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Lady Ashe 04.08.2007 11:32:56 pm #202: |
I haven't answered, and due to this topic, I think I'm going to keep it that way. <_<
~~~ Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism. ... Copied to Clipboard!
Shadow_Ryoko 04.08.2007 11:55:56 pm #203: |
--- Ryoko ... Copied to Clipboard!
LtCmdData 04.09.2007 2:01:38 am #204: |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
... Copied to Clipboard!
MoogleKupo141 04.09.2007 2:02:27 am #205: |
I'll have a child with Luster...
--- Rufus Shinra 18 darf Wettk?mpfe gut voraussagen k?nnen, aber kann er warum Kinder lieben Zimttoastknirschen sehen? Ja. Ja kann er. ... Copied to Clipboard!
ThisIsAnOddName 04.09.2007 2:07:15 am #206: |
--- "I hope you can live with yourself, feeding on the souls of small children like that." - FFDragon "Well, sometimes I get bits of child stuck in my teeth, but most of the time, it goes smoothly." - Kyle Boller ... Copied to Clipboard!
Heroic_CactObo 04.09.2007 2:07:43 am #207: |
This topic reminds me of how much I'm not going to IM with Icehawk ever.
--- Yes, I'm ChocoTuar. Thanks you for asking. ... Copied to Clipboard!
-LusterSoldier- 04.09.2007 2:10:49 am #208: |
La, la, la...
I've finally made my appearance in this topic. I cannot see any of the posts because I hid them from my view using CSS. I could, however, see any post in this topic by clicking on "Message Detail". Oh my, Icehawk managed to expose my little plan. Now that my plan has been leaked to the public, I don't care about it anymore. Before I told Icehawk my plan, I did tell a few other users about it on AIM. I did attempt to only tell users that I felt would not have revealed this to other users on AIM (or even to the public). I really have no control over other users telling others about it. Because several users knew of the plan before this topic was made, it was destined to be leaked out someday. This has been a rather interesting experience for me, because at least I learned something out of it. I now realize if there is ever a case where I have information that I do not want to see leaked to the public, it would probably be better to keep it to myself, because I can no longer trust other people with highly confidential information. While I'm at it, I will quote one of Raptor's posts: Ah, but the difference is, I can chug carbonated beverages. So could I, but not as good if it was uncarbonated. In fact, I chugged a carbonated 1 liter bottle of Mountain Dew in 38.3 seconds. If I did it uncarbonated, I could do it faster than that. --- Luster Soldier - Popular at school. ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ ... Copied to Clipboard!
neonreaper 04.09.2007 2:12:53 am #209: |
--- Zaphod: Well, I'm president, I don't have a lot of time for reading. Trillian: My whole planet destroyed because you thought someone wanted your autograph! ... Copied to Clipboard!
UltimaterializerX 04.09.2007 2:15:27 am #210: |
This has been a rather interesting experience for me, because at
least I learned something out of it. I now realize if there is ever a
case where I have information that I do not want to see leaked to the
public, it would probably be better to keep it to myself, because I can
no longer trust other people with highly confidential information.
See, the lesson I would have learned is to not stalk people of the opposite sex online. Internet or not, it's a crime. You're going to rub someone the wrong way one of these days =/ ~*ST*~ --- 2/4/2007 - SUPER BOWL CHAMPION COLTS!! Now Playing: Disgaea 2, Final Fantasy, FF6A ... Copied to Clipboard!
SineNomine 04.09.2007 2:15:29 am #211: |
if it makes you feel any better, once I'm done booting idle accounts
and high risk shared accounts, I'll finally be able to post on private
boards again, without certain someones' sharing their account with
other certain someones.
--- Folding@home - Team GameFAQs - 48759 Queue Stomper - 175K (2/91) ... Copied to Clipboard!
KleenexTissue50 04.09.2007 2:16:35 am #212: |
The Chuggernaut Lives!!
--- Now playing: Final Fantasy III DS, Rogue Galaxy ... Copied to Clipboard!
MoogleKupo141 04.09.2007 2:18:11 am #213: |
Don't let this keep you from breeding a super user, Luster. 23 years
from now I hope to meet him, him as a moderator and me as a giraffe,
and we will protect the boards from devastation
--- Rufus Shinra 18 darf Wettk?mpfe gut voraussagen k?nnen, aber kann er warum Kinder lieben Zimttoastknirschen sehen? Ja. Ja kann er. ... Copied to Clipboard!
LtCmdData 04.09.2007 2:18:53 am #214: |
Devastation you say?
... Copied to Clipboard!
MoogleKupo141 04.09.2007 2:20:20 am #215: |
Yes, devastation.
--- Rufus Shinra 18 darf Wettk?mpfe gut voraussagen k?nnen, aber kann er warum Kinder lieben Zimttoastknirschen sehen? Ja. Ja kann er. ... Copied to Clipboard!
gravija 04.09.2007 2:22:24 am #216: |
Luster, no offense here, but... have you completely lost it? I mean, seriously...
