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Community » steve_madsci
Someone used your account to watch Pokeman videos. Check your watch history and clean it out
I have to pay $1,000 a night not to sleep in that room? I'ma run outta money real quick. Guess I'll have to rob a bank.
boomgetchopped3 posted...
I cant just sit at a desk anymore, its so limiting. I need a laptop. But if that doesnt bother you then go with the desktop. Youll get a better performing rig for less money.
I hook my desktop up to a tv and sit on the couch. My laptop sits on my desk. I couldn't imagine gaming on my laptop not at a desk or table; trying to play on my lap or something?
I went into Wonder Woman with very low expectations and was very surprised with how good it was, only to be utterly crushed by that hate crime of a third act.

I'm convinced that the way Ares was included was mandated by some producer higher up than Patty Jenkins. There's just too much carefully considered theming present in rest of the movie that is just thrown out the window in the final act.

Also, Doctor Poison was the more interesting villain, IMO, and it was a shame she was underutilized.
Tyranthraxus posted...
Mars bar is Snickers almond in the US. Milky way is something else entirely.
Snickers Almond never tasted the way I remember Mars Bars tasting. I think the almonds were different or something. Like one was roasted and the other was toasted or something. I don't know
I was thinking about this when it came up a few weeks ago, so I stopped by my McD to price McNuggets for fun.

6 piece - $2.79
10 piece - $5.59
2x6 piece - $5.58

That shit should be illegal
CassandraCroft posted...
In Britain a 3 Muskateers bar is a Milky Way and the US Milky Way is called a Mars Bar.
I did not know that. In the US a Mars Bar had nougat, caramel, and almonds. I think they might be discontinued, I haven't seen one in ages.

Did Britain have a comparable bar with almonds?
mistymermaid posted...
The group demanding everything be streamlined and casualized aren't gamers
Again with the strawmen...

Oh, wait, are you talking about AAA studio execs? Cause they're the only ones demanding everything be streamlined and casualized, and they are not gamers

bsp77 posted... So reading comprehension is tough. Okay. Good night. Not wasting more time on bad faith posters. AceMos and some others are cool, but not this BS
Yeah, that's how I feel, no one bothers to read what you actually write, they read what the want to read and respond to that fictional arguement
bsp77 posted...
"If we really wanted the whole world to play the game, we could just crank the difficulty down more and more. But that wasn't the right approach," Miyazaki explains. "Had we taken that approach, I don't think the game would have done what it did, because the sense of achievement that players gain from overcoming these hurdles is such a fundamental part of the experience. Turning down difficulty would strip the game of that joy which, in my eyes, would break the game itself."

Doesn't sound obtuse at all
It's the very definition of obtuse. He won't put down the Easy Mode strawman because he has no other argument. Easy Mode is not accessibility. "Cranking the difficulty down" is not accessibility. Celeste is tough as nails and doesn't have an Easy Mode; Celeste is accessible.
voldothegr8 posted...
Or simply engage in jolly cooperation. Miyazaki wants players to overcome hardship with any of the tools available, be it solo or otherwise. Strangers coming together to conquer hardship is a glorious thing!
Beating a game for someone else isn't accessibility, giving them the tools to beat it themselves is. FS restricts their toolbox to only what tools they think abled players would need as a gatekeeping measure
thronedfire2 posted...
I'm not sure how it would ruin the experience. People who can't beat normal difficulty would have the same sense of achievement on beating an easy mode. and people who can beat normal mode aren't going to play easy mode anyway, so it shouldn't affect them

the only thing gatekeeping difficulty does is keep some people from enjoying the game's world and story
Keeping the scrubs out is the point. FS wants everyone to have "the same experience" so if a scrub can go on a message board and talk about their experience overcoming challenges suited to themselves it ruins the game for all the elite players.

That's why they keep throwing up the "easy mode" strawman.

"Oh wE dOn't WanT an EaSy ModE bEcaUse The GamE sHouLd Be cHalLenGiNg"

That's great, challenging is good. No one wants and easy mode, we want accessibility options. Accessibility option don't make the game easier, they make the game more accessible.

But, but... Eaaasy Mooode Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!
BDSMKane posted...
Does some website offer daily sudoku like this? Its quite intriguing, and I blow through normal sudoku.
I discovered Cracking the Cryptic on youtube during the pandemic, they feature hand-crafted sudoku and sudoku variants; they do two solve videos daily with links to the puzzles. You can also check out Logic Masters Germany for a collection of hand-crafted puzzles of all sorts
This was a pretty good puzzle and I quite enjoyed the logic. One thing I will mention is I spent a good long while trying to disambiguate the highs from the lows at the end of the puzzle before actually reading the rules carefully.

The dotted lines must increase consecutively from their attached line. That means r4c2 must be greater than r4c1. This bit of understanding will sort out a lot of the pencil marks early on and make the rest of the solve a lot easier to see
I have a couple of thoughts.

First, in Box 3 there are already 3 greens, so the 4-cell line must have a 5 on it. Therefore, r2c7 must be green. So r2c8 must be 5 and you can color and pencilmark the 4-cell line.

Second, pink in r7c4 can't be 2/8 as it sees both green and blue 2/8's in the column. pink must also be in row 8 in box 9, so it can only be 14569

Third, the green 3/7 in box 7 must be in column 3, it can't be on pink so it's on the line and it's flanked by a green 2/4 or 6/8. If the 3/7 is in r7c3, it sees the purple 3/7 in box 9 so purple must be blue and red must be green. If the 3/7 is in r8c3 there's a green 2/4 or 6/8 pair in r7c3c4 which sees the purple 2468 in r7c9, so either way purple must be blue and red must be green.

