Board 8 > Best Harry Potter Character Round 2 Day 7 ft: Cho Chang v Ron Weasley

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01/12/12 7:29:00 PM

There may be spoilers for all seven books and 8 movies

Each match will last for exactly 24 hours. Any votes after that point will not count.
Discussion is encouraged but not required.
Make sure all of your votes are obvious. I should know who you are voting for, basically don't bury your vote in the middle of a paragraph.
No alt-voting.
Ties will be replayed the next day with the rest of the matches.
No vote-saves or rallying for specific characters. Telling people to vote is encouraged but don't tell them how to vote!
Don't complain about the seeds, they were the result of a save-my.
Because matches can overlap, results will be in this topic.

Round One Results:
(1)Hermione Jean Granger defeats (16)Charity Burbage 20-1
(8)Godric Gryffindor defeats (9)Lily Luna Potter 18-3
(5)Cho Chang defeats (12)Fang 11-10
(4)Ron Weasley defeats (13)Crookshanks 15-6

Today's Matches:
(1)Hermione Jean Granger
(8)Godric Gryffindor

(5)Cho Chang
(4)Ron Weasley

Warning_Crazy Winner of Board 8 Big Brother!
i may be running for senatorship (thanks nio) but i'm no SUPERNICEDOG
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01/12/12 7:33:00 PM


"First time I got punched in the face, I was like "oh no", then I was like "this is a story"."
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01/12/12 7:33:00 PM


Menji - Sign My Petition for "Search By Username"
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01/12/12 7:34:00 PM


I'm so pretty.
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Cloud and Squall
01/12/12 8:18:00 PM

(1)Hermione Jean Granger
Hermione is one of my favorite characters in the book. While Ron is Harry's best friend, Harry is Hermione's best friend. No matter what happens, she supports Harry. She's kind of like his older sister. When Ron thinks that Harry put his name into the Goblet, Hermione knows he didn't. She knows he wants to avoid the crowds -- and in a very nice touch brings him breakfast and takes a walk with him. When Ron abandons Harry during the hunt for Horcruxes, Hermione stays behind. Hermione doesn't hang out with the other Gryffindor girls very much -- Ron and Harry are the two she's always around. She's a brilliant witch. On the other hand we have Godric Gryffindor... who has a hat, and a sword... and that's about it. Easy choice.

(4)Ron Weasley
Ron is Harry's best friend. One thing I find interesting about him is that at the beginning of the book, he's worried he won't be able to stand out from his brothers -- no matter what he did, his brothers did it first. Except... you know... aid in the defeat of Lord Voldemort. So there's definitely that. Ron can be irritating at times -- to Harry, to Hermione, to the reader. But deep down he's got the Gryffindor spirit. From the moment that he makes that move in Wizard Chess -- you know that he and Harry are going to be best friends for life. Sure, they have rough patches. But they get over it quickly -- that is the true test of their friendship. Cho... is a minor character, who is a love interest for Harry early on. But she makes the fatal mistake of insulting Hermione while everyone is going against Umbridge. Her dates with Harry were pretty awkward. As a love interest, she wasn't a very strong character. Or a particularly deep one at that.

See You In Another Life, Brother.
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01/12/12 8:25:00 PM

(1)Hermione Jean Granger

(4)Ron Weasley

Well played, SuperNiceDog. Well played.
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01/12/12 8:27:00 PM

Ronnie the Bear

Okay, Chief, take 'em away. I'm gonna go home and sleep with my wife. ~ Mr. Green
Enjoy the silence.
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01/12/12 8:39:00 PM

(1)Hermione Jean Granger
(4)Ron Weasley

Not a huge fan of the Weasleys but seem to be voting for all of them so far this round.

~ Ringworm ~
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01/12/12 8:39:00 PM


SuperNiceDog is about 20% cooler then the other gurus.
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01/12/12 8:43:00 PM

Today's Matches:
(1)Hermione Jean Granger
(4)Ron Weasley

darkx congratulates SuperNiceDog. Now go find Nice Dad and email Hungry Shark.
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01/12/12 8:45:00 PM

(1)Hermione Jean Granger
(8)Godric Gryffindor

Tough choice. Really tough choice. Godric Gryffindor helped lay the foundations of Hogwarts, created the Sorting Hat, and bought an incredibly-crafted custom Goblin sword and managed to hold onto it postmortem for centuries. Hermione only helped save the wizarding community countless times, helped save the entire world at least thrice, is considered the brightest Hogwarts student for generations despite having no background in magic, all while managing to look out for her two best friends. Alright I was bluffing. This wasn't a tough choice at all.

(5)Cho Chang
(4)Ron Weasley

Pretty sad day when I have to vote for one of these two... Okay not really. I've been harsh on Ron in the past because despite being among the top four most featured characters he doesn't manage to do anything truly special and unique and because he's just so mediocre compared to the other two of the Trio, but that's not being fair to him. I mean, it's the brightest student Hogwarts has seen in generations and the friggin' Chosen One he has to compete with. No wait, that's perfectly fair. He's pretty bad. I'm pretty sure Neville surpasses him in personal prowess and Neville was s*** for four and a half years, so it's not just Hermy and Harry that are eclipsing him. He does at least have one major moment of utter triumph and redemption when he saves Harry's life with no one else's assistance, which is more than I can say for Cho. Some far smaller feats of his include driving his dad's flying mugglemobile into the Whomping Willow, playing Quidditch, and... uh.............. Well anyway, Cho ain't got nothin'. Her feats include crying, dating Cedric the Hufflepuff Hero, crying, being the first girl to kiss Harry Potter, crying, waffling between her former feelings for a guy she'd never see again and the Chosen One, more crying, accidentally betraying Dumbledore's Army, and acting sheepish around Harry ever since. Also crying! Uh... that's it.

