Board 8 > Just saw Pacific Rim 2 (spoilers)

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03/25/18 12:34:14 AM

It's more like a Transformers movie than the original. I went in with no expectations and it managed to be worse. Overall, a huge disappointment. I'm not even that big a fan of the original.

- It's 'revealed' that the motive of the kaiju was never to destroy cities, they were always just trying to reach Mt. Fuji where they could make the volcano erupt and destroy all human life, and the cities just happened to be in the way. But the portal they came out of in the first movie was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. How do you end up in San Francisco or LA or Sydney when you're trying to reach Japan? We see that the kaiju just know where Tokyo is and don't need directions, so it makes absolutely no sense.
- The robots are way less imaginative this time around. In the first one they all had distinctive designs, like the sleek Chinese one and the giant bulky Russian one. In this one, they're all sleek. The only way you can tell them apart at a distance is by color.
- CGI is worse than the original. In the original, they wisely had most of the fights at night in the rain or something so you couldn't see the imperfections. In this movie, all of the fights are just straight up in the middle of the day and the robots look, again I have to say it, like they're from Transformers.
- The original had a lot of thought put into the details and the weight of how the robots move, this one just has them flip around and smash into buildings that explode the second they're touched. It's exactly like a Transformers movie. There's a scene where a robot as big as a building does a wall jump off of a glass skyscraper and doesn't even scratch the building, even though obviously its foot should just go right through the windows. I wouldn't care about that except that the first movie did the exact opposite.
- In the first movie, they put a lot of effort into not destroying the cities they fight in, like that scene where the jaegar steps over a bridge instead of destroying it. In this movie, a jaegar pulls out swords and runs through a city cutting through buildings on the way to the monster just because it looks cool.
- Lots of really awkward pandering to China. China is the most important country in the world and is the only useful force against the kaiju, everyone in China is attractive, smart, and heroic, etc. It's like in Transformers 4 where the entire movie is in Texas, and then they go to Hong Kong for virtually no reason.
- The two main characters of the original both die. One died off-screen between movies, the other dies in a helicopter crash early on for no reason except to give John Boyega more motivation to save the world.
- John Boyega is a shadow of Idris Elba.
- I guess this goes without saying, but the dialogue is terrible and super on the nose.
- I expected a lot of disaster porn where important landmarks get destroyed, and the only thing in the movie like that is the Santa Monica Pier. I didn't even realize the Santa Monica Pier was famous enough to get destroyed! I was very surprised.
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Started: July 6, 2005
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03/25/18 12:49:11 AM

Yeah I saw it today and gotta say it was pretty god-awful.

I was expecting it to be worse but not as much worse as it was.

I mean it wasn't like, unwatchable, but it very clearly didn't have much that people that liked the original liked about it.
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03/25/18 12:53:11 AM

I liked it but only because I wanted to like it thanks to the original, and I haven't seen a braindead giant-monsters-fight-giant-robots thing in yeeeeears.

I was entertained, but I'm kind of ashamed of it.
E come vivo? Vivo!
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03/25/18 12:58:24 AM

everything I just read sounds awful
~* Why can't anyone else see the walls? ~*
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03/25/18 1:07:30 AM

it's out already?
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03/25/18 1:09:53 AM

Weakupedia posted...
it's out already?

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Started: July 6, 2005
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03/25/18 1:20:05 AM

I liked it, certainly wasn't revolutionary or anything but as a big dumb blockbuster it was a fun ride!

- It's 'revealed' that the motive of the kaiju was never to destroy cities, they were always just trying to reach Mt. Fuji where they could make the volcano erupt and destroy all human life, and the cities just happened to be in the way. But the portal they came out of in the first movie was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. How do you end up in San Francisco or LA or Sydney when you're trying to reach Japan? We see that the kaiju just know where Tokyo is and don't need directions, so it makes absolutely no sense.

You're right, tearing up California instead of all converging on Japan last movie didn't make any sense. That being said, I did like that the kaiju had a sensible goal this time (terraforming the Earth with enough massive volcanic activity to end humanity).

- The robots are way less imaginative this time around. In the first one they all had distinctive designs, like the sleek Chinese one and the giant bulky Russian one. In this one, they're all sleek. The only way you can tell them apart at a distance is by color.

Colors and also each of the 4 had their own unique weapon. I was fine with the mechs, it was the kaiju looking so similar/not having their own unique powers and weak points that was disappointing for me.

- CGI is worse than the original. In the original, they wisely had most of the fights at night in the rain or something so you couldn't see the imperfections. In this movie, all of the fights are just straight up in the middle of the day and the robots look, again I have to say it, like they're from Transformers.

