Board 8 > Hey, straight people.

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09/10/11 12:12:00 PM

smartmuffin with the classic "stop pushing your gayness on me, keep it private like the GOOD ONES!"

I'm "kind of a big deal".
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the icon ownz all
09/10/11 12:12:00 PM

From: redrocket | #095
TimJab, it's great that you and Icon apparently live in Utopia, just understand that your local area is a very rare example and that the difference between where you live and the norm is quite drastic.

it was obvious i was only talking about myself, and if that wasn't obvious enough I stated this:

From: the icon ownz all | #087
There are others who have said their lives would be different if they were gay, and I believe them, even if the same doesn't hold true for me. They know their environment better than I do.

so i have no idea how you could infer otherwise

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09/10/11 12:13:00 PM

From: SmartMuffin | #100
Why do people always assume it's about me?

Because you literally never shut up about it.

There are at least ten people on this board who I never knew were gay for years. I knew you were gay like the second I became aware of who you are. Maybe that's just an online thing and you aren't like that in real life, who knows, but on this board, you MAKE being gay part of your identity.

so every time I make a topic that's related to homosexuality, the only thing I'm ever saying is "wah being gay is so hard feel bad for me"

despite the fact that I've pretty much never tried to garner sympathy from this board with my sexuality before?

lol you're SmartMuffin why am I even responding to you

don't you have some abortions to go protest?

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09/10/11 12:13:00 PM

live in new york.
not really, no. minor changes sure, but when most of your teenage life involved the internet, it really doesn't matter a whole hell of a lot.

The future must protect the clone's past.
"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.
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09/10/11 12:14:00 PM

People just need to be themselves, yo.

-- Mo' buildings mo' problems
ocean kinda grew on me like a flesh eating ...fungus. -BIGPUN9999
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09/10/11 12:14:00 PM

icon, like I said. Maybe you're right. Maybe you live in a place where your sexuality is as insignificant as the color of your eyes.

All I'm saying is, I doubt it. I disagree. I don't think that, in 2011, such a place exists.

Again, maybe I'm wrong, but I find it far more likely that you just aren't considering enough of the factors that come into play here.

We can agree to disagree.

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09/10/11 12:14:00 PM

From: Mer_Mer_Yes_Mer | #083

I guess you're right: unless you're gay, you have no idea how to even imagine living as a gay person.

This topic was entirely pointless and only served to further cement my belief that the majority of straight people will never "get it."

Was there ever any point to this beyond feeling the need to score your points about how dumb straight people are? Because your hurry to take any dissenting opinion and reply to it with "just shows me how straight people can never think/can't ever understand things lol" kind of indicates there wasn't.

Here's the thing - you're being equally dismissive of the experiences of other people as you claim they are being of you. Not just in your refusal to accept that some people haven't encountered all that much homophobia (which is funny when you start insisting they did, as if you're more informed of their lives than they are), but also in your refusal to accept that people can put themselves in your shoes and actually come to a conclusion other than the one you want them to. I'm not going to say I know *exactly* what my life would be if I were gay, but if you think not being gay means I can't know at all what it's like to have people hate me and go out of their way to harass me for years, you're a little oblivious

We clasped our hands, our hands in praise of a conquerors right to tyranny
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09/10/11 12:15:00 PM

From: Mer_Mer_Yes_Mer | #094
why do people always assume my life, personally, was so hard

my parents ****ing love me

I have a million friends who love me

I was popular as **** in high school

I'm not insecure about my identity as a gay man, at all. I don't think I'm a person who needs sympathy. I grew up a lot easier than a lot of other gay guys.

I'm simply frustrated by the way society at large thinks. Why do people always assume it's about me?

i'm not assuming, i could have sworn that one of you said your parents kicked you out of the house or something

sue me for being incorrect

my question is, if you're so happy and well-adjusted, then why would your life be different if you were straight? if you endured no hardships in either scenario, what's the difference? maybe if you're straight you're not obsessed with gaga? does that really change your life?

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09/10/11 12:17:00 PM

even if you live in some utopia like you say, there is still the fact that being gay means you have like 5 people to choose from as far as relationships go and none of them are attractive and they are all crazy.

