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11/30/18 10:20:23 AM

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11/30/18 11:07:05 AM

Kokoro's Anime Channel:
Updated: July 27th, 2016.
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11/30/18 1:09:17 PM

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11/30/18 2:03:40 PM

LapisLazuli posted...

Welp, that's my vote settled I guess.
Perhaps the golden rock was inside us all along.
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11/30/18 2:33:02 PM

Just went to look up if Dorohedoro was finished so I could start buying the volumes again (it just did), only to find that I missed that they announced an anime a few weeks ago???

Literally no other manga I have ever wanted to see an adaptation of more in my entire life. Fuck every other anime, this is all time #1 most anticipated.

Coincidentally reminded me that Vinland Saga is getting an anime next year, too. ALMOST as hype.
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11/30/18 2:54:54 PM

I tried reading that once, the art was super kickass, but I dunno what was up, but I was having a hard time following it and didn't really get it. I really want to like it though, the art, again, is super kickass.
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11/30/18 2:57:55 PM

Give it anothsr shot. It's pretty loose and vague early on, but it starts to come together a bit in.

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11/30/18 4:42:16 PM

No official word on the English one yet, but word is coming in that most other regions are redubbing Evangelion for Netflix.
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11/30/18 6:15:01 PM

Yea I've been hearing that too, that's a shame
What a mad banquet of darkness...
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11/30/18 6:32:48 PM

The license situation here is, like, double fucked thanks to Evangelion drama in general and Geneon being caputs, so I'm not surprised really.

Would be interesting if it were mostly the same VAs. Spike Spencer is pretty adamant about coming back as Shinji if he can.
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11/30/18 7:25:37 PM

Odd that Funimation couldn't get the license since they have it for the Rebuild movies.
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11/30/18 7:26:47 PM

Bloom Into You episode 9

Oh my god that insert song was so good
Congratulations to BK_Sheikah00, this year's guru to achieve contest enlightenment!
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Mac Arrowny
11/30/18 7:38:01 PM

got really good after the insert song imo

LapisLazuli posted...
The license situation here is, like, double fucked thanks to Evangelion drama in general and Geneon being caputs, so I'm not surprised really.

Would be interesting if it were mostly the same VAs. Spike Spencer is pretty adamant about coming back as Shinji if he can.

The problem with the original dub was that the script was great, but the VAs were bad. Hope they get new people.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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11/30/18 8:16:27 PM

Gotta be honest, never seen someone say Eva had bad VA work.
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Mac Arrowny
11/30/18 8:24:38 PM

Eva was the very first show I watched on DVD. The dub was bad enough to convince me to go with subs forever after (I'd never watched an anime subbed before that).
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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11/30/18 8:25:56 PM

It's weird because if it was any other show I'd agree the dub isn't the best, but it kind of works for Eva and who the characters are
Lord have mercy on my soul, I've had a good run but I can't run anymore. Just put me down
BKSheikah got me good in Guru
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11/30/18 8:26:21 PM

Well, can't argue with your opinion!

Personally I have no attachment, but the news of a redub seems like it's being met very negatively.
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11/30/18 8:30:25 PM

Nostalgia is a thing, regardless of how good or bad the old dub was.
"Let's all go play nagasaki. We can all get vaporized. Hold my hand, let's turn to ash. I'll see you on the other side."
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12/01/18 5:36:39 AM

Is it ok if I play Umineko before Higarushi? Currently Higarushi is incomplete on Steam and I don't want to wait till everything is translated.
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12/01/18 5:39:57 AM

handsomeboy2012 posted...
Is it ok if I play Umineko before Higarushi? Currently Higarushi is incomplete on Steam and I don't want to wait till everything is translated.

yeah, definitely okay to do that
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12/01/18 10:00:58 AM

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12/01/18 10:03:28 AM

handsomeboy2012 posted...
Is it ok if I play Umineko before Higarushi? Currently Higarushi is incomplete on Steam and I don't want to wait till everything is translated.

You're fine. They aren't that connected. You'll miss some references, but that's about it.
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12/01/18 11:31:42 AM

LapisLazuli posted...


2 line break(s), 160 characters allowed
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Mac Arrowny
12/01/18 11:56:33 AM

Coming from new studio Gaina.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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12/01/18 12:02:09 PM

I swear I just thought that was a typo until I went into the article and saw that they had literally made a sub studio called Gaina.

Looking forward to upcoming anime from Studio Bone, MAPP, and KyAn.

No surprise than Gainax can't make a show on their own anymore. Their last anime was literally product placement for cars.
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12/01/18 2:13:28 PM

Haha I love that Bakugo's idea of teamwork is to accept he has to carry.
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12/01/18 6:59:41 PM

Well this most recent arc of Index S3 was pretty solid.

