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Does anyone else lose matches by giving their opponent too much credit sometimes? Like last game a guy had a full Prof X lane with Jeff as the 4th card. Then he played War Machine so he could move Jeff and play another card there if he wanted. I also had a Jeff in another lane so if I moved my Jeff over I would have the won the lane by 1 power.

I just assumed he would move Jeff and play a card there because otherwise I could very clearly win the lane. So I didn't bother moving my Jeff over so I might have a better chance of winning the other two lanes.

Instead he dropped Infinaut and Ebony Maw mid into a lane he was already winning that I didn't put any effort into contesting. So I would have won if I moved Jeff... but he had to assume I was going to do that. Why would he stay in the game and lose if he thought I was going to move Jeff over?

He won the game because I didn't move Jeff over. But I refuse to think he was two steps ahead of me. I'm thinking he just forgot he could move Jeff and play a card there, but then why stay in the game if you know I could win that lane so easily?

Yes it's very dumb all around and you lose/win points in Conquest too so Proving Grounds isn't going to be an 8 cube snap and retreat option when this gets released either.
Well you'd still lose cubes if you lost. But you wouldn't lose any League Points for losing a match.
Leagues are being tested in EU and they're very lame.

It's a little tournament style mode with random people in your skill level (I assume). You can spend gold on boosters to get more points or a shield to stop from losing points. So P2W trash to actually win a league basically.

I mean the rewards aren't even really good enough to justify spending money on this mode but I'm starting to see the writing on the wall for this game.
I legit can't remember the last time I played a significant amount of High Evo players. I feel like I get maybe one a week since Red Hulk was released.

For some reason everyone was playing either discard or Electro Sandman today. I think the featured location was the tunnel which makes sense for Electro but IDK.
After about 6 hours I feel like this game isn't going to be able to hold my attention. I know that the beginning is slow but this combat feels pretty bad and I kinda doubt it gets much better.

Everything in this game from menuing to attacking to whatever just feels like it's a half second too slow. Maybe I wouldn't be annoyed if everything didn't feel so sluggish and slow but it's really bugging me.

Also in the first areas after you get your hideout there are these soldiers that are blocking your path. But if you get into a random battle standing near them then the zones overlap or something so you end up fighting enemies that are like 10+ levels higher than you. I won the first one and everyone in my party went up 4-5 levels. So I did a few more and now I have this group that is level 30 and everyone else is level 16-17.

That one is my own fault but I'm sure the next 10 hours would be a complete slog being so overleveled.

Also holy shit that army battle was so slow and boring.

Can anyone confirm/deny if the game gets significantly better or is the first 6 hours a good barometer? I'm playing on Gamepass so I can just go play the Crab Soulslike if this is it.
I regret to inform the other denizens of the topic that I am indeed playing the Jean Grey deck now and it's fucked up.
I bet it still gets delayed from that date
Weird on my end I'm only able to claim up to 1000 so yeah you're definitely bugged.
Pretty sure they do that every month and if you're able to claim stuff it's because you bought the season pass which is 1000 points.
Twitch drops later today
I don't understand why they didn't try to market Hi-Fi Rush instead of shadow dropping it onto Game Pass.

Of course it underperformed, they didn't put any effort into making it a success.
Yep that's literally the exact deck that the guy was playing.

I mean I'm in infinite too (around 29,000 rank) but this was the first I've seen it so far. Everyone near me is still playing Baron decks.
Yeah I think she falls into the Sandman/Leech level of "unhealthy for the game if she's actually popular".

I'm sure there will be a time when she takes over the game and gets completely changed or nerfed.
Just came across someone playing an Ongoing deck in conquest and he had Jean Grey and Cosmo in the same lane every game.

I'm surprised a deck like that isn't more popular because it's so annoying to deal with. Luckily I was playing Discard so I had cheap Swarms to get around it but jeez Jean Grey is really underrated I think.
Yeah just wait for the quest to do G-Bike again. Also the trick to that game is to just break a lot because you can steer way more if you break slightly.
Sony xboner of the day
I'm also 5'10 and just started a similar calorie deficit to lose some weight too. I started at 215 and after a few weeks I'm down to 206.

Also trying to get down to around 160-170 so it's nice to know it's achievable without changing anything but diet. My diet is pretty similar to yours too, lots of chicken.

But I'm going to start hitting up the gym too to speed it up.
That's what I thought but just wanted to confirm. It's kinda crazy the prices that people put up with in these mobile games. Yeah it's all cosmetic and whales gonna whale but $5-10 for a single border on ONE card is pretty insane to me.
Just to confirm since you bought borders, it's per character right?
Got Valentina, Blob, and 1000 tokens in 3

I do like the Knull variant but probably not enough to spend a key. It's a bummer all of his other cool variants so far were spotlights though.
You can transform but these games always count different forms as different characters because they usually have different movesets and specials. And you could start the match as SSJ Goku for example and then power back down to base or whatever.
Here's the full upcoming new cards and spotlights

Wow I'm not sure there's a spotlight or variant I really want until Hydra Bob. I think Sage will probably be pretty good so maybe I'll do that week to get the Legion variant too.
WazzupGenius00 posted...
for other major characters I get it, but this one is truly insane to me. you see this guy for like two minutes total

Future Gohan is crazy popular though. And this game is adding fodder characters from the tournament of power so it's not like they're limited on roster space.

