Board 8 > ~*Naomi's [Board 8 Big Brother] sign-up topic*~

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09/02/11 3:32:00 PM

First Name (what you'll go by during the game): Ryley
Age: 22
Location: Calgary, AB, Canada
Have you ever seen the show "Big Brother" before? Yes...
If so, who were your favorite house guests? Rachel, Janelle, Daniele, Kaysar. I mostly like feisty people, or really relaxed strategists.
What's your AIM screen name? DSRageOR
What's an email address I can reach you at? [email protected]
What timezone* do you live in? Mountain
*Your availability is the biggest factor in being able to play.
What times are you available on Thursday/Sunday nights? Anytime after 4pm in my timezone, the earlier the better, but I don't care if I get less sleep on these nights. I am here to play!
Does either 11PM, 11:30PM, or 12AM EST work for you (and if so, which)? 11pm, because I have to wake up at 7AM EST (5AM my tz)
What's your favorite color? Red
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09/02/11 9:06:00 PM


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09/02/11 9:19:00 PM

14 is a good number.

ziggie ziggie wop wop
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09/02/11 10:28:00 PM

I prefer 12

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09/03/11 9:54:00 AM

14 means we can have a double eviction week.

"First time I got punched in the face, I was like "oh no", then I was like "this is a story"."
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09/03/11 10:47:00 AM

That's true. 14 is good I'd say.

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09/03/11 4:33:00 PM

So, to all that have signed up:

This is what I'm thinking for HoH/PoV times.

HoH - Thursday at midnight EST. Comps won't last too long for the most part so I won't be keeping you guys for too long.

PoV - Sundays at 11 PM EST.

Does this work?

ziggie ziggie wop wop
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09/03/11 4:35:00 PM

works for me

any idea when this is gonna start?

if the endgame leaks into january and i'm still in it might be a problem

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09/03/11 4:36:00 PM

also under what criteria is the jury going to be voting on to decide who wins?

the jury can't really know who's playing the best game behind the scenes without possibly tainting the game should the active players hear something

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09/03/11 4:37:00 PM

It'll be starting next week. I'll be PM'ing you guys privately at some point to give you all further instructions.

It also won't be going into January. Latest is early December.

ziggie ziggie wop wop
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09/03/11 4:39:00 PM

Jury obviously won't be talking to the remaining players in the game during the game.

They'll be allowed to grill the finalists at the end. They'll also know who won the comps, like they do in the Jury House. Jurors can talk to one another.

ziggie ziggie wop wop
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09/03/11 4:41:00 PM

Im good with everything

What's your compete level at?
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09/03/11 4:46:00 PM

From: Naomi_Diamond | #061
Jury obviously won't be talking to the remaining players in the game during the game.

They'll be allowed to grill the finalists at the end. They'll also know who won the comps, like they do in the Jury House. Jurors can talk to one another.

bb jurors don't get to see diary room and other secret stuff do they? like say they showed daniele and rachel making a secret alliance, would the jury be privy to that?

that's mostly what i was talking about. otherwise this works.

might be difficult to stop jurors from contacting active people though. remember rachel leaving brendon the note in pretzels? we could potentially have a scenario like that. i won't do it, but somebody might.

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09/03/11 4:54:00 PM

Those times work for me.

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09/03/11 5:07:00 PM

Those times work for me!

I am quite excited to get this started! You should announce the chat room on AIM where we gather at competition and ceremony time!
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09/03/11 5:24:00 PM

Fine with me

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09/03/11 5:43:00 PM

Tim, the jurors don't get to see diary room sessions, or anything private between me and another house guest.

And yeah, there's not much I can do to stop someone still in the game from talking to a juror. All I can do is say "please try not to" and hope people understand!

ziggie ziggie wop wop
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09/03/11 6:27:00 PM

Naomi_Diamond posted...
Tim, the jurors don't get to see diary room sessions, or anything private between me and another house guest.

They actually used to and they changed it because it wildly changed the result of a season because how dare someone be entertaining in the DR. (what up bb3?)

If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person? [HERO'S PLUNGE]
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09/03/11 6:28:00 PM


Danielle would have won without those DR sessions being revealed, but oh well.

ziggie ziggie wop wop
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09/03/11 6:36:00 PM

Naomi_Diamond posted...
Jury obviously won't be talking to the remaining players in the game during the game.

They'll be allowed to grill the finalists at the end. They'll also know who won the comps, like they do in the Jury House. Jurors can talk to one another.

lol, no this happend in potd survivor.

All the voted out guys talked to the active players trying to sway votes

GT: krpiper
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09/03/11 6:40:00 PM

Yeah well PotD is a trailer park to B8's gated community.

We're better than that tbqh.

If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person? [HERO'S PLUNGE]
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09/03/11 7:40:00 PM

I hope we can all agree to play a gentleman's game. With lots of backstabbing and treachery of course.

It's not like we're really competing for half a mil! Keep it clean folks!

