Board 8 > Star Trek: The Next Character Ranking [TNCR] [Pre-Season Thread] [#Ezrigate2k15]

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Jeff Zero
06/11/17 11:35:18 PM

Ahem. A few announcements.

I've decided to expand the list to include almost every nomination. This gives us a final total of 73. As a reminder, you are under no obligation to rank everyone. A few of us will, but a few of you will likely be ranking barely a seventh. That's perfectly okay.

One last thing before ~THE LIST~. I'm sorry, sweet friends, but I've eliminated Porthos and Spot. I don't really want the pets in here. Redirect all anger toward me and then promptly forgive me. I ask this of you. However. You are absolutely welcome to do write-ups for them and post them as supplemental entries at whichever point on your list they would have appeared. That way we can all have some lulz. Top kek.

And now. Without further ado.

Star Trek: The Next Character Ranking
James Tiberius Kirk
Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Montgomery "Scotty" Scott
Nyota Uhura
Hikaru Sulu
Pavel Chekov
Jean-Luc Picard
William Riker
Deanna Troi
Beverly Crusher
Geordi LaForge
Wesley Crusher
Tasha Yar
Katherine Pulaski
Benjamin Sisko
Kira Nerys
Jadzia Dax
Miles O'Brien
Julian Bashir
Ezri Dax
Jake Sisko
Kathryn Janeway
Seven of Nine
The Doctor
B'Elanna Torres
Tom Paris
Harry Kim
Jonathan Archer
Charles "Trip" Tucker
Malcolm Reed
Hoshi Sato
Travis Mayweather
Vic Fontaine
Zeframe Cochran
Thy'lek Shran
Reginald Barclay
Borg Queen
Winn Adami
Michael Eddington
Keiko O'Brien
Christopher Pike
Alexander Rozhenko
Lwaxana Troi
Naomi Wildman
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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Jeff Zero
06/12/17 12:36:59 AM

Whoops, make that 72. Had Worf listed twice. :P
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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06/12/17 1:53:14 PM

How long do we have to do this?
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06/12/17 1:54:32 PM

I was this close to starting TNG last night!

First episode being 90+ minutes killed that though, maybe next time
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Jeff Zero
06/12/17 2:04:34 PM

muddersmilk posted...
How long do we have to do this?

Technically you've got a crazy amount of time, because you can write 'em all up as we go through the main event which begins July 14th and no one would care that you waited! But I'm giving everyone plenty of pre-game time so that we can ideally move at a good clip once it begins.

pjbasis posted...
I was this close to starting TNG last night!

First episode being 90+ minutes killed that though, maybe next time

Early TNG so bad. Good luck. You watched Star Trek 6, right?
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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06/12/17 6:49:22 PM

I've only seen the first two movies still.

My original plan was to finish the TOS films before moving on, but I'm watching them with a friend so it's not as easily available.
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Jeff Zero
06/13/17 12:00:37 AM

Ah well. 4 and 6 are great!

Also, um, Martok is running for Congress.
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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06/13/17 12:10:47 AM

Jeff Zero posted...
Also, um, Martok is running for Congress.

And according to the report from his weekend announcement, the actor is planning on campaigning “in character,” but not as a Klingon

Missed opportunity
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Jeff Zero
06/14/17 5:15:14 PM

The Man Bump
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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06/14/17 6:42:31 PM

Watched Search for Spock.

Yeah it was a pretty bad movie. But I didn't really dislike it as much as I should have. My expectations for the films in general were pretty low, and this was about as bad as I thought it would be. The first one just really blew my expectations for how poorly made something could be.

And it had good things like Christopher Lloyd and random badass moments from Sulu and Uhura. I liked that at least in the first half the secondary principle cast members had some spotlight. And the idea of the crew GOING ROGUE was actually really cool for someone who's watched everything in which Kirk was basically the perfect Federation captain. I had a Star Trek itch and it certainly scratched it.

I'm still crossing my fingers this is the second worst one though. It was just ungodly slow and a lot of the directions didn't have much time to be explored. Underwhelming David death, GOING ROGUE didn't really amount to anything, and as entertaining as the Klingons were they didn't feel like as big a threat as film villains probably should. 1 hour and 40 minutes for a weak plot is just too much. It could have been effectively told in an episode's time probably.
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Jeff Zero
06/14/17 6:52:45 PM

Nah, 5 is the other "watch out, this is bad" entry outta the classic six TOS films. 3's reception (which I generally echo) is that it has a decently strong first half and a rough second half.

