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Community » TendoDRM
Strands #87
A good workout

Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
45 seconds for Wednesday
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Tobias or Ezra.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
divot1338 posted...
One. Lending libraries are a covid thing.

They've been around for years. Probably saw an uptick in popularity during COVID, though.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
I went to public school and have no idea what this topic's about.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Yes, several. Like one every couple blocks.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Finland isn't part of Scandinavia.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Strands #86
All atwitter

Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
1:30 for Tuesday

pegusus123456 posted...
I misspelled one across and it screwed me a bit

Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
No, absolutely no interest in a prequel.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
None of those poll options actually ask for my opinion.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
32 seconds for Monday.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Printerscape posted...
I actually agree with this. If youre working full time at 40 hours, you deserve a living wage. But dont be surprised that things are going to get more expensive.

Who is surprised?
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
I heard it was Rolltide.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
1337toothbrush posted...
It's still possible to buy a vehicle for that cheap?

It was a private sale so why not?
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Voted Celebi. Never cared much for this set of starters. Blaziken is such an ugly design.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
One of the greatest games of all time.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
BLooD_WoLf posted...
you gonna go visit the worlds largest ketchup bottle or cahokia mounds? collinsville is a goofy little town but i love it.

The Cahokia mounds are so cool.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
I am actually surprised Ho-oh is beating Lugia. Always thought I was in the minority for preferring phoenix turkey.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Idk I have no idea what he looks like and you didn't include a pic for some reason.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
LinkDaLunatic posted...
So you saw the scene where Rose saves Finn then
Made me hate Rose so fucking much
Finn was heroically sacrificing himself by flying into the big fucking gun to buy the rebels more time
She does her dumb love gambit by t-boning him at 100mph which should have been fatal for the two
If it hadn't been for bullshit space magic and plot convenient cave animals, Rose would have allowed the First Order to slaughter everyone in the name of "love" for a guy she barely knows

She should have been, at the VERY least, booted from the rebellion and sent home disgraced.

I've never understood this complaint. Finn's kamikaze attempt wouldn't have done shit to that gun. Rose just saved him from showing the galaxy how much of a dumbass he is.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
LeoRavus posted...
I never liked overly complex games. I play them to relax.

Strategy games are how I relax.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Also, even if you pay with card you can leave a tip in cash. You don't have to write the tip on the receipt.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Love Ho-oh and Entei, but Tyranitar is one of my favorite Pokmon.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Scotty_Rogers posted...
Leia as part of some stupid SJW agenda

Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
TLJ is fine, better than the prequels on average.

RoS is the worst Star Wars movie, by quite a large margin.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Strands #82
Raise a glass

Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
I downloaded it and will check it out. Looks like just a Genshin-wannabe in a lot of ways, but maybe the combat will make it fun enough to play. Gotta be better than Tower of Fantasy, lol.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
The Katamari Damacy theme.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
They're all so good, hard to pick one. Chicago if I have to pick one I guess.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Strands #81
No dice!

Don't know what celebrity is, but pretty easy anyway.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Why is this same topic made like every couple weeks?

Still no.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Your top priority should be to pay off that debt, especially with 25% APR. Don't worry about age of accounts. Like others said, it's not that big an effect and your outstanding credit and credit utilization % are probably hurting you a lot more than the younger account age would.

You said you have savings you could dip into, how much? You should probably pay off as much of the debt as you can, whether you do the 0% APR transfer or not (so there's less to pay if you have to pay the transfer charge). If it's an emergency fund, you can always use the credit card at that point if an emergency comes up before you can contribute back to your emergency fund. You'd be in the same position you're in now, just not having paid a bunch of interest for months.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
It's never not been worth upgrading to.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
I saw it when I was a kid.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
lolife67 posted...

My man! Martha's always been way underrated from what I've seen.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Can you say voter intimidation?
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Literal demons, eh?
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
TheGoldenEel posted...
Its so obnoxious that you cant turn this shit off
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Krojen posted...
I pay by 6mo. I desperately tried getting USAA but the fam didnt serve long enough smh

I may be wrong, but I don't think you're locked into insurance like you are, say, a phone plan. If you switch insurance they should refund you the prorated amount.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
*I, Robot

It wasn't an Apple movie.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
El_Marsh posted...
Gunnhildr? Sure.

Just Gun? No.

Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Damn, I like RPS for PC gaming news. Hopefully IGN doesn't destroy be fair, I expected Humble to go to shit after IGN acquired it, but it's been actually an improvement compared to the year or so before that.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
NPC posted...

This. Honestly I like all of this group, though. Gold/Silver had some of the best designs.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Strands #78
Fowl fairy tale

Feel like they're running out of ideas.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Scyther's my favorite Pokemon, but I like Heracross more than Scizor.

Strong group all around, though.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
  1. PC
  2. Nintendo/Xbox tied (I use them for different things and different games)
  3. Playstation
  4. Mobile
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
37 seconds for Monday
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
2 chocolate frosted donuts and a cold brew. Perfection.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Thanks! Nice, Kendrick's Quaxly.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
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