Board 8 > MWC Talks all Wrestling. Topic 1: "Laughs in Gedo"

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01/03/20 2:17:33 AM

All right, there we go. Had this account since early November. Waited for THIS moment right here to finally make this post. Because I have to things to say.

First, to get it out of the way, we can talk WWE, NXT, Impact, the Money Mark company that lost 60% of it's viewers in 2 and a half months, RoH and how slowly one can circle the drain, the NWA in 2020 while not talking about the rap group, (unreal this is a thing) and other things later..... but man alive, I waited for this specifically. I HAVE THINGS TO SAY ABOUT WRESTLE KINGDOM

It is well known my opinion (admittedly, objective at this time) about Gedo. Dude is a worse booker than Watts at the end of his tenure. If Gedo had booked WWF, Andre would have went over Hogan at III by DQ, Shawn would have beaten Austin clean, Hogan ABSOLUTELY beats Warrior clean (this one is really close), and this one hits the closest of all to what Gedo has done. Daniel would lose at XXX (to HHH, not even Orton and Batista), then he'd win the Rumble twice in a row to lose clean to Roman to a chorus of boos at Mania, THEN he'd lose the Next Rumble while the crowd was still on fire for him, have him toil in the midcard for 3 years while still somehow being the hottest act in the company, till finally the crowd doesn't care 1/10th as much as they once did, he's lost tons and tons of earning power, and then maybe (after jobbing him clean to Randy Orton at the Rumble for literally no reason, except to cool him off even more) he would get inserted in a 4 way at Mania 35 to which he someone wins while not looking dominant, and raises 2 belts in the air to the loudest pop this company can get..... but not one twentieth of what it would have been 5 years ago. Or in a vacuum, if Gedo was allowed to book just WM 35, Brock Squashes Seth, DB kicks out of the Trouble in Paradise, and immediately puts on the Yes Lock as Kofi taps out, and Becky would have been put through 2 tables as Charlotte and Ronda fight to a chorus of boos that ends with Oka...., I mean Charlotte winning to absolute crowd ambivalence.

Naito is Daneil in that first example. Gedo has killed this man. Vince gets ALOT of crap, but here is the truth, no one has ever ever ever been as consistently over as Naitio in WWE and not gotten to the top, ever. Vince will give you what you want if you ask for it long enough, honestly, it's only your bias that even convinces you he won't if it's not that long. Look at the Fiend, he was molten hot for a month and Vince put the belt on him. Now that doesn't always happen that quickly, but if you sustain, holy hell man. Vince will put it behind you. Now let's talk about the anti Vince..... Gedo.

Gedo has now gotten the ME of his biggest show wrong for the last 9 years. The only one he got right, is because he got it wrong the year before. Most of these are egregiously fucking wrong. The fact that Naito has been in ONE Main Event in 9 years while being the most over guy in the company by 73 miles the whole time and losing is absurd. Don't even get me started on the Omega one, I will take my apologies now, as it was stupid then and looking by unimaginably dumb now.

So simply put, as we are now just one day away from the biggest NJPW event of the year, the only questions is, can Gedo POSSIBLY fuck this up? The answer is obviously yes. Even if he does actually get this right though, it doesn't excuse how monumentally he has fucked up everything the last decade of this event. And no, I don't care that inevitably people are gonna come on here and say "But the other shows were awesome, so even if you don't like the end of the WK that shouldn't matter". Yeah, you know what, RR and SS 2000-2009 were pretty much consistently amazing, but if Vince would have fucked up the end of WM 2000 to WM 25, I can assure you I wouldn't just gloss over that.

Finally, the last thing, that NJPW has made a ton of money doesn't mean anything, they could have made more. They made so much money because it is a workrate mark company, and they have Okada who can legit work any style ever as good as anyone else ever. So having one of the best workers ever Gedo was always going to make money in spite of himself. And that is what it was, in spite of himself.

On to the card.

Mayu Iwatani and Arisa Hoshiki vs. Giulia and Hana Kimura. Stardom special. Put those ladies where they belong. On the dark match. That way no one will actually have to see them. Progressive Gedo.
In all seriousness on this, I don't know Stardom, I hear they are really good, I can only assume these are the best they have, sure would be cool to see them.

Jyushin Thunder Liger, Tatsumi Fujinami, The Great Sasuke, and Tiger Mask (with El Samurai) vs. Naoki Sano, Shinjiro Otani, Tatsuhito Takaiwa, and Ryusuke Taguchi (with Kuniaki Kobayashi): Farewell to a Legend (yes, I know not officially yet).
Should Win: Thunder Liger Team.
Will Win: Thunder Liger Team.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (Evil, Sanada, Shingo Takagi, and Bushi) vs. Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki, Taichi, Zack Sabre Jr., and El Desperado)
Will and Should win: Who cares? Just let these guy burn it down. There are at least 5 great great workers here, and I'm willing to bet the other 3 I don't know how good they are are damn good too.

Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano, and Yoshi-Hashi) vs. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Chase Owens, Kenta, and Yujiro Takahashi).
Will and should win: BC. Continue to inject Kenta straight into my veins please. Also, I love Ishii. Apparently from listening to other fans he will never actually get a real chance at the Belt, despite how good he is. That kinda sucks, but oh well. Maybe he lacks the charisma. Don't know.

Day One Championship Matches:

IWGP Tag Team.

Guerrillas of Destiny (Tanga Loa and Tama Tonga) (c) vs. FinJuice (Juice Robinson and David Finlay):
Will and Should Win. GoD. What a stupid stupid name. FinJuice. Ugh.... Anyway, GoD are the most enjoyable team to watch in the world not in WWE IMO.

Texas Deathmatch for the IWGP United States Championship.

Archer vs Mox.
Will Win. Lance Archer.
Should win. MOXLEY. I don't care if he is done, I don't care if he's an AEW guy, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care. This guy is more talented than virtually anyone in this company. Put belts on him. Lot's of belts. Have him ME the Dome next year for all I care.

IWGP Junior Heavyweight.

Will Ospreay (C) vs Hiromu Takahashi.
Will win: Ospreay. This won't be the only things this month he wins that he didn't deserve to......
Should win. Takahashi. It's well past time this boy lose this belt.
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01/03/20 2:24:04 AM

Spurs - Yankees - Eagles - Golden Knights
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01/03/20 2:53:46 AM

nobody cares what you think please fuck off for good
Advokaiser makes me feel eternal. All this pain is an illusion.
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01/03/20 4:21:24 AM

Day 2:

Jyushin Thunder Liger and Naoki Sano (with Yoshiaki Fujiwara) vs. Ryu Lee and Hiromu Takahashi: The true goodbye to a Legend.
Who should win: Liger's team of course.
Who will win: Liger and Sano. Though it is quite a statement that needs to be said that the ONLY way I could possibly be less confident in this absolute no brainer no question decision would be if Herd (incompetence) or Russo (swerve for sake of swerve) were booking. Don't be surprised if Liger ends this one looking up at the lights.

Championships, Championship losers, and Quasi Number 1 Contenders Matches:

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships:

Bullet Club (Taiji Ishimori and El Phantasmo) (c) vs. Roppongi 3K (Sho and Yoh):
Who will win: BC.
Who should win. Probably the Club. Their leader is gonna double Job this PPV. Only makes sense. Also, as an aside. I hate these belts. Not just because the Bucks anathema and anything they were ever involved with should be destroyed (notice I didn't say this about the standard tag belts). But weight classes in Tag divisions is the single dumbest thing in all of wrestling. God I hate this existence. Even Vince's dad wasn't dumb enough to have segmented tag belts. But you know who was? Dubya C Dubya... They are doing great I hear, damn strong territory.

British Heavyweight Championship.

Zack Sabre Jr. (c) vs. Sanada
Who will and should win: The one who works in Rev Pro. This one seems pretty cut and dry. I assume with how loaded this card is on night 2 from a major match standpoint they are only getting 15 minutes or so, can I petition to give Sabre Jr. like 28 instead? That seems fair.

IWGP United States Championship.

Archer/Moxley (C) vs Juice Robinson:
Who will win Mox won day 1: Mox.
Who will win if Archer won day 1: Juice.
Who should win if Mox won day 1: Mox.
Who should win if Archer won day 1: Juice I guess.
I don't get this. Right, I mean Gedo does understand that when you do something like double defend your two biggest belts in the company, it takes shine off them to do it with #3 as well. Why is this getting the same treatment as the World Title? Anyway, look, it should just be Mox. That really is all there is too it. There is no excuse for not bathing this man in Titles.

NEVER Openweight Championship.

Kenta (c) vs. Hirooki Goto:
Who should and will win. KENTA. Keep giving me Kenta wins. Thank you. I'm thinking of dyeing my hair blond.

Double Gold Dash runners up.
TBD (Okada vs. Ibushi loser) vs. TBD (White vs. Naito loser)
Who should lose (his job): Jay White.
Who will lose: preemptive fuck you Gedo. But if you have to bury someone supremely over and should absolutely win in a match this year, better this match than the ME. Sorry Ibushi, time to job to this untalented sloth and his fucking stupid move.

