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Community » OmegaM
I want to see if he'll get off scot free because his dad is Joe Biden. Of course, this whole thing is a much smaller deal than Trump's trials.
Pikachu was a good choice here. He'll probably just spend most of his time sitting around looking cute, but I assume if he can follow simple commands that means he won't destroy anything.
I thought this was going to be about how the baby Metroid dies at the end. I learned about that when, a few months after the game came out, somebody wrote to Nintendo Power saying that was too sad for a video game ending.
Meatwad because of his voice.
I did recently hear some coworkers talking about what "rizz" meant.
Captain N could easily win if he could use his "pause" button and then shoot Captain Commando while he was frozen. I don't think there was ever an in-show explanation for why Captain N couldn't just use "pause" to get out of any problem whatsoever.
I don't know; from her Wikipedia page, it looks like she thinks women are superior to men.
No, but I did buy that "Lost Altars" DLC in Fire Emblem Echoes that lets all your characters promote to an even higher class once they've gotten to the highest level possible in the normal game. I think I used it only to beat the bonus dungeon that opens up after you beat the main story.
They Might Be Giants - "They Might Be Giants"

Not from their first album, They Might Be Giants, though.
An 80s French song:
Blue_Target posted...
Vanna did a good job of not laughing here.
At least it's not regular birth control pills and condoms being banned. That's what I thought this was going to be about.
No one's yet said the first big boom of Magic: The Gathering. Unfortunately, I was still too late to get any of the Power 9, Library of Alexandria, etc. at a reasonable price (though the prices are much less reasonable now).
You forgot "butch". I'm actually surprised that was a word she used in her insult; isn't that anti-lesbian?
I think it does a good job of debunking common misconceptions on pages like "Television Is Trying to Kill Us".
I'm surprised; I thought we were going to have a whole first page of TBBT and Sheldon topics the day the show ended.
Sure. It's not ideal, but if she's otherwise perfect, she'd probably be attractive in her own way. For instance, Staciana Stitts:
Here's a list I found of all the closed ones:

The one nearest to me is still open. Maybe I should go there and tell them I heard the news and that I'm sorry. Of course, I wouldn't spend real money there, but I do have one of those American Express gift cards I've been trying to use up lately.
Maybe a Taylor Swift version of Wildest Dreams isn't far behind!
You're probably mostly against mono-blue decks with tons of counterspells and only a few win conditions, like the "CMU Blue, World Championships 1998" deck here (I don't know if this kind of deck is still good in any format):

Who's against mono-blue Merfolk decks?
The site does tend to send me to one of those fake "You have 5 viruses! Click here to remove them!" pages. I don't get sent there from other websites.
Young Sheldon
Well, the father died at the very last moment of the second episode tonight. Actually, I thought it was going to happen twice right before. When he was at the top of the ladder and Georgie said, "Are you sure you should be up there at your age?", I thought he was going have a heart attack and fall down. Then there was a bit where they were all getting ready to leave the house in the morning, but the father wasn't there, and I thought they were going to find him dead in his bed. But then at the very end, when everyone (except for the father) was all dressed up and someone said, "We're still waiting on Dad," I figured he was already dead. So I guess the next episode is going to be his funeral and probably going to be sad the whole time. We'll see if the episode after that ends the show on a higher note.
According to TBBT, Sheldon's father died at around Sheldon's current age on Young Sheldon. However, the father hasn't died yet.

I hope the father doesn't die and that adult Sheldon just says in a voiceover near the end that his father died soon after, like what happened at the end of The Wonder Years. I worry that if the father dies now, the show will end on way too sad of a note. Unfortunately, some information that has come out about the final episodes suggests that the father will be dying during them. :(
I've never heard Kirby say anything other than "Hi!"
My first thought was when Michael tried to kiss Pam when they were both down on their luck, and Pam had to tell him "I'm rejecting your kiss."
The Green Devil from Mega Man and Bass.
The bottom picture looks like a dog (face on the right).
I'm not sure how any of the kids have time to be camped out full time. I could see them having a place where someone was giving a speech 24 hours a day, but nobody stayed there for more than a few hours at a time.
I have used their Fire Emblem wiki a lot.
I don't think that's a problem; I've heard Plato's Republic is technically not that high of a grade level.
This is the most obscure good song I can think of (boss music to Fire 'n Ice for the NES):
Drops of Jupiter?
I don't think I ever saw anyone in a later Mario game refer to it. The Game & Watch Donkey Kong Jr. did get modernized in the Game Boy Advance era:
Watching the complete runs of some old TV shows on my computer because I had more free time.
Some of them. I'm pretty sure even Caitlin Clark would count.
Mayim Bialik would have probably been nicer to her.
I listened to "Fortnight". It sounded like a generic 80s song.
I think I won't do that, then. I ate some chicken soup with ghost pepper flavor a little while ago, and it was so hot I kept having to stop for 5 minutes after eating a little bit of it.
GameFAQs should send out a message to the email addresses they have on file for everyone who has access to CE, letting them know about it, so that we could get as many people coming to the board as possible. Of course, GameFAQs probably doesn't care.
I thought it was obviously AI art because it's taking people's jobs.
Was that where the *** *** train started?
I've gone to a store to play board games a few times this year, but I haven't really understood the games. I did understand Raccoon Tycoon and thought it was fun.
The girl on the left is attractive enough. If female video game characters stopped being more attractive than that, I don't think I'd notice.
I've read that there's a decent amount of evidence that his son did the murders. Or has that been debunked?
I feel there's enough background story to Monopoly to make a movie about it that's at least on the level of the Clue movie---which I haven't seen, but which has a 71% on Rotten Tomatoes:
Nah, that trailer didn't suggest it'll be much different from any other story about another American civil war.
How does that make you feel?

It always saddens me to think of Jay saying "Life is full of change" with COVID just getting started when that episode aired for the first time.
My favorite is the one in the car:
Relient_K posted...
If you're truly attracted to or interested in someone you'd probably find it endearing at first and annoying later on.
No, I think I'd always find it cute, unless I started disliking her for other reasons.

My first thought, by the way, was of this woman who used to appear on Jay Leno's Tonight Show. I can't find many clips of her on YouTube, though:

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