Poll of the Day > Former ET Host Mary Hart makes the WHITE POWER SIGN at Trump 4th of July Rally!

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07/05/20 1:34:39 AM

Will you be attending a Trump 2020 Rally?

Former ET Heifer, Mary Hart, a known Republican and Trump Supporter is getting backlash for flashing the WHITE POWER sign during Trump's 4th of July event at Mount Rushmore!!

The 69 y/o former Miss South Dakota winner made an apperance at her home state as the Fireworks erupted there on the much controversial celebration where people attended without masks and no social distancing.

Her use of the white power hand gesture however left some shocked in the audience as she sid "Thank you, incredible audience. You have been here for hours!" and then made the thumbs and index fingers while stretching our her remaining three fingers

The hand symbol, which was once the harmless OK gesture is now hi jacked by white supremacist groups using it as a white power sign despite some stating they were playing the "circle" game

Will you be attending a Trump 2020 Rally?.

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The News Will Continue...For Now
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
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07/05/20 3:22:15 AM

Those white supremacists be out of control

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07/05/20 6:30:30 AM

Fun fact: It only became known as the White Power symbol after people noticed Trump makes the "okay" symbol a lot and they need to spin everything Trump does as racist.

There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
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07/05/20 10:50:37 AM

looks like she's signaling that she wants two big dicks in her mouth
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07/05/20 10:59:35 AM

Women like Hart tend to forget that American treated White women almost as bad as they did non whites and women actually had to fight for the right to vote. Then they had to fight for equality during the ERA movement so Hart doesn't know that history of women or she ignores it. During the Colonial period in America, women were slightly ahead of slaves and behind the family pet and their only function in the home was providing a male heir.

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07/05/20 2:48:55 PM

That means ok, is saying ok racist?

Chicago Bears | Chicago Blackhawks | Chicago Bulls | Chicago Cubs | NIU Huskies
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07/05/20 3:01:01 PM

Glad dailymail posts tweets so I can follow them back to their sources.
I tried posting this message on almost everyones original twitter post except williegarson because he posts so much shit I couldnt find his original post:

Those White supremacists are out of control right?

You realize you are just falling for campaign created on 4chan to see how gullible people could be right?

But its kind of sad people are this dumb, all the people in the comments section literally think that its a white supremacist dog whistle.

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07/05/20 3:07:50 PM

BUMPED2002 posted...
women actually had to fight for the right to vote.

...every nation had women fighting for the right to vote. You act like this is somehow unique to the USA. But I guess this is what happens when history is only somewhat taught in schools and by unionized teachers pulled from the bottom third of their graduating class.

There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
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07/05/20 3:38:09 PM

Imagine falling for a 4chan prank, solely to expose you all as fools.
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07/05/20 3:45:03 PM

TheWorstPoster posted...
Imagine falling for a 4chan prank, solely to expose you all as fools.
Maybe go through this topic and count how many people fell for this lmao. Just Duckbear and dailymail here, both just hungry for attention.

Real lefties are a little brighter than that. Instead we can get mad about Laura Ingram doing a dogwhistle


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07/05/20 3:46:27 PM

Yellow posted...
Maybe go through this topic and count how many people fell for this lmao. Just Duckbear and dailymail here, both just hungry for attention.

Real lefties are a little brighter than that. Instead we can get mad about Laura Ingram doing a dogwhistle


Actually no. "Real Lefties" all fall for stuff like this all the time, as well as non-existent "dogwhistles". You're so easy to troll.
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07/05/20 3:48:15 PM

"C'mon guys, duckbear isnt so bad. All he does is make topics about blatant lies and misinformation. It makes for interesting discussions, that ultimately mean nothing. Clickbait may be a cancer on society, but I still like it!"

-way too many people on potd

You are a bad person duckbear

I am your shepherd cloaked in obscenity. Heed these sickening words: I worship only what you bleed.
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07/05/20 3:57:15 PM

TheWorstPoster posted...
non-existent "dogwhistles".