Have to disagree here, I paid a bunch of money to see robots punch things on a 70 foot screen and I want to see ALL of it! I agree hiding some of your GCI wizardry behind rain/darkness is effective for realism, it's been done well before (such as in Jurassic Park) but I'm not watching a Pacific Rim movie for the realism.

- In the first movie, they put a lot of effort into not destroying the cities they fight in, like that scene where the jaegar steps over a bridge instead of destroying it. In this movie, a jaegar pulls out swords and runs through a city cutting through buildings on the way to the monster just because it looks cool.

I'm 100% with you on this, it did get pretty absurd. "How many buildings do I have to pull down onto this thing?!" I laughed when they tried to put a fig leaf on it with a line saying "don't worry all the Japanese people are now safe in their bunkers so you can go nuts" literally five seconds after showing us a scene of people running for their lives in the streets and getting locked out of those bunkers.

- Lots of really awkward pandering to China. China is the most important country in the world and is the only useful force against the kaiju, everyone in China is attractive, smart, and heroic, etc. It's like in Transformers 4 where the entire movie is in Texas, and then they go to Hong Kong for virtually no reason.

Welllll the Chinese THOUGHT they were brilliant masterminds but really they *spoiler warning* were getting played by "that idiot non-Mandarin speaking" Newt and had to suicide their 100 beautiful new mechs after they went rogue and the American bots had to save the day. But yes point taken, China does get shown as the superpower with all the coolest new tech, which makes sense as this movie exists almost entirely because it was a huge hit in China (much like every Transformers since #2).

BKSheikah dominated even The Show hosts in 2017, wow! |
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03/25/18 1:21:35 AM

Really? I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.

A lot of people are complaining that it's too actiony and I honestly don't understand it. The overemphasis on some of the ultimately pointless characters and the fight scenes taking place at night in the ocean were the worst parts of the original. I will gladly accept fixing those as a tradeoff for losing the slow, weighty fights.

Only thing I didn't like was the unceremoniously killing off Mako. And I guess the Fuji plot was dumb but it didn't take me out of it.

It didn't have the soul of the first movie, but tbqh a lot of the best parts of that soul went into the world and concepts, which are still mostly intact.
DPOblivion was far more determined than me.
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03/25/18 2:26:03 AM

Quick question, anybody in this topic dig 90s and 2000s kaiju movies, especially the mid-tier ones? Like let's say, Godzilla vs Megaguiras, Godzilla Tokyo SOS, stuff like that?

As somebody who's seen every Godzilla movie, and lots of Power Rangers etc, and needless to say the Gamera trilogy is a masterpiece, anything there for me?

The trailer for Rampage for example, that's something that looks like generic fluff shlock that has no appeal to me as a kaiju/toku fan. But I loved Pacific Rim, and I think my bar needed for this genre could be low if there's that sense of plucky earnest heroes versus monsters duking it out and whatnot. Building falling, scenes of scientists, all that stuff.

I guess this is vague, but is there a hint of "that" kind of camp I like, cheesy low budget movies, or is it just generic Hollywood in it's feel, effects aside?
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03/25/18 9:07:40 AM

Ngamer64 posted...
Colors and also each of the 4 had their own unique weapon. I was fine with the mechs, it was the kaiju looking so similar/not having their own unique powers and weak points that was disappointing for me.

Ngamer64 posted...
"How many buildings do I have to pull down onto this thing?!" I laughed when they tried to put a fig leaf on it with a line saying "don't worry all the Japanese people are now safe in their bunkers so you can go nuts" literally five seconds after showing us a scene of people running for their lives in the streets and getting locked out of those bunkers.

and I thought this movie couldn't sound any worse than Anagram already made it sound

although at this point I'm wondering if I might laugh my ass off at just how bad it is
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Grand Kirby
03/25/18 10:21:17 AM

I actually liked it more than the first one.

But that's because I thought the first one was super dumb and took itself too seriously. Whereas this one was super dumb but was more cartoony and lighthearted which is what I wanted.

The China pandering was super weird though.
Okay, I rolled a 14. What's that mean? Hsu
That you're a cheater. This is a 12-sided die. Chan
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03/25/18 10:46:28 AM

Psycho_Kenshin posted...
Quick question, anybody in this topic dig 90s and 2000s kaiju movies, especially the mid-tier ones? Like let's say, Godzilla vs Megaguiras, Godzilla Tokyo SOS, stuff like that?

