Board 8 > Freedom, Liberty, Ron Paul - The Topic [no wars] [no income tax] [no TSA]

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Mr Lasastryke
04/27/12 7:45:00 AM

I fail to see why this isn't a legitimate point. It you believe you are entitled to something, why not cut out the middle man? Why is it okay to ask the government to rob people and give it to you? Why not rob people yourself?

I guess in principle this is a valid point, but... are you seriously asking why people who are in favor of taxes are not out on the street robbing people right now?
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red sox 777
04/27/12 7:49:00 AM

Because property does not exist but for a system of laws. The laws say what the property is and who owns it. And our laws say the government gets a portion of everyone's. When evaluating the merit of a system of laws, you have to look at efficiency, not morality, because there is no natural order of property, without law.

Think about what would happen if there were no law- then people would really be robbing people on the street, no? And it would be perfectly legal, so there doesn't seem to be a case for saying that people actually own what they purport to own.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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red sox 777
04/27/12 7:51:00 AM

The only reason people engage in fractional reserve banking is because the government guarantees the banks deposits.

Fractional reserve banking was alive and well before 1929. 5000 banks went bust in the US in the Great Depression, the government didn't guarantee deposits.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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04/27/12 9:16:00 AM

From: Mr Lasastryke | #101
I guess in principle this is a valid point

It's not.

The only reason taxes and entitlements exist is because of government. People naturally gravitate towards forming societies that all citizens can identify with. Government in whatever form brings order to this society. If there is no order, there is no society, it's just a bunch of individual people.

And individual people have no notion of taxes or entitlements. All they know is what is theirs and what is not theirs. That's why entitlements necessarily imply the existence of a government.

So it's a fun point to drive the notion of entitlements being robbery, but in terms of political theory it doesn't even work in principle.

'he says listen to my story this maybe are last chance' - ertyu quoting Tidus
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04/27/12 2:20:00 PM

Lately, especially since Santorum dropped out, RP has been laying so low. He has stopped hyping his chances and is basically submitting to Romney being the winner of the nomination. So here's what I'm thinking. This is an intentional strategy that the RP campaign is doing to try to make Romney voters stay home because they think it's over already, allowing all the RP people to go and take over the caucuses. I feel like that's a pretty likely, because it definitely can be effective.

'Ulti is like when your parents post something on your facebook status' - Sir Cobain
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red sox 777
04/27/12 2:30:00 PM

Romney's got the nomination locked up. He'll have a majority of the delegates. Ron Paul is in it to make a point at this point, not to win.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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red sox 777
04/27/12 2:36:00 PM

Muffin, George Zimmerman has managed to raise 200k for his defense already. Whether he's convicted or not, he'll get a lot of money out of this.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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04/27/12 4:32:00 PM

From: red sox 777 | #107
Muffin, George Zimmerman has managed to raise 200k for his defense already. Whether he's convicted or not, he'll get a lot of money out of this.

Good. He'll need it. He'll probably have to enter witness protection or some such thing. Hard to enjoy money if you're constantly in fear of your life.

SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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04/27/12 4:42:00 PM

red sox 777 posted...
Romney's got the nomination locked up. He'll have a majority of the delegates. Ron Paul is in it to make a point at this point, not to win.

Hah it's working!
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red sox 777
04/27/12 5:00:00 PM

I'm surprised the Republicans in Congress are supporting keeping student loan interest rates low. Thought they would go with the Tea Party "college is useless" mantra, except, of course, for the top 1%'s own kids, in which case nothing less a top flight education will do.

Then again, maybe they have to take marching orders from the banksters who have dictated that interest rates must be low, to facilitate the great printing money, which will bring us the glorious inflation, which will send the stock markets up.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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04/27/12 8:48:00 PM

So yesterday, Glenn Beck had Michelle Bachmann on, and they were discussing the recently comment by a state department official that "the war on terror is over."

Bachmann suggested that Obama be made to answer as to whether he agrees with that or not, and that if he does, Congress should demand the immediate recall of all American troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, and the immediate dissolution of the TSA. I don't agree with her on much, but that's SUCH a winning position for the GOP it's not even funny. It appeals to the crazy libertarians who want to actually see those things happen, as well as to the warmongering neocons who just want to make Obama look like a hypocrite who is "soft on Islam"

SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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04/27/12 9:39:00 PM

From: SmartMuffin | #111
It appeals to the crazy libertarians who want to actually see those things happen, as well as to the warmongering neocons who just want to make Obama look like a hypocrite who is "soft on Islam"

True, but you know that if Obama says that yes, he agrees that the war on terror is over and he will recall all troops, you know the GOP will start making fun of Obama for being soft. It's still a losing scenario for libertarians.

'Ulti is like when your parents post something on your facebook status' - Sir Cobain
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04/27/12 9:40:00 PM

Uh, Obama actually recalling all the troops would be a huge win for true libertarians.

SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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04/27/12 9:41:00 PM

Oh no I'm just talking about Obama SAYING he will recall the troops. Big difference as you know.

'Ulti is like when your parents post something on your facebook status' - Sir Cobain
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red sox 777
04/27/12 10:14:00 PM

The GOP can't do that. If Obama follows through and actually recalls the troops, he'll win in a landslide.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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04/27/12 10:19:00 PM

Hell, I'd vote for him

'To be foolmo'd is to be better opinion'd.' - Blairville
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04/28/12 7:36:00 AM

isnt obama practically a member of the gop

Genesis does what Nintendon't
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04/28/12 8:14:00 AM

From: red sox 777 | #115
The GOP can't do that. If Obama follows through and actually recalls the troops, he'll win in a landslide.

But he won't. He's an unapologetic warmonger just like they are.

SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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04/28/12 1:49:00 PM

external image

SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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04/29/12 1:08:00 PM

SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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04/29/12 1:27:00 PM

SmartMuffin posted...

I wonder how many people are going to conclude "We need to regulate guns and knives!"

There never was a post. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and refracted the light from Venus.
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04/29/12 1:42:00 PM

From: Altimadark | #121
SmartMuffin posted...

I wonder how many people are going to conclude "We need to regulate guns and knives!"

We have a name for people like that. It's called "European"

SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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Mr Lasastryke
04/29/12 1:46:00 PM

To my knowledge, knives aren't regulated where I live.
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red sox 777
04/29/12 6:02:00 PM

It's already happening in the US. How many innocent schoolchildren have been expelled already for bringing a plastic knife to school to use at lunch?

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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04/29/12 6:11:00 PM

red sox 777 posted...
It's already happening in the US. How many innocent schoolchildren have been expelled already for bringing a plastic knife to school to use at lunch?

Well expelling kids for bringing plastic knives is pretty stupid, but really restrictions in schools are not the same thing at all as regulating the public at large. For example, (I hope) a lot less people are upset that their kid can't bring a gun to school than are upset about concealed gun laws.

No I'm not a damn furry. Looney Tunes are different. - Guiga
I wanted Sonic/Shadow romance at that time, not sex. - MWE
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red sox 777
04/29/12 6:24:00 PM

It's the first step, and a pretty big one considering how important schools are. Schools are where children spend about 25% of their waking hours from age 6 to 18, where they learn about what kind of country they live in. The lesson they're getting right now is that the rules are arbitrary and capricious, they have no say in the rules, and they'd better bow down before them if they don't want to face massive, disproportionate, punishment.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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04/29/12 7:03:00 PM

Don't forget the fact that it teaches kids to have an irrational fear of guns.

The amount of people I know who are totally afraid of guns is mind-blowing, particularly considering that a large portion of people I know are in the military... A lot of my friends regularly say things like "I can't imagine having a gun, I'd probably accidentally shoot myself LOL" and are serious.

SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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04/30/12 11:56:00 AM

There's a reason that "gun free zones" are so popular among college students despite the clear evidence that they result in more deaths.

SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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04/30/12 12:04:00 PM

Okay, so Forbes likes RP's monetary policy, but it's not like Forbes knows what he's talking about when it comes to money, right? Romney 2012

'Ulti is like when your parents post something on your facebook status' - Sir Cobain
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red sox 777
04/30/12 1:29:00 PM

Lots of people like Ron Paul's policy, but no one wants to suffer personally to see it happen. And just about everyone would suffer personally in the short run.

Workers- will see their (nominal) wages go down.
Exporters- will find their products at a disadvantage in foreign markets with a stronger dollar.
Anyone with debt (in the US, that means mostly homeowners, businesses, and students)- real interest will be higher without inflation, or with deflation.
Top 1%- will see stock prices fall across the board.
Banks- no more bailouts.
Precious metals investors- Without inflation, metals prices collapse.

So who benefits? Bondholders, people with a lot of cash sitting around, and then the much bigger groups: the next generation, and the generation after that.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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04/30/12 2:57:00 PM

Precious metals investors- Without inflation, metals prices collapse.

It'd skyrocket first if he implements a gold standard...

SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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red sox 777
04/30/12 4:10:00 PM

Depends on what the gold standard is established at. The more money printing we have before going on the gold standard, the higher the dollar value will be.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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04/30/12 4:40:00 PM

Wages will go down, but buying strength will go up, so this is a rebalancing of wealth back to the working class from the top.

Current debt will have to be repaid, which will be hard, though possible if federal money going overseas is used to bailout the students, but future debts will actually be reasonable and there will not be this snowballing anymore.

'he says listen to my story this maybe are last chance' - ertyu quoting Tidus
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04/30/12 4:44:00 PM

And clearly Forbes realizes that the fed and a weak dollar doesn't help him. Forbes is clearly intelligent and knows that he could do better with a strong dollar and honest, good investments. The current system just helps the idiots making malinvestments.