I have never seen anyone so obsessed with GameFAQs in my entire life. This scheme is, to put it bluntly, completely insane. Things like this make the community as a whole question your sanity. --- "Remember kids, gambling is good for you!" - Pegasus - YGO:A NIAA Officer ... Copied to Clipboard!
KleenexTissue50 04.09.2007 2:23:18 am #217: |
Luster, no offense here, but... have you completely lost it?
Lost what, exactly? --- Now playing: Final Fantasy III DS, Rogue Galaxy ... Copied to Clipboard!
GammA07 04.09.2007 2:23:43 am #218: |
So Luster shows up! *Reads post*
You mean that's it? ...Epic topic my ass. Just another day on B8. At least the conversations were entertaining though. --- Nominate the Raving Rabbids for the Quote Contest! DAAAAAAAAAAAA! Gamma. The Cream of Ratchet and Clank Fanboyism. ... Copied to Clipboard!
GammA07 04.09.2007 2:24:30 am #219: |
Lost what, exactly?
His mind? --- Nominate the Raving Rabbids for the Quote Contest! DAAAAAAAAAAAA! Gamma. The Cream of Ratchet and Clank Fanboyism. ... Copied to Clipboard!
KleenexTissue50 04.09.2007 2:25:16 am #220: |
That implies that he was actually sane at one point.
--- Now playing: Final Fantasy III DS, Rogue Galaxy ... Copied to Clipboard!
Janus5000 04.09.2007 2:25:45 am #221: |
Whoa, I just realized something.
Luster Soldier. >_> --- IT'S SOME KIND OF A TEXAS PSYCHOBILLY FREAKOUT THAT'S WHAT IT IS ... Copied to Clipboard!
Janus5000 04.09.2007 2:26:13 am #222: |
His mind?
The general consensus is that he's a robot. --- IT'S SOME KIND OF A TEXAS PSYCHOBILLY FREAKOUT THAT'S WHAT IT IS ... Copied to Clipboard!
SineNomine 04.09.2007 2:26:20 am #223: |
as I cannot come up with any post which would not violate the TOU in at
least five different ways, I'm going to leave this with; even for a
joke account this idea is preposterous and uncomfortably creepy.
--- Folding@home - Team GameFAQs - 48759 Queue Stomper - 175K (2/91) ... Copied to Clipboard!
KleenexTissue50 04.09.2007 2:26:52 am #224: |
C'mon Sine! I won't mark you! Promise!
--- Now playing: Final Fantasy III DS, Rogue Galaxy ... Copied to Clipboard!
GammA07 04.09.2007 2:28:39 am #225: |
We won't mark you Sine! We're not asshats!
--- Nominate the Raving Rabbids for the Quote Contest! DAAAAAAAAAAAA! Gamma. The Cream of Ratchet and Clank Fanboyism. ... Copied to Clipboard!
Xtremeblur 04.09.2007 2:36:50 am #226: |
The only thing I can say is that he doesn't seem to be...well, in grasp
with reality. Those plans aren't even the least bit reasonable. I
just...I don't understand how he could think any of this was
~/\~ Some people see this "mountain of evidence," these videos, these DNA readings, but some people see it for what it really is...racism. - Anonimity ... Copied to Clipboard!
transience 04.09.2007 2:41:06 am #227: |
man, this is just another day to me
maybe I'm too used to GameFAQs or have lost any sense of respect for the userbase, I don't know --- I WOULD HAVE BEEN YOUR FATHER BUT GORDON FREEMAN WAS IN FRONT OF ME AND HAD CORRECT CHANGE - Amazing Telephone ... Copied to Clipboard!
ZFS 04.09.2007 2:48:49 am #228: |
This has been a rather interesting experience for me, because at
least I learned something out of it. I now realize if there is ever a
case where I have information that I do not want to see leaked to the
public, it would probably be better to keep it to myself, because I can
no longer trust other people with highly confidential information.
Dude. No. Just no. The lesson here is that your dream in life shouldn't be to pass on your genes for the purpose of creating a moderator. --- "Listen to my story. This may be our last chance." -- Tidus ... Copied to Clipboard!
Delseban 04.09.2007 2:49:31 am #229: |
Sorry for being new to the board and not knowing this, but...This guy
is a joke alt, right? Or atleast, this whole thing is some sort of
joke? Because there's no way this is real.
--- Don't Sex Caterpillars My Little wang instead got shoe lodged out of my cow tangerines CassieIsAmazing Kwyjibo/chocobo disease sandwiches tasty rape cupcakes ... Copied to Clipboard!
KleenexTissue50 04.09.2007 2:50:09 am #230: |
We can make him better...lock topic faster...mod posts harsher...
--- Now playing: Final Fantasy III DS, Rogue Galaxy ... Copied to Clipboard!
Icehawk 04.09.2007 2:50:53 am #231: |
I've contemplated this Delseban. However, if he is a joke account, he is like crazy good at keeping to character 24/7.
--- BOOBIES ... Copied to Clipboard!
Xtremeblur 04.09.2007 2:52:25 am #232: |
Furthermore, he'd have been doing this for, what, four years?
He'd be a manipulation god were that the case. ~/\~ Some people see this "mountain of evidence," these videos, these DNA readings, but some people see it for what it really is...racism. - Anonimity ... Copied to Clipboard!
