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Respect to both Einhander and Hostile Rewrite, though. If Kataklysm was just the ambient, I might've voted for Hostile over it.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Swamp Fever Horde

Had to do some on the fly volume control today but I har advanced warning by already knowing Swamp Fever would blow out my hearing aid.

Match 1 and match 3 both surprisingly close. 2, uhh... didn't care for either too much but them's the breaks.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Late tag
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Grains of Mood
[Rock and Stone] <o/
No, no, I meant they'd literally clip *into* walls and just spam homing missiles through them.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Ah right, Weavel, not Weevil, and Noxus (because screw League of Legends.)

Multiplayer was sort of (extremely) janky and there were far too many basic bitches that went Samus and hid in walls, or had ping from Antarctica as Trace. Shame, because I remember having a lot of fun both as Kanden and Weavel.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Lemme see before I spoil in rest of topic:

Hunters :Kanden, Spire, Trace, Sylux, Weevil, and the frost one I can't remember.
Corruption:Rundas, Ghor, Gandrayda.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
UF8 posted...
has it crossed your mind that i don't want that kind of garbage either? i consider it an absolute fucking joke that it takes either sounding like the worst god eater song or being a phoned in gacha song to make it in now

Has it crossed your mind to not call other people's things garbage hey thanks :)
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Remnants of Celestial (Stage 3)
Pitch Black
Grand Master Duel
[Rock and Stone] <o/
MacArrowny posted...
Is there a collection of that music somewhere?

Traditionally it takes like two years after its release to have an official soundtrack release available on Spotify/other streaming services. I think they've currently got Asphodelos/Aglaia available but not the tribal quest area musics, the post-Final Days trials, or anything dungeon related after Azdjaal's Legacy
[Rock and Stone] <o/
There was a one-off for Asura, and it sucks because it gives nothing, had no new music, and has no EX. It's supposed to be a Hildibrand tie-in but even the humor falls flat.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Untamed Heart
Turii Panta rhei

Make another mainline game that isnt a remake, reimagining, or pachislot already, Konami, you cowards.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
I question why Thancred and Raubahn have switched places.

(But at least Galuf is where he belongs)
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Isquen posted...

* Finish Loporrits and the combination tribal achievement for the dance emote.
* Finish two more Yokai (the two that require Stormblood zones)

Nevermind I did these

[Rock and Stone] <o/
Unfortunately doesn't look like I'm clearing any of my pre-Endwalker-finale goals. EX group isnt meeting for another attempt at the final trial this week, and I only have two more window attempts at Sidereal Whale (cursed be its name.)
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Crumble Soul (Extended Mix)

I have no idea what's going on in Tong-Nou but it's unsettling D:
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Yes (I just wish she had trousers on more often.)
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Encounter Elite!
Plains of Eternity
Brilliant Wings

I'm sorry I cant get over Edge of the World sounding like knockoff League of Legends during Worlds, nor the start of Origami Castle being World of Goo, full stop.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Strange Memories of Death
My Favorite Hero Show
NiGHTS And Reala
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Staff Roll
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Still Okami for me, though Monster Hunter's formula has scratched an itch in the past during 3U.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
A Thousand Leagues Below (Iron Whale)
Jaguar Ningen no Junan (Long Version)
vs. EVE

Modern league is overproduced to the point of being sinister on the political front and yet they cant even fix their goofy ass mess of code 20 years later. Better pump out another $200+ skin instead. Yes, I'm biased, but I'm also right- I haven't enjoyed much of League music since Taliyah (and I guess the Sad Mummy song). Meanwhile, its non-Kaufman Shovel Knight, and a Megaman composer at that. Gimme.

Match 2 has the opposite problem for me (with apologies to dowolf ). Sailing Ship tries to carry itself on its vocals and I get bored halfway through because not enough is going on behind it (and I'm the Good Riddance nominator... ) Gitadora managed to hold my attention, if not impress.

