Current Events > So I found out that my roommate stole a ton of my games

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05/24/17 5:43:58 PM

Sami1000 posted...
MrZAP17 posted...
Kaliesto posted...
He "might" be on drugs, they usually go for high-valued items to get their fix.

Video games is a big one..

This is why I'm glad I had good roommates (though they had separate rooms), and I was able to keep my stuff safe.

I doubt it. Right now he's actually making money from being on medical trials, so that would probably not be workable.

This doesn't make sense why he'd steal your games. There's also the chance that one of you guys forgot to lock the door when you left, and someone walked in and stole your games. You could argue that why nothing else was lost, but if it was a one person, remember that there's limits how much one person can carry. Its not like he would buy a truck and hire a friend to loot your whole home, lol.

Also, about online searching. Just go into any site where you can sell stuff. There's probably search bar there. Write your more rare games there, and hopefully there will be day, location and time somewhere which shows when it was added there.

He started the medical studies recently. He was between jobs for a time. But yeah, I've been thinking about things more, and am more unsure about whether he did it or not. It could have been a home invader if one of us left the door unlocked. The thing that doesn't fit that at all though is the fact that I have these new games that aren't mine in the pile. Why would they be there if there wasn't some sort of (bad) planning?
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
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05/24/17 5:48:21 PM

I talked to him about it earlier, just mentioning that I had my games stolen and wanting to know if he had as well like was suggested here. I brought forth the suggestion that it might have been someone who came in when the door was unlocked. I'll state that while this was done to suss out possible guilt, I had already been thinking it might not have been him for other reasons when I began the conversation.

Anyway, his initial reaction seemed to be rather muted, at least to me, but when he understood the situation a bit more he jumped to me suspecting him, which I had not said and repeatedly denied. I asked him to check his things, which he did with reluctance, though part of that is because he didn't think he had anything worth stealing. He checked his vinyl and CDs, and because he thought I suspected him, let me see them, though I didn't look closely. These were the only things he thought worth checking, though I told him that what someone else might think worth taking might not be the same thing he thinks worth taking. I asked him to check his closet, though I said this from the other room and doubt that he did. He also said he doesn't even know everything that he has and he has some clothes he's never worn, which I personally can't relate to but is believable enough, though it also sounds like an excuse.'

The only thing he knew was missing was a jacket of his, which had been missing for a few months. My vague recollection is that he wore it out and realized it was missing upon returning home, though now he believes that it was always here. When I told him my recollection he seemed less certain.

He didn't know anyone who could have taken it. His only thought was his friend who has been here once, but we both dismissed that because he had no opportunity as both of us were here and his friend was always engaged with someone.

He eventually asked some questions like am I sure I didn't have the new games, and was I sure my stuff was here and so on, which sounds suspicious but honestly my parents asked the same questions at first until it was obvious that these things weren't the case. And in case it comes up again, yes I am 100% certain of these things.

His final thing was talking about the renter's insurance he got, mostly in an I-told-you-so kind of fashion.

He left to do something else shortly after, though he texted me again a little bit. It's clear he still thinks I suspect him even though I denied it, and he's upset about that. This is very in-character for him. To be fair I did not get into my initial thoughts with him, so he doesn't know I have suspected him and don't (much) anymore. That might make him less paranoid if he knew that.

Anyway still planning to talk to him more later with my dad, though most of that time will be about other stuff.

The one thing that makes me really suspicious of him is those games that showed up for no reason.
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
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05/24/17 7:22:05 PM

Yeah, he definitely stole them. If he was innocent he would have wanted to know if any of his stuff was stolen as well. Making excuses to not check through his own stuff is a dead giveaway.
Do unto others what your parents did to you.
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05/24/17 7:37:06 PM

True. The problem is his lack of order with his things is an established thing. Like I said his room is a mess, and I can totally buy him not knowing everything that he has (similar things along those lines have come up before). But yeah he should want to be as thorough as he is able to in checking things.
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
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05/24/17 10:52:41 PM

MrZAP17 posted...

I am also 27 and grow facial hair quickly and hate it as much as body hair.

I don't exercise regularly aside from biking and walking everywhere. I do eat pretty well most of the time.

But this is all besides the point.