Arcanine: The best pokemon ever.
Dewott: The cutest pokemon ever.
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Suprak the Stud
01/12/12 8:48:00 PM

(1)Hermione Jean Granger

(4)Ron Weasley

"I thought you were making up diseases? That's spontaneous dental hydroplosion."
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01/12/12 8:58:00 PM

Cho Chang
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01/12/12 10:34:00 PM

(8)Godric Gryffindor

(4)Ron Weasley
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01/12/12 10:40:00 PM


Not today
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01/12/12 11:50:00 PM

Godric Gryffindor
Ron Weasley
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01/12/12 11:57:00 PM

(8)Godric Gryffindor
(4)Ron Weasley

You want to be where you can see, Our troubles are all the same;
You want to be where everybody knows your name.
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01/13/12 12:52:00 AM


Velcro - what a rip off.
Congrats SuperNiceDog, Oracle Team Mate and Guru Champ!
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01/13/12 1:31:00 AM

(1) The Wretched Harmony!

(4)Ronnie the Effin' Bear!

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01/13/12 1:33:00 AM


~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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01/13/12 2:00:00 AM

(1)Hermione Jean Granger
(4)Ron Weasley

Congrats to SuperNiceDog! Guru Champ!
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01/13/12 3:28:00 AM

(1)Hermione Jean Granger

(4)Ron Weasley

This is quite a username I have here.
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01/13/12 3:35:00 AM

(1)Hermione Jean Granger
(4)Ron Weasley

When you've got a pretty-boy monkey on your back constantly calling you a puppet, you hardly want to seem like you're happy to be used. - DSakaCharanJ
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01/13/12 4:07:00 AM

(1)Hermione Jean Granger
(4)Ron Weasley

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01/13/12 4:15:00 AM

(1)Hermione Jean Granger

(4)Ron Weasley

Weasley is our king!

Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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01/13/12 6:09:00 AM

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My Immortal
01/13/12 6:27:00 AM

1 I really have to vote for one of these characters? abstain

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metroid composite
01/13/12 7:16:00 AM


(1)Hermione Jean Granger
(8)Godric Gryffindor

Awesome character with probably the second most screen time of anyone in the series, vs character with no lines.

(5)Cho Chang
(4)Ron Weasley

Ok, this is actually kind-of hard. No question Ron has a lot more screen time and a lot more lines, but i feel he's more muddled and less deep as a character. He's poor, and complains about this all the time, but he's also a spoiled brat who can't handle camping while low on food. He's pro equality, supports the rights of the muggle-borns, but don't get him started on giants or goblins whom he'll rant about while Harry and Hermione raise an eyebrow wondering why they're friends with such a biggot. He abandons Harry and Hermione, yet he's the "brave Gryffindor" chosen by the sword to slay a horcrux. His idea of being charming comes from a questionable book about how to get into women's pants, and yet apparently the highly intelligent Hermione still dates and marries this loser, and never once do we see her saying "seriously, Ron, chill: just be yourself." He's willing to sacrifice himself in a chess game for Harry in book 1, but literally won't talk to Harry in book 4 when Harry's name comes out of the goblet and he could really use a friend. He likes Hermione...except for that one time when he won't talk to her for months on end because he thinks her pet killed the most useless rat in existence. Not to mention how he dates other people whom he hasn't shown any interest in before her.

He feels like the garbage disposal of characters. JKR needs a character to do role X, and this role doesn't make sense for Harry or Hermione or Fred/George? GIVE IT TO RON! What could go wrong? What goes wrong is that I really don't have a clear sense of his character. I mean, what's consistent about his character? He...really doesn't want Ginny to date ever. He...overreacts to uhh...lots of stuff, I guess? And I struggle to think of other stuff where I wouldn't have to add a qualifier like "...sometimes".

Cho, on the other hand, is a mess, but she's a logical mess. I get her as a character. She was interested in both Harry and Cedric. Cedric asked her first, and she felt bad when Harry asked her too. Cedric and Harry face Voldemort together, and Cedric dies. Cho is understandably upset having just lost her boyfriend, but she makes the ill-advised choice to date the other boy she was interested in, even though this boy is all tied up with Cedric in her head. They both kind-of have each other on a pedistal, so neither one gets to know the other. Cho hasn't had the support network that Harry has about Cedric's death, so when they do start having conversations about life, she brings up Cedric. This ends badly. At the same time, she hasn't been chatting with and observing Harry and Hermione's relationship enough to realize it was entirely platonic, so when Harry talks about Hermione as casually as he'd mention Ron, Cho misinterprets it as competition. The relationship goes sour. Cho's friend, whom she only brought in the first instance because she was interested in Harry and wanted backup, ends up betraying them. The topic comes up, and since they were already sour in their relationship...they fight again. And then they avoid each other.

She's a well-defined character; I know exactly what she's feeling and what she stands for in each scene, and none of it is inconsistent with previous scenes.

Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
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01/13/12 7:27:00 AM

(1)Hermione Jean Granger

Dr Football > Dr Soccer
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01/13/12 7:51:00 AM

(8)Godric Gryffindor

(5)Cho Chang

"If he's so good, why isn't he playing in the SEC?" ~McAdamMc
"Yeah, that Walter Payton sucked, playing in the SWAC"
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01/13/12 7:58:00 AM

Hermione and Ron, nobody needs to do any writeups or any of that today, just end the matches now.

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01/13/12 5:10:00 PM

Wow lost time

Arcanine: The best pokemon ever.
Dewott: The cutest pokemon ever.
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