If Tanahashi wins, he gets an AEW "World" Title shot.

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Chris Jericho
Who will and should win: Chris Jericho. If Jericho loses, why would anybody care about him in this company anymore? He is officially a jobber to the Stars if he loses this one. "Special attractions" should occasionally win the Blowoff. If this wasn't Gedo I would put it at a solid 100% percent, but he's incompetent at this event to a level Heyman at Taboo Tuesday could only dream, so lets run this for fun and see.

And now, the Main Event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Double Gold Dash match for both the IWGP Heavyweight Championship and IWGP Intercontinental Championship:

Kazuchika Okada/Kota Ibushii vs (IT BETTER FUCKING BE!!!!!) Tetsuya Naito:
Look, I've been on this for a solid amount of years now, and every time the rest of you have just defended this idiot to insane lengths. "Long term booking" "He'll be more over when he wins it" "The Ace should always win the Dome" "Gedo knows what he's doing" Yeah, there is more than enough evidence he doesn't. They are having problems selling tickets for night 2. Why the fuck could that be? I GUARANTEE you if WM does 2 night next year, they sell out both. Now yes, the novelty may wear off after a couple years and then they struggle to sell two days of tickets, thats fine, but this first few, no fucking way. They sell them across the board. Both nights same attendance. So what could cause this not to happen? In a show where all 3 of the top belts are being defended, where Liger is retiring, ZSJ and Kenta are both wrestling, they are struggling. They are struggling because nobody trusts they will sit through 2 straight days of shows and get what 1: the storyline dictates and 2: what they want. That's a huge issue, and no amount of defending anyone is going to try to do is going to change that. It is right there in cold hard facts and numbers.

Bruce Prichard confirmed sometime a while ago what we all already knew. They were NEVER going to give the Undisputed Title to Austin or Rock, they never even talked about it for one single second leading to Vengeance 2001. It was always Angle or Jericho, and whoever won was always going to beat Rock and Austin to do it. Cause Vince isn't a fucking moron. Scott Hall won the Undisputed IC TItle, not Shawn, Orton won the Unified Championships, not Cena, Punk won the Unification match for the WWE Titles when there were 2, not Cena, Flair won the 1992 Rumble not Hogan, Love him or hate him, Del Rio won the 40 man Rumble, not one of the already Mega Stars. Okada does not need, nor belongs anywhere NEAR this achievement both in kayfabe and reality. Okada has literally blown this off in fact in kayfabe, it is impossible to put into words how bad you would look if you lost to him one night 2 right now. His entire focus has been on January 4th. The other 3 are talking about 2 belts, and this guy over here doesn't even care about the other and only cares about the first night. Do you know how bad you make your entire roster look if a guy who didn't prepare at all, and put all his emotional investment in day 1, beats another Main Eventer that did care, and put all his emotional investment in day 2, and had been talking about this exact moment for years......?

Herb Abrams would not fuck this up. Fight me on that, it's true.

Should win if it's Okada: Naito
Should win if it's Ibushii: Naito (prestige of the belt be damned, congrats on your one day reign Ibushii)
Should win if Jay White wins the night before: Naito takes him out before the match, demands a falls count anywhere match right then and there or he'll break his arm, Jay accepts Naito pins him. Then enters and wins the match against
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01/03/20 4:33:12 AM

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01/03/20 5:27:24 AM

For your BK_Sheikah00.
At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza
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01/04/20 12:09:07 AM

Great SD tonight. Definitely best show of the week, I am tempted to best show of the week so far, because realistically there is no way that a random SD should be better than WK night 1, but let's be honest, that semi Main Event can easily destroy this promotion for a year. Let alone just this week

Only here to talk Wrestling and Final Fantasy Record Keeper on B8.
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01/04/20 12:23:01 AM

Just a heads up, if you do care about coming here, there WILL be spoilers instantly.

Only here to talk Wrestling and Final Fantasy Record Keeper on B8.
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01/04/20 3:40:03 AM



Not just did we have Liger's team job. But Liger himself looking up at the lights. I joked last night that he could be so stupid. But he TRULY is that stupid.

Eric Bischoff in the year 2000 is a better booker than Gedo. Not up for debate.

Only here to talk Wrestling and Final Fantasy Record Keeper on B8.
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01/04/20 3:57:37 AM



I'm gonna allow myself one serious response to this topic just because I really can't actually comprehend that someone could be this ignorant.

Liger wants to job. That's what he does. He's been booking in charge of booking the Junior division for a couple years. He books himself to lose constantly.