And then we have match 3. I dunno what it is but EVE is just meshing with me today, while the Sega cronch does its usual grating on my sensibilities - hey, if others get to complain about GBA, I do too for a different platform.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Deep Blue
Predestined Fate

Match 2 was surprisingly difficult since I like the vocals in Blue Sanctuary more but I liked the underlying instrumentals more from Deep Blue (even it Blue Sanctuary had something reminiscent of Unreal Tournament for me near the end)
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Metallic Madness Zone Act 2

Prefering the hymnos to wailing on a guitar today, what's wrong with me.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Two of Braves
The Fox's Lair
[Rock and Stone] <o/
The Merciless Savior

I'm sorry but Cold Metal mixed with that image makes me believe it's supposed to be a Blazing Saddles reference (I don't much care for the song.)
[Rock and Stone] <o/
No Turning Back
Dearly Beloved
Prontera Field
[Rock and Stone] <o/
I'm on team "love 2's music if it's pitch-corrected"
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Suna no Shiro -The Castle of Sand-
You Will Know Our Names
A Hopeful Astraea
[Rock and Stone] <o/
E7 is "how good are you at reading teleports and hitting light with shadow and vice versa."

Ice is peak, somewhat soured by many outstripping it gearwise now.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Out for this one but I'd like to be an informed observer if possible (I have SGDQ coming up soon)
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Eyyy I nominated Exile Vilify during this VGMC. It didnt make bracket, but cool cool cool.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Separating a double post but blugh, still no Sidereal Whale. Next window it's up is right after work but my prep windows have been fruitless with it's prerequisite-for-intuition purple scrip fish.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Radix posted...
e6n done. died like 4 times so uh it couldve been better but done is done!

That was Fire and Wind, right? I basically soloed that fight once as a WHM with a LB3 to avoid the tether stacks when it got to 5% once. I love the dance but the floor indicators for my colorblindness are... not great.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Balearic Birds
Gravity Man

Yeah no I'll pass on the horsegirl anime opening today.

Supermoon feels like something I'd listen to off VGMC, and it's actually fairly close between it and nostalgia, but the easy boss with the most memorable stage in 5 wins this one.

Match 3 I'm getting big "ehhhhhnn" vibes from both. Barcelona occasionally does something cool but then it swerves after just a few measures and I struggle to maintain interest. Qoga, meanwhile, oh god we've hit machine vocaloid Ar Tonelico land again I've heard this dance before. It stays consistent throughout, and that's what wins it for me, but I cant say I really enjoyed either of m3. Sorry.

EDIT: "Something about this kind of gives me a Silversun Pickups shoegaze vibe in a good way."

Yes, exactly! It's making it's way on a personal list even though I'm voting its competitor.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Mega_Mana posted...
Ooh, I need to play 3. I played the old Shareware Exile & Exile II way back when six character parties and giant lists of spells were a thing, and I beat Avernum about a decsde back. I should try again.

The Exile series was my original fanboy gushing of cringy reviews here. Avernum 1 through 3 were also remade in the past decade, though I've only finished 1 again so far. 2 has suffered a bit in the remake.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Bulletin Combat
Dragon Valley

I still prefer Generations mixes for Crisis City, but the original does some interesting shit with the percussion, too. I see match 2 and 3 also chose violence, I could've seen myself going for any of these.

[Rock and Stone] <o/
FFXIV endwalker made me cry at the end, but it was also after a marathon session and it was 7:30 AM and I was delirious when the music vocals kicked in even though I knew they wouldn't dare.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Isquen posted...
Stilt Island

I mean Stilt Village, damnit.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Tagging and answering the bonuses.

First Video game moment:
Final Fantasy V, emulating it via a dodgy Superfamicom translation back in middle school, with Galuf dying. Mother 3's general treatment of Duster by Wess is also notable, being played for comedy and yet "what the hell no wonder this is never getting officially overseas." (How old is he supposed to be again?)

Celebrity Death
I wanna joke and say Betty White but I was sort of expecting it. Probably Anthony Bourdain for me, I dabble in following celebrity chefs and I didnt really expect that one.

Trilogy conclusion
Eh... not many know the series, but Exile/Avernum. Wall of text approaching.
The whole premise of it is an empire led by a despot mass banishes people for being an inconvenience of some sort or another (including some folks that were "problematic" for being gay - and this was the mid 90s, when the series began.) They're sent to a cave system deep below the earth, and some magi in the initial wave of banished adapt cave flora and fauna to support life, and they create an entire underground civilization (occasionally at odds with other cave denizens.)