I'm "kind of a big deal".
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09/10/11 12:18:00 PM

From: TimJab | #105
i'm not assuming, i could have sworn that one of you said your parents kicked you out of the house or something

sue me for being incorrect

my question is, if you're so happy and well-adjusted, then why would your life being different if you were straight? if you endured no hardships in either scenario, what's the difference? maybe if you're straight you're not obsessed with gaga? does that really change your life?

okay seriously where did these lies come from

I swear to god like 10 different people have talked to me about my parents apparently kicking me out of my house

that never happened >_>

and are you implying that all happy, well-adjusted people are the exact same and have the exact same lives?

My life would definitely be different had I been born straight.

I probably would've struggled with my religious beliefs a lot less.

I'd probably have had several girlfriends by now.

I wouldn't have lost all my male friends in middle school.

I wouldn't have been made fun of on a daily basis from 7th-10th grade for my sexuality.

I probably wouldn't be nearly as confident or sure of myself as I am.

That's only scratching the surface.

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09/10/11 12:18:00 PM

the icon ownz all posted...
From: redrocket | #095
TimJab, it's great that you and Icon apparently live in Utopia, just understand that your local area is a very rare example and that the difference between where you live and the norm is quite drastic.
it was obvious i was only talking about myself, and if that wasn't obvious enough I stated this:

From: the icon ownz all | #087
There are others who have said their lives would be different if they were gay, and I believe them, even if the same doesn't hold true for me. They know their environment better than I do.
so i have no idea how you could infer otherwise

I wasn't talking to you, I was just using you as an example of another person who is apparently in TimJab's situation. I was talking to him in response to his "for every bigot there are 1000 people who aren't" line. That's so naive it's kind of stunning.

From his looks Magus is Macho Man Randy Savage as an anime zombie. The black wind howls, and one of you will snap into a Slim Jim ooh yeeeah! -sonicblastpunch
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09/10/11 12:18:00 PM

From: SlymDayspring | #110
even if you live in some utopia like you say, there is still the fact that being gay means you have like 5 people to choose from as far as relationships go and none of them are attractive and they are all crazy.


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09/10/11 12:18:00 PM

If I was different, I would be different.

(110 posts)

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09/10/11 12:18:00 PM

From: Mer_Mer_Yes_Mer | #107
icon, like I said. Maybe you're right. Maybe you live in a place where your sexuality is as insignificant as the color of your eyes.

All I'm saying is, I doubt it. I disagree. I don't think that, in 2011, such a place exists.

Again, maybe I'm wrong, but I find it far more likely that you just aren't considering enough of the factors that come into play here.

We can agree to disagree.

if you can give me one example where you were denied a job, an acceptance to college, a friendship (which almost assuredly wouldn't be worth it if they're homophobic) or anything else that plays a part in shaping your life because you're gay, then i will buy this. something that truly matters.

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09/10/11 12:19:00 PM

From: SlymDayspring | #110
even if you live in some utopia like you say, there is still the fact that being gay means you have like 5 people to choose from as far as relationships go and none of them are attractive and they are all crazy.

You heard it here folks, all gay people are ugly and insane


We clasped our hands, our hands in praise of a conquerors right to tyranny
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09/10/11 12:19:00 PM

From: Panthera | #108
Was there ever any point to this beyond feeling the need to score your points about how dumb straight people are?

yes, actually.

I made this topic because I get irritated when I see insecure gay guys who are obsessed with making it known that they aren't "defined" by their sexuality and go out of their way to make it seem like the fact that they're gay is completely insignificant and affects absolutely nothing about themselves.

When, in fact, being born gay affects you in huge ways, even if they aren't all entirely obvious.

I figured a group of straight guys would be able to say "yeah, if I had been born gay, it's safe to say my life would be different" but apparently that's not the case.

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the icon ownz all
09/10/11 12:20:00 PM

From: Mer_Mer_Yes_Mer | #107
We can agree to disagree.

That's not what this is. You're saying that straight people don't "get" what it's like to be gay (which is true) and then claiming that I am wrong about my local social climate, one you've never experienced.