I refuse to believe you actually think that he'd be taking the pin if he didn't want to. My God.

Spurs - Yankees - Eagles - Golden Knights
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01/04/20 4:13:29 AM

NBIceman posted...


I'm gonna allow myself one serious response to this topic just because I really can't actually comprehend that someone could be this ignorant.

Liger wants to job. That's what he does. He's been booking in charge of booking the Junior division for a couple years. He books himself to lose constantly.

I refuse to believe you actually think that he'd be taking the pin if he didn't want to. My God.
I had a long written out post, but this new quote system (as well as everything else around it) is absurdly without any worth, and somehow ate my post, but not your quote, go figure. So this will be much shorter.

I never said Liger was jobbing against his will. All the old idiots want to lose on the way out. It's the Bookers job to stop that. At least with Angle you can (stupidly) point to it being a storyline to get a guy more over that they want to give a World Title soon. Angle still should have obviously won, but it's not as bad as this. And EVEN if Gedo respects his wishes or whatever enough to let him lose tomorrow, he absolutely without debate or thought should have put his foot down tonight. How the hell was this allowed to happen. Again, I joked about this exact scenario last night because it was too unlikely for words to occur. I was exaggerating Gedo's shortcomings and he still soared beneath them. I want you to give me a single major positive that involves Liger having a year long retirement tour capped by him double jobbing in front of the fans?

Only here to talk Wrestling and Final Fantasy Record Keeper on B8.
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01/04/20 4:16:18 AM

You're lucky our human society is merciful enough to allow you to be indoors. It's unfortunate for the rest of us, but what are you gonna do I guess.

Spurs - Yankees - Eagles - Golden Knights
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01/04/20 4:16:52 AM

Kenta lost. :(

Only here to talk Wrestling and Final Fantasy Record Keeper on B8.
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01/04/20 4:32:01 AM

GoD :(

Only here to talk Wrestling and Final Fantasy Record Keeper on B8.
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01/04/20 5:03:43 AM

that was awesome. But that should be like TLC II. You can only (or should at least) do things like that in one of the biggest shows of the year in all wrestling.

I have no idea how he follows that up tomorrow, especially when downgrading to someone like Juice...

Only here to talk Wrestling and Final Fantasy Record Keeper on B8.
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01/04/20 5:28:08 AM

Was that a C4? A moving C4?

Only here to talk Wrestling and Final Fantasy Record Keeper on B8.
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01/04/20 5:31:38 AM

Aw. So glad to see him lose. Get fucked dude.

Although, uh... that move that he just beat Ospreay with should never be used again. I don't think there even is a way to do that safely.

Only here to talk Wrestling and Final Fantasy Record Keeper on B8.
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01/04/20 5:46:17 AM

I hate them both. Legitimate argument my 2 least favorite wrestling personalities period are there right now, and they are CERTAINLY my 2 least favorite men. Maybe I hate Lexi Kaufmann and Flair's bint of a daughter more, but even those are debatable at most.... if those two "women" are ahead, it is truly by a razors edge.

Fuck White
Fuck Gedo

Only here to talk Wrestling and Final Fantasy Record Keeper on B8.
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01/04/20 6:19:13 AM

thank god.

Another terribly boring White match, more akin to a snuff film.

Hopefully Naito can have an amazing match tomorrow with Ibushii or Okada.

Only here to talk Wrestling and Final Fantasy Record Keeper on B8.
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01/04/20 1:02:16 PM

One time I told Jay White he sucked and he said he was IWGP International Champion to me and to get on his level or whatever.....good times

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01/05/20 1:33:14 AM

greengravy294 posted...
One time I told Jay White he sucked and he said he was IWGP International Champion to me and to get on his level or whatever.....good times

I doubt the validity of this story

Only here to talk Wrestling and Final Fantasy Record Keeper on B8.
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01/05/20 1:51:26 AM

These are the absolute worst wrestling takes anywhere.

Go fuck off some place.

Board 8's Voice of Reason
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01/05/20 1:56:50 AM

Eddv posted...
These are the absolute worst wrestling takes anywhere.

Go fuck off some place.

No. That's defending Gedo. Therefore you lose. As he is indefensible

Only here to talk Wrestling and Final Fantasy Record Keeper on B8.
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01/05/20 8:16:04 AM


Go away.

Board 8's Voice of Reason
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01/05/20 8:17:46 AM

ChampLight posted...
No. That's defending Gedo. Therefore you lose. As he is indefensible

Like imagine being this stupid.

Just imagine.

You probably turn around and love The Fiend too.

Board 8's Voice of Reason
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