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TopicI want to become a top 100 subscribed YouTube channel. Help me CE
06/27/23 4:15:19 AM
You probably could get to 100k with this content in all honesty. Just have to cut it into YouTube shorts, and tag it responsibly.

The algorithm for YT is double trouble. Meaning when people search for things there are two separate algos at work. The one that controls the main feed changes based upon whom a user is subscribed too its curated. But the YT shorts are not. They are based on tags, and seo.

So keep blowing that gas, but tag it to correlate to current events (try to make the current event representative of whatever the mood is surrounding that particular trouser trumpet is) then upload it twice. Once as a main video, and once as a short.

So say this video, you could title it The Trouser Trumpet reacts to Trump being heard on CNN tape discussing military secrets at golf club

The vibe of the article technically matches the sound I think its dunce like. Also, since thats a top headline anyone searching for that will find your video.

If enough people watch it (which they may put of curiosity given the videos length) Google will list it as a top search result on most android phones. YouTube is owned by Google, whom also owns Android, and they want to keep people on the platforms they own for as long as possible because they love money.

You cant even jailbreak chrome & YouTube off of most android phones, so YT videos are rigged in the Google Algos favor. Especially because when on mobile, most people will search the answers for stuff they dont know, but not have the attention spans to actually read (nor understand articles), but YT vids theyll watch. Theyll also go from one vid to another. One moment they are googling the Trump Tapes and an hour later watching Shaq eat a Hot Chip.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicGirl slaps boyfriend multiple times in college dorm stairwell; no one intervenes
06/27/23 4:08:46 AM
VFalcone posted...
It's been the talking point for the past 400 posts man... A man hitting a woman and a woman hitting a man is the same thing. It's called: Assault. And Assault justifies Self-defense.

This I clearly a topic about whether or not a man would be justified in defending himself against a female attacker.

Thats why my post was geared towards addressing that point. If the topic was about general assault then I probably would have responded differently.

Both men were justified in hitting her to defend themselves. Whether you care or not about the injuries they actually sustained is on you.

Legally they were probably were.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicWhen was the last time you went on a date?
06/27/23 3:58:51 AM
Karovorak posted...
I mean, yes?

When the scenario is "hit on a girl in a bar" or anywhere else, what is supposed to make me better than the others?

I can't imagine a scenario where someone wants to be hit on, at least not by me.

Everyone wants to be hit on. Thats how most romantic fantasies begin.

Someone spots a beautiful stranger in a bookstore, and approaches to ask what they are reading. Two people cross eyes briefly while sitting across from each other on a crowded subway, and one compliments the other on their t-shirt. Two people in line at Starbucks strike up a random conversation about how the barista can never pronounce their namesits all really just common mundane stuff that turns into dream making opportunities

Knowing that both men & women are actually receptive to flirting, and sporadic conversations with strangersthe real question is why do you think that they wont be receptive when you do it?

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicGirl slaps boyfriend multiple times in college dorm stairwell; no one intervenes
06/27/23 3:54:47 AM
A_Good_Boy posted...
Ah OK. I thought you were talking about the recent one where a boy held his hand out in warning and the girl slapped him anyways so he slapped her back.

I gotta look that up

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicGirl slaps boyfriend multiple times in college dorm stairwell; no one intervenes
06/27/23 3:54:28 AM
KitKats posted...
You do realize fighters can get CTE from fighting

I am pretty sure I have this.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicWhen was the last time you went on a date?
06/27/23 3:51:08 AM
Karovorak posted...
I don't want to be talked to by some random weirdo myself, so why should it be different if it's me?

Are you that tho?

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicGirl slaps boyfriend multiple times in college dorm stairwell; no one intervenes
06/27/23 3:48:38 AM
A_Good_Boy posted...
She hit him once. He hit her once. Don't hit people if you don't want to be hit back.

Im the topic I referring too, a woman slapped a man and then he decked her, then body slammed her headfirst onto the concrete.

It was a 500 topic.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicGirl slaps boyfriend multiple times in college dorm stairwell; no one intervenes
06/27/23 3:45:34 AM
VFalcone posted...
A woman who, in this instance, beat two men and bloodied one of them out of his ear and nose.


