Poll of the Day > Customer's are always stupid, no matter the field.

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03/12/20 1:15:23 AM

Customer reported issue of calls disconnecting when its placed in queue to connect to an agent(when you call and press a number for blah) so I was like, okay this is your fault. Ran captures and made a test call and saw the signaling that they were sending us a cancel after the DTMF(when you press 1 or whatever) which causes anyone to end the call. Sent them the capture telling them all of that and that they need to look into it. They respond to MY email saying the issue is still on going and asking if they can send a trace...

Its like buddy I sent you a capture showing you everything and explained to you why this is your fault. Replied back telling them that this is something for your engineering team, nothing I can do if your system is sending a cancel to end the call. After email was sent, looked at the guys signature to make a note of the idiot to know in the future and say he is a senior engineer... So thats gonna be fun.

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03/12/20 1:17:05 AM

Who the fuck knew masturbation had a day job?
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03/12/20 1:53:12 AM

Unfortunately, 99% of the time the employees are also stupid.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
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03/12/20 1:57:12 AM

You sound like youre pretty shitty at your job

Im glad Im not a smengineer or whatever that has to call you for help, you seem mean

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03/12/20 2:02:23 AM

Mead posted...
You sound like youre pretty shitty at your job

Im glad Im not a smengineer or whatever that has to call you for help, you seem mean
I am a senior tier 3 engineer and facility manager for a telecom. The people that I have interactions with within the company's of our customers are supposed to have degrees. Not rejects from McDonald's who cant read a wireshark.

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03/12/20 2:07:55 AM

Im a tier 5 berserker.

What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
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03/12/20 2:21:42 AM

Customer: Why isn't this product two for the price of one?

Me: Because the sale for it ended last week.

Customer: But I want it for the sale price. Other store has it on sale, why don't you?

Me: Sales are set by corporate. If another store has it on sale then that's their choice. We do not price match.

Customer: But I want it for the two for one price.

Me: Even if I gave it to you for that price you are only buying one product. So it would still be full price.

Customer: So give it to me half-off then.

Me: I can't do that sir.

Customer: I want to speak to your manager!

Manager comes over and explains the exact same thing.

That happens far too often in retail. I suspect customers get spoiled by stores that only care about customer service and then get flabbergasted when they meet a store that won't give them a 50% discount to honor a sale that isn't even ongoing just because they want it.

I am the gentle hand who heals, the happy smile who shields, and the foot that will kick your ***! - White Mage
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03/12/20 2:36:55 AM

hypnox posted...
I am a senior tier 3 engineer and facility manager for a telecom. The people that I have interactions with within the company's of our customers are supposed to have degrees. Not rejects from McDonald's who cant read a wireshark.

I bet you couldnt smengineer a McDonalds if you tried

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03/12/20 2:44:59 AM

Unbridled9 posted...
Customer: Why isn't this product two for the price of one?

Me: Because the sale for it ended last week.

Customer: But I want it for the sale price. Other store has it on sale, why don't you?

Me: Sales are set by corporate. If another store has it on sale then that's their choice. We do not price match.

Customer: But I want it for the two for one price.

Me: Even if I gave it to you for that price you are only buying one product. So it would still be full price.

Customer: So give it to me half-off then.

Me: I can't do that sir.

Customer: I want to speak to your manager!

Manager comes over and explains the exact same thing.

That happens far too often in retail. I suspect customers get spoiled by stores that only care about customer service and then get flabbergasted when they meet a store that won't give them a 50% discount to honor a sale that isn't even ongoing just because they want it.

Yeah retail is the worst. worked at a gamestop, woman tried to buy her kid GTA, told her its rated M for blah blah and she was like yeah what ever, then like 4 hours she came back and tried to return it for HALF of the reasons I told her it was rated M.

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03/12/20 2:54:49 AM

hypnox posted...
Yeah retail is the worst. worked at a gamestop, woman tried to buy her kid GTA, told her its rated M for blah blah and she was like yeah what ever, then like 4 hours she came back and tried to return it for HALF of the reasons I told her it was rated M.

A lot of people think all games are Mario and the like. Utterly baffles me when they get surprised that M-rated games exist.