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09/03/11 8:41:00 PM

As well, if you're eliminated from the game, you won't be able to use the DR. Only house guests still in the game may use it. The Diary Room will be flexible in its demands. It's completely optional - if you don't want to use it, you won't have to. If you want to use it, you can use it at any time, as many times as you want, to your hearts content. I'll be using a separate email account from my main, so it's not like you'll be spamming my inbox. I would recommend that you only use one email account if you're gonna ever send me an entry, simply because it'll be easier for me to keep track of who is who with each email (I would also make sure you put either your username or in-game first name in each entry, just to make sure I get the PP allocation correct).

If you're wondering what you might write about, it can really be anything game-related. Your feelings toward certain players, or certain conversations you had. Possible scenarios, future scenarios, thoughts on events or competitions, or who you trust/don't trust/who you're aligned with/want gone. You could write about what you're hoping to see happen, or what you're expecting to happen, or how much you hate everyone, and can't wait to pick them all off and then get all their votes in the end while you're laughing all the way to the bank.

I may not use this idea, but it's just something I came up with that I thought would be interesting and semi-similar to the actual Diary Room from the show. I WON'T be influencing you one way or the other when/if we talk. I'm not here to manipulate stuff. I'm just a productive observer.

With all the said, thoughts on the idea? Yay/nay?

ziggie ziggie wop wop
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09/03/11 8:45:00 PM

So, more relevant news:

We all know (except for maybe Joseph (Bling)) how the show works, and that there are a few factors that cannot translate from the show to this game. One major factor would be the food restrictions/Have-Not competitions. Another would be the general premise of secluding the house guests in an isolated location for three months without access to basically anything electronic, let alone the general public. That sorta stuff simply can't be implemented.

However, as I stated days before I put up this sign-up topic (over in the [Live Feed] topic), I've been thinking about finding a way to include the Diary Room into the game. For those unaware, the Diary Room is an isolated room in the house where house guests may sit down by themselves and talk to/with production (who are hidden behind a wall) about whatever they want in regards to the game. It's a verbal diary where you get to splurge all of your thoughts to the people who are making the show behind the scenes. Best of all is that none of the other house guests will ever know what you're saying - only until after the game is over and the jury votes have been cast will the contents of the diary room be revealed. Essentially, it will have no impact on your game or anyone else's game. The Jury does not get to see the diary room before they cast their vote for a winner, and anyone voted out before jury does not get to see the contents of the diary room until the game is over. The DR merely exists as entertainment to the public.

However, we don't really have a public, nor do we have any episodes.

I mentioned how, in a way, I, as the host, basically exist as the production crew, and Julie Chen (the actual host of the show), all in one. In that same vein, I'd then also be the Diary Room. And in the other topic, I mentioned how I wouldn't mind if you guys talked to me in private, either via email or AIM or through the PM system on GameFAQs, in the same way that you might talk to the Diary Room if you were on the show. I've been open to the idea of... not exactly having "confessionals" (like the show does), but more just your random thoughts on everything that's going on in your head in regards to the game and the position you're in at the very moment.

But I realize that... if it has little to no effect on your game, why would some of you really care to use it? What's the incentive, considering even I, production, can't reveal any of it until the end of the game? Well, that's a good point. Which is why, if I do implement the Diary Room, I've decided to include a system to go alongside it.

Basically, the Diary Room would work like this: via email (and only email), you would email me your thoughts. Your email to my email is the Diary Room. I decided that AIM conversations wouldn't quite work the same (though there's no reason not to message me if you ever want to talk anyway). Every time you email me a portion of your thoughts, depending on the length of your email, I would reward you with "Publicity Points". At first I thought to assign 1 point per email, but then I realized that there's nothing stopping you from spamming me with little entries to rack up points. So instead, Publicity Points are rewarded based on length. Content value varies, because I realize that not all of us are probably great writers, or care to write deep novels, let alone anything at all. At the end of the season, if you rack up the most points, I'll reward you with an "America's Favorite House Guest" prize - sorta like how the show does it with $25k. I'll make it a decent prize, too. I may hand out smaller prizes for those who don't come in first, but still provide content. If you are in the final two, however, you won't be eligible for the prize, as you'll be vying for the bigger "W".
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09/03/11 10:34:00 PM

i like the idea

there might be a way to implement reward/have-not challenges as well

there could maybe be a solitary confinement challenge where the losing HG can't talk to any other HGs for the week or something. this would rely on the honor code i think, but we're relying on that for other stuff too so that doesn't really matter. it can be policed by the other players pretty easily by reporting to you if the confined HG tries to talk to them...of course there's nothing really stopping him from talking to his alliance mates i guess. ideally this would be kind of a fun challenge i think. imagine being on the block and not being able to talk to anyone.

another one could just be a challenge that prevents people from playing in veto or HoH comps or something similar

pandora's box could be implemented in a similar manner as well

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09/03/11 10:51:00 PM

With solitary confinement/Pandora's Box - maybe. I'd have to think up interesting stuff to use though. A lot of PB is just meant for the producers to give certain players the advantage (Natalie not being able to play in veto at F4, Matt's DPOV, the duo twist).

