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Karovorak posted...
I'm more annoyed because it always feels like a loaded question.

"To you remember the disney intro with tinkerbell doing this dot on the i with magic?"

"Sure, why?"


okay hold up. What did she for then? The point at the top of the castle?

~ my improv troupe ~
you say that as if Grogu isnt one of the most popular characters in recent years and the Mandalorian is literally just Lone Wolf and Cub in dos e.
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I think were missing the forest from the trees here. Like, there are tons of video essays on how ham fisted, rushed, and just outright terrible the romance in season 5 is. Like its nonexistent until 1 episode where its just suddenly a thing, and that thing is magic clothes-destroying liquid where they keep getting caught next to each other. Its nothing but bad 2005 ecchi cliches. And it really does sour the whole season.

the lone wolf and cub thing they were doing before that episode was so much better.

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Oh hey, did they let Theodore back in? He was the audience member who signaled the correct umber last time.
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Theres like 4 different ways to become immortal in sekiro and the final boss is a man whos already dead, content with being dead, and didnt even want to fight us. So he fights us?

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So the way most companies work is that those ceos need to file in advance of when they want to buy or sell stocks. That way they cant do a I know this before everyone else trade
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King pin
mall rats
chicken run
beverly hills cop

finally was early enough to get the easy ones out of the way. Now off to dinner
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because the middle image in the 3 I saw in the 2 second google search was an gameplay model. ps2 polygons are not the most detailed and it looked like a very round, youthful face.

she also wasnt wearing the red top that seemingly every other render of this character was wearing.

off to quick google search now who Angela is
edit: nope. Wasnt Angela.
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Tyranthraxus posted...

its just every time I see one of these they made character x less sexy topics, it always winds up being for a like some 12 year old anime character.

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Sigh. Another one of these topics. Okay, quick google search. How old is Maria in silent hill 2?

oh well Ill be. This topic is actually about an adult for once. An adult that still looks like she has a teenagers face but an adult nonetheless
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damn it, its so obvious in hindsight.
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Considering its a hybrid of his old self in the video, Im betting that was tongue in cheek. Especially when the next bit was him giving the finger to his own kids. He was clearly just being unfunny.

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Oh that was ice in the lawn? Wow it looked like foam. lol.
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Okay so its not an O. Is it a ring? Elden Ring? Not sure how any of it works with Elden, which means to grow old. But maybe its Elden ring.
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Okay. So it has something an O in it. The O has to be a letter and not a portal. They are pointing at the O for a reason. So Im trying to figure out what the pin/wordplay is.

olawn? O front? Something along those lines

is 6 Burning Rangers?
~ my improv troupe ~
Okay, having gone back now and watched Conan the destroyer. I dont think its technically better than the first, but oh boy does it end strong. That final fight with the evil god is great. It basically made up for the entire rest of the film in my eyes.

so destroyer oddly enough is likewhat a kid would remember from the first movie. Oh yeah Conan fought a giant snake, then he swung a sword at someone and etc etc. all the subtleties are gone for better and worse. The characters have far less nuance but at least we know the goal from minute 5. with that being saidknowing that the queen was evil before they even set out on adventure kinda ruins the mystery that they were attempting to build in numerous scenes along the way. So we probably needed another rewrite before filming.

barbarian moved too slow at times. Destroyer moves too fast. This one needed one or two music montages oddly enough. By the end horses just kind of arrive at places that I figured should be at least a months journey away. Could have used something to show the passage of time there.

and it is odd how this is the more kid-friendly adventure when I think there is way more blood in destroyer. Human blood at least. Most the blood in the first movie were from a giant snake.

overall, underutilized cast of characters that still kinda just join up (why was mako not already with them?) and then just sit around for bs reasons while Conan has one on one battles (none of you seriously cant break glass?). But oh boy does the last little bit leave a great final impression.

edit: both movies also have a very weird uncanny valley with their everything. They commit neither to fantasy or realism and end up in this really weird place where some guy has dirty, gritty armorand a 70s porn stache. Or Arnold, after months on a trail, is still freshly shaven.

or, in this movie, a wizard lives in a crystal palaceand has a standard box spring mattress. Likecould he have a crystal bed instead? Or a bed not from the 20th century? Just something is always slightly off in the kayfabe of this world
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Yeah Im gonna have to watch Conan the destroyer tomorrowwell today but you get the point. Im going to bed and Ill watch it tonight. Unlike the first movie, the sequel currently is on Netflix.
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Okay, I actually went back to watch Conan the barbarism because of this topic. And, Im not sure if I always watched a shortened edition before but, this movie is both longer and better than I remembered, but oh lord itits an arthouse film in disguise. It takes 13 minutes to even get Conans village to be attacked, and in that 13 minutes there are 2 paragraphs of dialogue.