I am the gentle hand who heals, the happy smile who shields, and the foot that will kick your ***! - White Mage
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03/12/20 5:11:24 AM

Thirteen years of working in a grocery store has really made me come to despise customers (especially old people).

Id truly love to know what goes on inside their heads sometimes. Oh this persons on his knees fixing / filling a bottom shelf.. let me interrupt him to reach something I could easily reach myself if I put the slightest bit of effort

This guys clearly working in a certain area? Well let me just cut right through there when I could easily go a different way

Cant wait to be done with this shit.

These pretzels are making me thirsty!
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03/12/20 5:18:53 AM

rexcrk posted...
Thirteen years of working in a grocery store has really made me come to despise customers (especially old people).

man I dont know what it is about old people and grocery stores

I made the mistake of buying groceries on the first Wednesday of the month once, which I guess was a double senior discount day at my grocery store, and it was the most ridiculous display of old folks acting absurd about every little thing and going out of there way to treat employees like shit

This one old lady was literally stamping her feet up and down cartoonishly in the produce section because she didnt like the pears that were on display, despite the fact that there was an employee assuring her that he was gonna bring out some better pears for her

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03/12/20 5:34:20 AM

Mead posted...
man I dont know what it is about old people and grocery stores

I made the mistake of buying groceries on the first Wednesday of the month once, which I guess was a double senior discount day at my grocery store, and it was the most ridiculous display of old folks acting absurd about every little thing and going out of there way to treat employees like shit

This one old lady was literally stamping her feet up and down cartoonishly in the produce section because she didnt like the pears that were on display, despite the fact that there was an employee assuring her that he was gonna bring out some better pears for her
Fuck you Mead, those pears were complete shit and you know it.

I'm that old lady, by the way.

What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
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03/12/20 5:49:37 AM

Customer: How much is this bird?
Me: Sir, how did you get the bird out of the cage? The cage was locked.
Customer: Oh, I got this one from the birds you have outside by the door.
Me: Those arent our birds.
Customer: What?
Me: Sir, you picked up a wild bird. But congratulations, because I cant imagine it was a simple task.

I am the gentle hand who heals, the happy smile who shields, and the foot that will kick your ***! - White Mage
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03/12/20 1:01:03 PM

Calling from a cell phone could do it. My new phone had to have a setting changed for it to send correct touch phone sounds when a number was pressed.
When something like that happened to me after a couple of tries was the thought that the phone wasn't sending those sounds. So I looked for the setting and fixed it.

This space for rent. 50,000$ per letter.
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03/12/20 4:11:56 PM

Customer: I'd like to use this coupon for this tuna.
Me: This is a coupon for salmon sir.
Customer: No it isn't. It's a coupon for tuna. See? *points to coupon which is both expired and for salmon*
Me: It says buy two, get one free on salmon and specifically states on the next line that it's for salmon only.
Customer: Why are you arguing? Just ring it up!
Me: *attempts to ring it up only to have the coupon not apply*
Customer: You did that on purpose! Get me your manager!


Customer: *Comes up with a basket full of 10 count pill boxes and plops down a stack of coupons for $10 off the 100 count*
Me: Sir... Do you really want to do this?
Customer: Huh? I just want to buy these pills.
Me: Sir, we both know these pills are less than $10 originally. If I were to do what you wanted I'd be literally giving these pills away. Plus, I don't even need to look at the stack to know these are coupons for the 100 count only.
Customer: You're being racist. You're only doing this because I'm Indian.
Me: Your brother tried this last week.
Customer: He's not my brother! You're saying us indians all look alike!
Me: Plus, even if I were to use these coupons, thanks to your brother we now have a four-count limit on pills.
Customer: You're discriminating! I want your manager over and I want you fired.
Me: *calls manager over... And it turns out that, yup, he was the brother of the guy from the prior week who tried the same scam. It's almost like we knew about a family that was pulling a couponing scam in the area and had dealt with it before. His sister tried the following week to identical results.*


Me: *is in break room enjoying my half for food*
Customer: *starts pounding on break room door*
Me: I'm on break!
Customer: *Continues pounding*
Me: *opens door* Ms. This is the employee break room.
Customer: You shouldn't be on your phone during work hours. It's rude.
Me: Ms. I'm on break, in the employee break room. I can use my phone if I want. Now, can I help you?
Customer: No, you can't. It's extremely rude and you shouldn't be using it. Now tell me if you have X product in stock or I'll report you to the manager.
Me: Ms. That product is out of stock and won't be in stock for a while.
Customer: Liar. You have it in the back, I know it.
Me: No, we don't. Because you're asking for Christmas tree lights. And it's July.
Customer: You're so rude! I'm going to go talk to your manager and get you fired! Using your phone in front of me and refusing to look for the lights I want.
Me: Go ahead. I'm on break. I don't care.


