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BlueBoy675 posted...
The most Ive ever seen for one person was 57. At that point surely you have someone helping out right?
Yeah, youd need the mother of all Webster packs
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UnicornRaline posted...
This still going? I'd still love to be added to it.
Thank you for bumping the topic. It is still going, but this week has been fucking awful.
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Smallville posted...
Really? Wow
Yup. I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm really not, unfortunately.

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Sure, if they meant it.

A few guys tried to bully me at school, but they were just nasty morons.
They're still nasty morons, based on the shit they share on FB.

The daughter of one of them goes to the same school as my daughter, and she tried bullying her.
So it's like, either innate or learned behaviour.
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Its Friday Im in gloves
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Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things. GNU STP
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Link_of_time posted...
Nah, but in a universe where 99% of characters are traditionally depicted as Caucasian, there is 0% chance a live action adaptation wouldn't have this character.
uhh what?
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Ate? What?
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AceMos posted...
can some one explain this to me i dont watch the show but im curious what this is all about

no jokes no memes just please an honestly explanation
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I am The Bat
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ProfessorKukui posted...
- Terry Pratchett
I love that quote for a number of reasons
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JoCrazy posted...
Why not this for the Mave lesbian storyline?
Chuds dont care about lesbians because hur hur lesbians sexy
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Shit, fingers and toes crossed for you, your dad and your family.

All you can do is stay calm and hope for the best. Be there for the rest of your family, but also remember to be kind to yourself.
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LinkDaLunatic posted...
I have a friend on facebook. Nice enough girl, redhead.

She married the wrong man. Their marriage has been fucking terrible. The dude as it turns out is a degenerate scumbag. He lost his fight with alcoholism, won a few fights with her, went to jail, lost his job, etc etc. and he was just a manipulative, controlling sociopath of a person even in his most sober moments. Dude was a downright bastard. She's now a single mom, they're going through a messy divorce, she's stuck raising the kid by herself and is barely holding it all together.

And I keep her on my facebook just so I can enjoy the show. Why? Well, she was, before all this, dating a good buddy of mine. And then she cheated on him, then left him, then married the guy she cheated on him with and got knocked up all in the span of a few months. My buddy was so good to her, and was so in love, and he was just wrecked. On top of that, the two had gotten a home together, which my buddy could no longer afford, so she didn't just destroy him emotionally but uprooted his life as well. He's been struggling ever since.

I do feel bad for her kid though... gonna be a rough upbringing.

Jesus, remind me to never cut you off in traffic.
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C-zom posted...
You let me, the bolt action rifle ranged guy, get mauled to death by a gorehulk?


Please make me a tomb and I'll be happy.
You have been entombed in a silver sarcophagus, and your sacrifice shall never be forgotten. Next steps is to start building a mausoleum.
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Glob posted...
I dont get ASMR. It does nothing for me.
ASMR just annoys me
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HairyQueen posted...
So if you're stuck in a tree, you wouldn't use your PHONE to calle the COPS?
"Boy howdy fellas, you wouldn't believe what happened to me *again*"
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These people need better hobbies
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mybbqrules posted...
I just realized in this topic that he blocked me too.

Probably because I pointed out how he speaks ill of neurodivergent people on reddit.
Yeah, he has me blocked too. I *think* for pointing out he has an unhealthy obsession with CE
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Oh, wonderful day! Tina has joined Current Events and has taken on the new name "evilpresident".

Tina's crafting skills will come in handy, as the colonist's clothes have been getting extremely threadbare since the demise of SomeLikeItHoth. evilpresident is also relatively good with ranged weapons, meaning the colony may have more to eat than that weird surimi stuff that appears whenever a stranger dies in the colony. However, evilpresident has a chemical fascination, so will get quite tetchy if there aren't any "fun consumables" in the colony.
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A refugee has joined Current Events for a brief moment.

They say they want to leave eventually, but as they sleep (in C-zom's old bed, no less) the pair of remaining CEPeople know the truth. "Tina" wishes to join Current Events, and be reborn as a CEPerson.