2, 4, and 6 are the winners.
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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06/15/17 12:32:44 PM

Just got the master list, will start at some point.
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Started: July 6, 2005
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Jeff Zero
06/16/17 1:27:16 PM

Encounter at Bump Point
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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Jeff Zero
06/17/17 11:42:37 AM

Whenever possible, I like to post actual content whilst bumping. So here's some content. More Star Trek movie availability, including the arrival of Beyond upon Hulu's hallowed shore.
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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06/17/17 12:11:28 PM

Do we know if Pegg's comments about Star Trek 4 are leading to anything yet?
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer
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Jeff Zero
06/17/17 12:16:14 PM

We're still in the dark, unfortunately. Paramount changing its CEO + Beyond not making much bank puts things on ice for a bit, but Pegg and Jung taking a crack at what appeared to be a script for 4 this past December is still good news. Plus the new CEO name-dropping Trek.
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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06/17/17 2:07:50 PM

Lieutenant Leaf here, reporting for duty. I will be participating this time around, primary knowledge being TOS & TNG.

" If you're new to the Trek character rankings here on Board 8 but you're familiar with the Mass Effect character rankings, it's essentially the same deal."

Uhh... a little help here? I'm woefully unfamiliar.
essentially shizuo "eat your vitamins and say your prayers" heiwajima in an apron.
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Jeff Zero
06/17/17 2:10:30 PM

No worries. I think I kinda went over it in the rules, too -- the Mass Effect nod was basically a quick mode explanation for anyone who has participated in that.

We all make our lists, and when the project begins, we all post our rankings (from worst to best) at a gradual enough interval that we're regular contributors to the topic(s) without just blitzing past our peers.

That's the long and short of it, really. Welcome aboard!
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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Jeff Zero
06/17/17 4:33:06 PM

@Anagram Please have fun.
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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Jeff Zero
06/18/17 9:18:27 AM

Faith in the Bump
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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06/18/17 11:59:47 AM

Jeff Zero posted...
@Anagram Please have fun.

Aha, very amusing. Not quite as good as TNG Season 8, though.
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Started: July 6, 2005
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Jeff Zero
06/18/17 12:43:13 PM

How many episodes does "TNG Season 8" even have now? Probably over 100 classics.
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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06/18/17 1:03:54 PM

Jeff Zero posted...
@Anagram Please have fun.

On their long voyage home, the crew of Voyager faces Neelix' cooking. During the encounter Chakotay says something spiritiually inspiring, with pan flutes playing in the background. Finally they can be saved by B'elanna beating people up. In the end they go for drinks on the holodeck.
This isn't 1950. Girls develop way later than they used to because human lifespans have increased - Lavos_Fanboy
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Jeff Zero
06/18/17 2:20:00 PM

Haha, yes. My favorites involve everyone laughing at Tom Paris at the end.

On their long voyage home, the crew of Voyager faces Sevens struggle between borg and humanity. During the encounter the bioneural gel packs malfunction. Finally they can be saved by reversing Voyager's shield polarity. In the end everyone laughs at Tom Paris.

You can get some good mileage out of endings in which "it was all dopplegangers" too.
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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Jeff Zero
06/19/17 12:25:48 PM

Hmm. How shall I bump the topic today? Oh, I know. How about I link y'all the first premiere date for a new Star Trek television series since September 2001?

Yeah. That'll do.

See you September 24th, Discovery.
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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06/19/17 12:31:24 PM

Oh boy
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Started: July 6, 2005
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Jeff Zero
06/20/17 12:48:57 PM

Burnham is fully human, but she grew up around Sarek and Amanda.

Ready to learn a bit more about the lead character in Star Trek: Discovery?

We spoke to star Sonequa Martin-Green about her mysterious role for this week’s upcoming issue of Entertainment Weekly. Her character, First Officer Michael Burnham (deliberately a man’s name), has been shrouded in mystery so far, with the show’s trailer hinting at a Vulcan past. Is she human? Vulcan? Martin-Green is ready to clear things up (a little).

We can tell you that Burnham is fully human (not half-Vulcan as some have speculated) and is the first human to attend the Vulcan Learning Center as a child and then the Vulcan Science Academy as a young woman. She has a close relationship with Sarek (James Frain), the father of Spock. For the past seven years, she’s been serving on the U.S.S. Shenzhou.

“I’m the first officer on the U.S.S. Shenzhou that is captained by Captain Philippa Georgiou, who is played by the amazing Michelle Yeoh,” she says. “I have an inner war and it’s a journey of self discovery and finding out what it means to be alive, to be human, to be a Starfleet officer, what it means to be a hero.”