Customer: *walks up well after the store is closed. I'm outside taking out the trash*
Me: Store is closed miss.
Customer: Open it up! I want to buy some cigarettes.
Me: No. The store is closed.
Customer: Liar. This is a 24 hour store!
Me: This hasn't been a 24 hour store in over a year. We're closed now. We can't let customers in.
Customer: You're here. Just ring me up a pack of smokes and I'll be on my way.
Me: Nnnnnope. Not gonna do that.
Customer: Why not?
Me: Because we're closed. Even if we weren't closed our tills are locked up for the night and I don't have the key. And, hey, aren't you the girl who tried to use a fake I.D. on me last week?
Customer: It wasn't fake!
Me: Old York isn't a state.
Customer: Yes it is! That's why we have a New York too! Old York and New York.
Me: No it isn't. And I'm not opening up the store to sell you cigarettes.


*While at a Gamestop I'm browsing a bunch of games and my inner retailer is also alphabetizing them a bit*

Kid: Mom! I want this game! *comes up with a copy of Thief*
Me: Miss... You shouldn't buy that game for him. I've played it myself and it's not for a kid.
Mom: It's all Mario stuff though. Just jumping around on goomba heads.
Me: Not that game. You play as a thief and it's got things like drug use, prostitution, a level where you sneak through a brothel, and fornication with a goat (made the last one up to drive home the point).
Mom: *looks shocked* Oh my. Well, what would you suggest then.
*I proceed to go through the store and pick out a bunch of age appropriate games including a Lego game, Little Big Planet, and the like for the kid. However I have to go before they purchase. I'm in a few days later when she returns*
Mom: You! You sold my son this horrible game! *waves copy of Thief around* I came in to the living room last night and saw a bunch of whores having sex on screen!
Me: *instantly remembering the woman* Miss... I remember telling you explicitly that was in the game which is why you shouldn't buy it for your son. Plus, before this gets out of hand, I don't work here. I'm just a customer.
Mom: Liar! Then why did you help me?
Me: Because I foresaw that, if I didn't, your son would get you to buy a game with a bunch of adult content in it. I also remember helping you pick out a bunch of age appropriate games before I left. Why didn't you buy those?
Mom: He said he wouldn't be happy unless I got him this one. And my son would never buy a game he knows isn't appropriate for him.
Me: But you just said he claimed he wouldn't be happy unless you bought the age-inappropriate game I warned you not to buy.
Mom: Shut up! You're twisting my words. I demand a refund and I want you fired.
Me: I don't work here miss. I just said that.
*customer demands refund from cashier. I, meanwhile, just sigh and walk out*

I am the gentle hand who heals, the happy smile who shields, and the foot that will kick your ***! - White Mage
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03/12/20 4:42:49 PM

I have a habit of skim reading sometimes so can't really fault some of our clients when they do not properly read an email. But there are some emails that simply ask something along the lines of "Is it A or B" and somehow the client answer with a yes or no. I can only assume said client read as far as "Is it A" and immediately stopped there.

"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
"Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"
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03/12/20 8:09:08 PM

Unbridled9 posted...