You never even mentioned that the woman shouldn't have hit him. You bolded that a man should never lay hands on a woman unless it's life-threatening.

Common sense really. Dont assault people.

"A woman should never lay hands on a man unless it's in self-defense"

Thats not the talking point of this topic, why would I derail the discussion?

"A person should never put their hands on another unless it is in self-defense".

Once again the purpose of this topic is to discuss whether or not a MAN is justified in hitting a WOMAN who attacks him first.

Thats the topic.

Morally the dude would have absolutely been morally in the right to knock her ass out there. Bleeding from the ear from a hit means serious damage. It's crazy how when a woman is beating a dude, people's first concern is the woman being potentially hurt by her victim in self-defense.

I disagree.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicWhen was the last time you went on a date?
06/27/23 3:41:10 AM
random_man9119 posted...
I'm a well below average looking guy with no personality outside of nerd shit and nothing of value to anyone...

Anyone I've asked out has turned me down and I get no matches on dating sites/apps... Easier to just give up at this point...

Well good luck to you then.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicGirl slaps boyfriend multiple times in college dorm stairwell; no one intervenes
06/27/23 3:33:58 AM
I4NRulez posted...
This board doesnt understand this. There was a video where a girl hits a dude once and he unloads on her and a lot of posters were saying its justified.

I remember that. Worse topic ever.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicGirl slaps boyfriend multiple times in college dorm stairwell; no one intervenes
06/27/23 3:19:32 AM
A_Good_Boy posted...
We've already covered this homie. The poll is biased and isn't representative of the opinions held by people in this topic. The actual posts from people in this topic are representative of the opinions of people in this topic, and I don't think I've seen a single one where someone is advocating to knock her the fuck out, just that they should be victim blamed for being attacked.

If KitKat wasn't a coward then she'd see this post as an actual example of a strawman instead of whatever bullshit temper tantrum she was throwing.

I admit Ive not read this topic. I replied having only seen the poll results. Anything before my first comment is still a mystery to me

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicGirl slaps boyfriend multiple times in college dorm stairwell; no one intervenes
06/27/23 3:17:44 AM
Glob posted...

Hed also be entirely justified in hitting Brock Lesnar in that situation, its just that hes much less likely to be successful.

Justified, yes!

But would he actually? My argument is that he probably would have ran away.

So what Im getting at here is that there are at least 100 CEmen claiming (via the poll) that they would have knocked her out but if this poll was reworded to say:

Brock Lesnar is repeatedly slapping you in the face, what do you do?

  • Try to knock him out
  • Push him to get away, and then run for the hills

I venture those same 100 people will choose the second option. In which case, they are agreeing that the option to get away exists, their just choosing not to take it because they think they can win the fight.

Fight & Flight

My argument is just because you think you can win, doesnt mean you should choose to engage in a fight.

In general, this poll is a bad look, because imho, it appears to just to show a bunch of wayward dudes foaming at the mouth for any reason whatsoever to beat up a woman. If a CEmen can say in all earnestly that if that girl was actually Brock Lesnar, and they would still choose to fight himthen yeasureIll let you have this one.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicGirl slaps boyfriend multiple times in college dorm stairwell; no one intervenes
06/27/23 3:08:01 AM
Glob posted...
But why does it have to be life threatening? Because most people wouldnt make that distinction if it was two males?

What you are describing is mutual combat something I partake in a lot.

Legally, its a gray area. Prior to recent events, most states clarified the circumstances that must lead to mutual combat

For instance, it cant be ruled mutual combat if one parties life is clearly in danger. Because then its self defense, where one can actually legally kill the other. In mutual combat, death is not allowed to occur.

Furthermore, if one is trying to retreat, then its clearly not mutual combat.

The reasons why those are relevant is because its been argued (successfully) that if one party is so much more physically overpowering than the other, then they are at a higher risk of accidentally killing the other while partaking in mutual combat. Furthermore, if one party decides they would like to retreat they might be at such a physical disadvantage, that such an option no long exists for them.

