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03/11/12 7:19:00 PM

Retail gaming just died in the UK.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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03/11/12 7:24:00 PM

The Last Story? More like the best story. Mega impressed by this game so far. A very fun ride.

We are living our lives
Abound with so much information
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The Mana Sword
03/11/12 8:35:00 PM

Having trouble peeling myself away from Mass Effect even though I've been playing it for an obscenely long time this weekend. It's kind of bizarre, because I'm pretty sure ME2 is still better (not that ME3 is bad - far from it), but this game has its claws in me and will not let go.

I'm no longer a Nadal supporter. Andy Murray is my new favorite player/person. -Princess Anri
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03/11/12 8:36:00 PM

I'm enjoying Last Story. it's got big issues but I like it.

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03/11/12 8:45:00 PM

Been playing Journey, myself. Easy GOTY for me.

"When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it."
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The Mana Sword
03/11/12 8:46:00 PM

Every game you play is an easy GOTY!

I'm no longer a Nadal supporter. Andy Murray is my new favorite player/person. -Princess Anri
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03/11/12 8:46:00 PM

Only real issue I have with it is the framerate. I'm trying to overlook it but... it's shocking.

We are living our lives
Abound with so much information
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03/11/12 8:49:00 PM

Nope! Journey isn't 'GOTY so far' quality; I haven't liked a game this much since Civ IV!

"When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it."
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03/11/12 8:49:00 PM

I'm gonna have to play through The Last Story again when it gets released in NA

hopefully some B8ers will be playing Online, because I'm pretty curious about it. Apparently you can play as people other than Elza (... I somehow forget his English name...) which interests me.

all hail Syrenne and Lowell

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The Mana Sword
03/11/12 8:52:00 PM

ZFS posted...
Nope! Journey isn't 'GOTY so far' quality; I haven't liked a game this much since Civ IV!

I'll believe it when I see it on the list at the end of the year.

I'm no longer a Nadal supporter. Andy Murray is my new favorite player/person. -Princess Anri
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03/11/12 8:52:00 PM

i guess so

"When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it."
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03/11/12 8:53:00 PM

online last story lol

Journey's getting great buzz but it seems like it's an hour and a half of walking. I guess it's got the ICO feel to it.

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03/11/12 8:54:00 PM

It's hard to describe Journey without playing it, but it's a perfect gaming experience. It does channel Team ICO's style.

"When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it."
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03/11/12 8:59:00 PM

... actually yeah, I did not think Last Story Online through

... I mean if framerate is already the way it is... oh dear :(

man I wish they let you play as other characters in the story, I mean they do for some segments, but I wish you could just pick who you want to be playing as

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03/11/12 9:01:00 PM

I don't want to play as anyone else. need that gathering ability anyway.

then again, I feel the same about Monado in Xenoblade

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The Mana Sword
03/12/12 7:13:00 PM

Finished ME3.

Not sure what all the hullabaloo about the ending was. It wasn't perfect, but it seemed satisfactory enough to me, especially considering how bad it really could have been!

I'm no longer a Nadal supporter. Andy Murray is my new favorite player/person. -Princess Anri
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the icon ownz all
03/12/12 7:45:00 PM

yeah, the internet reaction is intense. the bioware hate has just snowballed out of control since dragon age 2. it's not really warranted this time!

and it probably wasn't with the old republic!

When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set Bidoof on fire.
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The Mana Sword
03/12/12 7:51:00 PM

Well whatever! Let them be angry about it.

If there is one legitimate complaint I do have about the ending - and this actually ticked me off quite a bit - it's that it's apparently impossible to get the "true" best ending without playing multiplayer. Doesn't seem like there's a ton of difference between that one and the tier just below it, but the fact that single player content is seemingly locked away behind multiplayer kinda rubbed me the wrong way.

Perhaps I'm misinformed about that, though.

I'm no longer a Nadal supporter. Andy Murray is my new favorite player/person. -Princess Anri
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03/12/12 7:52:00 PM

haven't played it of course, but I've heard they made sure you could get it without playing multiplayer. I think it involves some grinding though.

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the icon ownz all
03/12/12 7:57:00 PM

it is not possible to get the perfect ending on a first playthrough without going into multiplayer, but there is no crucial difference between the perfect ending and the good ending. you can get the good ending without doing any multiplayer.

When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set Bidoof on fire.
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03/12/12 7:59:00 PM

Bioware's now a hated dev?

People are never happy are they?

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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the icon ownz all
03/12/12 8:01:00 PM

I was having fun earlier playing Mutant Mudds; to compensate for that oversight on my part, I gave myself food poisoning and harassed the family of Renegade Kid employees.

When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set Bidoof on fire.
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The Mana Sword
03/12/12 8:03:00 PM

How considerate of you.

I'm no longer a Nadal supporter. Andy Murray is my new favorite player/person. -Princess Anri
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03/12/12 8:04:00 PM

St. Icon

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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03/12/12 8:40:00 PM

The things I've heard about the ending in ME3 leave me kinda shaking my head, but it was kind of expected with the direction the series went in with 2. Bioware hate is pretty huge, though.