KleenexTissue50 04.09.2007 2:53:12 am #233: |
Robot god.
--- Now playing: Final Fantasy III DS, Rogue Galaxy ... Copied to Clipboard!
Wanglicious 04.09.2007 2:56:05 am #234: |
Dammit, we got modded by the Mod Boards...
Just mark eve.... ...Dammit! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS CAPTAIN PLANET! --- Head Lawyer for Sir Chris' Police Veggie Tales: The one thing that religion has done that grows no hate. That, and wine. ... Copied to Clipboard!
Sepersercovord 04.09.2007 3:06:14 am #235: |
This entire board is jealous.
--- --------Sepersercovord-------- ... Copied to Clipboard!
Minipoooot 04.09.2007 3:08:05 am #236: |
No doubt about it, Luster is going to be in the news one day.
--- I long to be a hobbit. I also long to be a penguin. ... Copied to Clipboard!
Sepersercovord 04.09.2007 3:09:04 am #237: |
Indeed he will, for being the most talked about user on this site.
--- --------Sepersercovord-------- ... Copied to Clipboard!
SwordMaster12 04.09.2007 3:15:57 am #238: |
Just when you think Luster has hit rock bottom, he somehow manages to go even lower than that.
--- Joe Blade, Land of The Random ... Copied to Clipboard!
Minipoooot 04.09.2007 3:16:28 am #239: |
No, for stalking and killing some major celebrity in 10 years.
--- I long to be a hobbit. I also long to be a penguin. ... Copied to Clipboard!
Smurf Alt 04.09.2007 3:38:51 am #240: |
Again, this is the best topic in a long time.
The only disappointing thing is that Luster's reaction wasn't nearly as dramatic as hoped. ;_; ... Copied to Clipboard!
Generic Loser 04.09.2007 5:57:44 am #241: |
I was thinking about Luster's plans yesterday night while waiting in the car for my parents.
I burst out laughing for about 5 minutes straight. This topic is made of win. --- JayLv100. The Cream of The SEP Fanboyism. "my english language is find" - Hubnnick ... Copied to Clipboard!
-LusterSoldier- 04.09.2007 6:03:25 am #242: |
The only disappointing thing is that Luster's reaction wasn't nearly as dramatic as hoped. ;_;
Around 11 hours before this topic was made, Mumei contacted me on AIM with the message "My, my". At that point, I was already suspicious of something. I asked him what this was about (even though I had an idea of what it was) and he mentions interesting little plans. I told him not to tell pikaness about it but he told me that he did. I alerted Icehawk to the fact that pikaness knows about the plan. I was told by Icehawk that he told Heroic Mario about it, who then told Mumei. So yeah, I was sort of expecting a topic to be made about this. This topic came as no surprise to me. --- Luster Soldier - Popular at school. ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ ... Copied to Clipboard!
__Smurf__ 04.09.2007 6:04:58 am #243: |
So is the plan still being worked on after this uh... setback? <_<
--- Smurf. The Cream of Sonic Fanboyism. ... Copied to Clipboard!
Generic Loser 04.09.2007 6:07:03 am #244: |
There's no reason the whole plan needs to be scrapped at this point...
just lay low and the next girl who becomes a "regular user" on B8, use
Just don't tell your plans to Icehawk. --- JayLv100. The Cream of The SEP Fanboyism. "my english language is find" - Hubnnick ... Copied to Clipboard!
incudork 04.09.2007 6:41:22 am #245: |
Pretty sure CJayC already has a wife is in the process of making
GameFAQs babies. Maybe your child can battle to the death in a river of
blood with his?
... Copied to Clipboard!
raytan7585 04.09.2007 6:59:44 am #246: |
--- raytan. The Cream of Terra Branford Fanboyism. "She's (Rikku) as deep as a mountain for God's sake" - Inviso. ... Copied to Clipboard!
XIII_rocks 04.09.2007 7:33:13 am #247: |
Looking at it...
Could the 5th woman/last resort not be Alanna? Strikes me as a last resort >_> <_< *runs* --- Sign plz Winner of the February 18th 2007 KHAFEICV! ... Copied to Clipboard!
Steiner Shocker 04.09.2007 7:47:23 am #248: |
too old for Lusty
--- [King of Board 8][no u cru] Steinershocker - Coming 2nd place since 1989 ... Copied to Clipboard!
XIII_rocks 04.09.2007 7:53:14 am #249: |
He's getting married to people in an attempt to create the ultimate GameFAQs user and you think AGE is his main concern?
--- Sign plz Winner of the February 18th 2007 KHAFEICV! ... Copied to Clipboard!
Steiner Shocker 04.09.2007 7:54:27 am #250: |
--- [King of Board 8][no u cru] Steinershocker - Coming 2nd place since 1989 ... Copied to Clipboard!
wavedash101 04.09.2007 7:57:40 am #251: |
Something as trival as age will not stop THE CHUGGERNAUT!
--- Our shields cannot withstand wavedashing of this magnitude! Annoying posters! I am the great wavedash! [no u cru] ... Copied to Clipboard!
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