As such it WAS commonly accepted that men could neither mutually accept a bout of combat against a woman, pre-pubescent child, an elderly individual, or non-abled bodied person (wheelchair, blind, etc).

In order for mutual combat to occurs, all things had to be mostly fair even tho technically Brock Lesnar could legally pick a fight with a motivated Danny DeVito in most states.

The recent gender discussion had thrown this argument into a loop, and I admit, even I am walking on eggshells trying to have this discussion.

Im all for not hitting people unless you have to, but I do think the line is somewhere below obvious mortal peril.

I just plain disagree. Call me traditional.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicGirl slaps boyfriend multiple times in college dorm stairwell; no one intervenes
06/27/23 2:57:34 AM
One thing Id ask this topic to consider is an individuals natural fight or flight response.

Meaning, that there are almost 100 people (going off the poll) who claim they would have knocked her out when in reality, had she instead been a 64 male built like an NFL Linebacker the natural instinct would have actually been to run away

What Im getting at here is that in most situations there are two options that exist:

  • Stay and physically defend yourself
  • Remove yourself from the situation and literally run away if necessary

If the reason why a male is choosing to stay and fight a female is because they feel that they can win the battlethen thats not okay.

If the option to retreat exists, then thats what they should do. For every person in this topic saying they would have laid hands on the girl in an act of self-defense, then in this situation replace the girl with Brock Lesnar, and then ask yourself if your actions would have been the same.

If you physically lay hands on the female when the avenue of retreat exists, then its not self defense its just retaliatory violence. Which is wrong.

That argument starts to lean into the whole equal rights & lefts nonsense that the online male bro culture just loves to parrot. The claim that she hit me first, therefore I should be allowed to hit her back is simply not valid unless its actual self-defense.

If it not actual self-defense, then its just revenge, and all revenge is motivated by anger and feelings of hate. These feelings can be justified, but they cannot be the foundation for ones justification as to why a man has chosen to lay their hands upon a woman.

Granted, legally the guy is justified. The court cant arbitrarily determine ones earnest feeling of their life being endangeredbut lets be realit wasnt.

Therefore, morally the dude would not be justified in (as the poll so eloquently puts it) knocking her out

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicGirl slaps boyfriend multiple times in college dorm stairwell; no one intervenes
06/27/23 2:34:47 AM
He should have made a more aggressive effort to get away instead of just standing there and taking it, pushing her so he can get away is acceptable, but no

a man should never lay their hands upon a woman unless its ACTUAL life threatening self-defense. Which this clearly was not.

If he chose to do so, he would be justified in pressing charges.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicIm 36 have no kids no wife
06/27/23 2:24:55 AM
GateOfDoom posted...
Live with a family member should I just face the fact I'm going to die alone?

No man. Get into the gym, dedicate a year of your life to fitness. In the meantime figure out what makes you happy, and strategize a way to turn that into a career.

The gym portion is easy. You can start immediately and just keep going. The happy career portion may take time. Its a day by day progression.

But you take care of your health, wealth, and by proxie your happinessand the ladies will come.

What wont work his simply making no effort to change your current position in life.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicWhen was the last time you went on a date?
06/27/23 1:28:40 AM
random_man9119 posted...
Never been on a date and I'm done trying...

Dont say that. There are billions of people in the world. There is someone for you.

What do you figure is the biggest thing holding you back?

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicWhen was the last time you went on a date?
06/27/23 12:48:35 AM
The last time you went on an irl date? (Virtual Dates Don't Count)

Hows your love life going?

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicDo you enjoy reading as a hobby?
06/25/23 6:35:14 PM
I read comic books which is why I excluded them in the poll. A comic can be finished in 5min or less

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicDo you enjoy reading as a hobby?
06/24/23 2:27:43 PM
PMarth2002 posted...
Don't really have access to a library.


The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicDo you enjoy reading as a hobby?
06/24/23 1:47:50 AM
TendoDRM posted...


The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicDo you enjoy reading as a hobby?
06/23/23 2:43:25 AM
Ar0ge posted...
What do you do outside that's productive?