*While at a Gamestop I'm browsing a bunch of games and my inner retailer is also alphabetizing them a bit*

Kid: Mom! I want this game! *comes up with a copy of Thief*
Me: Miss... You shouldn't buy that game for him. I've played it myself and it's not for a kid.
Mom: It's all Mario stuff though. Just jumping around on goomba heads.
Me: Not that game. You play as a thief and it's got things like drug use, prostitution, a level where you sneak through a brothel, and fornication with a goat (made the last one up to drive home the point).
Mom: *looks shocked* Oh my. Well, what would you suggest then.
*I proceed to go through the store and pick out a bunch of age appropriate games including a Lego game, Little Big Planet, and the like for the kid. However I have to go before they purchase. I'm in a few days later when she returns*
Mom: You! You sold my son this horrible game! *waves copy of Thief around* I came in to the living room last night and saw a bunch of whores having sex on screen!
Me: *instantly remembering the woman* Miss... I remember telling you explicitly that was in the game which is why you shouldn't buy it for your son. Plus, before this gets out of hand, I don't work here. I'm just a customer.
Mom: Liar! Then why did you help me?
Me: Because I foresaw that, if I didn't, your son would get you to buy a game with a bunch of adult content in it. I also remember helping you pick out a bunch of age appropriate games before I left. Why didn't you buy those?
Mom: He said he wouldn't be happy unless I got him this one. And my son would never buy a game he knows isn't appropriate for him.
Me: But you just said he claimed he wouldn't be happy unless you bought the age-inappropriate game I warned you not to buy.
Mom: Shut up! You're twisting my words. I demand a refund and I want you fired.
Me: I don't work here miss. I just said that.
*customer demands refund from cashier. I, meanwhile, just sigh and walk out*

Why would you care if you're not employed there? Also who the hell sells 10 counts of pills?
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms
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03/12/20 8:40:47 PM

Revelation34 posted...
Why would you care if you're not employed there? Also who the hell sells 10 counts of pills?

I believe Zyrtec comes in 7/10 count pills.

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03/12/20 9:18:35 PM

Mead posted...
man I dont know what it is about old people and grocery stores
Me neither. Like its truly bizarre.

These pretzels are making me thirsty!
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03/12/20 9:29:17 PM

Revelation34 posted...
Why would you care if you're not employed there? Also who the hell sells 10 counts of pills?

I believe it was Zyrtec; but various medicines come in various sizes. 10 counts tend to be more of the 'I have a bad headache and need some quick relief' while the 100 or 200 is more for chronic sufferers. However I'm not a doctor, just my best guess.

I am the gentle hand who heals, the happy smile who shields, and the foot that will kick your ***! - White Mage
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03/12/20 10:36:42 PM

Unbridled9 posted...

Such a good read.

One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
http://psnprofiles.com/wwinterj - https://imgur.com/YvP6isz
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03/13/20 1:57:36 PM

wwinterj25 posted...
Such a good read.

Thank you. Working retail was enlightening to me because I realized just how wrong the average customer is.

I am the gentle hand who heals, the happy smile who shields, and the foot that will kick your ***! - White Mage
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03/13/20 2:02:26 PM

The worst customers are the ones that think buy one get one free means buy one for half off.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms
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03/13/20 2:17:34 PM

I agree. I work at Wal-Mart.

They're almost all stupid.

Grey Warden of Ferelden, Commander Shepard of the Alliance, Dragonborn of Skyrim, yadda yadda... Look, kid, I've been around the block.
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DiScOrD tHe LuNaTiC
03/13/20 4:43:30 PM

hypnox posted...
Yeah retail is the worst. worked at a gamestop, woman tried to buy her kid GTA, told her its rated M for blah blah and she was like yeah what ever, then like 4 hours she came back and tried to return it for HALF of the reasons I told her it was rated M.
I work at Walmart and have had that happen several times with things like GTA, CoD, Gears, etc. This kid-kid (maybe 10) wanted Modern Warfare 2 back in the day, and when I started explaining to his dad that it was rated M and had very realistic violence, the kid started whining and the parent waved me off. I just shrugged and sold it to him.

Buddy of mine worked at a Hollywood Video back when South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut came out and said it was almost a daily thing that a parent would rent the movie for their kids, but ignore the clerks when they tried to point out it was rated R, had tons of profanity, etc. Then they'd come back in a few hours later mad and complaining. Idiots.

"If at any point violence is the answer to someone questioning your beliefs, your beliefs are poorly formed and indefensible." -- Chris Kluwe
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03/13/20 11:57:00 PM

DiScOrD tHe LuNaTiC posted...
I work at Walmart and have had that happen several times with things like GTA, CoD, Gears, etc. This kid-kid (maybe 10) wanted Modern Warfare 2 back in the day, and when I started explaining to his dad that it was rated M and had very realistic violence, the kid started whining and the parent waved me off. I just shrugged and sold it to him.