"When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it."
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the icon ownz all
03/12/12 8:53:00 PM

Mass Effect 3 has more in common 1 than it does 2, especially in the structure of the final conflict. I guess its strongest ties to the second game are the struggle between Shepard and the Illusive Man, and, by extension, its ideas on free will vs. determinism. I mean, sure, you have to gather an army and make peace before the final battle, but that's something you do in every Bioware game, so that's not exactly a new direction. No head shaking here, at least!

anyway, now i can turn my attention to sfxt. time for another game apparently everyone hates

When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set Bidoof on fire.
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03/12/12 8:55:00 PM

Well, mine is without proper context, but it's still kinda like what. The whole thing with the Reapers especially, since they were handled so well in ME1. I dunno, I've been very skeptical of ME3 since I saw some of the things they had planned. If it'smore like ME1 that's good news, because that's still the best game. I'll have to play it.

"When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it."
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03/12/12 9:12:00 PM

damn, Last Story just climaxed all over my face

this game left a bad first impression but I'm enjoying it quite a bit now

add the c and back away
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03/13/12 4:39:00 AM

Mate of mine is calling Last Story the best localized game he's ever played.

~But man just learned that updating the DSi would region lock it, looks like I dodged a bullet there.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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03/13/12 4:56:00 AM

Yeah, the localisation is amazing. Top effort. Lots and lots of fun party interaction which shows it off too.

Edit: DQVIII still the best!

We are living our lives
Abound with so much information
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03/13/12 5:19:00 AM

it has a surprisingly good cast. there are no bad eggs in there at all. that's so rare.

I don't think as highly of the localization as you guys do but it's not bad.

add the c and back away
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03/13/12 7:04:00 AM

Cast being great all round's another thing he pointed out.

Even so, surely game's not as good as Xenoblade a.k.a not as good as FFXIII-2

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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03/13/12 7:18:00 AM

Xenoblade kills Last Story but might win on characters alone. Xenoblade isn't really a big character game like Xenosaga or Xenogears.

add the c and back away
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03/13/12 7:22:00 AM

anybody that gets an achievement right now is getting their gamerscore wiped clean. that's funny.

add the c and back away
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03/13/12 7:27:00 AM

Huh are people freaking out?

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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The Mana Sword
03/13/12 7:38:00 AM

oh god time to never play my xbox again

I'm no longer a Nadal supporter. Andy Murray is my new favorite player/person. -Princess Anri
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03/13/12 12:11:00 PM

PS3 master race

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03/13/12 12:53:00 PM

Syrenne and Lowell are far superior to any XB character

I don't know how many times I've said this, but god I just love 'em

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03/13/12 12:59:00 PM

FFXIII-2 too good

"When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it."
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03/13/12 2:12:00 PM

There is only one video game worth playing, worth talking about really. I am, of course, referring to Candace Kane's Candy Factory.

"Half of what he said meant something else, and the other half didn't mean anything at all."
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03/13/12 2:29:00 PM

you show up after 2ish years and say that? oh you

Syrenne and Lowell are probably the two worst characters from that game!

add the c and back away
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03/13/12 2:31:00 PM

Has it been that long? Sorry, Candace Kane's Candy Factory is very addicting.

"Half of what he said meant something else, and the other half didn't mean anything at all."
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03/13/12 2:32:00 PM

tell me more!

add the c and back away
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03/13/12 2:51:00 PM

I've wasted away. I haven't slept or eaten or bathed in so many months. The CANDIES! I need to match the candies! Why is the conveyor belt moving so? What cruel sorcerer designed this factory/candy store? Candace Kane, get it? Candy Cane?! HAHAHA! THIS GAME IS FUN AND CLEVER!

"Half of what he said meant something else, and the other half didn't mean anything at all."
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03/13/12 3:07:00 PM

I still don't know if this is a real game or just you being you

or maybe it's Candyland with a different name! hopefully the VHS tape is included

add the c and back away
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The Mana Sword
03/13/12 3:09:00 PM

What is going on

I'm no longer a Nadal supporter. Andy Murray is my new favorite player/person. -Princess Anri
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03/13/12 3:13:00 PM

It's real and it's SPECTACULAR. Available now on Wii, Nintendo DS, and for your PC! $14.99 plus shipping and handling.

"Half of what he said meant something else, and the other half didn't mean anything at all."
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03/13/12 3:20:00 PM

I feel no longer safe.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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03/13/12 3:20:00 PM

Realistically. I have spent the past two years living and working on a cruise ship. I haven't SEEN a video game in that time. I am taking a month or two off from the cruise life now and am picking up some games. Looking at reviews of things and seeing whats out there brought me here.

Before I set sail on my first voyage I sold my everything. My home, my car, my computer, my consoles. My everything. I only have an iPad and two duffelbags full of clothes. So I did just download Adventure Bar Story, which is a pretty sweet old-school Japanese RPG for the iPhone/iPad. Other than that, I am planning on borrowing my bro's 360 and playing Mass Effects 2 and 3.

Anything super worthwhile happen in the past 2 years? How are Final Fantasies XII and XIII?

"Have of what he said meant something else, and the other half didn't mean anything at all."
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03/13/12 3:23:00 PM

XII plays like an MMO and a lot of people didn't like it.

XIII is a straight line with people who hate it and a few people liked the battle system.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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