Interacting with other people mostly.

  • Dating
  • Networking
  • Gym
  • Industry Conferences

And why can't reading be productive?

Youre alone, completely concentrated on that one thing. I like meeting new people and putting myself into situations where sporadic opportunities to do new things can happen to me.

Pretty much if Im content to be inside, then Im content with how my life currently is. Im always reaching for more, everyday spent outside doing something (clubbing, hiking, concerts, theater, comedy halls, boosting aimlessly through the city on my electric board) is an adventure in the making. Doors open up, and they often lead down paths one wouldnt expect.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicDo you enjoy reading as a hobby?
06/23/23 12:18:33 AM
Finding those Goosebumps covers led me to this:

My books are ranked
  1. Deep Trouble (31)
  2. Pasedena (47)
  3. Egg Monsters (48)

Also it made me realize that I also read this one, which clocked in at #28:

I also remember trying to read this one in 4th grade, and then quitting half way through when I found out that I was actually good at playing Football. That was the last book I ever attempted to read:

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicDo you enjoy reading as a hobby?
06/23/23 12:08:06 AM
The last three books I ever read without cheating:

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicDo you enjoy reading as a hobby?
06/23/23 12:05:23 AM
Dakimakura posted...
I didn't even read all the poll options and just picked one.

Well done.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicDo you enjoy reading as a hobby?
06/22/23 11:47:11 PM
What is your relationship to reading books and novel? [Manga, Comics, & Magazines Do NOT Count]

I hate to read. Complete waste of time.

I could be outside doing something productive. I mean, it takes me two weeks to finish a book, when I can just watch the film based on the book in 2 hours or less, and then be on with my day. Hot Take, I Know.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicDid anyone else watch Nitro over Raw back in the day?
06/21/23 5:06:27 PM
Southernfatman posted...
I was a WCW guy for the longest time since that's what I started with as a wrestling fan as far back as I remember. I'd still flip back and forth between the two shows. Nitro and Raw were about equal around late 97-98 and then I started liking WWF more after that because of all the dumb decisions made on the WCW side. Sometimes I'd feel lost like I missed something watching Nitro/Thunder, but it wasn't me, it was the stupid booking with all the last minute changes and such.

Yea they lost me around the end of 99 myself

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicDid anyone else watch Nitro over Raw back in the day?
06/21/23 8:06:39 AM

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicDid anyone else watch Nitro over Raw back in the day?
06/21/23 7:40:46 AM
Mad-Dogg posted...
Even before 96' I was a pretty hardcore WWF fan. Yokozuna, doink the clown, bam bam bigelow, razor ramon, 1 2 3 kid (that hilarious win steal though), bret the hitman hart, undertaker, etc. etc.

Doink was great in ECW, that character was basically the wrestling equivalent of the Jauquim Phoenix version of the Joker

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicDid anyone else watch Nitro over Raw back in the day?
06/21/23 7:23:35 AM
Which did you watch between 96 - 00?

I just took this quiz for most WCW nitro appearances and got a 96%

I missed Tokyo Magum, the third member of the greatest dancing stable of all time , and some of the more prominent jobbers.

I wouldnt be able to name the Raw roster outside the main eventers, and prominent tag teams. Their midcard was largely forgettable until the WCW acquisition.

nWo 4 Lyfe

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicHeartmaton is SUSPENDED!!!
06/20/23 7:40:20 PM
Thompson posted...
Is it true that Heartomaton hates furries not because he doesn't like furries, but because he desperately needs something to hate so he can feel better about his own miserable life?

He hates me. Ive had him blocked for years, still doesnt keep him from going into topics where Im participating in and telling everyone how much he dislikes me. He does it like once a week. Almost clockwork.

The reason being is because I was trying to give him (and others) dating advice that basically revolves around take responsibility for your own circumstances and take the steps necessary to course correct yourself. He considered that victim blaming

That was like two years ago.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicDo you have a drivers license?
06/17/23 11:34:31 PM
KaZooo posted...
To try to evade this fine?