Buddy of mine worked at a Hollywood Video back when South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut came out and said it was almost a daily thing that a parent would rent the movie for their kids, but ignore the clerks when they tried to point out it was rated R, had tons of profanity, etc. Then they'd come back in a few hours later mad and complaining. Idiots.
That burns me the fuck up.

Grey Warden of Ferelden, Commander Shepard of the Alliance, Dragonborn of Skyrim, yadda yadda... Look, kid, I've been around the block.
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03/14/20 1:47:26 AM

Unbridled9 posted...
Customer: Why isn't this product two for the price of one?

Me: Because the sale for it ended last week.

Customer: But I want it for the sale price. Other store has it on sale, why don't you?

Me: Sales are set by corporate. If another store has it on sale then that's their choice. We do not price match.

Customer: But I want it for the two for one price.

Me: Even if I gave it to you for that price you are only buying one product. So it would still be full price.

Customer: So give it to me half-off then.

Me: I can't do that sir.

Customer: I want to speak to your manager!

Manager comes over and explains the exact same thing.

That happens far too often in retail. I suspect customers get spoiled by stores that only care about customer service and then get flabbergasted when they meet a store that won't give them a 50% discount to honor a sale that isn't even ongoing just because they want it.

Damn this made me realize the joke at work that the inmates will eventually be called clients would actually be fitting cause its very similar. Tell them they gotta do this or that, they bitch you explain to them what policy says and they wanna see a sarge lieutenant or captain. They come and say the same damn thing. Difference being is the inmate usually shuts up and that point and does like they are told without further complaint.

I swear they do that shit just to try and make us look bas at our job. Its literally to the point ive actually a few timea gone up to one and gone "hey.. I just got off thr phone with LT and he told me to tell you to do this" and it works like a charm.

Cid- "looks like that overgrown lobster just got served!" Bartz-"with cheese biscuts AND mashed potatoes!"
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03/15/20 1:58:04 PM

Revelation34 posted...
The worst customers are the ones that think buy one get one free means buy one for half off.

Well, I mean it does SORT of make sense, but even if it was the fact is a cashier can't just give out a 50% discount on a whim. If the system isn't registering it like that then they need approval from a manager at best or else they risk getting fired.

I am the gentle hand who heals, the happy smile who shields, and the foot that will kick your ***! - White Mage
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03/15/20 2:09:01 PM

Oh. And Cigarettes are a bloody pain.

Gaggle of kids: Can we buy some cigarettes?

Me: I don't even need to ask for I.D. here.

Kids: So, yes?

Me: No.

Kids: *one of them produces an I.D.* But I'm over 18!

Me: One of you is. I can tell at least three of your group aren't.

Kid with I.D.: Come on man, just give them to me. Is this job really worth it?

Me: So I either sell cigarettes to a group of underage minors, which is illegal and will get me fired, or I refuse to sell, which is what both my boss and the law expects me to do, and keep my job and keep underage kids from smoking?


Customer: I want to buy some cigarettes but I don't have I.D. I'm clearly old enough. Can I have some?

Me: No. The system requires that I scan in the I.D.

Customer: What? Why?

Me: Because too many people were refusing to give their I.D.'s and cashiers were skipping it too often.

Customer: But that's how the government tracks you!

Me: Doesn't matter. No I.D., no cigarettes. I literally cannot ring them up without the I.D.

Customer: *grumbles and produces I.D.*


Customer: *comes up with a small amount of food* I'd like to buy some cigarettes as well. *provides I.D. and everything*

Me: Okay. *rings them up. Come checkout they don't have enough money.*

Customer: Hmmm... Well... *removes food from transaction*

Customer: There we go!

Me: ...


Working retail made me realize that the majority of people who beg for money on the streets don't actually use it to buy things like food but, instead, buy cigarettes. Now, as a result, I refuse to give out any money on the streets. Not that I carry it around in physical cash anyways.