In all honesty, I'm not a fan of relying on the honor code. >-> I think it's a great thing ethically to implement, because if it's supposed to be abide by, and you don't abide by it, you're only cheapening your possible gain, but at the same time I find that it's too easy to break, and I know it got broken in my Survivor game. It's not as reliable as I wish, though I can only hope people follow through on it. I pretty much do what I can when it comes to designing challenges/twists/etc. to make sure that the challenges/twists don't have to rely on it, because it's very easy to break if you don't care about it.

ziggie ziggie wop wop
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09/03/11 10:53:00 PM

the thing is that a large portion of the game relies on the honor code

if somebody is trustworthy enough that they won't contact jurors while still in the game and vice versa, they're definitely trustworthy enough to abide by the rules of solitary confinement

on the flip side, if somebody can't be trusted not to break the SC, they can't really be trusted at all

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09/04/11 10:15:00 AM


ziggie ziggie wop wop
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09/04/11 11:28:00 AM

that looks pretty cool

inb4 I only end up using it once or twice

3DS: 3609-1203-5974
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09/04/11 12:04:00 PM

So far I've managed to speak to about half of you guys about this and it seems to be getting the OK from everyone. Still wondering what the rest think.

ziggie ziggie wop wop
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09/04/11 1:30:00 PM

I like the diary room idea. sounds like fun

ya right you are case the sunglasses have 3d so i can see right threw their clothes -ertyu
(about wearing sunglasses to stare at boobs without girls noticing)
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09/04/11 1:34:00 PM

most likely too late, but sign, and sign in case someone quits
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09/04/11 6:40:00 PM

I'm fine with the idea. Don't know how much I'd use it, but it's still a good idea.

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09/04/11 11:33:00 PM

All sounds fine

Also, if anyone wants to add me to aim, my username is Godot17Cups.
I gave the wrong account name in my application post.

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09/05/11 9:08:00 AM

Who is Frausky then? >->

ziggie ziggie wop wop
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09/05/11 9:12:00 AM

Everything sounds good. I like the idea of a diary room.

Black Turtle keeps that Guru Jeep ridin'.
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09/05/11 10:37:00 AM

Frausky on AIM isnt me :P

That's the username I generally try to use, but it was already taken when I made my AIM. I'm just used to saying that's my username for everything, i tend to forget that's not the case for AIM xD

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09/05/11 2:42:00 PM


After gathering the opinions of just about everyone, I've decided that the Diary Room idea will be implemented. Starting on Day 1, the DR will be accessible throughout the game. I'll provide the DR email address on opening day, which you can use to submit your entries to as often as you like.

I really hope you guys use it. It'll make the overall experience way more fun in the long run.

Also, just to let you guys know, the game will officially be starting on Wednesday afternoon. That's when the main topic will go up. Mind you, the first HoH competition won't be until Thursday night (at midnight EST), but Day 1 will begin on Wednesday.

If you can't make the very first HoH competition (heaven forbid), please let me know ASAP. I hope everyone can make it. It'll be a pretty big deal!

ziggie ziggie wop wop
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09/05/11 3:01:00 PM

Well, then ;_;

I guess I will miss the very first challenge. I am going to my Mom's until Friday during the day (I usually do this 3 times a year) and she doesn't have internet. :/

Also, let Rammtay join :x
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09/05/11 3:03:00 PM

15 people is too many for my liking.

ziggie ziggie wop wop
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09/05/11 3:07:00 PM

Also that sucks that you can't make it DSR.

ziggie ziggie wop wop
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09/05/11 3:41:00 PM

oh man, this wednesday? I can be there but I'm going to be gone fri/sat and half of sunday so hopefully I don't miss too much.

Menji~ and you could write a Bad Romance
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09/05/11 5:29:00 PM

Hopefully everybody is checking this.

ziggie ziggie wop wop
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09/05/11 5:30:00 PM

checking in

3DS: 3609-1203-5974
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09/05/11 6:07:00 PM

From: Naomi_Diamond | #093
Hopefully everybody is checking this.

We'll see on Wednesday/Thursday if I checked it or not.

-- - Number of people that D'awwed: 61
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09/05/11 6:32:00 PM

can't wait until this thing starts so I can see how everything pans out

When was the last time you heard your boy Nas rhyme?
Never on schedule but always on time
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09/05/11 6:39:00 PM

If you guys are willing to wait I should be around for the HoH comp no later than 12:15 or so. Might be there at midnight.

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09/05/11 7:43:00 PM

checking in and stuff etc

What's your compete level at?
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09/05/11 7:46:00 PM

sounds good

ya right you are case the sunglasses have 3d so i can see right threw their clothes -ertyu
(about wearing sunglasses to stare at boobs without girls noticing)
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09/05/11 7:57:00 PM

Welp, my week just became unpredictable, so I really can't know ahead of time if I'll be here or not for those days. I can't really imagine doing much on a Thursday night, but you never know.

"First time I got punched in the face, I was like "oh no", then I was like "this is a story"."
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