Nearly 40%, the majority of Vancouverites, identify as a Humanist, Atheist, Agnostic, or otherwise. Gay marriage has been legal here for nearly a decade. Move to Vancouver.

I'm pretty serious about chocobos.
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09/10/11 12:22:00 PM

From: the icon ownz all | #117
That's not what this is. You're saying that straight people don't "get" what it's like to be gay (which is true) and then claiming that I am wrong about my local social climate, one you've never experienced.

Nearly 40%, the majority of Vancouverites, identify as a Humanist, Atheist, Agnostic, or otherwise. Gay marriage has been legal here for nearly a decade. Move to Vancouver.

I'm not trying to say you're wrong about the area you live in, I'm just saying taking a look at a place and saying "this area is generally not homophobic" doesn't necessarily give your grounds to say "had I been born gay, my life would be exactly the same."

I mean, I don't live in a racist area.

Black people have had equal rights in America for a good what, 50 years now?

That doesn't mean I'd ever try to claim that, had I been born black, my life wouldn't be different at all. I could never logically conclude that, because I have no idea what being black is like.

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09/10/11 12:23:00 PM

...and timjab also lives in nyc, so not having any major changes makes sense there too. if you live in an urban area where people don't give two ****s about whether you like roast beef or hot dogs then most 'social problems' go away with it. anyone who's been on a computer for way, way too long in their life also gets to the same split - you ain't introverted because you're gay or straight, you're just introverted. there's plenty of minor changes that can happen in life, and sexuality can lead to a bunch of those. doesn't mean it'll ever reach any major change that'd make you a 'different person,' doesn't mean it'll affect your major experiences, or any of that.

The future must protect the clone's past.
"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.
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09/10/11 12:23:00 PM

From: redrocket | #111
I wasn't talking to you, I was just using you as an example of another person who is apparently in TimJab's situation. I was talking to him in response to his "for every bigot there are 1000 people who aren't" line. That's so naive it's kind of stunning.

you have a hilariously pessimistic view of the world

what does it matter to mer and cyclo is gays are stoned to death in the middle east or wherever the **** it happens. obviously it's horrible but it doesn't tangibly affect their lives in any way.

for those of us living in the civilized world (ie all of us) we are surrounded by people that are generally good. there are a few bad apples of course, but overall it's only a very small % of people that truly pose a real threat to mer and cyclo's safety.

From: Mer_Mer_Yes_Mer | #109
okay seriously where did these lies come from

I swear to god like 10 different people have talked to me about my parents apparently kicking me out of my house

that never happened >_>

i actually thought it was cyclo, not you

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09/10/11 12:24:00 PM

If I had been born black, for one thing, my dad probably would have been pretty upset about at my mother.

I'm "kind of a big deal".
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09/10/11 12:24:00 PM

This is common sense isn't it? Depending on how you act, people are going to treat you differently. If you're of a percent of the gay community that acts very effeminate, odds are in the vicious highschool/grammar school world you're going to be treated as an outcast (I saw it happen all too often).

it's going to affect where you frequent and when... obviously social events where you're trying to "get some" aren't the same for straight and gay people... so you may have a different class of friends, different interests, different avenues that shape your perspectives, your ideals, your goals and job opportunities.

If I were gay, my life would be a helluva different than it is now. If you were straight, Mer, your life would be a helluva lot different now.

So I ask you, since this is obviously a post of us agreeing, why make such a simple topic? I havent read the majority of it and I'm sure there's trolling to be found in here, but this is really a common sense question. It's like asking "If you were a girl would your life be totally different." Sexual preference is huge and changes a lot about a person unless they up and just poof change their mind at 24 or something.

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09/10/11 12:25:00 PM

Swift with the logic

my god

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09/10/11 12:26:00 PM

From: Mer_Mer_Yes_Mer | #116
I figured a group of straight guys would be able to say "yeah, if I had been born gay, it's safe to say my life would be different" but apparently that's not the case.

When most of the responses have been saying that it would be different, but they don't know by how much or they don't think it would change their overall personality, just specific events, does that really qualify as enough to start doing your "guess I was wrong to think straight people knew how to empathize" routine?