As somebody who's seen every Godzilla movie, and lots of Power Rangers etc, and needless to say the Gamera trilogy is a masterpiece, anything there for me?

The trailer for Rampage for example, that's something that looks like generic fluff shlock that has no appeal to me as a kaiju/toku fan. But I loved Pacific Rim, and I think my bar needed for this genre could be low if there's that sense of plucky earnest heroes versus monsters duking it out and whatnot. Building falling, scenes of scientists, all that stuff.

I guess this is vague, but is there a hint of "that" kind of camp I like, cheesy low budget movies, or is it just generic Hollywood in it's feel, effects aside?

100% generic Hollywood feel.
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Started: July 6, 2005
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03/25/18 11:07:17 AM

Anagram posted...
plucky earnest heroes versus monsters duking it out and whatnot. Building falling, scenes of scientists, all that stuff.

Well this also describes the movie perfectly. And it IS cheesy, it's just that "cheesy" has become what all Hollywood movies are like now thanks to Marvel movies.
DPOblivion was far more determined than me.
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03/25/18 11:09:07 AM

Ngamer64 posted...

You're right, tearing up California instead of all converging on Japan last movie didn't make any sense. That being said, I did like that the kaiju had a sensible goal this time (terraforming the Earth with enough massive volcanic activity to end humanity).

That's the thing, you could have just said that the evil scientist found a way to destroy the world the kaiju didn't know about and gave them the idea or something. Instead they added an awkward retcon.

Ngamer64 posted...

Colors and also each of the 4 had their own unique weapon. I was fine with the mechs, it was the kaiju looking so similar/not having their own unique powers and weak points that was disappointing for me.

It's also worth noting that in this movie about robots fighting kaiju, there's one robot vs kaiju fight.

Ngamer64 posted...
this movie exists almost entirely because it was a huge hit in China (much like every Transformers since #2).

I think I'm starting to hate China because of this. This movie in particular is bombing even over there, but they just have the worst taste in American movies.
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Started: July 6, 2005
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Grand Kirby
03/25/18 1:09:43 PM

Hey, I really liked the robot vs. robot fights. Those were really interesting. I found all the different moves they used against each other way more fun to watch than any kaiju battle in the series. Having all the rogue drones taken out so quickly was super disappointing. I was hoping to see an all out war.
Okay, I rolled a 14. What's that mean? Hsu
That you're a cheater. This is a 12-sided die. Chan
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03/25/18 2:26:01 PM

That's the thing, you could have just said that the evil scientist found a way to destroy the world the kaiju didn't know about and gave them the idea or something. Instead they added an awkward retcon.

Yes, that would have been a smart way to play it.

It's also worth noting that in this movie about robots fighting kaiju, there's one robot vs kaiju fight.

Okay, buuuuut it's like 30 minutes long, in two stages!

I think I'm starting to hate China because of this. This movie in particular is bombing even over there, but they just have the worst taste in American movies.

Whaaaa, that's not right. Estimates are that it did about $65 million in China this weekend, that's up over 20 million from the original and it will have no problem smashing the last film's total run there.

It didn't bomb in America either- did about $28 million versus expectations in the low 20s. That's down from the original's opening and it won't match the overall run here, but the foreign box office will easily make up for the deficit.

(In general though I agree with you, the movies China goes nuts for are usually pretty awful.)

BKSheikah dominated even The Show hosts in 2017, wow! |
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03/25/18 2:49:57 PM

Considering Guillermo Del Toro had nearly no involvement with the sequel are you guys really that surprised it isn't that great?
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03/25/18 2:52:16 PM

Saw it last night.

Transformers 6 was pretty bad.
"I think Cuphead should be higher." - Abby from Brooklyn
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03/25/18 2:53:04 PM

Ngamer64 posted...

Whaaaa, that's not right. Estimates are that it did about $65 million in China this weekend, that's up over 20 million from the original and it will have no problem smashing the last film's total run there.

It didn't bomb in America either- did about $28 million versus expectations in the low 20s. That's down from the original's opening and it won't match the overall run here, but the foreign box office will easily make up for the deficit.

That's what I get for looking up how it did last night and not paying close enough attention! The site I checked said 65 million, but that was just China and not the whole world. My mistake.
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Started: July 6, 2005
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03/25/18 3:08:36 PM

MariaTaylor posted...
everything I just read sounds awful

Blasting off
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03/25/18 3:17:44 PM

Also, they seem to be relying on the very played out evulz scientist trope this time after avoiding that in the first movie.
Blasting off
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03/25/18 3:22:48 PM

Honestly what annoys me the most after reading all that is learning that they unceremoniously killed off the protagonists of the first movie. I hate it when sequels do that.
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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03/25/18 3:25:58 PM

Fuck you Alien 3.

