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It's really annoying. Some stuff can be attributed to limitation of technology for older games, but other shit is just assholes who weren't qualified for the job just making shit up.
Yeah, I couldn't care less about the origin. The only problem is them profiting off the backs of artists without compensation.
Some of the recent-ish clips where they were channeling Ren and Stimpy energy looked absolutely horrific.
The scenario sounds pretty weird, so hard to say until more details come out. On a general basis, nothing wrong with shooting an active threat who has entered your property.
The idea of creating scarcity in a functionally infinite space will never cease to be funny.
It's certainly not a bad idea for people who want to live in cities, but I'd never want to live in one. Local cites seem horrible, and I've never even been to one with a high population density.
That main character in Fable definitely stood out among those recent trailers.
God, that's moronic. I'd say 20 years with the chance of parole would be the absolute nicest sentence I'd give to someone like that.
Unless they're drastically changing things up, Switch 2 really is the best name to avoid another Wii U debacle. The hybrid seems to be a winning formula, so it would be weird to pull one of their quirky swaps at this point.
Doesn't seem like there could be that much to show, unless they're going to show stuff that'll be on both Switch 1 and Switch 2. Them stating that Switch 2 won't be announced means they can really only otherwise show stuff that'll be out before the end of the year.
Doesn't look ugly in the slightest, but the more stylized art style in Zero looks better than just another realistic mocap game.
--Zero- posted...
Imagine hating on a good cinematic trailer and saying a game will be a flop lol. Yall are out of your minds right now.

Its like DAO was so near and dear to your hearts that nothing else since then is allowed to come out in the series.
In what universe was that a good cinematic trailer? If you had said it was some random pump and dump mobile game ad, I'd have believed it. It has all the charm of Forspoken's "out of touch older person writing teen dialogue" shit.
If they're actually going with some kind of MCU-style gang of misfits vibe for the full game, that looks like it's going to be horrible.
As long as the pizza itself isnt bad, cheese is fine. Its just that toppings make it better, so it doesnt make a ton of sense to order it alone. Its more of an inoffensive filler food for when you need to feed several people and you dont have time to worry about personal preferences.
Some of these companies just have moronic algorithms that do shit for no rhyme or reason.
Only one near me closed like 8 years ago.
Toonstrack posted...
Folks who sail the high seas being upset when their sailing is inevitably eventually curtailed by official outlets always gets me. Like yall had to see this coming eventually right? This had to be an expected outcome...
In the past, companies generally didn't go this hard unless the outlet was overtly trying to make money. Nintendo is going stupidly hard on this after their win against the emulator (which was valid due to them making money off it), and I don't really know why. It's the same shit they did with Youtube and their dumb partnership program. It's just a bunch of unnecessary hassle that's not going to do anything other than make them look like hardasses.
If a company is going to enforce copyright on media they no longer support, they should be legally required to provide a legal way to play it. At least as far as first party titles go, there is zero reason that Nintendo's full catalogue shouldn't be available, other than trying to pull Disney Vault shit.
His biggest sin seems to be dragging shit out for no reason. If you cannot make the filler interesting, don't put it in. I've skipped through a few of his videos before, and it felt like they had maybe three minutes of actual content.
I don't see that ever becoming more than a niche thing here and there.
Hyena_Of_Ice posted...

Again, please stop using that term. New Religious Movement is the proper term for non-subversive "cults"
Seems like a pointless distinction with no particular set definition, other than trying to separate religions by age.
Hyena_Of_Ice posted...
No, you're talking about a new religious movement (NRM) A cult is a religion, political group, self-help/self-empowerment group, or multi-level-marketing group with an infallible, unquestionable, charismatic leader that demands control over its members, isolates its adherents from society, and shun members who displease the leader.
Not all cults are religious, but all religious cults are really not much different than proper religions. The major religions are just too broad to categorically be called cults, but their influence can lead to the same conditions in small communities. When you narrow down to just congregations, they can act in the exact same way as small cults. There's really no proper divide for when a religious cult is considered a full religion. Scientology is definitely both at this time.
I dont think theres really any specific definition that splits the two, but I assume the mainstream thought is when something gets large enough it is seen more as a religion, even if it has cult like practices, like trapping their members financially, mentally, and/or physically.
No, I can't stand to even eat anything that still resembles its living self. I wouldn't even be able to prepare a Thanksgiving turkey. It's just so disgusting.
I'm surprised all these paintings aren't already behind UV-blocking glass in the first place.
HighSeraph posted...
I'm glad.