Discussing improving life should never be besides the point lol. Its the ultimate point. But your​efforts sound similar to mine since I excersise those same 2 ways too
Did I amuse you?
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05/24/17 11:09:14 PM

Katellox posted...
Old NoiseTank posted...

yo man, weren't you in a similar situation earlier this year/last year? if so, how did you end up getting your games back?

Sure was, except the key difference being I let my lifelong friend borrow the N64 for a brief period with my games, having done so in the past with no problem. He sold them to a local used game store; a friend of mine caught one of the games in there with my last name written on the cartridge and gave me a heads up. They'd been in just a week ago to trade them in and over half were already sold.

Long story short, I let the dude know I wasn't playing around and threatened legal action and his stupid ass and girlfriend believed I had lawyer money and although I didn't get the $600ish required to actually replace it all, I did squeeze $300 out of them and brand new copies of Majora's Mask 3D and Ocarina of Time 3D that he stole as well.

I considered that good enough considering there was no way in hell to ever get my original games back. He got $150 for trading my N64 and 20+ games in. The store turned around and sold just Snowboard Kids 2 for $55. I want to throw up every time I think about it.

And then I just get over it and use my PC but mother fucker I wouldn't piss on fire to put him out.

Wow.. and this was a guy you'd know your whole life? What led him to do that?
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05/25/17 8:17:01 AM

Ruvan22 posted...
Katellox posted...
Old NoiseTank posted...

yo man, weren't you in a similar situation earlier this year/last year? if so, how did you end up getting your games back?

Sure was, except the key difference being I let my lifelong friend borrow the N64 for a brief period with my games, having done so in the past with no problem. He sold them to a local used game store; a friend of mine caught one of the games in there with my last name written on the cartridge and gave me a heads up. They'd been in just a week ago to trade them in and over half were already sold.

Long story short, I let the dude know I wasn't playing around and threatened legal action and his stupid ass and girlfriend believed I had lawyer money and although I didn't get the $600ish required to actually replace it all, I did squeeze $300 out of them and brand new copies of Majora's Mask 3D and Ocarina of Time 3D that he stole as well.

I considered that good enough considering there was no way in hell to ever get my original games back. He got $150 for trading my N64 and 20+ games in. The store turned around and sold just Snowboard Kids 2 for $55. I want to throw up every time I think about it.

And then I just get over it and use my PC but mother fucker I wouldn't piss on fire to put him out.

Wow.. and this was a guy you'd know your whole life? What led him to do that?

He's a low life piece of shit from a poor background and he'd do anything to make rent, that's what. Spends hundreds of dollars on weed, moves from apartment to apartment.

He named his first kid after Auron from FFX and then gave him away a year later when they started having their second kid.

No contact with him for a long time now. Hope he's well
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05/25/17 8:41:27 AM

Sounds like he stole your shit to me bruh
mr top goon in this thang
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05/25/17 12:31:55 PM


Will update later.
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
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05/25/17 7:39:25 PM

Alright, so this is what has happened since last update.

Last night I talked more about this with my roommate, with my father also present. It was not a confrontation, and I still did not accuse him of anything. It was more information sharing than anything. Part of this was my showing them what was missing and how things should be so they could better understand the situation.

I'll quickly go over again why I'm certain that my things were missing and why they went missing after my move, because this will be relevant:
1. I know what I have and keep records.
2. The containers I keep the consoles and console games in are clear plastic and also usually full, so it is very obvious if something is different and it would be noticed in a move or upon any cursory check.
3. The Nintendo 64 bag was completely empty, and this is once again something that would be completely obvious (my father also remembered it not being like that when he helped me move, so that corroborates my story).
4. The drawer that I keep my handheld things in is usually mostly full and only has that stuff in it. It is now completely empty.
5. I remember distinctly taking things out since I moved, though not precisely when.
6. After looking, it is not located anywhere else that I keep my things. Note that I never got to fully check out my roommate's bedroom, though.

Anyway, new information came to light while showing them things that made me mess suspect my roommate even less. He still could have done it, but I now consider it highly unlikely. It all boils down to one thing that was the main thing pointing to him (or some other planned theft): the new games amongst my own that weren't mine.

