Poll of the Day > Do you have anyone you used to play a game with and lost the connection to them?

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10/22/19 5:58:00 AM

I have a few, but the most that sticks out for me was years ago on 360 I used to play CoD with a group of firefighters in Kentucky. I pretty much played with an entire shift of guys and matched up with them by chance. We spent many days playing together but sadly I had life events happen and I lost contact with them and they are forever gone for me.
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10/22/19 6:24:13 AM

Met up with this chick I played a MMO with, we were living close by and had dinner one night.. that and adding members of the guild we were in to Facebook..

I didn't lose contact as much as I just stopped communicating with them once we quit the game
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10/22/19 6:29:33 AM

There was one who I played with pretty much every day for about 3 years. One day, he started paying with a new person and he just changed and always played with him and his group. Became like a whole new person (not in a good way).

I really did not like the group so we stopped playing together
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10/22/19 6:41:37 AM

The ones that stick out to me the most are a clan of guys I used to play SOCOM 2 with. We used to stay up until 3 am playing ranked clan matches.

Half of the people were real life friends I still occasionally play with, and the other half were people Ill never play with again but they were hardcore.

I also remember playing left 4 dead on xbox with a bunch of people from here but we dont play anymore :(
on your left...
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10/22/19 8:34:16 AM

Had a big group back during UT99. We didn't like the sequels enough to keep going and eventually things went dark. I think they might be on FB but I don't use it.

Honestly I lost touch with everyone around here.
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10/22/19 9:26:25 AM

The way the question is posed, it sounds like you're just asking if we lost that gaming connection with people, right? Well, of course I have some experiences with people like that.

I used to play with my younger brother all the time, but rarely do we ever get to do that these days since he moved to another state. The same goes with my best friend Chris. We used to couch coop multiple times a week, but that had to stop when he moved 2500 miles away.

I used to be really into Maple Story, and I met a number of people and became good online friends with them. I haven't played that game in a decade or so though, and nowadays I may comment on a Facebook post of theirs once a year or so, but that's about it.

My friend Charlie, one of my best friends in middle school and high school, was someone that used to play games all the time. We used to play Perfect Dark and Smash Bros. on a projector at his place. However, he's changed a lot since then, and no longer plays video games at all (he considers them a distraction, and, technically, he's not wrong). So we no longer have that gamer connection we once did.

And, of course, there are people that come in and out of our lives as the years go by for this and that reason. They are no exception.
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10/22/19 10:04:10 AM

Guy I did coop Fable 2 with on 360. Still have him on friends list but haven't talked to him in like 7 years
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10/22/19 10:17:52 AM

Yeah, my Star Wars Galaxies guild. Talked every day for years but completely fell out of touch the second they launched the NGE and the game died.
Let strength be granted so the world might be mended.
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10/22/19 11:51:03 AM

Plenty in EverQuest. Sadly when the guild and game is the only thing we have in common, once they aren't playing the game there's really nothing unifying anymore.

There's one person I say hello to several times a year. We were in the same guild when I started playing in 2003. To this day we still join a channel ex-members of that guild joined, but we're in different guilds and seldom talk.

I am so conscious of this facet of reality that I'm not sure if I have any true deep friendships, and I'm probably aromantic. That doesn't mean I don't value friendship, or that it's impossible I will ever be in a relationship, but I'm so conscious of the sheer number of people and the paper thin connections most of us have that I accept that as the reality of things. I've even been to the wedding of two of our guild members, and I hope I would keep in touch if they quit/left. It's the game that keeps everyone together for the most part though, even though real life relationships do develop for people.

This does often make bad things happening in the world not move me as much, which I feel bad about, but in the end it's our actions that matter and how we deal with people day to day. So this doesn't depress me. I value the people I play with so many hours/days every year. I just know I won't keep touch with most of them if they leave the guild or the game sunsets.

There is one person I played with 2003-2004 that to this day I keep in touch with, but we were in the same fandom unrelated to the game so that connection kept the communication going.
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10/22/19 11:58:48 AM

Yeah, my old wow buddies. Went to a wedding between 2 of them about a year after we stopped playing and that was the last I heard or saw from any of them.
I am your shepherd cloaked in obscenity. Heed these sickening words: I worship only what you bleed.
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10/22/19 12:05:46 PM

Had some friends through Star Wars Galaxies and Phantasy Star Online I used to hang out with but don't anymore. That's about it. Most of my online friends have been made through forums rather than games.
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Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
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