We clasped our hands, our hands in praise of a conquerors right to tyranny
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09/10/11 12:26:00 PM

being black is something that everyone can see. being gay isn't. bad comparison. closer to religion on that angle - unless you show something off about it, there's no way to tell.

The future must protect the clone's past.
"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.
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09/10/11 12:26:00 PM

From: Mer_Mer_Yes_Mer | #116
yes, actually.

I made this topic because I get irritated when I see insecure gay guys who are obsessed with making it known that they aren't "defined" by their sexuality and go out of their way to make it seem like the fact that they're gay is completely insignificant and affects absolutely nothing about themselves.

When, in fact, being born gay affects you in huge ways, even if they aren't all entirely obvious.

I figured a group of straight guys would be able to say "yeah, if I had been born gay, it's safe to say my life would be different" but apparently that's not the case.

i'm not saying i wouldn't be different, i'm saying i wouldn't be different in any truly significant areas

minor changes to my interests (maybe i prefer to watch a musical instead of football) doesn't change who i am

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09/10/11 12:26:00 PM

From: Panthera | #124
When most of the responses have been saying that it would be different, but they don't know by how much or they don't think it would change their overall personality, just specific events, does that really qualify as enough to start doing your "guess I was wrong to think straight people knew how to empathize" routine?

Yeah, perhaps you're right - I wasn't trying to lump the entirety of straight people under an umbrella like that. I'm sorry.

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09/10/11 12:27:00 PM

Seems pretty obvious why he made this topic.

Every B8er thinks they're the f***ing Buddah and the enlightened answer to this question would be that their lives would stay the same, because they are who they are and nothing more.

If you told this to any minority, especially anyone who's ever been actively discriminated against, they'd kick you in the shins.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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09/10/11 12:27:00 PM

If I were gay, I'd have a better chance of getting into good business schools because I would be an "underrepresented group"

*expects this to get modded despite being a 100% factual statement*

SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized
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09/10/11 12:28:00 PM

TimJab posted...
From: redrocket | #111
I wasn't talking to you, I was just using you as an example of another person who is apparently in TimJab's situation. I was talking to him in response to his "for every bigot there are 1000 people who aren't" line. That's so naive it's kind of stunning.
you have a hilariously pessimistic view of the world

what does it matter to mer and cyclo is gays are stoned to death in the middle east or wherever the **** it happens. obviously it's horrible but it doesn't tangibly affect their lives in any way.

for those of us living in the civilized world (ie all of us) we are surrounded by people that are generally good. there are a few bad apples of course, but overall it's only a very small % of people that truly pose a real threat to mer and cyclo's safety.

From: Mer_Mer_Yes_Mer | #109
okay seriously where did these lies come from

I swear to god like 10 different people have talked to me about my parents apparently kicking me out of my house

that never happened >_>
i actually thought it was cyclo, not you

I remember the house kicking out thing... it's an example of how hearsay and the "grape vine" can truly destroy an authentic message.

As for Tim's post, this is a really good post. It doesn't truly affect their lives. The United States really does treat gays well.. only a few other western euro countries are really so open minded. Not to say everything is peachy keen, but gays can live a pretty normal life. My closest uncle is gay, has been since he can remember having sexual interests as a boy, and is a millionaire living in california. Is he a bit odd? sure, but he still lives a very successful life, isn't threatened, etc.

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09/10/11 12:28:00 PM

From: Wanglicious | #125
being black is something that everyone can see. being gay isn't. bad comparison. closer to religion on that angle - unless you show something off about it, there's no way to tell.

I ****ing hate when people use this argument.

"Oh, you can hide being gay, so it's different."

The only people who will hide their sexuality for their entire lives are going to be miserable, no one's going to have a satisfactory life when they're living a lie like that. This is common sense.

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09/10/11 12:28:00 PM

'being black isn't a big deal as long as you act white nobody cares- just don't act black!'

this is basically what is being said

I'm "kind of a big deal".
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09/10/11 12:29:00 PM

f you're of a percent of the gay community that acts very effeminate,

correction: if you act very effeminate.
if you're straight (or bi, everyone forgets the bis) and act that way, you're gonna get railed too. there are straight guys who crossdress, put make up on, and behave less like the standard male and more like the standard female. that's a matter of behavior however, and sexuality does not have to affect said behavior.