It turns out my father recognized all of those games. He didn't mention where he got them, but he recalled offering them to me in the past. Now, I'm certain that that recollection is somewhat inaccurate, because I do not remember any such conversation and frankly would have never accepted any of the games in that pile because none of them interest me at all. He believes this, and thinks he may have put them in with my stuff to keep there, or something. He isn't sure. But he definitely recognizes the games (and yes I'm positive it never came up before and that I haven't seen them before so if he put them in there he did so without telling me at some point after I had moved, which is weird). This answers the question of what those games were doing there and to me makes a random act of theft much more likely. My dad said he wanted to check some other places, though, for my stuff. He seemed to have some ideas but we didn't get into it. In case anyone questions these events, yes I trust my dad.

Now about my roommate: I know a lot of his behavior seems suspicious, and I still think he could have done it, but am now much more doubtful that that is the case. For one thing, just in context most of his suspicious behavior is kind of in character for him and more likely innocuous, but that's obviously not convincing me of anything by itself. A lot of his reactions are normal reactions (for him) to this kind of situation, and I don't think he's that good a liar.

The main issue now is that I'm back to square one regarding what happened, and am obviously much less likely to get anything back or get compensation, which really sucks because I cannot afford to replace all of my stuff (or much of it at all right now). I can at least try selling the new games, but it's all trash-tier so I'll get very little (will probably bring them to a used game retailer in the area; their price listing says I would get less than $10 total for all six games together. Probably not worth even trying online because of the kinds of games.)
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
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05/25/17 7:44:28 PM

Now as for next steps. I've already done some online searching at various sites and unfortunately nothing has come up, though while I was at it I also checked out people who were selling bits of my collection to see if I could afford to buy new copies of some of my stuff. Maybe I'll bite and try doing that if I can scrounge up the money. I have an extremely tight budget. I'll probably do some more searching for my stuff just in case.

Honestly I have not gotten around to filing a police report yet. I know, I really should, and I will, though it will likely not do much good if it was a random person. I have no photos of my stuff and don't know when it was taken, and none of it was labeled.

There's not much else I can see to do at this point. Suggestions are of course appreciated, but yeah. Maybe I'll get really lucky and whatever my dad thought of will turn up something.
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
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05/25/17 8:01:35 PM

What makes me now suspect your room mate is that how he didn't freak out. Even if i didn't own anything expensive i would still be pissed if some stranger had the nerve to come in to my home and steal ANYTHING. I would be fucking furious, and i would bet my left nut that majority of people would get angry as well. If someone acts like its no big deal "i don't own anything interesting bla bla bla" and staying calm after that i would be very surprised.

If he starts acting like super friendly towards you now it tells me that he's feeling good and relieved, when in reality he should be somewhat suspecting YOU that maybe you have stolen something from HIM and hid all your games and stuff and claim they were stolen.
What's cooler than werewolf? Wereman!
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05/25/17 8:32:52 PM

I get what you're saying, and a lot of that makes sense. And yeah he is somewhat paranoid, which makes you think he'd be more concerned. The other thing, though, is he tends to suffer from a lot of overconfidence, and this might make him think that he knows what's going on better than he should. I dunno; it is hard to reconcile, but I can see it going both ways.

As for him suspecting me, I actually am confident that he generally trusts me based on a lot of past interactions, He doesn't really respect me most of the time and could likely think I'm wrong/don't know what I'm talking about (even though I would know more than him in this matter), but I don't think he would normally suspect me of that kind of move even under these circumstances. He trusts me to watch his cats when he's gone and so on (he's gone on trips a couple of times for those medical studies). I actually think I'm probably one of the people he trusts more than most, at least in his everyday life.

That friendliness thing is a good point, though.

Though actually knowing him I have a feeling he would not change his behavior much at all, because he tends to be pretty temperamental as mentioned.
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
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05/26/17 12:59:48 AM

Bump for the night. Crashing
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
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05/26/17 7:06:45 AM

Dude the longer you wait file a police report the less likely you are to get your shit back, just file one already
Seattle Seahawks ``~`` LA Clippers
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05/26/17 11:19:00 PM

Finally got to it. Don't expect much to come of it, but crossing fingers.
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
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05/27/17 4:58:34 AM

It just occurred to me that any random home invader wouldn't care so much to put things back and make them look like they hadn't been touched. I'm referring to the bag that the N64 was in. Also why not just take the bag itself since it would be so much easier to carry things that way? For reference it's one of those old carrying bags designed for that.

Makes me suspicious again.
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
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05/27/17 5:02:10 AM

Take his shit and sell it. Then shit on his bed or under his mattress.
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