The Republican party uses small groups of passionate people to win elections so they can serve their donors without making their voter base mad. They would not win elections if they did not pander to

Gun owners
Upper class people

4chan pushing a story about a dogwhistle is like me pushing a made up story about murder to prove that murder isn't real to trigger the "murder-realists"

Yeah... I'm sure some people would fall for it. Murder is real, and Republicans dog whistle to strengthen one of the pillars that supports them. There aren't many "left leaning" white nationalists, it's almost like we don't welcome them.

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07/05/20 3:59:50 PM

TheWorstPoster posted...
You're so easy to troll.
The final retort!

I wasn't wrong, I was just trolling!

No, you actually believed what you said. And I'm not mad, I'm just here to make you look bad.

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07/05/20 4:29:06 PM

Yellow posted...

The Republican party uses small groups of passionate people to win elections so they can serve their donors without making their voter base mad. They would not win elections if they did not pander to

Gun owners
Upper class people

4chan pushing a story about a dogwhistle is like me pushing a made up story about murder to prove that murder isn't real to trigger the "murder-realists"

Yeah... I'm sure some people would fall for it. Murder is real, and Republicans dog whistle to strengthen one of the pillars that supports them. There aren't many "left leaning" white nationalists, it's almost like we don't welcome them.

Really? The Democratic Party doesn't even respect Christianity at all, and they want to make laws to infringe on our beliefs despite the First Amendment saying

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

Gun Owners

There is a good reason for that. And it's not due to over 99% of law-abiding gun owners (which number over 100 million). Almost all violent gun crime takes place in cities with excessive gun control measures (take Chicago, which last year had 519 homicides, and compare that to an entire state, like say Montana, which has considerably looser gun control laws, had 42 murders statewide in 2017).

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed

Before you get into a pissing match over semantics, the original definition of "well regulated" as stated in the 1828 edition of Merriam Webster (the first year it went into publication) as "disciplined and trained". As for militia, read what Alexander Hamilton had to say about it in the Federalist Papers Number 29:


The comma is used as a separate clause, with the cause "the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" means exactly as it is stated.

Upper class people

Except for the fact that most of the Democratic Voters and donators are not only upper class, but lower class too (meaning that the Republicans have the Middle Class as their only base). Most college educated people are Democratic Voters, most wealthy individuals are Democratic Voters, and the most expensive places to live in in the country, are highly Leftist in nature.


Here is a recently released video that has a compilation about that

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07/05/20 4:53:45 PM

TheWorstPoster posted...
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Separation of church and state is there to protect non-believers from paying money to private schools that push creationism, having their kids go to a school that pushes god on them, that pushes creationism on them. From having our tax dollars go to anything related to religion. It (should) keep churches from being tax exempt. It has nothing to do with you. Every time you see the church getting involved with the government, replace Christianity with Satanism and see if you're still ok with it.

Anyway the point was that they need Christians as a pillar of their base.

TheWorstPoster posted...
Gun Owners

There is a good reason for that.
I don't care. Good for them.

TheWorstPoster posted...

Here is a recently released video that has a compilation about that
That video is a compilation of... what?

Here's Laura again.


Laura also knows the racists are going to vote for someone, might as well be them.

TheWorstPoster posted...
Except for the fact that most of the Democratic Voters and donators are not only upper class, but lower class too (meaning that the Republicans have the Middle Class as their only base).
You just lied to me. That is 100% incorrect.

An individuals likelihood of being a Democrat decreases with every additional dollar he or she earns. Democrats have a huge advantage (63 percent) with voters earning less than $15,000 per year. This advantage carries forward for individuals earning up to $50,000 per year, and then turns in the Republicans favor with just 36 percent of individuals earning more than $200,000 per year supporting Democrats.
Interestingly, the median household income in the United States is $49,777 right near the point where the Democratic advantage disappears and the Republicans take over.
About half of Democrats express satisfaction with their personal financial situation, compared with 61 percent of Republicans and 52 percent of Independents.