The future must protect the clone's past.
"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.
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09/10/11 12:29:00 PM

There is no such thing as being born a sexuality. God created men for women, and women for men

If you believe in Bowser as your personal Lord and Savior, put this as your signature.
King Kaliente for SSB4! People who agree:2
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09/10/11 12:29:00 PM

From: Swiftlicious | #130
I remember the house kicking out thing... it's an example of how hearsay and the "grape vine" can truly destroy an authentic message.

As for Tim's post, this is a really good post. It doesn't truly affect their lives. The United States really does treat gays well.. only a few other western euro countries are really so open minded. Not to say everything is peachy keen, but gays can live a pretty normal life. My closest uncle is gay, has been since he can remember having sexual interests as a boy, and is a millionaire living in california. Is he a bit odd? sure, but he still lives a very successful life, isn't threatened, etc.

I get what you're trying to say but as a gay person hearing you say that the US treats us "well" is pretty ridiculous when we don't even have equal rights.

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09/10/11 12:29:00 PM

Mer_Mer_Yes_Mer posted...
Swift with the logic

my god

dude I'm always logical and stuff. I troll you, and others around here, because it's fun lol don't look so shocked. The only things you and I don't have in common are I'm straight, you're gay, you're very effeminate and like music I detest (and I'm not effeminate and like music you detest) and ... really that's it. We're gamers, we like music, we're both men lol

trolling aside you'll be hard pressed to find many moments I am irrational or without good argument.

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09/10/11 12:29:00 PM

From: Swiftlicious | #122
If I were gay, my life would be a helluva different than it is now.

so wait

if you were gay, you wouldn't drive 8 hours to spend a week with extha alone in his basement?

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09/10/11 12:30:00 PM

you're gonna get railed too

poor choice of words

I'm "kind of a big deal".
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Liquid Wind
09/10/11 12:30:00 PM

I ****ing hate when people use this argument.

"Oh, you can hide being gay, so it's different."

The only people who will hide their sexuality for their entire lives are going to be miserable, no one's going to have a satisfactory life when they're living a lie like that. This is common sense.

no ones saying you have to hide it, just don't wear it on your sleeve

remember when I talked about how straight guys literally can't go out in public without being like CHECK OUT THAT GIRLS ASS constantly?

just don't act like a gay version of that and there's no reason to assume things about you -_-
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09/10/11 12:30:00 PM

Wanglicious posted...
f you're of a percent of the gay community that acts very effeminate,

correction: if you act very effeminate.
if you're straight (or bi, everyone forgets the bis) and act that way, you're gonna get railed too. there are straight guys who crossdress, put make up on, and behave less like the standard male and more like the standard female. that's a matter of behavior however, and sexuality does not have to affect said behavior.

I find that form of behavior is very linked to gayness, and I guess bisexuality but I won't ever know since I don't try to delve into it/understand it since it isn't my thing. So carry on I guess?

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09/10/11 12:31:00 PM

From: Swiftlicious | #136
dude I'm always logical and stuff. I troll you, and others around here, because it's fun lol don't look so shocked. The only things you and I don't have in common are I'm straight, you're gay, you're very effeminate and like music I detest (and I'm not effeminate and like music you detest) and ... really that's it. We're gamers, we like music, we're both men lol

this is a pretty huge misconception b8 has about me but I'm not going to get into that right now

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09/10/11 12:31:00 PM

....nobody said hide the fact that you're gay. it's simply not, quite literally, on the surface of a person. doesn't mean you have to scream to the hills that you're gay. once again, on this angle it's like religion.

do you have to hide that you're jewish? athiest? christian? no. you don't.
that doesn't mean you have to wear a hat that denotes what religion you are. so not sure how you got to that conclusion at all.

The future must protect the clone's past.
"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.
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09/10/11 12:32:00 PM

Mer_Mer_Yes_Mer posted...
From: Swiftlicious | #130
I remember the house kicking out thing... it's an example of how hearsay and the "grape vine" can truly destroy an authentic message.