Similarly, "Norton" has accepted a place in Current Events and has been reborn as Back_Stabbath. Welcome to the fold, Back_Stabbath. Their talents lie in construction (something sorely missing from Current Events since the demise of C_zom), social and intellectual.
Meanwhile, Jeff performed a CEtizen's arrest on a wandering child. Clearly it is irresponsible to let unaccompanied children wander the RimWorld. Unfortunately, their friend suffered an accident, and has since replenished the "human surimi" stocks. The surviving child has since been welcomed into Current Events. They will not be named, as they are still an underage user. They will receive their Current Events name on turning 13, as decreed by the great CJayC.
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Quite poignantly, on SomeLikeItHoth's sarcophagus, randy_123r decided to immortalise the moment SomeLikeItHoth joined Current Events. They will be missed.
Then c_zom died of the flu. Lovely.
Never fear, another angry visitor has been captured. Jeff is, as we speak, convincing them to join Current Events.
Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things. GNU STP
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Some spiky humanoid testicles visited Current Events. They were not friendly.

While the creatures themselves didn't do any lasting damage, C_zom managed to shoot SomeLikeItHoth, killing them a mere season after they were recruited to the cause.

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Completely unlike the real Current Events, two of our CEPeople are currently running around insulting people.
Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things. GNU STP
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The skies have provided once again, bringing an unexpected bounty of... 52 skulls? Well, I'm sure they'll come in handy somehow.
Broos saw the light and joined Current Events. In doing so, Broos earned a new name. Welcome to the fold, SomeLikeItHoth.
SomeLikeItHoth is a dab hand with their hands, and will be doing all the making of the stuffs and the things for the colony. Firstly, some blocks so the colony isn't just a giant fire trap, and then some newer threads.
Ok, so the colony was just attacked by a giant, angry testicle that emerged from a giant hole in the ground.
Thinking quickly, the colonists were able to subdue the strange...testicle...thing. Jeff decided the best course of action was to capture the giant testicle, and study it intently.
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Good news everyone! The power situation has been (temporarily) sorted. C-Zom took a break from shooting rude people to build a nice little outbuilding containing some batteries, as well as a tailoring bench!

It's going to get pretty cold soon, so it would be nice for the colonists to be able to dress warmly.

Speaking about it getting cold, it looks like the crops only have a few months of growth before it'll be too cold to grow anything. It looks like the colonists will need to either build a greenhouse, or find some other sources of food.

Speaking of, it's really weird, but Amaya's corpse has disappeared. The colonists was keeping it in the walk-in fridge until they figured out what to do with it, but then it just... vanished? randy_123r has been looking a bit... furtive.

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Generally, yes. Its quite clear you arent though, TC. Would you like a virtual hug?
Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things. GNU STP
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Ok, so for those of us not living in the United States, what happened today?
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That looks like a friend spider.
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MC_BatCommander posted...
Some people don't clean very well and just walk around with poop on their butt all day, it's disgusting yes but real
Why, also how?

Wouldn't that be intensely, and essentially unutterably uncomfortable?
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How often do skidmarks actually happen for most people? I can't say it's happened to me at any time in the last 24 years, aside from once or twice when I've had norovirus or a similar gastro (and some follow through is inevitable).
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C-zom posted...
My character is really giving me Amos vibes from the Expanse. He's somehow both loyal, psychopathic, and domes everyone.
Ok, this is now my headcanon. C-zom is an absolute *unit*. Ever since the fire, the colonists have pretty much zero crops (aside from seven rice plants and a single wheat plant), so they're living off any meat your character is able to catch.
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TheGoldenEel posted...
Im not saying they shouldnt cut his contributions, Im saying I dont see any indication that they did

Ah I getcha, my apologies, it's a Friday night sliding into Saturday morning so my brain's not working quite the way it should.

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TheGoldenEel posted...
Does it say they cut his contributions?

all I see is that theyre replacing the licensed music with new original music

which is a fail, because the music was a big part of the games appeal

and the fact that they werent willing to re-license the music, and how this trailer makes the game look, makes it feel like this will be a crummy rushed port
He is an alleged paedophile, so...
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HylianFox posted...
I put it back outside, if that's what you mean
What the heck else would I have meant?
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General improvement:
No Jimmy Urine
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General life.

I'm an absolute piece of shit trying to be a decent human being.
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HylianFox posted...
I remember when I was living in a friend's basement and a toad got suck in the window well

I even still have pictures:
Did you rescue him?
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Cemith posted...
Bummer I missed the good stuff

Finally read the topic. Woof.
It was a weird rant, then the poster was shitting on biracial kids, then more weird rant.
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I regret to inform everyone that Petulia's corpse burnt up in the conflagration that also destroyed our fields, meaning that her meat and hide could not be returned to the colony.
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-BrokenSpiral- posted...
What the hell does being biracial have to do with anything
Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things. GNU STP
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Diary of Randy-123r, 9th of Decembruary 5500.