'To be foolmo'd is to be better opinion'd.' - Blairville
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red sox 777
04/30/12 5:49:00 PM

It doesn't help him now, it may help in down the line.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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04/30/12 5:51:00 PM

Then why would he be advocating for RP's monetary policy? Do you really think Bernanke knows economics better than he does?

'Illegal activities is a slight misnomer, most of it is not related to material that is actually illegal.' - nintendogrl1
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red sox 777
04/30/12 6:03:00 PM

Economics yes, business no. And Steve Forbes might be advocating for Ron Paul because it's the right thing to do, not because it benefits him personally. It benefits the country in the long run.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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red sox 777
04/30/12 6:20:00 PM

Current debt will have to be repaid, which will be hard, though possible if federal money going overseas is used to bailout the students, but future debts will actually be reasonable and there will not be this snowballing anymore.

There's a lot more debt with homeowners and businesses than with students. And more than any of those with banks. The government is already in the processing of bailing out bad debts; it doesn't have enough money to do so, so it's resorted to activities similar to printing money.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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red sox 777
05/01/12 11:40:00 AM


Most politicians: We don't have enough money to pay off our debts, but our children and grandchildren will, so let's make them pay it.

Ron Paul: Instead of foisting our bad debt on our children and grandchildren, let's default right now.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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05/01/12 11:45:00 AM

From: red sox 777 | #139
Most politicians: We have enough money to pay off our debts, but we'd rather spend it on wars and foreign bailouts, but we're doing it for our children and grandchildren who have personally begged us to flush their money down the toilet, so let's make them pay it.


mobile computer
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red sox 777
05/01/12 12:17:00 PM

Except we don't actually have enough money to pay off our debts anymore. We did 10 years ago, so that's what the politicians were saying then, but we've already spent it all as of now.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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05/01/12 12:22:00 PM

10 years ago they were saying they didn't have enough money, to convince people like you that we need to keep printing money to stay afloat.

We still have the money today. We need to fix the economy now instead of waiting until the world gives up on the US dollar, which is coming soon.

'but that statement is something only an Aspergers patient would say' - UltimaterializerX
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05/01/12 12:23:00 PM

I do like how the same people who want to save the environment for the next generation are unable to make the hard financial decisions to save the next generation from economic turmoil.

Wait, I don't like that at all.

[witty phrase including the guru champ SuperNiceDog]
If there is one thing I know, it is that I know nothing.
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red sox 777
05/01/12 12:25:00 PM

We really don't have the money today. There's a reason why gold has gone up so much in the past 10 years.

And the politicians were saying that we had plenty of money 10 years ago. That's how they could justify going to war- we've got plenty of money, let's spend it!

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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red sox 777
05/01/12 12:32:00 PM

And come on, are you looking at the facts or just repeating talking points?

There has been a huge difference in money creation since 2008- the money supply has roughly doubled since then. Quantitative easing is a new thing started after the crisis began. And even on the (official, as in non-Fed) side of things, our deficits in 2002 were nothing like our deficits since 2008. We had a surplus in 2000, remember. Even if you're looking at private credit, that bubble didn't really take hold until the 2005-7 period. Our country's financial position in 2002 was in no way comparable to now.

Part of the reason the country was willing to go along with the Iraq war was that the US wasn't in a bad position financially.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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05/01/12 12:42:00 PM

You're right that there is a difference in how money creation has been handled in the last few years versus the last few decades, but the fundamental philosophy has been the same for a long time. If I believed in that philosophy (Kaynesianism, I guess), then I would care about the nitty gritty details that you're talking about.

'Illegal activities is a slight misnomer, most of it is not related to material that is actually illegal.' - nintendogrl1
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red sox 777
05/01/12 12:57:00 PM

Keynesianism had been abandoned for a pretty long time before 2008. Our problem before that wasn't with the economic theory, it was with the government that couldn't help but spend money. All those wars, as you said.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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05/01/12 8:02:00 PM

Tom Woods is so freaking awesome.

The review proceeds under the premise that were it not for government providing A, B, or C, then A, B, and C would not be provided. If there were no government-funded road connecting Sears to that apartment complex, we’d presumably all be standing around like doofuses, scratching our heads and wondering how on earth to get those dishwashers to our dwellings.

SmartMuffin - Because anything less would be uncivilized -
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red sox 777
05/01/12 8:04:00 PM

Yup, every single success you had in the last 3 years and 3 months should be attributed to one man only. And it's not you. It's President Obama. Every failure you've had for the last 11 years and 3 months likewise should be attributed to one man only. President Bush.

Congratulations to SuperNiceDog, Guru Winner, who was smart enough to pick
your 7 time champion, Link.
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05/01/12 8:07:00 PM

Or vice-versa. Makes sense to me!

Ladders are a socially-acceptable way to reach your goals.
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