Low key I assume the DMV has no detailed history in the supposed flash plates, but even by 2019 its been so long they are unable to track it as such and just keep it as a statistical data point. That doesn't justify them at all, but I'm guessing that's why they're useless in giving you an answer.

Getting married. But choosing Canada over USA. Im done with this country

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicDo you have a drivers license?
06/17/23 10:53:06 PM
Do you have a drivers license?

I have a couple of cars but no license. Its suspended for some unknown traffic violation in Las Vegas from 2013.

I went to the Vegas DMV in 2020 and they told me they were only serving locals cuz of Covid.

I went to the Arizona DMV (which is where my license is out of) and they told me only Nevada can release the hold.

I went back to Nevada DMV in January 2022 and they told me again that they were only serving locals.

I went back to Arizona DMV in October and they were able to give me the complaint number I then went back to the Vegas Courthouse yesterday to pay whatever the hell this thing is. They told me there is no record of it, and it seems to be a systems error. They said to go to the DMV to get it released.

I went to the DMV and they had me make an appointmentwhich is in August.

I live in San Francisco, so this whole thing had been super inconvenient. I sold two of my vehicles (2016 Dodge Dodge Challenger SXT & 2015 Chevy Camero 2SS) last year just because it was just collecting dust in a parking garage I pay 350 dollars a month for.

The other (2018 Dodge Charger SXT Plus) I allow my ex to drive around. Then I have my 2016 Ford Mustang GT just collecting dust in my apartments underground garage.

I got pulled over and charged for driving under a suspended license, and displaying false plates.

The false plates was because the AZ DMV canceled them when Vegas froze my license. Apparently it was suspended in 2015, but I didnt find out until I was stopped at the end of 2019. That came out to 6,000 dollars in fees that I refuse to pay until I at least figure out why Vegas froze my shit.

So basically the government took away my right to drive, put me into 6,000 dollars in debt, and wont tell me why they did itor a way to get it taken off.

Moving to Toronto permanently at the end of the year, marrying for citizenship, cant freaking wait!

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicRemembering the good ol' days of WCW Nitro!
06/15/23 3:25:02 PM
Dorfmann_ posted...
Yeah, that one really stuck out to me too. He's one I really associate with the glory days of WCW, but only 31 matches? I guess he spent more time brooding in the audience than I remember.

He sent out Scotty Riggs, Kanyon, Saturn, & Kidman to fight for him most of the time.

If you type in the rest of The Flock they pop up as bonus answers. Reese, Hammer, Sickboy, Stevie, and Lodi have like a combine 70 nitro matches between them. That was all Flock based appearances on behalf of Raven

besides Lodi who collected a few appearances from his ambiguously gay duo angle w/ Lenny Lane

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicRemembering the good ol' days of WCW Nitro!
06/15/23 2:04:05 PM
Avirosb posted...
The intro was pretty 90s.

God it was so hype

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicRemembering the good ol' days of WCW Nitro!
06/15/23 8:21:31 AM

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicRemembering the good ol' days of WCW Nitro!
06/15/23 8:21:01 AM

Whom did you remember? What was your score!

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicThese reddit blackout people actually think they're doing something
06/15/23 8:14:02 AM
ArtiRock posted...
Honestly the blackout broke any sort of desire for me to go back to Reddit.

Same. All my subreddits are currently inactive

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicGamefaqs podcast
06/14/23 4:49:56 PM
Shinnokxz posted...
There's a gravity of truth to that and I'll use myself as an example. Those who have been around for a long, long time typically are still around because they used the boards for a spun community and sort of kept to themselves there. The earlier days for me were reviewer contributors, and FAQ contributors. This was long before the social boards like CE, LUE.

Those who chose to keep a pulse on the dramatics and conspiracies circling every board around usually got caught up in the chaos, or 'shenanigans' as someone put it, and aren't around anymore either in their own volition or not. You have to be some sort of sociopath to have involve or inform yourself of every hissy fit any board has ever experienced. Most people didn't care except a subset of 100 people or so to any one event.

