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Community » Xethuminra
TV still competing with this sequence
"Flash" Thompson
"Flash" Gordon
Yard worker?

I wanna say yes but no
*imitates trombone*
In America, music hate you
*strokes beard*
The Adoring Fan ofc
*you rolled a 20 on your empathy check!*
Waxitron_Gazer posted...
There's the word I was looking for
Qui-Gon Jinn
Waxitron_Gazer posted...
If there's one thing they understand plainly and simply it's gotta be that.

And reflections and bones, apparently

Wait. Can cats recognize themselves in a mirror?
But they understand murder, right?
You think cats are fascinated by gravity?

or fur?

Their claws are kinda sticky, right?

Super rough tongues, etc

Makes sense to me

Feline instinct topic

You could say it's a cat magnet -__-
Xethuminra posted...
Oh really?
Don't don't punch punch!
VeggetaX posted...
I actually beat this game in one try
Agent Smith (Original)
Savatar, God of Speed
Zikten posted...
They thought he was based on a test on him as a baby. Turns out they were wrong. His unseen potential lifted him above what the society believed was possible. He definitely is not average
Goku's fighting spirit is powered by the people of earth :)

also what Irony said, haha

Goku was an average Saiyan.
Woohoo! Space cape!
Star Wars Trilogy
Time Crisis 2
Killer Instinct
MagnusX posted...
Paranormal/supernatural doesn't exist in reality. So no.
If it cannot be seen

It does not exist

A common sentiment

but one with all too many exceptions in this world
Think about it

You got the entirrrrrrrre cosmos out there

Why would anyone be fighting? (Not saying it doesn't happen)
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
No thanks ew
American Ultraman


*keels over*
Can tell the feels from the original King Kong vs Godzilla are there way stronger than what we see in the states


Movie won me over around the time they did a tooth extraction and went into Hollow Earth

Transformer: Blurr

(as an aside, totally looks like one of Unicron's, but is an Autobot.)

When you can "see" the color or movement

When it starts to pop off the page or paint a scene in your mind

Take your time with one drawing.
Keep going back and working on it.
Erase the lines you don't like, draw new ones in place of them, etc
Envision what the viewer wants to see, and put that on paper.

Try to figure out which techniques make what look like what. Don't draw anything, instead, try shading, or going back to basic shapes and creating form with texture or color

There's a lot to be said here. Set a course and stick with it, or learn multiple styles vs creating your own style

generally a really good drawing is "done" when changing or covering anything "ruins" it


I've recently (finally) found that quickly sketching a total garbage version of the art and then "cleaning it up" works incredibly well

Ideally everybody is excited and you find yourself surprised by your own work when you go back and look at it the next day


Ricky Bobby
Han Solo
Vegeta, but he's so bad at it, he doesn't even realize he is a speed character

Do another pushup
The Man With No Name
White Glint
Metal Sonic
Ranger class in RPGs (Speed, Skill, Sneaking, Crafting/Consumables, Archery, Awareness, etc)
Boil em, mash em, put em in a stew

Butterfree ?
Brought DBZ back into the hands of the fans

R.I.P. ofc

Community » Xethuminra
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