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07/05/20 5:04:33 PM

Yellow posted...
Separation of church and state is there to protect non-believers from paying money to private schools that push creationism, having their kids go to a school that pushes god on them, that pushes creationism on them. From having our tax dollars go to anything related to religion. It (should) keep churches from being tax exempt. It has nothing to do with you. Every time you see the church getting involved with the government, replace Christianity with Satanism and see if you're still ok with it.

Anyway the point was that they need Christians as a pillar of their base.

That is not what the phrase "separation of church and state" means. It was in a private letter that Thomas Jefferson sent to the Danbury Baptists in 1802 with it intending as a reassurance that the government will not interfere with their beliefs. The phrase "seperation of church and state" does not appear anywhere in the Constitution. It has no legal matter. The first Amendment also stated that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, meaning that your hypothetical point has been rendered invalid for 231 years.

Yellow posted...
I don't care. Good for them.
Meaning you have absolutely no argument. I could tell that you want either more gun control measures, or the Second Amendment repealed. I have yet to see you explain why Chicago has restrive gun control laws, and hundreds of homicides each year.

Yellow posted...
That video is a compilation of... what?

Here's Laura again.


Laura also knows the racists are going to vote for someone, might as well be them.
You're proving my point exactly, especially with calling out a gesture that none of us would even think about as a "dogwhistle". You are exactly the type shown in the video.

Yellow posted...
You just lied to me. That is 100% incorrect.

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07/05/20 5:17:15 PM

TheWorstPoster posted...

The one percent is not the upper class. The 1% is 2% of the upper class.

The upper class leans right and Republicans pander to them because they are one of the 4 main pillars of the Republican base.

TheWorstPoster posted...
You're proving my point exactly, especially with calling out a gesture that none of us would even think about as a "dogwhistle". You are exactly the type shown in the video.
I can't argue against what you want to interpret from that. There's a reason they never explicitly say racist things without plausible deniability, which is why there's no "quid pro quo" (most of the time). They would lose the support of non-racist gun owners, the upper class, and religious people.


That's obviously a Nazi salute though. Not obvious enough though! Masterful.

TheWorstPoster posted...
Meaning you have absolutely no argument.
No, I just said I don't care about gun owners. They are one of the pillars of the Republican party. They are not bad or evil. I am just explaining to you how the Republican party is the party of several outcast groups that don't conveniently conflict with corporate donors. They don't have to do anything aside from appeasing these 4 groups to win elections.

TheWorstPoster posted...
The phrase "seperation of church and state" does not appear anywhere in the Constitution.
I believe you.

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07/05/20 5:24:48 PM

Muscles posted...
That means ok, is saying ok racist?

Apparently yes, according to Netflix and their pushed series "It's ok to not be ok"

"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
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07/05/20 5:27:00 PM

Yellow posted...
The one percent is not the upper class. The 1% is 2% of the upper class.

The upper class leans right and Republicans pander to them because they are one of the 4 main pillars of the Republican base.

The MIDDLE class is the class that the Republicans mainly target and are focused on, since it is the majority class.

Yellow posted...
I can't argue against what you want to interpret from that. There's a reason they never explicitly say racist things without plausible deniability, which is why there's no "quid pro quo" (most of the time). They would lose the support of non-racist gun owners, the upper class, and religious people.


That's obviously a Nazi salute though. Not obvious enough though! Masterful.
I am not the one trying to take a gesture that none of us noticed, or cared about, by somebody we haven't heard or cared about for over a year, completely out of context. Meanwhile, you use that as "proof" that we are "racists" and "fascists", despite not having any actual evidence for that. You are only claiming "dogwhistles" in order to try to validate your point, when there are none to be made.

Otherwise I could just post these and claim that the Democrats are fascist too

Yellow posted...
No, I just said I don't care about gun owners. They are one of the pillars of the Republican party. They are not bad or evil. I am just explaining to you how the Republican party is the party of several outcast groups that don't conveniently conflict with corporate donors. They don't have to do anything aside from appeasing these 4 groups to win elections.
Then why is it, in the time of crisis where people feel the need to defend themselves against what is going on, the Democratic Party are still pushing for more gun control?
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07/05/20 5:27:54 PM

thats the fuckin ok sign

panic on the brain
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07/05/20 5:36:03 PM

Arguments aside in this topic aside,

a good amount of people do fall for this, just google the twitter posts of the people duckbear posted, the comments are full of actual people who really think its a white power symbol.