I keep seeing these but I don't really get it, guess I'm a boomer ._.
There are a number of similar videos that are meant to be actually serious, presumably, but they give rather horrible design advice. These are extreme, silly parodies that have taken a life of their own due to their popularity from the looks of it.
Of all the things, I dont get why Sony is being so selectively weird about this stuff. Its like Steam. Theres no reason they have to allow XYZ, but if you have ABC with the same or similar content it just doesnt make any logical sense.
I hate plain milk in general, so I always just ate it plain. The couple times I tried it with chocolate milk as a kid, it was novel but way more of a pain than just eating it plain.
If not for "I'm not a cat," that would definitely be the fucking funniest judicial zoom call ever.
Probably not. While tattoos are definitely getting less stigmatized, people with face tattoos generally look like clowns, and I don't see that changing.
I think people complaining about it really overstate the difficulty at times, but it should absolutely be free, accessible, and easy to get.
Sure. That's enough money to pay people to carry me around on a palanquin, if I want to be weird. The loss of that food would suck, but there must be some really fancy fake meat by now that tastes similar enough.
KitKats posted...
This is false and Im not sure why you are so hung up on this line of attack towards me.

Some self examination is probably in order, I imagine. Thats on you though - I cant do that work for you.
Because your stance is basically the same thing as telling a man in a relationship with a trans woman that he "isn't straight," but your weird righteous indignation prevents you from seeing how hypocritical you are.
KitKats posted...
No, this is false and actually harmful to progress for equal rights and social equality.

Combating bigotry and racism, homophobia, prejudicial discrimination are vital to improving society, as well as inequality as it relates to wealth and class.

The difference is people learning to unpack their prejudices and set a good example for others, rather than double down and perpetuate more bigotry and harm, to their friends, peers, children, etc.

Lots of people have subconscious bias, racist ideas, so on and so forth. That doesnt make them bad people because of how society shaped them. Whats important is they grow as people and be a good ally and citizen.

Trans people, for a closer example, grapple with internalized transphobia and that can be a big mountain to climb. Others, like Caitlyn Jenner or Blair White, perpetuate transphobia while being trans themselves.
None of that has to do with personal attraction. You are trying to dictate people's personal sexuality. That is no less gross than telling anyone else that their sexuality is wrong. The whole super straight thing was really cringy and unnecessary, but there are different ways to define "straight." It's up to each person to define themselves.
KitKats posted...
So, this is another example of transphobia. Nobody is saying you have to date someone youre not attracted to or that you are being forced to be attracted to someone.
Saying it's transphobic not to be attracted is dictating other people's sexuality, and that is gross. It's very possible that someone who otherwise might be attracted and willing to be with a trans person is held back by such beliefs, but that's a person by person scenario and that is their own personal journey. This broad idea that it's inherently transphobic is bad.
The whole thing was pretty cringy, but insisting that someone's gender identity somehow trumps another person's sexuality is really gross.
I don't get why they keep coming back to this after they so royally fucked it up. Was New Blood even any good?
It's pretty up and down, like any long term show.
Yeah, it's complete bullshit 99% of the time. There obviously needs to be protections for renters from being unjustly evicted, but there's no reason the process should take so long if they're not paying. For people who just trespass into a home with no prior agreement, they should have absolutely no rights and be evicted by force.
Has the bad faith admin posted anything since that whole reinstating a bad user debacle?
Baha05 posted...
I mean they kind of do if said people are not allowed to review the materials of the trial via third party sources so again you provided no damn answer.
The point is that it's an irrelevant question. Whether someone sees the details of the trial or not, nearly everyone in the country is going to have some bias for Trump, for or against him, so even one fan of him getting onto the jury could lead to a hung jury. That's what the OP is implying, as far as I can tell. In a perfect world, everyone would be impartial, but I don't think it's possible to guarantee.
Baha05 posted...
Not really an answer there
The details of the trial don't really matter if someone with preconceived notions of the defendant is allowed onto the jury, and, given the defendant, that's a pretty hard ask. Even if the juror states that they can remain impartial, that's not necessarily true. I assume they'd do things like comb social media to check for major biases (assuming that's allowed), but you could still easily get someone who claims they'd be impartial while not actually being impartial. Properly filtering that out is probably a near impossible task.
Baha05 posted...
Arent like jurors restricted from looking up any information on the case they are actively on the bench for?
The ability to find a group of 12 completely impartial people on such a large and prolific trial would probably be like finding 12 specific grains of sand on a beach. The only real thing they need to hope for is that they didn't pick from the greasy, gross red sand.
I love that battles for market share lead to shit like this and the Metaverse. Cant just slowly introduce things. Gotta go all in to be recognized as synonymous with the technology.
Sure. You'd have to be crazy to pass up an easy $1000-ish per hour "job."
While shit will likely be really bad for a lot of people if he does win, I do think people overstate the impact he would have. I don't think they have the intelligence or power to do so without a literal civil war happening.
I'd say a fairly large chunk of it is misery porn. If you're seeing a lot of those, that might be why. There's still a lot of variety out there, though.
Why is the media cycle like this? Why do trivialities like this get made into news stories? This is only a step above making a news story out of a fake AITA reddit post.
Switch 2 would really be the smartest, assuming they're definitely sticking to the easy path of an upgraded Switch. It's a clear indicator of what it is and what it does.
I I imagine once you do it enough times, youll probably relatively get the hang of it, but still sounds like absolute hell either way. If he had randomized attacks, that would make it truly insane.
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