The folklore aspect of it is an interesting thing but that's all that it really as at you described it- word of mouth this and that

I remember you from Mortal Kombat Nightmares

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicGamefaqs podcast
06/14/23 3:02:38 AM
Is this an actual podcast or a Twitter space?

I will come on with you to either by the way. Would love to actually talk (out loud) about this place.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicSaxon is SUSPENDED
06/08/23 3:09:15 AM
SHRlKE posted...
What Genuinely harmful things has he said? Obviously dont post anything moddable. Its not like hes inciting a riot or something.

I too am curious

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicRealpolitick nuked. (continued) (continued)
06/06/23 2:15:07 PM
There it is.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicSaxon is SUSPENDED
06/06/23 2:09:32 PM
WTGHookshot posted...
So, if someone is asking for help on how to fix their system, you think it should be fine to purposely give them information that bricks their system in the guise of "helping" (knowing full well the advice given will ruin their system)?

hmm...point taken. I think some common sense in enforcing the rule needs to come into play. Saxon cosplaying as a WWE insider is not "misinformation" its just a innocent gimmick for entertainent purposes...not maliciousness.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
Topichow many close irl friends do you have? (no family)
06/06/23 3:26:14 AM

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicSaxon is SUSPENDED
06/06/23 3:24:49 AM
SHRlKE posted...

Well thats enough GameFaqs for tonight!


The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicSaxon is SUSPENDED
06/06/23 3:19:24 AM
SHRlKE posted...
Hi Saxon.

My god. Have I finally become a joke account?

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicRealpolitick nuked. (continued)
06/06/23 3:16:59 AM
STEROLIZER posted...
I am not trolling you here when I say I dont fully understand what youre getting at. Care to elaborate in more detail?

We might hit 500 before I get an answer but it sounds like your saying

Since everything in the world is political. Then every action we take is also political in nature. Therefore there cant be a no politics stance because every single action can be interpreted as political with the right spin?

Ibe heard that before, and I dont really agree with it.

You could go to Starbucks and enjoy a cofeee, then choose to disgard your cup in the non-recyclable cup in the recycling bin just because the trash is fullthen go about your day, carefree, without a greater thought going into the actions that just occurred.

Or, you could go to Starbucks and order a coffee because their beans come from organic farms that use certified government appointed labor that helps finance impoverished families in South America, and then you could choose to put your cup into the Recycling bin instead of the trash as a statement against the states mishandling of taxpayer real sources that are supposedly going to optimize trash pickup to ensure the cans never overfill to the streets.

Yea sure, everything CAN be politicalbut bai golly manit sure does takes a lot of added effort to make it so.

What I mean by that is, in my examples both people spent the same amount of time and physical effort completing the same exact action. The only difference being that in order to make that everyday mundane sequence political I had to connect a bunch of wild invisible dots, and basically write some fan fiction.

Meanwhile, a person could just go to a presidential rally and hold up a MAGA sign. That action is political no matter how you slice it. Theres no extra effort to frame it as such.

In a nutshell, dont overthink it.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicSaxon is SUSPENDED
06/06/23 3:04:34 AM
SHRlKE posted...
Dude still stinks up the PWB with completely fabricated stories. No idea why hes still not been banned.

Because hes a PWB legend?

Whats wrong with fabricating pro wrestling stories anyhow? Everyone knows hes not really Stevie Richards.

The whole misinformation rule really should only apply to politics. There shouldnt be crossover into the other vertices. If Saxon wants to cosplay as a WWE insider, then more power to him. Its entertaining, and doesnt hurt anyone.

The MK12 board currently has about 20 or so cosplaying as industry insiders and NRS employees. Just leak after leak topic that everyone knows is fake, but we interact with them anyways cuz its fun and engaging.

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicSaxon is SUSPENDED
06/06/23 2:57:19 AM
sull56ivan2010 posted...
I'm guessing something political here and being unfiltered again that led to yet another suspension. With 261 closed, I can see him coming back here over and over and doing the same things that got suspended on Politics.

Which was what exactly?

The GameFaqs Web3 Board:
TopicSuspended and Read-Only are banned, but Banned is read-only.
06/06/23 2:55:37 AM
Underated post. Well done.

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