And this trend just continues throughout the whole movie. There are so many musical montages in this film. You just have to remember this one line from 58 minutes ago because they never remind you of it. Heck, half the important plot points are given as characters run away from the camera, clearly added in after the fact. Probably because audiences didnt get how any of these random scenes in the first 45 minutes (it takes way too long to get back to the snake cult plot) even connect.

overall I liked it.

like there is a lot of visual storytelling going on. Lots of subtle details like the sword in the end being the one from the intro, or Conans pose from the gladiator rings. Its all there, or could be inferred (they never do outright say if thulsa doom can hypnotize people or not by staring at them but I think its implied).

And arguably every line of dialogue not said by Arnold (except the to hell with you speech at the end) are very important. For a pure words to worth ratio, this is up there with the first mission impossible. Every line is important and basically grandiose philosophizing. Its just that theres 10 minutes between every line. This is a 2 hour film with 4 minutes worth of dialogue. Every single scene is a musical montage. Every single scene.

but even with all of that, good movie. I enjoyed it. But its still an arthouse film in disguise. And I can see why younger me really didnt like this.

the best parts are still thulsa doom and the power of flesh vs steel speech. Even if James earl jones calling himself everyones father was a bit tongue in cheek
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they werent already?
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I have not. Ill have to check it out.
~ my improv troupe ~
Xethuminra posted...
Conan the Destroyer

I actually think thats the best one simply for the fact that it had a plot with had a beginning, middle and end. you know the stakes from the start.

The first movie. Really doesnt. Its just a series of events that sometimes connect. Its more an introspective movie/character study and the person who plays the lead character doesnt know English yet so we cant get his words in often so it just feels like Arnold bumbling around while everyone else explains to him the thoughts hs supposed to be having. ts a very stupid movie that just happens to have Thulsa Doom as the best god damn thing every time hes on the screen.

really the first Conan movie is kinda crap. destroyer was an improvement in every way except the number of boobs you see (which really doesnt matter for the story)
~ my improv troupe ~
Jedi repress emotion. Sith feed on emotions. Okay so why is it every Sith emotion is just boring ole hate? Shouldnt there be like a Sith that just really really loves joy? One that loves lust? One that cant get enough of sadness? Or disgust? Or jealousy? Theres a whole range of emotion to pick from that could get some very interesting characters.

hate is boring. Its one-note.

Just thought of this since there seems to be a lot of Star Wars topics here lately. That and the idea of a Sith whos more like a spiritual sex yogi in the 60s just seemed like an interesting idea. He just folds his legs over his head and then starts preaching about achieving inner nirvana through no longer fearing the shame brought about by clothing. Like season 2 Klaus (spelling?) from umbrella academy.
~ my improv troupe ~
Yeah, well a lot of people still dont get that the Jedi are basically Asian mysticism through a western lens. Basically they are Buddhist monks in space. And for some reason, people look at these peaceful, zen archetypes and go wow I cant wait to see how many people this pacifist slaughters with a laser sword.

so yeah, a lot of Star Wars fans dont even get the Jedi. Thats why everyone who ever played a Star Wars game gave their character force lightning. They love the dark side.

luke saving the day without even being there and not hurting a soul was probably the most Jedi thing in the entire series. Pure awesome

and I bet much like how people originally hated John carpenters the thing, 25 years from now episode 8 will be considered a classic. Its definitely the best of the sequel trilogy
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And I want that.
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Um are there weapons or is this all hand to hand? That makes a huge difference.

anyway, Id rather be trying something to escape the island. Yes I know someone always does that and then the author shows why that cant work, like a force field or something, but I think the time learning would be very helpful for those who remain. Id likely be the guy that finds the hidden exit out of the pit, and die getting other people to safety.
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If you see the shore in the distance thats probably 3-4 miles away. You are dead either way unless you are a professional swimmer.
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Crusade > Temple > Dial > Raiders > Skull
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visiting the parents. Went to the planetarium and watched 40 minutes of a self help meditation video. The music was calm enough. Your typical steel pan drums and reverb. The visuals were the typical fractals, space, and lotus flowers. You seen one youve seen them all.

but thats not the part Im going to complain about. The part that annoys me is the narration inbetween the songs.

do not fear the future. Do not live in the past. I believe you can be happy so long as you want to be happy.

this is a VERY privileged outlook on life. Like could you imagine trying to pull this in the holocaust? Hey man, you were taken from your home. That was yesterday. Dont worry about yesterday. Sure they want to gas you tomorrow but thats just gonna make you sad man. The problem is you. You need to just be happy about this death camp. Thats the solution.

