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Community » WilliamPorygon
Price, Price, and Price.

A price you can afford,
A price that can't increase,
And a price that fits your budget.
Dolphins are people too!
Since this website has arbitrarily barred me from saying anything I actually want to say about things that have happened in the real world on here, I'll just say Fuck Fandom.
Dolphins are people too!
I'm in the same boat as TC, I hadn't bothered to ask DT or anyone because I saw a post on the "Message Board Help" (lol, what a joke of a name) board where someone else asked to be let back in and Error pretty much just told him to fuck off and locked the topic so I figured there was no point.

If I don't have access to CE there's literally no reason for me to be here anymore.
Dolphins are people too!
GTM posted...
Is this a futurama reference
Dolphins are people too!
Underleveled posted...
I don't even recognize your username. Do you frequent B8?
Well I frequented CE but they permanently locked me out after I got purgatoried for the first time in the 20+ years I've been here and then they changed the rules to "purg = permanently lose access to CE" like two weeks before I should have been able to come back because some corporate douchebags are actively trying to destroy the community with their shit decisions

I'm happier posting on Twitter anyway
Dolphins are people too!
Your message text must be longer than 1 displayed characters
Dolphins are people too!
Kenri posted...
loved it when in the feedback topics one of the admins said "what are we possibly supposed to do other than play whack-a-mole with the bad ads as users report them to us??" as if it had not even occurred to them that vetting ads before allowing them on your site is an option

though in fairness i would completely believe that fandom does not allow them to do that

I mean if they're going to kos anyone who's been banned from the boards they could kos advertisers that keep putting inappropriate shit on the site too

Oh right, I forgot this is America where corporations have infinitely more rights than actual people
Dolphins are people too!
Let me know when they have a Cart Narc app.
Dolphins are people too!
It really depends on the game. I'm really good at vs. in Panel De Pon and Dr. Mario, okay at Tetris, but I blow at any Puyo Puyo game to the point where I can barely clear the tutorial level in Kirby's Avalanche.
Dolphins are people too!
Fandom sucking fucks, they fucking suck, they fucking blow, they're pieces of shit...

...and I don't like them.
Dolphins are people too!
ConfusedTorchic posted...
can you guess who blocked it

Dolphins are people too!
AldousIsDead posted...
Once upon a time I was a licensed sheep and deer inseminator. Yes that's a thing.
I've always found it ridiculous how apparently it's perfectly fine to put a condom on an animal and whack him off or induce him into using a fleshlight-type device to get his semen and then use it to artificially inseminate a female who may not even want to be pregnant, but do the same thing because either or both of you actually enjoy it and somehow that's abuse all of a sudden.

Also quit bumping this topic
Dolphins are people too!
The vocal whiners in the community are really ruining it, like seriously they'll be fine with showing a 50-foot tall dragon shoving a normal-sized werewolf into her cooter but then complain that the werewolf having a canine penis instead of a human one is going too far
Dolphins are people too!
Dolphins are people too!
C_Pain posted...
The ultimate goal is just find the big boy?
I guess the goal is to get all the words that fit the category, and to get the "spangram" as early as possible? I kind of wish there was a timer like in the crossword, it would probably be a better scoring method than this Wordle/Connections-type emoji-results garbage.
Dolphins are people too!
:43 for Tuesday
Dolphins are people too!
Wordle 990 5/6

  1. lance
  2. bunch
  3. punch
  4. munch
The ol' 4 greens + the missing letter being a repeat curse
Dolphins are people too!
Strands #2
Shell have a ball

Dolphins are people too!
Way back when I worked the parking lot at a grocery store there was a day where a sick or injured seagull kept trying to walk into the store. Eventually it got past the front door and the manager had me put on gloves and carry it out away from the front of the store. I checked on it again a little while later and it had died. To make things worse this was right around the time of the whole bird flu scare and I ended up giving myself psychosomatic issues and had to go home early cause of it.
Dolphins are people too!
Bottlenose Dolphin
Dolphins are people too!
Dolphins are people too!
Dolphins are people too!
Zikten posted...
Republicans hate mail in voting. They want to force everyone to line up in person at inconvenient voting centers.
They'd electrify the button on the voting machine that registers a vote for Biden if they could
Dolphins are people too!
Strands #1
Mark my words

NightRender posted...
I didn't understand the rules fully. I'll try for it tomorrow.
It's basically a word search except the words don't have to be in a straight line, every letter is used exactly once, and there's one word that is basically the category for all the other words which will touch two opposite ends of the letter grid.
Dolphins are people too!
modena posted...
Plankton maybe?
Biggest failure ever, can't even steal the Krabby Patty formula
Dolphins are people too!
Woolery left Wheel
Dolphins are people too!
Dark_Koopatrol posted...
Why didn't you?