It's not like amazing, but it's been one of the better Index arcs, and it's at least looking like the season is not going be a trainwreck like the first 5-6 episodes were implying.
Congratulations to BK_Sheikah00, this year's guru to achieve contest enlightenment!
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12/02/18 5:06:18 PM

Finished the Tenchi Muyo re-watch. Pretty safe to call it my most nostalgic anime, I think. I mean it's obviously not all the amazing, but it just hits me right there, you know? Ryuko #1 forever.
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12/02/18 5:17:44 PM

Oof, this SNAFU bluray sure is the most barebones anime release I own, doesn't even have an options menu. Not much different than copying the episodes on a rewritable bluray.

But hey, two seasons for $10, can't complain. Works and looks good, all that really matters.
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12/02/18 9:17:03 PM

Watched the Kara no Kyoukai epilogue.

Holy christ that was dumb.
Congratulations to BK_Sheikah00, this year's guru to achieve contest enlightenment!
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12/02/18 9:24:16 PM

You don't like watching two people stand in the snow for 3 minutes?

I can't remember if that was the epilogue or something else, I haven't seen all that epilogue and final mini episodes stuff since they came out.
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12/02/18 9:27:19 PM

That was the epilogue, yes.

LapisLazuli posted...
You don't like watching two people stand in the snow for 3 minutes?

I might be okay with this in principle, at least. It's this coupled with philosophical inanities that I really can't stand.
Congratulations to BK_Sheikah00, this year's guru to achieve contest enlightenment!
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Mac Arrowny
12/02/18 10:35:54 PM

Mirai Fukuin is alright, though not as good as the main movies IMO. Extra Chorus is great. Basically three neat little shorts.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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12/03/18 3:01:31 AM

Had to watch ZLS 8 again for roomate catchup time. Gotta admit, got a bit teary.
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12/03/18 6:24:08 AM

I finally made decent progress on Hunter x Hunter (2011) again, finishing up to episode 136 and the end of the big arc. There's still twelve episodes left that I hope to finish soon, but I'll spoiler-tag a few thoughts for now.

So this was a super long arc and I took a long break before this last half. That means the earlier stuff isn't 100% fresh in my memory but I think I still recall enough to talk about it. Overall I thought the Chimera Ant arc was really good (which is to be expected since all of HxH has been really good so far) but it was definitely the most uneven arc. There were parts I enjoyed immensely and other parts that were easily the worst parts of the anime.

I enjoyed the first part with the ants slowly evolving/spreading and everyone becoming aware of the problem and heading in to try and stop it. The second part, with Gon, Killua, Palm, and Biscuit training, that might honestly be my favorite part of the anime. Biscuit and Palm were so good. The three big-time hunters were also clearing out the ant problem in a really badass way during this section, which was also great.

The next part was after the King was born, and I thought this section was good too. His relationship with Komugi was really intriguing, and everything that happened as the hunters slowly closed in on the palace was interesting and badass. Then the palace attack started and... man, parts of this section felt really bad. Most of it was the pacing, which felt slow even for an anime that frequently had long training sections in previous arcs. At one point after five episodes Knuckle was like 'oh jeez less than ten seconds have passed' and I was like 'I know, it's awful'.

It really didn't help that the Royal Guard ants were all my least favorite characters on the show. They kept trying to do stuff with Youpi during this section and I didn't care about any of it. I didn't care about Pitou aside from wanting her to die horribly (and she did, yay) but that wasn't the focus until way later. Killua became a wet blanket, too. Just let Gon murder the evil cat-ant even if it kills a random girl, jeez. Why do you care about her. Pouf was also legitimately terrible but I'll get to him later too. The only good parts of this section were Ikalgo's adventures underground.

Things picked back up with the King/Netero fight, that was legitimately awesome. Gon's fight with Pitou was great too. I expected that duel to take a lot longer than a single episode, but the way he absolutely stomped her was so awesome that I didn't even feel cheated. I hope Gon comes out of that okay. While I'm talking about good things, the finale with Meruem and Komugi was so heartfelt, I enjoyed the end of the arc a lot.

Sadly, Pouf did absolutely everything he could to ruin the last stretch of the arc. His misadventures to try and kill Komugi were so bad. Everything felt so pointless since it seemed obvious to me that the King would eventually see something that sparked his memory whether he ever saw Komugi or not, yet episode after episode were dedicated to that stupid butterfly getting outwitted. Ugh, worst character of the anime by far. I'm glad he died.

Anyway this post went on a bit long. In conclusion, I enjoyed the Chimera Ant arc overall but it was long enough that it encompassed both my favorite and least favorite parts of HxH. Now I hope the final few episodes provide a decent conclusion!