The producers searched long and hard to find an actor who could pull of Burnham’s divided nature. “We read a lot of people and they either went way too robotic or and chilly or way too emotional,” says Aaron Harberts, who serves as showrunner on the series along with Gretchen J. Berg. “What’s beautiful about Sonequa’s performance is she’s capable of playing two, three, four things at once. She’s got such a great command of her craft, she’s able to be aloof but warm; logical but able to surrender her emotional side to the audience.”

Adds Martin-Green: “I have the Vulcan conflict in my life from Sarek and Amanda so there’s always going to be that inner conflict with me. But I think it’s relatable because we all have some kind of inner conflict going on — who we are versus who we present ourselves to be. There’s a lot to be discovered.”

Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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Jeff Zero
06/21/17 12:34:59 PM

The Naked Bump
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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Jeff Zero
06/21/17 2:26:28 PM

Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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Jeff Zero
06/21/17 2:27:32 PM
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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06/21/17 3:47:37 PM

Jeff Zero posted...

Scarlet likes this post.
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer
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06/21/17 10:29:13 PM

First ep of TNG was not bad I think!

Had that Star Trek feel even more than the TOS movies because it ended with two dumb giant space jellies. And I mean that in the nicest way I can put it.
Didn't expect this Riker dude to be so important. Kind of a Kirk stand in if he wasn't the captain and quite as charismatic. Data is about as data as I expected but in a good way, and I thought Emotion Girl was neat. And at least Visor Boy could see every spectrum of light. More "abilities" on this secondary cast than the overpowered Vulcan I'm used to.

And I'm looking forward to more Picard. But not more Q. I didn't know he was going to be one of those lame god characters that dress in period piece clothing because the production company had some lying around from some other show.
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Jeff Zero
06/22/17 12:23:12 AM

He gets better.

If you can survive the first season, you're practically guaranteed to really like TNG (and probably DS9 too). TNG S1 and TOS S3 are definitely the cheesiest seasons in the canon, lol. TNG S2 ain't far behind.
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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06/22/17 12:23:58 AM

The first season of TNG is extremely weak. Everything about the show gets better except Tasha Yar, don't worry.
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Started: July 6, 2005
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Jeff Zero
06/22/17 3:24:37 PM

First look at the Shenzhou's transporter room. It looks like a Willy Wonka fever dream designed by a Bond villain in search of suave acoustics.
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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06/22/17 3:49:42 PM

There's also an upcoming episode where you don't have to worry about Q wearing anything in particular.
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Jeff Zero
06/23/17 1:16:08 PM

I feel kinda bad for constantly doing daily bumps by way of Discovery news, but frankly, the Discovery news keeps on coming this week.

Show's not beholden to the old rule of keeping significant conflict out of Starfleet interpersonal relations. This is good.

The handling of these inner-Starfleet conflicts will still draw inspiration from Roddenberry%u2019s ideals, however. %u201CThe thing we%u2019re taking from Roddenberry is how we solve those conflicts,%u201D Harberts said. %u201CSo we do have our characters in conflict, we do have them struggling with each other, but it%u2019s about how they find a solution and work through their problems.%u201D

And this is kinda reassuring.
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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06/23/17 4:08:26 PM

I don't really like that transporter room. If I didn't know it was Star Trek, I wouldn't really guess this was a Star Trek show.
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Started: July 6, 2005
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Jeff Zero
06/23/17 4:26:37 PM

It seems like the Discovery herself is being primed to look notably different from the older-model Shenzhou, so there's plenty of time to see a more recognizable look to the title ship's transporter room.

I kinda dig this though. I'll miss it. <_<
Intel Ops 1964 Kennedy | Die Hard Drive with a Vengeance | 54x Carthaginian Corsair Privateer | Guardian Force Bahamut
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Jeff Zero
06/24/17 2:48:31 PM

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06/24/17 3:20:17 PM

Is the Chang in the Star Trek characters supposed to be General Chang from the sixth movie?
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Started: July 6, 2005
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Jeff Zero
06/24/17 3:30:15 PM

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06/24/17 4:01:41 PM

Damn I did a write-up for the Spanish teacher on Community.
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer
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Jeff Zero
06/25/17 2:43:20 PM

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Jeff Zero
06/26/17 12:34:23 AM

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Jeff Zero
06/26/17 4:32:49 PM

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Jeff Zero
06/27/17 12:03:54 PM

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06/27/17 12:15:11 PM

Jeff Zero posted...


Can he maybe show up as Riker in the last episode and reveal that it's just a simulation on the holodeck?
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Started: July 6, 2005
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Jeff Zero
06/27/17 12:16:04 PM

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06/27/17 12:25:55 PM

Oh man, I didn't know what he looked like.

Seriously though, will this show continue the tradition of having an actor from the previous show appear in the first episode? Because ENT broke that tradition for no good reason.
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Started: July 6, 2005
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