As for Tim's post, this is a really good post. It doesn't truly affect their lives. The United States really does treat gays well.. only a few other western euro countries are really so open minded. Not to say everything is peachy keen, but gays can live a pretty normal life. My closest uncle is gay, has been since he can remember having sexual interests as a boy, and is a millionaire living in california. Is he a bit odd? sure, but he still lives a very successful life, isn't threatened, etc.
I get what you're trying to say but as a gay person hearing you say that the US treats us "well" is pretty ridiculous when we don't even have equal rights.

Bro compare that to the rest of the world and then re read what I said, and what you said. You guys are LUCKY you're treated this good here. I am 100% for gay rights, always have been, always will be but things don't just change overnight. Ask minorities. You're treated good here compared to how the rest of the world, sans a few euro areas, would treat you... my sentence isn't that hard to understand bro...

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the icon ownz all
09/10/11 12:32:00 PM

From: Mer_Mer_Yes_Mer | #118
I'm just saying taking a look at a place and saying "this area is generally not homophobic" doesn't necessarily give your grounds to say "had I been born gay, my life would be exactly the same."

This is true, but this is not what I said at all. I didn't say my area is "generally not homophobic," I specifically mentioned that important individuals involved in my life during my formative years were either gay themselves or very accepting of gay loved ones. The issue here isn't that you can't empathize with my life, it's that you've already made up your mind on this subject and refuse to listen to any dissenting opinions, even when those dissenting opinions only relate to one individual life.

Love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.
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09/10/11 12:32:00 PM

From: Mer_Mer_Yes_Mer | #132
I ****ing hate when people use this argument.

"Oh, you can hide being gay, so it's different."

The only people who will hide their sexuality for their entire lives are going to be miserable, no one's going to have a satisfactory life when they're living a lie like that. This is common sense.

It's less a matter of permanently hiding that you're gay and more that not everyone you run into is going to know you're gay, whereas they will know your skin colour. A guy who hates both black people and gay people who also happens to work at a store might treat a black guy as crappy as his job will let him, while being decent to you because odds are he's not going to be able to tell you're gay. Definitely a difference between the two.

We clasped our hands, our hands in praise of a conquerors right to tyranny
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09/10/11 12:32:00 PM

From: Liquid Wind | #139
no ones saying you have to hide it, just don't wear it on your sleeve

remember when I talked about how straight guys literally can't go out in public without being like CHECK OUT THAT GIRLS ASS constantly?

just don't act like a gay version of that and there's no reason to assume things about you -_-

why should gay people have to hide something that straight people don't?

I love when people talk about how gay people "throw their sexuality in people's faces"

do you know how many images of heterosexuality I'm bombarded with on a daily basis

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09/10/11 12:32:00 PM

i go to a school where being gay makes you an outcast around the school and those kids get bullied a lot

so i'm pretty sure i'd have no friends or would be in a different school if i were gay i guess

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09/10/11 12:33:00 PM

Wanglicious posted...
....nobody said hide the fact that you're gay. it's simply not, quite literally, on the surface of a person. doesn't mean you have to scream to the hills that you're gay. once again, on this angle it's like religion.

do you have to hide that you're jewish? athiest? christian? no. you don't.
that doesn't mean you have to wear a hat that denotes what religion you are. so not sure how you got to that conclusion at all.

Not every gay person who is harassed about their sexuality is a walking stereotype.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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09/10/11 12:33:00 PM

TimJab posted...
From: Swiftlicious | #122
If I were gay, my life would be a helluva different than it is now.
so wait

if you were gay, you wouldn't drive 8 hours to spend a week with extha alone in his basement?

his bedroom is in his attic but yes, I wouldn't. I'd prolly go there multiple weeks lol.

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09/10/11 12:34:00 PM

From: Mer_Mer_Yes_Mer | #135
I get what you're trying to say but as a gay person hearing you say that the US treats us "well" is pretty ridiculous when we don't even have equal rights.

are you serious?

are gays allowed to vote? are they allowed to go to school? can they drink at the straight water fountain?

the only right you guys don't have is the right to get married, and that's quickly changing. if you want, you can move to vancouver or new york (icon's and my hometown, respectively) where you're already allowed to.

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