really see the point you're making other than to be condescending from the sidelines.
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Diceheist posted...
The coherent issue being drawn was that Trump was found guilty of falsifying business records to conceal another crime, but the jurors were told they didn't have to agree on what the other crime being covered up was (out of three possibilities), and MAGA is claiming that if the bench can't agree on what the initial crime was then it's not actually unanimous.

Apparently this is just how the law works and they have to accept it but it would come off weird to someone not fully acquainted with the process.

Why would agreeing on the initial crime even matter if falsifying business records is a crime in itself?
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solosnake posted...
dude, you just gave him a death sentence :(

They will reject him now that he smells like your human hands

tc knows what he's doing.
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Frame rate is ready!
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s0nicfan posted...
TC, you need to keep in mind that a lot of people on GameFAQs don't have anything like a traditional moral compass. Good or bad is a direct by-product of the victim and the cause. To them it's not a double standard because their standard has nothing to do with whether it's acceptable to body shame people and all to do with whether the person being body shamed deserves it.

I think this sums it up, but I don't see how someone could be against something like misogyny one minute while resorting to it because they feel a person deserves it. Supporting (or being against) something only when it's convenient is a poor reflection on the individual as a whole.
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Sandalorn posted...
Any person who body shames another (MTG) is absolutely open to the same happening to them.

This entire performance by her is because SHE BODY SHAMED ANOTHER PERSON. But you go defend her as she body shames others. Good look.

Where did he defend her? The post you responded to states "she is an awful, terrible person." Again, you can call someone out for being shitty without resorting to remarks about their body.
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I agree with TC. It's hypocritical to preach that you're an advocate of body positivity but then resort to body shaming just because someone is a shitty person. You can critique someone's character without body shaming them.
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
DrizztLink posted...
My pullout game is weak but fortunately my personality makes it more or less a non-issue.


Go on....
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
Baron_Ox posted...
unfortunately, that would make too much sense.

It's ridiculous. You can't put a "disguise" on to perceive something like racism from another's perspective. At the end of the day, being black isn't a costume for me. My race is not something I can take off and hang in the closet. People like the author come off as tone deaf.
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
Why didn't he just interview black people and note their current experiences?
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Sufferedphoenix posted...
I know the feeling my man. Based on what I've seen you post plus some pics you've posted I'd be interested if you swung that way

And I know I ain't ugly. My personality is just too bland for most people in the beginning. By the time I show my true colors I've already been written off.

I thought you were in a relationship?
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I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
HighSeraph posted...

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Me: "Men are trash!"

*Man does attractive thing by literally existing.*

Me: "I love men!"

I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
It is kind of wild that were starting to see regulars who arent trolls and shitposters disappear tho

Oh, it's only going to get worse as November approaches.
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JustMyOpinion posted...
Kid, shut the fuck up.

Relax lol.
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mercurydude posted...
Jan 6. The regulars there were cheering it on, hoping for politicians to get killed, for Trump to be made dictator, etc.

Seriously? People were actually cheering domestic terrorism? You'd have to be a truly disturbed person to go that far.
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Hopelessness can be a symptom of depression
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Must.. not.. hornypost..
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Kradek posted...
I don't know enough about Peru to say if this is actually a step backwards or just in line with their normal views.

A lot of Central and South American countries are shitty to the LGBTQ community due to the Catholic stranglehold on their culture and history shaping who they are today.

I am so sick and tired of people treating others poorly in the name of religion. I have nothing against people's faith, but I'd seriously question my own values if my religious principles led to the suffering of others.
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
Animal well
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I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
Dakimakura posted...
Weird look to be defending Fandom as they destroy the websight.

Calling out that you're being deceptive isn't defending Fandom. I couldn't care less about your crusade against Fandom, but don't purposefully mislead people. That account already had access to CE.
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
Dakimakura posted...
Another bad faith user DToast let in who immediately started bringing up the Biden shower thing.

I get that targeting DToast is the new cool thing, and I don't really care, but don't be purposefully deceptive.
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
CADE_FOSTER posted...
primatepancakes gone not soon enough is dtoast actually letting these people in

That account already had access to CE based on their karma amount. Probably someone that mostly posted on game boards who decided to go on a trolling spree.
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SHRlKE posted...
Ah. Masked finally slipped I see.

It wasn't the Vivian topic. STEROLIZER was warned because of post #139 from this topic:

Hockeybabe quoted part of it in post #150.
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What do you think they should do?
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
Amazing. Congrats
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
Animal well
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Trump won't be re-elected.
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War is imminent.
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Whiterun_Guard_ posted...
but why?

I just checked the topic and it seemed to veer into toxicity. It wasn't even about Vivian anymore. It shifted into a huge argument about Rowling.
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
I questioned my sexuality very early on. All my school friends were into girls while I was very much attracted to guys. Took a while to accept it.
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I also liked Code Vein, but it's an acquired taste for sure lol. I don't think it will be for everyone.
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I like Thymesia. It's more of an indie soulslike game, and it plays like a mix of bloodborne and Sekiro. I just wish it was longer and had more areas.

How difficult is Hollow Knight?
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
ItsNotA2Mer posted...
Not voting is the exact opposite of exercising your right to vote.

I guess "waive" is the correct terminology, but I am pissed that he would say what's happening is not genocide. That is gaslighting 101.
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
I may actually exercise my right to vote by not voting this time around. It just gets worse.
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
Dark_Moon posted...
Can you see out of the new pair of glasses?

My last 3 pairs of glasses I have gotten in the states have all came back wrong the first time, and not only could I not see out of them, but they caused headaches/migraines.

I can see fine when I look straightforward. When I look out the sides of the lens, it's distorted and blurry. And yes, I do have a bit of a headache.
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
CommonStar posted...
That's normal, it'll take a while to adapt.

Thanks. Gonna be hell at work
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
Strider102 posted...
Maybe if I keep saying it over and over.

DToast, you're incompetent as fuck man. You too Timmy, you're equally as incompetent. All of Fandom is incompetent.

Starting to like you, so I'm hoping you stop this before it goes too far and you're modded for real.
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
There could be reasons like the glass being much bigger or smaller than before, same for the prescription. Also the thickness of the glass. If you go from thick to the ultimate possible reduction...or viceversa, it could take a few days. Last time it happened to me was cause I went with big glasses and it took a while to get adjusted to them. But you should be seeing sharper anyway.

The lens are bigger on my last pair. I figured that's why the peripheral is slightly distorted on the new pair. I do see sharper when I look directly at objects from front view, but the peripheral vision from the lens is blurry.
I am Lord Miquella. Google me, *****!
PMarth2002 posted...
I've never had that issue, the prescription is always an immediate improvement.

Maybe my prescription is too strong or not correct? I guess I'll give it a few days. If it doesn't get better, I'll let the optometrist know.
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Community » Miquella
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