After this you should be able to place the 5 in box 9 and after that, I don't know yet
BlueBoy675 posted...
Why do people like you insist on pretending like Project 2025 isnt a thing?
Rational people don't put much stock in conspiracy theories
Property taxes are a regressive tax that disproportionately affect the less wealthy.

Middle class homeowner have to pay taxes on the unrealized gains from their single largest asset while billionaires are largely untaxed on the majority of their wealth.

Even landlords can deduct property taxes they don't even pay (their tenants pay in most cases) from their income taxes
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
Turns out, a boiled egg weighs about twice as much as a McNugget.

I can eat 50 boiled eggs.
No Man Can Eat 50 Eggs!
wackyteen posted...
Giacomo_Hawkins posted...
I trust that illustrates the point well enough steve?
Not at all because that wasn't what I was asking. I wasn't really expecting an answer, though, so it's OK if you don't want to.
Giacomo_Hawkins posted...
No, there's still the fundamental issue of choice.
I figured, but then why do you suppose the pro-choice choose to shame pro-life over issues they themselves don't care about enough to compromise?
Giacomo_Hawkins posted...
A consistently pro life position which supports the dignity of life would involve holistic sex education that has been proven to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancy, being against the death penalty, against laws criminalizing assistance for transgender children, against demoralizing sex reeducation camps, supporting reasonably gun control, police reform, and not be getting in the way of doctors providing abortion services to women whose pregnancy puts them at risk of death with no chance of survival for the fetus.

Anyone who expressed all of these positions would not be welcome in the mainstream pro life movement.
Would they be welcomed in the mainstream pro-choice movement?
I regularly chug water in less time than that; 10 seconds is not impressive. I wouldn't drink the pictured beverage, though.
The barber I go to makes me schedule an appointment because it's only one guy and it's his shop. He's usually not completely booked up so he'll sometimes be able to take walk-ins.
George Lucas will die soon and the people left in control like money more than dead people's feelings
rick_alverado posted...
Oof, that's rough. Up here in Canada you don't have to pay taxes on lottery winnings.
It also doesn't help that you only get like half if you take the lump sum in most state lotteries. If you want your full winnings you have to take the payments. Also the payment plans on most lotteries are borked as well. Say a 30 year installment would work out to $30,000 per year; you'll actually only get $15,000 in the first year, gradually working up to $60,000 by the end.

The fine print'll get ya every time
$1,000,000 lump sum is about $300,000 after taxes, that would be a nice down payment on a house in my state. I'd probably be better off taking the annuity and using the proceeds to gradually fix up my house
DnDer posted...
But did the country deserve it?
Well, the majority of the country voted for it (or didn't vote) so, yeah, I'd say the country got exactly what it deserved.
At least clowns are funny
Irony posted...
Your product shouldn't be sent out with a design flaw that you know and acknowledge outloud.
There's really no law that says that. Controllers wear out. Nintendo didn't lie, they even offered free repairs. They're not obligated to any more than that.
Alan Wake 2
foreverzero212 posted...
Maybe bears are more chill to hangout with than I thought but I wonder what the numbers would look like apples to apples. Injury rate per 1000 encounters: crossing paths with a bear vs a fellow camper.
It would be an interesting metric to examine (I expect bear deaths would still be lower) but it still wouldn't tell the whole story. You could go hiking in bear infested woods and still not see a bear much more often than you spotted one. Bears have better senses than humans so they'll likely know where you are before you know where they are and bears generally prefer to avoid humans
Having spent many nights camping in bear country, if you follow just a few simple safety procedures, bear's not going to bother you.

Hell, even if you don't follow the procedures bear's unlikely to bother you. There are single digit (maybe low teens if things get nuts) bear attacks in the US every year
I don't think people are going to hatewatch season 2 to the same extent as S1. Absolutely everyone was talking about season 1 when it came out. You pretty much had to hatewatch it if you wanted to be current with what people were talking about. Season 2 has had much less buzz, there's a handful of people talking about it, mostly about how bad season 1 was, but unless those numbers pick up and it starts to trend, I think season 2 will slip under most people's radars.
That's not to say there won't be a season 3, there's no explaining why studios seem to love to burn money on terrible, failing shows and cancel good shows
BignutzisBack posted...
Same reason he continues 90% of Trump's tariffs
It's almost as if Democrats are complicit
Cory898 posted...
My comment was more general than this particular topic. Any discussion on voting always leads to the same comments of if you dont vote my way and my candidate loses its your fault.
The funny thing is, the only people who go in for arguments like are the ones with such little faith in their candidate's ability to win they have to preemptively blame everyone else to justify it.

Not to mention most American voters can't vote for President anyway unless they live in one of the ten or so battleground states.
8 is trash and doesn't deserve a remake (sorry, not sorry); 6 is perfect the way it is. 9 is actually pretty good the way it is, it's not plagued by early 3D jank like 7 is. I don't think it needs a remake tbh
They were going to call it X-Men '92: Season 6, but "X-Men '92" was already the name of a comic series based on the '92 animated series
Nobody should be voting for Biden in the primary.

And unless they live in one of the 15 or so battleground states that get to decide the Presidency, they shouldn't be voting for him in the general either.

Seriously. If you live in Tennessee, it doesn't matter who you vote for, so why not protest ? Same with California and like 30 other states
Lobinde posted...
No, but the prison system needs to be reformed to end profit motives, end slavery and focus on rehabilitation instead of punishment so as to reduce recidivism.
The whole point of the prison industrial complex is profit motives, slavery, punishment, and recidivism. That's like reforming the Orphan Crushing Machine so it no longer crushes orphans, at that point it's no longer an Orphan Crushing Machine.

The prison industrial complex needs to be abolished and institutions rebuilt from the ground up with, as you say, a focus on rehabilitation
Community » steve_madsci