There is never an inappropriate time to express that sentiment, relevant or not, but it does happen to be relevant now.
Blasting off
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03/25/18 3:41:10 PM

KamikazePotato posted...
Honestly what annoys me the most after reading all that is learning that they unceremoniously killed off the protagonists of the first movie. I hate it when sequels do that.

At least Independence Day 2 had an excuse for killing Will Smith, I guess.
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Started: July 6, 2005
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03/25/18 4:26:43 PM

redrocket_pub posted...
Also, they seem to be relying on the very played out evulz scientist trope this time after avoiding that in the first movie.

OK but the way it played out was actually a good twist that built on plot points established in the first movie. It's one of the few things that felt that way!
DPOblivion was far more determined than me.
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03/25/18 10:04:50 PM

Ehh that part was fine, Evil Scientist will make sense to you after you meet his wife.

BKSheikah dominated even The Show hosts in 2017, wow! |
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03/25/18 11:02:30 PM

LMAO Alice

Presumably they raided his place and got rid of Alice after right?
Natwaf congratulates BKSheikah, Winner of the 2017 BYoG Guru contest!
But Asagi Igawa is still the best Waifu
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03/25/18 11:09:54 PM

Anagram posted...
KamikazePotato posted...
Honestly what annoys me the most after reading all that is learning that they unceremoniously killed off the protagonists of the first movie. I hate it when sequels do that.

At least Independence Day 2 had an excuse for killing Will Smith, I guess.

They only killed off Mako. They purposely left Raleigh's fate vague, and have confirmed since that he's not dead. The actor had a scheduling conflict which is why he's not in 2.
Seplito Nash, Smelling Like the Vault since 1996
Step FOUR! Get Paid!
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03/25/18 11:12:26 PM

StealThisSheen posted...

They only killed off Mako. They purposely left Raleigh's fate vague, and have confirmed since that he's not dead. The actor had a scheduling conflict which is why he's not in 2.

Oh really? I misheard, then. It's still weird to leave him out from a storytelling perspective, but at least there's an actual reason.
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Started: July 6, 2005
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03/25/18 11:14:57 PM

Anagram posted...
StealThisSheen posted...

They only killed off Mako. They purposely left Raleigh's fate vague, and have confirmed since that he's not dead. The actor had a scheduling conflict which is why he's not in 2.

Oh really? I misheard, then. It's still weird to leave him out from a storytelling perspective, but at least there's an actual reason.

Yeah apparently he's mentioned with others that died as a "fallen heroes" type deal so it confused people, but his face isn't on the memorial wall, and then the producer or director or whoever confirmed he's not.
Seplito Nash, Smelling Like the Vault since 1996
Step FOUR! Get Paid!
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03/25/18 11:23:39 PM

I enjoyed part 2

if you didn't like it you took it WAY too god damn seriously. Its fucking Giant ass robots fighting other robots and monsters

at least it wasn't offensively bad like Transformers

The biggest flaw with the first one was there was a legit 20-40 minutes period where nothing happened. Except failing the "handshake" and the Gypsy not starting up.

there were no dull moments (at least for that long) in this one

Also mako dying was fucking random and stupid. It didn't need to happen >_>. I don't get it
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03/25/18 11:32:01 PM

this movie looked very bad, I am happy I am not wasting money and time seeing it
Is this Elite Beat Agents 2?
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03/26/18 1:46:44 AM

The Atomic Robo comic/webcomic "Science Team Super Five vs the Biomega" arc did it better.
I am not the FOT!
~~the Zoq, the Fot & the Pik~~
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03/26/18 1:55:06 AM

Wait Anagram aren't you local here?

How do you not know how famous Santa Monica pier is?
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.
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03/26/18 2:22:10 AM

I didn't think it was that bad.

Hated the kids piloting Jaeger's idea.

Liked Boyega.

Quite liked the fight scenes.

Hated the power rangers Kaiju and the drop a robot from space idea

It was alright but it's not like the original was an epic all time great movie.
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03/26/18 9:28:03 AM

red13n posted...
Wait Anagram aren't you local here?

How do you not know how famous Santa Monica pier is?

I know it's famous within LA, I didn't think it was famous outside of LA. If you want a West Coast thing to destroy, I'm surprised you'd go with the Santa Monica Pier instead of like the Space Needle or something.
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Started: July 6, 2005
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