You could've.
You should've.
You would've.
Trust me, if I bought Bitcoin last year it would be down 90%, I know how things work by now
Dolphins are people too!
0:29 for Monday cause dad jokes
Dolphins are people too!
Wordle 989 3/6

  1. piano
  2. share
Dolphins are people too!
Dolphins are people too!
Wingdings 36
Dolphins are people too!
1:28 for Sunday, that was a unusually hard one
Dolphins are people too!
Wordle 988 5/6

  1. glean
  2. reach
  3. stake
  4. stave it off, 1-2-3 and now you can count to 3.
Dolphins are people too!
Dark_Arbron posted...
Cant let you brew that, Starbucks.

Cant let you view that, Firefox.
Can't let you screw that, Star Fucks.
Dolphins are people too!
opopopza posted...
There was a good post on Reddit from an actual swimming ref that explained why this rule is in affect.

It basically came down to creating excess waves in the pool while others are competing can affect their visibility as they are trying to finish (plus just poor sportsmanship). And the lane dividers can also break easily, you are never supposed to get on them.

Admittedly I know pretty much nothing about competitive swimming but that goes against what the vast majority of people who do follow the sport have said about the situation. He smacked the water in celebration pretty hard before getting up onto the lane divider but for that being supposed "poor sportsmanship" and potential disruption to the other swimmers that might cause, there doesn't seem to be anybody complaining about that.

Looking up articles about this whole thing led me down the rabbit hole of shitty sports rules and how Devon Allen was disqualified from a hurdles competition a couple years ago because the computer in the starting blocks said he started .099 seconds after the starting gun sounded and apparently you're not allowed to start until .1 second after because of bullshit about "the limit of human reaction time" and how "reacting" faster than that means they must have cheated by anticipating the starting gun or some such nonsense. Never mind that recent studies have shown that the actual possible best reaction time is probably closer to .08 seconds, it's such a ridiculously infinitesimal amount of time that nobody with the naked eye or even reviewing the footage frame by frame would see him starting any earlier than anybody else, and that humans have been running foot races for thousands of years and nobody's ever had a problem with a .001 second difference before computers were thrown into the equation. Like I get they want to make things as fair as possible but this is the kind of anal bullshit where in their attempts to be fair they seem to actually be making things more unfair in ridiculous ways instead.
Dolphins are people too!
Mistere_Man posted...
It was the first new century, in 100 years!

(Not lyrics but god I hope it was )
And when I felt like I should cry, I laughed away my tears!
Dolphins are people too!
Wordle 987 4/6

  1. plate
  2. hairy
  3. arson
Dolphins are people too!
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
I've got this feeling, it's so appealing
For us to get together and sing, sing!
Dolphins are people too!
Dolphins are people too!
deupd_u posted...
Eat my shorts

Yes, eat all of our shirts!

Dolphins are people too!
I won't give my full opinions cause I'll be modded for wrongthink, but I'm for laws that protect animals from cruelty and abuse such as sexual assault.
Dolphins are people too!
YugiNoob posted...

See, I seem sane by comparison
Dolphins are people too!
Imagine if enough people voted uncommitted in the general election that YO MAMA would win.
Dolphins are people too!
But if you only do the multiples of 10 you'd only need $12,750
Dolphins are people too!
Dolphins are people too!
You'd better not welch on paying out
Dolphins are people too!

Didn't even look at the Down clues today
Dolphins are people too!
Wordle 986 4/6

  1. thing
  2. store
  3. robot
Dolphins are people too!
Age: 41 years, 11 months
Look: I dunno, 35, 40? People say I look young but I think that's just something people say to be polite
Feel: Varies from day to day. But usually ancient
Dolphins are people too!
YugiNoob posted...
I'll see your Wolverine dong and raise you one unicorn anus

I know I should keep my damn mouth shut, but the anus would be higher up than that, that's more like a unicorn clitoris
Dolphins are people too!
Community » WilliamPorygon
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