Exile/Avernum 1, your party is one of the most recent formless groups of banished folk and you accomplish your goals of assassinating the despot, thwarting a huge demonic presence that wiped a few whole towns out of nowhere, and find a backdoor exit to the surface when the empire had attempted to close every one they could find.

Exile 2/Avernum 2 the empire, led by the chancellor Archmage manipulating the former emperor, retaliates and full on goes to war with the nation fighting for survival. Extremely potent magic barriers suddenly section off a bunch of portions of the caves, and your party happens across the source - an ancient race that uses a bunch of crystals as arcane foci. They were systematically trying to destroy the humans in their own retaliation for their elders, brain-uploaded in crystalline computers, being stolen away- without realizing Avernum and the Empire were two factions. This game ends with blowing up the Empire's mass teleporter, recovering all the ancient race's crystal-brains, and killing the Archmage (and his command center fortress, with a magical wildfire) that's antagonizing the war effort.

Exile/Avernum 3 has you finding a new path to the surface via teleportation experimentation to less dank and deep caves into the countryside of an isolated continent. The backwoods folk dont know much about the empire at large, but as you make incursions to the surface, the various provinces are being plagued by monsters of all sorts - magical slime, disease ridden giant cockroaches, ancient brutal troglodytes and giants, magic-capable golems, and six-legged beasts that resemble a hellhound. This ends by finding out the new empress isnt an asshole and theres hope for diplomatic relations between Avernum and the continent... and also by finding the cause of the monsters and basically going to war with a former ally (guess which faction.)

...I should really play Avernum 4 through 6 at some point.

Sports "loss"
I was living in a fraternity house in south NJ when the Phillies won the world series in 2008 against Tampa and it was fucking intolerable to be around anyone my age that cared about baseball. Someone went down my road and smashed a bunch of car mirrors in "celebration", my car included. Why the hell are Philly fans so destructive when they win?

Random emotional moment
There is a former drug abuser/mentally ill person that's well known in my town, toddling around at all daylight hours in the same style of dirty clothes, randomly yelling out whatever comes to his mind when he's got some kind of stimuli. He's been around at least 10 years doing this, but lately he sets me off because - and I know this is selfish to think it - I hate that he gets to live in his own little world like that whereas my mom retreated into full dementia after her heart attack and died within six months of not being a person I knew anymore.

So yeah that kind of thought intrudes whenever he wanders into work every so often and I kind of need to step away from earshot to not hear him and get angry/lament.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Dance of Wind
Stilt Island
Specimen of Life (Long Version)

Match 1 and match 2 were surprisingly close. Dance of Wind feeling like a Goemon track, honestly, and I'm feeling the vibes from both Pokemon and DKC today. Catch me on another day or hour and my opinion might sway.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Oh thank goodness this is back. I never partook beyond lurking in them, but I hated going to CE for it.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Oracles is my first choice (Ages up there for "favorite Zelda title" with Seasons slightly below TotK) but F Zero GX.... hnnng
[Rock and Stone] <o/
The Best is Yet to Come
Mortified by Faith

I won't support it in the leadups until it decides to take an off-year, but I truly do enjoy TBIYTC. RTFM, on the other hand, as with most forms of Touhou, no thank you (it also doesn't hurt that Wildfire is somewhat of a banger.)

I was ready to scold Mortified by Faith for its length and my attention span but it passed without me even realizing it. It's pretty good!

[Rock and Stone] <o/
Same Old Story
The Dreadful Fight
Queen in the Dark Night

Almost forgot to vote, but I fortunately did 5 of 6 listenthroughs earlier today, and caught up with Queen in the Dark Night. Surprise surprise, I enjoyed it.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Monitors and protects against spam on the platform plagued by advertising way worse and more numerous than a "pussy in bio" brigade. Yeah fucking right.