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12/03/18 7:40:21 AM

Oh yea I finished HxH up last night funnily enough but I'll comment on some of your Chimera Ant thoughts

the assault on the palace and breaking down time to the literal seconds I actually thought was super nifty. BUT I can understand someone getting fed up with it. It takes a lot of patience to get through some of that, but I really liked the narrator going through everything with it. Most anime wouldn't really risk doing something like that, so it felt really cool to me.

I think you're crazy about Pouf, I thought he got better as time went on! He just gets so crazy and obsessed, I admired how far they went with him.

Robazoid posted...
Killia became a wet blanket, too. Just let Gon murder the evil cat-ant even if it kills a random girl, jeez. Why do you care about her.

Oof. Not sure where to start with this.

What a mad banquet of darkness...
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12/03/18 8:11:51 AM

Oh also Palm actually kind of annoyed the shit outta me before she became an Ant. Biskey was good but that part of the arc in general frustrated me, for the longest time I thought it was just a time waste to pad out the episode length. Thankfully things did not turn out as I expected with it and it ended up mattering to set up Knuckle and Shoot for the rest of the arc, but at the time I was kinda like meh to it.
What a mad banquet of darkness...
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12/03/18 11:23:09 AM

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12/03/18 3:04:22 PM
#441:" data-time="

Mostly bit characters, but always fun to get the reveals.

Maybe Yellow Diamond should be a liiiiittle deeper?
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12/03/18 3:22:09 PM

The anime pacing is actually slower than I remembered once it gets to Chimera Ant stuff.

If they ever animate the current arc oh boy. They better try to speed through some stuff instead of actually trying to go for even chapter pacing.

It's also unfortunate that "character head thinking" is something that can be great in manga, but is almost never gonna feel good animated when you have to stare at different shots of a head for 30 seconds or longer.
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12/03/18 3:30:38 PM

LapisLazuli posted...
Oof is right!

I'll admit, after making the post I remembered the most pertinent reason was that they needed Pitou to maybe save Kite, but I swear I remember Killua also arguing the morality of letting someone wounded by their attack die. You're up against ants that are literal threats to the entire world, who cares, kill the ants. Plus, this was right in the middle of the 'one second passes per episode' pacing so I agreed super hard with Gon, I didn't want to wait anymore!
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Mac Arrowny
12/03/18 3:56:19 PM

Huh? I could be misremembering, but wasn't he issue that Pitou was healing Komugi at the time? So if Gon attacked her there, Komugi would die too.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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12/03/18 3:56:52 PM

Gon's motivation had nothing at all to do with the sake of the world. Killua's didn't really either.
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12/03/18 4:01:49 PM

I just didn't like how Komugi was even a consideration for Killua. Potentially saving Kite is fine, but I was with Gon, Komugi was nothing more than a bargaining chip at that point in time and Killua caring about her well-being even a little bit was lame.
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12/03/18 4:05:16 PM

I don't know it sounds like you're misinterpreted something about their characters to think they'd be that callous about killing a human. These guys didn't kill Genthru and his friends! \
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12/03/18 4:09:38 PM


Aw yeah SoraYori getting that mainstream recognition.
Congratulations to BK_Sheikah00, this year's guru to achieve contest enlightenment!
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12/03/18 4:11:48 PM

Also about HxH:

I hate pretty much everything involving Gon in the finale of Chimera Ant. It's been too long to say exactly why, but I wasn't engaged by any of it.

Pouf also sucks horribly.

Fortunately Meruem/Koumugi is enough to make up for those faults and more.

Congratulations to BK_Sheikah00, this year's guru to achieve contest enlightenment!
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Mac Arrowny
12/03/18 4:28:13 PM

Killua's definitely willing to kill his enemies, but I don't remember any point where he was happy to kill an innocent person. Gon either. pj's right, you probably misinterpreted something.

I wasn't really on Gon's side at all there in the finale of Chimera Ant, yeah. And the way he beat Pitou was super lame.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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12/03/18 4:34:21 PM

I'm not saying they should gleefully kill Komugi, but killing Pitou would be worth it even with the unfortunate sacrifice. Like, the way I saw it was that Gon was off the deep end and finally ready to kill someone who needed killing. Killua, not wanting to let an innocent die (what about that old man you randomly murdered at the end of the exam arc and, aside from having broken the rules, no one cared, Killua?) and, in desperation, he brought up Kite to stop Gon. Saving Kite wasn't Killua's main concern there, it was saving Komugi, some girl he had no particular reason to care about in comparison to the importance of their mission/revenge. I guess I just wanted random-murderer Killua to team up with don't-give-a-fuck Gon.
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12/03/18 4:38:31 PM

Killua was under the control of Illumi's bullshit at that time with the exam, remember how big of a deal it was when he pulled the needle out
What a mad banquet of darkness...
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