Xiahou_Shake posted...
In fairness I'm pretty sure this is still Mortal Kombat for the vast majority of its playerbase

True but those games have some decent modes beyond the story mode.
I used to play a lot of Tenkaichi back in the day but I can't tell if I'm excited for this game or not.

In 2024 I'm not sure a game like this could hold my attention very long unless they have some replayability beyond the story mode. I mean this isn't exactly a game where you can go online and grind the versus matches so IDK.

In 2024 it's just weird to think of a fighting game that is primarily going to be played single player and then put away.
Tekken 7 got DLC for 6 years (and Noctis) so I think it's safe to say we'll see Tifa eventually. There's no way they pass up on that opportunity
Storm probably better than Prof X but yeah Shang is fine.
I mean what could they possibly announce that would justify a whole Blizzcon?

They already announced the D4 expansion, OW2 and Hearthstone aren't getting any significant updates.

OW2 losing PVE and Hearthstone actually lost 2 modes recently as well (Mercenaries is dead and Duels got completely removed)

Not a lot of exciting news to share from Blizzard I'd imagine.
They just need to get out of the mentality that Pool 1 cards need to be inherently bad to introduce new players to concepts easily.

Every new release lately feels like it's just power creeping cards that already exist.

My biggest concern with this game has always been that the short games limit design space too much and I feel like I'm starting to see it happening now. 12 card decks, 12 board slots, 6 turns, and the style of the game just feels too restrictive to keep coming up with cool concepts honestly.

Maybe I'm just being pessimistic but it feels like they're hitting the limit on what they can do with this design.
Anagram posted...
I dont know how much crossover there is between life simulator fans and Lord of the Rings fans.

All of the diehard LOTR fans I know personally are girls who would be into a game like this so I'm guessing a lot.

I think LOTR has a much larger female fanbase compared to other fandoms. Not saying these games are exclusively played by girls but I'd assume that's the majority too.
Yeah she's basically just a better Lizard and there was a time when Lizard was pretty popular.
Yeah someone on Reddit asked if they should buy Hope with tokens with a screenshot so she's definitely there somewhere.
Sea of Stars was fine but everything was just middle of the road. It didn't do anything particularly well but there also weren't any bad game design or frustrating elements either.

It wasn't bad, it was just forgettable.
I just played a 39 power Red Hulk because the opponent floated energy every turn (with turn 7).

Yeah that card is fine.
Mai was mostly annoying because she's screaming unintelligible nonsense out of my controller for every combat trial.

Did they really need to keep replaying the audio if you retry a trial you've already completed as well?

I did hear you could turn her off for those parts but I never cared enough to bother.
Hmm I was excited to try this game on Game Pass but random encounters is bad news.
Testing out a Hope/Zoo deck and one location was Dark Dimension. I play Shanna and Blue Marvel into that lane.

Shanna gives me a Zero in the 3rd lane which silences my Blue Marvel and causes me to lose the game.

lol zoo sucks
Platinum trophy in Celeste I suppose.
I was interested until I heard that it still had the same awful loot design as the Nioh games. I don't really want to spend 30 minutes cleaning out my inventory or doing loot management after every encounter.

I'm not against loot in these games but the Nioh system was so bad it turned me off all of these games.
As an action game enjoyer the action combat in FFXVI is awful. It's flashy but there isn't much actual depth and the enemies were completely brain dead from what I remember.

Also I'd take a bad FF7R mini game over literally any of the side quests in FFXVI.
Yeah that's pretty much all you need to know haha, it's not very complicated due to how flexible it is with the movement cards.
The only strategy that might not be obvious is to hold onto your lower cost cards if you have Hope in hand.

So on turn 4 you could play two cards into the Hope lane instead of 1.

Other quirks is that you can play Silk as card 3 into a lane, then Elsa will buff the 4th card in the lane before Silk moves to another lane. Also true if Spider-Man is the last card in the lane, Elsa will buff him.

Also I try to avoid giving Vision an Elsa buff just to keep him under 10 power to play around Shang-Chi.

But yeah if you draw Hope by turn 3 you're probably going to win and if you draw Hope and Elsa by turn 4 then you are probably going to super win.
I mean we all know this is a shitty free to play mobile game with awful monetization but saying they don't compensate for issues like this is a weird hill to die on.
RikkuAlmighty posted...
While Im talking about this deck.

why does kazar exist?

I mean on paper Kazar is fine because he only needs to hit 5 cards to be a 4/9 which is respectable stats.

The problem is that going wide in this game sucks and takes way too much effort compared to just playing big boys.

Kazar should probably be a 4/0 or 4/1 that gives +2 to 1 power cards instead. Then he has better Onslaught synergy and more of his power is added to the lanes that he's actually trying to buff.
I barely see HE decks anymore, it's so weird how different the game we're all playing seems to be sometimes.
I decided to download all assets today because I heard that can help and everything does seem to be running smoother. My menus were even pretty slow before the update but they seem better after downloading assets.
My S21 phone runs it okay but it does go nuclear (hot) after a certain amount of time. Also the battery gets wrecked by Snap
Mostly switched between these two decks. Hood is only in the 2nd deck because of hot location, otherwise it's Kraven
Infinite achieved, thank god that slog is over

Hope Hulk Hope Hulk Hope Holk Hupe Holp Hulkopelkepe
I have accidentally given my opponent a strong card with the new location about 3 times. The text changes black if you have any card there so I keep forgetting that it's still active on my side.
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