Fuck fandom.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
R1: Name the Game: 10 points
+2?? Mega Man X3 - Boss battle (if it counts?); 0 Stellar Blade; -1 Xenogears; +2 Guilty Gear Strive; +2 Donkey Kong Country 3; -1 Ar Tonelico 2; +2 River City Ransom; 0 Another Crab's Treasure; +2 Paradise Killer (OH RED SKYYY); +2 Pokken Tournament;

R2: Connections: 18 points
[+1 Spirit Tracks, +2 Sonic (Game Gear), +2 Final Fantasy V, +6 Bridges (starring Greg)]; [+1 Kirby Triple Deluxe, 0 MGS2, 0 FF7R, 0 for theme]; [+2 Sonic (Genesis), +2 Paper Mario Thousand Year Door, +2 Animal Crossing, 0 for theme];

BR1: Name the Game Patreon Edition: 24 points
+2 Kingdom Hearts 2 (Curse you); +2 Link's Awakening; +2 Wind Waker; 0 Outer Wilds; 0 Spiritfarer; +2 Animal Crossing; 0 To The Moon; 0 Lies of P; 0 Divinity Original Sin 2; +2 Final Fantasy X-2; +2 Yakuza 0; +2 Genshin Impact (I blame azuarc); +2 Fire Emblem Fates; +1 Alan Wake; -1 Dark Souls 2; +2 Final Fantasy XIV; -1 Undertale (whoops); +2 Final Fantasy VI; +2 DK 64; 0 Lunar Silver Star Story; -1 Hyrule Warriors; +2 Ocarina of Time; +2 Vib-Ribbon (thanks, Chase)

All killer no filler question:
NieR Gestalt (NOT Replicant)

R3: Smash or Pass?: 48 points
+6 Smash/Melee; +2 Pass/0 Kirby Air Ride; +6 Smash/64; +6 Smash/Ultimate; -1 Pass/+4 Ultimate; -1 Pass/+4 Brawl; +6 Pass/Metroid Prime 2 Echoes; +4 Pass/Mega Man X Legacy Collection; +6 Smash/3DS&WiiU; +6 Smash/Ultimate

R4: GBC: 30 points
+10 Pokemon Pinball - Blue Table; +10 Oracle of Ages/Seasons - the Maku Tree; 0 Mega Man Extreme 2 (I THOUGHT it sounded familiar); +10 Shantae - Burning Town; 0 Lufia (huh, how about that.)

BR2: Before and After: 14 points
0 Life is Stranger of Paradise (whew, I thought the latter was from 13-2 and got confused); 0 New Super Mario Bros Wiiokden 4 (excuse me that's illegal); +14 Punch-Outrun

DREAM ROUND (point-free)
Correct - Jet Set Radio, Dunno - Skies of Arcadia, Correct - Sonic Adventure, Correct - Shenmue, Dunno - Code Veronica

Total: 144 points. Difficult one, today. I'm trying to think where in XIV that variant of Eternal Wind plays, but unless it's the Wandering Minstrel I haven't the foggiest.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
htaeD posted...
Lets pool together all our discarded mafia plans from past games into one future setup

Phasmomafia was intended to be one scum and everyone's role was vanilla until they were dead - people could still post after death with no DTC until "exorcised" with another hanging and the scum acted like a cult leader except their team didn't lose on the head's own exorcism - until I realized it was hard as fuck to balance with everyone needing to double-die, especially if said demon/host was specialed day 1. The only people with abilities were once-dead people (such as "Shade" having Ninja properties.)
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Already complained on Discord about being the stuck at work part and the argh.
[Rock and Stone] <o/

My to-do before Dawntrail:

  • Finish the final trial on Extreme (and ideally, get the mount, which will get me the last one for all the lynxes.
  • Finish Loporrits and the combination tribal achievement for the dance emote.
  • Finish two more Yokai (the two that require Stormblood zones)
  • Level Ninja up so I have a good starting gear of Scouting for Viper.
  • Catch the fucking Sidereal Whale that's screwing me out of the Final Fish title (IF IT EVER WAS UP AT A DECENT HOUR.)
Not many goals, this month is pretty much going to be SGDQ trip preparation (plus summer reading program at work.) Gonna miss the first release week, not gonna bother downloading it during the trip.

EDIT: went looking for the old b8 list, and found... *a* link. The link appears to not have anything on it anymore.
Here I am, though.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Community » isquen
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