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LurkerFAQs, Active Database ( 12.01.2023-present ), DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4, DB5, DB6, DB7, DB8, DB9, DB10, DB11, DB12, Clear


Topics: 562
Last Topic: 7:09:44pm, 08/07/2024
House of the Dragon S2 (Spoilers)

Posts: 919
Last Post: 6:23:48am, 02/07/2025
Bad subtitles annoy me. In Uncharted 4, the subtitles say "why don't you use the rope to repel down"

When obviously it should be "rappel".

Not to be confused with XIII_Minerals.

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Manual Posts: 3
Last Post: 7:36:32am, 12/17/2007
What the hell is going on here...?
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Explicit Content beat me.