I am the gentle hand who heals, the happy smile who shields, and the foot that will kick your ***! - White Mage
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03/15/20 2:18:05 PM

Mead posted...
This one old lady was literally stamping her feet up and down cartoonishly in the produce section because she didnt like the pears that were on display, despite the fact that there was an employee assuring her that he was gonna bring out some better pears for her
i've done this

i really have, it's absurd how shit the fruit out was.

is a garbage game.
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03/15/20 2:25:22 PM

Unbridled9 posted...

Well, I mean it does SORT of make sense, but even if it was the fact is a cashier can't just give out a 50% discount on a whim. If the system isn't registering it like that then they need approval from a manager at best or else they risk getting fired.

It doesn't make any sense at all. If the tag says buy one get one free then that is what it literally means.

Unbridled9 posted...
Oh. And Cigarettes are a bloody pain.

Gaggle of kids: Can we buy some cigarettes?

Me: I don't even need to ask for I.D. here.

Kids: So, yes?

Me: No.

Kids: *one of them produces an I.D.* But I'm over 18!

Me: One of you is. I can tell at least three of your group aren't.

Kid with I.D.: Come on man, just give them to me. Is this job really worth it?

Me: So I either sell cigarettes to a group of underage minors, which is illegal and will get me fired, or I refuse to sell, which is what both my boss and the law expects me to do, and keep my job and keep underage kids from smoking?

You must live in Canada since that's law there. In America as long as one person has an ID of legal age they can buy those products.

Chrono_Trigger posted...
i've done this

Why are you stamping your feet out of anger over fruit?
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms
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03/16/20 6:21:33 AM

You must live in Canada since that's law there. In America as long as one person has an ID of legal age they can buy those products.

Nope. America. It's still illegal, or at least against store policy, to sell to someone who is clearly buying for someone else who is underage. Even if it wasn't as a cashier I hold the right to refuse a sale for any reason if it makes me uncomfortable and potentially selling to minors certainly makes me uncomfortable. Even if that wasn't the case I'm 95% certain that their I.D. was fake or stolen considering their attitude, demeanor, and age. Even if THAT wasn't the case... I'd still rather get yelled at by my boss and potentially fired than knowingly sell to minors.

I am the gentle hand who heals, the happy smile who shields, and the foot that will kick your ***! - White Mage
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03/16/20 3:04:43 PM

hypnox posted...
Yeah retail is the worst. worked at a gamestop, woman tried to buy her kid GTA, told her its rated M for blah blah and she was like yeah what ever, then like 4 hours she came back and tried to return it for HALF of the reasons I told her it was rated M.

Funny thing, years ago I worked at Hollywood Video, and a kid wanted to rent GTA: San Andreas. His mom asked him what it was and he was like "It's a driving game" I decided to speak up so I didn't catch shit just in case and was like "Actually mam, Grand Theft Auto is Rated M, for mature, which means it's intended for players over the age of 17. It has violence, drug use, language, sex, etc"

She turned to her son and was like "1. You are absolutely not getting this game and 2. You're grounded for lying"

I felt bad for the kid, but you gotta protect your own ass when working with the public.
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03/17/20 2:44:48 PM

DeathMagnetic80 posted...
Funny thing, years ago I worked at Hollywood Video, and a kid wanted to rent GTA: San Andreas. His mom asked him what it was and he was like "It's a driving game" I decided to speak up so I didn't catch shit just in case and was like "Actually mam, Grand Theft Auto is Rated M, for mature, which means it's intended for players over the age of 17. It has violence, drug use, language, sex, etc"

She turned to her son and was like "1. You are absolutely not getting this game and 2. You're grounded for lying"

I felt bad for the kid, but you gotta protect your own ass when working with the public.

I have trouble believing this because it means the mother both listened to an employee and realized her son lied to her face. Normally they'd accuse you of lying because you hate their son or something, get the game, then blame you when the truth comes out for letting them get such a vile and terrible game that corrupted their sweet, pure, and innocent angel of a child.

I am the gentle hand who heals, the happy smile who shields, and the foot that will kick your ***! - White Mage
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03/17/20 3:20:43 PM

Oh yeah forgot to mention this. Apparently somebody assaulted a Walmart employee here because they were buying toilet paper and paper towels.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms
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