Dear diary, today was quite a day!

It all started this afternoon, when Jeff became the new Moderator of Current Events. He's like our chaplain, keeping us morally pure and on the straight and narrow ideologically. But of course, you, diary, already knew that! That was great and all, but Jeff now wants a hood, because that's apparently "appropriate Moderator apparel".

After we all went to bed, a new friend came to visit! Her name is Amaya, and she really liked our guinea pig, Petulia. The guinea pig I didn't even know we had! It was just wandering around camp, eating our taters right out of the ground. Oh my gosh diary, you won't believe this, but Amaya must have dropped her steel club or something RIGHT ON PETULIA. Killing her, splat!
Anyway, nobody was very upset at Petulia's demise, so that's good. We were all a bit cross with Amaya though, because she was like, really RUDE when she set our taters on fire. Then when we went to tell her to go away, she dropped her steel club AGAIN. Not only that, she dropped it right on my leg, turning it into a really yucky gross ruin. She even picked it up and dropped it a few more times. Talk about BUTTERFINGERS! So like, while I tried to crawl away C-zom shot Amaya in the head because he was just that cross.

Jeff was really nice and bandaged up my whoopsies, so I'm writing this in bed right now. It's really warm for some reason though, and kind of hard to sleep.

Anyway, we're having roast pork for dinner tomorrow night so that will be nice. I'll even get to eat in bed. HA!
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randy_123r posted...
Damn, I'm a dumb dumb.
On the upside, you are very good at gardening.
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After eight days of feverish research, Jeff has discovered the secret art of making a meal that won't go bad within a few days. That will surely come in handy, given how unreliable the colony's wind turbine is. With that in mind, he has set his sights on discovering some way of storing excess electricity, so that the colony can have a freezer that actually freezes.

Unfortunately, although Jeff has more skills in the intellectual than the other colonists, he is still somewhat lacking in that department. Hopefully, Current Events can find someone extremely clever to "persuade" to join the colony.
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Gee whiz, our colonists have been given their first quest! A bigwig from the empire has asked for sanctuary at Current Events. They were ambushed, and their guards brutally slain, by a manhunting... hare?
That must be some kind of ironic Rimworld slang for an evil killing machine, right? Like how people on the planet 'Straya call readheads Bluey, right? This will be a fight to the death, right? Nope.

Well, they uh, killed the living shit out of that bunny. In an epic display of marksmanship, C_Zom managed to nail it in the left kidney from a few metres away. Surprisingly, there was enough meat left to make a few dinners for the colonists.

In other news, Jeff has been whispering sweet nothings in Broos' ear, and Broos has realised that Current Events is actually pretty awesome and has subscribed to its newsletter.
Should Broos become a slave, a CEPerson or be released back to the wretched hive of scum and villainy they came from (probably a subreddit or something).
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The brute! Broos attacked the colony's guineapig, Petulia (who I didn't know they even had!)

Fortunately, C_Zom swung into action extremely quickly, and brought Broos down with a rifle round to the arm. Petulia got off fairly lightly, with a few thumps to the head and a shattered nose. That poor, poor nose.

Needless to say, Broos will be taught the error of his ways, and brought into the fold.
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"Oh wow, another visitor! Maybe they'll be our friend!" C_Zom mentioned to Jeff, in the middle of a discussion about how hilarious savoury food is.
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Sweet! Some face masks literally fell from the sky. These would have been really useful a few years ago. Anyway, free face masks aren't to be sniffed at!
Our pioneers quickly build a lovely kitchen with a walk-in freezer. Unfortunately, the wind turbine they've built to power it is unreliable at best. Time to research some way of storing electricity. Well, at least the wind turbine hasn't exploded any bats.
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Great work Jeff, really original.
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Well, our colony received its first visitor in the form of Pheanox, a villager from Verberon Alliance, a local faction. They were quite happy to make a deal.

Only two days old, the colony didn't have much to trade with, but it seemed like Randy had some ambrosia (a mildly hallucinogenic fruit) stashed away under their mattress. Surely they won't mind if they're used to buy some more survival meals and some medicine with some change? Right?

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Community » Rotterdammerung
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