All you told me was that you arent the person on the chopping block. You arent one of the groups getting their rights taken away. You arent getting your house bombed out and having to relocate. You arent being forced to give birth even if the act could kill you.

im glad you arent in any serious danger. But no, there are external forces trying to hurt people out there. Laws that passed in the 80s are crippling people today. Not acting now does leave things even worse for the future. fuck you.
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You know, it would be funny if you did this with wrong lyrics and song titles. Like a excuse me while I kiss this guy instead of excuse me while I kiss the sky

or pick up Jeff at the lineup instead of jet airliner
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Oh god is 2 Machine Man from the Ripper Owens era of Judas Priest?
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Yeah no. Statically 1/10 women are sexually assaulted, that we know of. The real number is probably way higher when you consider how under-represented any 3rd world county is.

and thats not counting every single sex pest just bugging them for sex every day just for simply existing. even if they dont get physically assaulted, that is still a daily aggravation.

so yeah, thats why they pick the bear.
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Depends on the breed. Like if its a tiny little bichon mix, thats divine intervention. If its a Rottweiler, yeah no someone else take it. They need like 10 hours a day to not go stir-crazy.
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Well, garbage in, garbage out. This just kinda proves that social media in general was a mistake.
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Sound garden?
Faster pussycat?
Rage against the machine? (The burning arcade one)

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Well TLJ is actually good. Divisive, but still structurally sound. Skywalker is just a hodgepodge of scenes that happened
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The worst part of Metroid 1 is just how many things are smaller than your shot. If you could just crouch and shoot before needing to use bombs, so many things would be less annoying.

metroid 2 fixed a lot of things wrong with the first game.
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Waitthe brain shifted 3 times as much as they expected? Just how far did they expect you to turn your head?
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damn It. I literally was even thinking its gotta be something with ass and pussy, because it cant be donkey and cat I literally had 2 of the 3 words and couldnt put it together
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No. The democrats are too nice. Theyll take the high road and let Fox News get away with everything. Then when republicans take charge, theyll shut down everything that isnt Fox.
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Happiness is a warm gun
cant touch this
rock around the clock (odd chance to be 25 or 6 to 4)
american pie
dancing in the street
some sort of feed the world charity song

~ my improv troupe ~
Ivany2008 posted...
The question now is: Who will finish their story first? George R R Martin with Song of Ice and Fire? or Togashi with Hunter X Hunter?

hunter x hunter.
~ my improv troupe ~
I never really even liked his show. Like okay. Prince is in a basketball game. And prince can slam dunk. Why is this funny? Does prince notoriously hate basketball?
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Okay on one hand something needs to be done. Facebook, twitter, etc have purposely made their algorithm prop up racist propaganda, bs conspiracy theories, etc just to make a buck. They own half of the blame for the current state of public insanity. You open them up to lawsuits, I guarantee you they will immediately start cracking down on nazi posts and fake news.

on the other hand, whats actually going to happen is the right wing will sue everyone over hello kitty and she ra posts. The first group that always gets hit are disenfranchised minorities.
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Yeah the 80s never left. We are still struggling thanks to the choices made in that decade. The entire economy freaking snapped in half
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I found this topic and went oh I know all these and then at the current crop of pictures Im like okayI know none of the ones people didnt get yet.

I mean heartbreaker by pat Benetar? that one might be accurate. Either that or you put the lyrics of rip it out by ace frehley instead but thats less likely.

my brain just goes look at this photograph for the manga couple with a photo. But I dont think thats even the song name.

I feel the flag face one is likely some sort of red white and bruised or some other sort of pun. Probably a country song I never cared about because its country.

and then a person with hearts looking at a tractor. My brain is just saying old town road which I bet is completely wrong.
~ my improv troupe ~
Too much backtracking between worlds. I get the idea but it wasnt executed as well as it could have been. The levels were too large and slow to traverse for the cutting between them to feel natural or not convoluted.
~ my improv troupe ~
ellis123 posted...
Not even in the top 50 for overrated 90's villains.

I would like to see that list if it isnt even top 50. I mean how many well-known villains from the 90s in gaming are there?
~ my improv troupe ~
TendoDRM posted...
Imma just say, I don't know who this "Musashi" guy is he keeps bringing up, but I knew of Yasuke. So really, which one is "better-known", not that that matters anyway? As mentioned, Yasuke is a perfect choice for an AC game, as the characters are not meant to be well-known historical figures. That would kind of go against the whole assassin "we work in the dark to protect the light" mantra.

musashi miyamoto. Probably the most commonly used historical figure from the time. Hes basically the default samurai cameo for any fiction taking place in that time period. He had 3 confirmed duels, some poetry, and outside of that a lot of myth and feats that cannot be confirmed. Basically like Johnny Appleseed. More folk hero and legend that has a bit of historical accuracy.
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Saying that we dont know what Yasuke did is kind of a moot point when the new shogunate un-personed him and destroyed almost all records of his existence.

Likethat kind of makes it hard to find any set number of duels or battles or anything.

Heck, even with people like Musashi Miyamoto, we still dont have any actual evidence that he was in the battle of sekigahara. He claims he was, but theres no proof.
~ my improv troupe ~
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