Board 8 > I have a horrible habit that I'm wondering if you can help me with...

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04/20/12 6:32:00 PM

I am one of those people who chew their nails. And I've lived with this habit my whole life.

I'm sure you people can come up with some good, hard, factual reasons for me to stop.

Seriously, I think I might need to actually feel sick when I think about chewing in order for me to stop. Is there any horrendous facts or advice you could give me?

Proud member of the Global Defence Force.
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04/20/12 6:34:00 PM

Your fingernails are made of keratin.

Keratin is made up of dead cells.

You're eating dead cells.

Those are dead things.


Corpses, man.
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04/20/12 6:34:00 PM

You wipe your butt with those fingers

I mean, probably. Unless you're rich and have slaves for that

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04/20/12 6:34:00 PM

Keratin is also what your hair is made of.

Would you eat your hair?
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04/20/12 6:35:00 PM

Can't you get worms from chewing your nails? I thought I read this somewhere...

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04/20/12 6:42:00 PM

Not exactly a good source, but hey, "Shayna" has this to say:
"I'm a certified nail technician, and we were told in our very first class that it's better to lick the inside of your toilet rim than to bit your nails."

Therefore, licking the inside of toilet rims might be a cleaner habit to pick up.

multiple updates tomorrow or i will publicly admit that zachnorn is better than me -Sess/MRNICEWATCH
Posted 3/5/12, no more updates since...
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04/20/12 6:42:00 PM

Just keep chewing. No harm. Quit being a crybaby. Grow up. Jesus.

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04/20/12 6:45:00 PM

I have the same habit and it doesn't bother me because I don't like using a clipper on my fingernails. Not sure why. I don't like clipping my toenails either, honestly, but I'm sure as hell not going to bite them.

~Halo Now darkness takes you... forever.
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04/20/12 6:45:00 PM

This is good stuff. Keep it coming.
Is there anything disturbing I should know about?

Proud member of the Global Defence Force.
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04/20/12 6:57:00 PM

We have already established the following:

Fingernails are made of keratin, which is made up of dead cells.
Your hair is also made out of keratin.
You wipe with those fingers.
It's cleaner to lick toilet seats than chew fingernails.
You could get worms.

If all of that is not disturbing enough for you, sadly, I don't think there's much else we can do.

Everything is overrated - <D
I would gladly take 90 whippings and be sentenced to 2 years in jail than have my account warned. - NotYou
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04/20/12 6:59:00 PM

I don't know about you but I don't wipe using my fingers

I also wash my hands often

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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04/20/12 6:59:00 PM

And that's pretty good.
Is there anything more on the "worms" side of it?

Proud member of the Global Defence Force.
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04/20/12 7:05:00 PM

Lopen posted...
I don't know about you but I don't wipe using my fingers

I also wash my hands often

Well lah tee dah, sorry we're not rich enough to afford toilet paper and sinks like the 1%.

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04/20/12 7:06:00 PM

This is why I can't relate with you mongrels.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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Wedge Antilles
04/20/12 7:07:00 PM

Just keep some nail clippers on you at all times and keep your nails cut short.

The Diligent One
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Princess Anri
04/20/12 7:10:00 PM

Alright, here is my advice:

Just don't chew your f***ing nails.

In fact, be very selective as to what you put in your mouth AT ALL TIMES.

Congratulations to Rafael Nadal on a Career Golden Slam. - The Mana Sword
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04/20/12 7:12:00 PM

Spiders live under your nails.

~Halo Now darkness takes you... forever.
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04/20/12 7:14:00 PM

I chew my nails.

Do you want to have something in common with me?

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04/20/12 7:29:00 PM

I'm wondering if I can concoct some sort of hyper-scoville nail polish.
I have habanero powder lying around her somewhere.

Proud member of the Global Defence Force.
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Princess Anri
04/20/12 7:32:00 PM

They make some special nail polish for this very purpose.


Congratulations to Rafael Nadal on a Career Golden Slam. - The Mana Sword
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