Also try googling "lost job okay hand gesture/white power symbol"
People have legit lost their livelyhoods over this horseshit.

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07/05/20 5:38:37 PM

If "ok" is supremacist, when ok is really a neutral middle point... doesn't that mean it's the other side that has an inferiority problem?

"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
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07/05/20 5:40:16 PM

TheWorstPoster posted...
Then why is it, in the time of crisis where people feel the need to defend themselves against what is going on, the Democratic Party are still pushing for more gun control?
Because Republicans have gun deregulations successfully on lockdown. We're the least regulated first world country on guns. Gun owners, no matter how little they're regulated, will always want less regulation. There is no case where they would want more.

TheWorstPoster posted...
Otherwise I could just post these and claim that the Democrats are fascist too
Yeah sure if you're comparing a wave to this lmao. Just pay attention to how her face changes. XD


Very natural movement, right Icoyar?

TheWorstPoster posted...
The MIDDLE class is the class that the Republicans mainly target and are focused on, since it is the majority class.
And the richer the people in the middle class are, the more right leaning they are. There's no way around this fact. Dollar for dollar richer people lean right. The trend only changes at the top 1%.

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07/05/20 5:40:41 PM

Muscles posted...
That means ok, is saying ok racist?

According to leftists it is racist to say "it's ok to be white".
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07/05/20 5:46:00 PM

Yellow posted...
Because Republicans have gun deregulations successfully on lockdown. We're the least regulated first world country on guns. Gun owners, no matter how little they're regulated, will always want less regulation.

explain to me why we should be like the rest of the world then.


Please watch this 5 minute video before answering. You should also note that firearm production and gun stores are deemed as "essential businesses". I should know this, since my father works at Smith & Wesson.

Yellow posted...
Yeah sure if you're comparing a wave to this lmao. Just pay attention to how her face changes. XD


Very natural movement, right Icoyar?

When all you have is one .gif of something taken completely out of context just so you could pretend to make a point, that means you are winning the argument.

Yellow posted...
And the richer the people in the middle class are, the more right leaning they are. There's no way around this fact. Dollar for dollar richer people lean right. The trend only changes at the top 1%.
Is that why most prominent US billionaires donated for Obama, Hillary, and Biden against Donald Trump?
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07/05/20 5:55:07 PM

TheWorstPoster posted...
When all you have is one .gif of something taken completely out of context just so you could pretend to make a point, that means you are winning the argument.
YouTube went corporate so you cannot find a clip of laura that is not in a adulterated news segment.

not racist gif in question


TheWorstPoster posted...
Is that why most prominent US billionaires donated for Obama, Hillary, and Biden against Donald Trump?
You are literally arguing against the statistics. Dollar for dollar rich people lean further right until you get to the top 1%.

And with that I'm saying the same exact thing over and over because you keep making the same arguments over and over.

TheWorstPoster posted...
since my father works at Smith & Wesson.
I. Don't. Care.

Gun owners are very right leaning. Agreed? Good.

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07/05/20 5:57:42 PM

Yellow posted...
YouTube went corporate so you cannot find a clip of laura that is not in a adulterated news segment.

not racist gif in question


No it isn't. But please, keep posting that .gif as your "evidence", all while you convienetly ignore the images I posted to prove a point.

Yellow posted...
You are literally arguing against the statistics. Dollar for dollar rich people lean further right until you get to the top 1%.

And with that I'm saying the same exact thing over and over because you keep making the same arguments over and over.

I would say the opposite. I would say that they start off right-wing, but they eventually skew more left-wing when they get more money.
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07/05/20 5:58:27 PM

TheWorstPoster posted...
I would say that they start off right-wing, but they eventually skew more left-wing when they get more money.
You would say that but you would be wrong if you read the statistics.

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