Board 8 > Emerald plays Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dunegon

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06/14/21 8:59:13 AM

I'm bored right now and also inspired by andyt's recent FF9 playthrough, so here we go! I've played a few dungeons in so I'll go through those all at once first (since I wasn't going to do a topic until just now), then updates will be as I play through it later. This game is for the Wii, and it is a "Mystery Dungeon" type game, which for those unfamiliar revolves around randomly generated dungeons that are explored in a turn-based system. If you take a step or do an action, enemies do the same, so it's very position-based and allows you to take your time and plan your moves. There are apparently multiple "chocobo's dungeon" games so I don't know if this is all one solid timeline or what.

So our story starts off in a desert, we're in a car with Cid - FF mainstay - and his partner Chocobo (that's me!). Cid explains via monologue that we are treasure hunters traveling the world over in search of something. We're guided by a deep, ominous voice directing us to the "tower in the sands" to find what we seek. We find the tower and enter it, which will serve as our tutorial dungeon!

Inside the tower, we are treated to the basics, which for me having played a crapton of pokemon mystery dungeon, I'm familiar with, so it's mainly learning the controls. You are Chocobo (Yes that is its name, Chocobo. I wish there was an option to rename it!), you have a basic attack and an "Ability" which right now is "Chocobo Kick" which deals bigger damage directly in front of you. You have 3 SP bars, Kick takes 1 bar, you have your health bar, and you have hunger which is another mainstay of mystery dungeon games. If your hunger hits 0%, you start taking constant damage until you either eat or die. There are different food types it seems but we're treated to a chocobo's favorite, Gysahl Greens yum! As you move through a dungeon, your health and SP gradually restore and your hunger gradually decreases. You have to find the staircase to the next floor until you reach the end. Something unique to this game in typical FF fashion is that you have both a level and a "job level," where enemies will sometimes drop job points. No idea what this does yet! We also pick up some rusty talons (our attack equipment) and a rusty saddle (our defense equipment).

Anyway, we reach the end of the dungeon and discover that the treasure Cid is looking for is a jewel named "Timeless Power." We get to the end and find Cid's apparent rival, Irma and her chocobo...I forget its name already. It starts with a Z. Anyway, they smugly rub it in our faces that they got here first much to Cid's annoyance (Suggesting this is not the first time they have clashed like this) and then PLOT happens! A light comes from the ceiling and something appearing to be a portal opens up, sucking all 4 of us in! We're treated to an opening theme tune showing clips throughout the game as Chocobo is sucked into this wormhole in a sequence that feels like it should be an end credits sequence. Chocobo is adorable btw, it's so yellow and fluffy!

Cid and Chocobo are finally spit out on the other side, launching from a fountain high into the air and then hitting the ground in a manner that feels like it should've killed Cid, who landed straight on his head. We are greeted by a man who is obviously very alarmed that he just saw a man and bird fly up from out of a fountain, and we introduce ourselves. This man is Mayor Gale, and he is the mayor of the town of Lostime, set in the area of Memoria (no not THAT Memoria though it's obv an homage). Neither party has heard of where the other is from, but that's fine as Gale seems affable enough and Cid is a pretty basic nice guy.

The main feature of the town of Lostime is its VERY ominous clock tower, and sure enough the bell rings and suddenly, both Gale and Cid come down with a really hard case of amnesia, to the point where Cid doesn't even remember who Chocobo is. This bell is called the Bell of Oblivion, and things get a bit creepy here as the other townspeople gather around Gale and recite this pretty cult-y speech about how forgetting is the key to happiness. We're then interrupted by a young girl dressed in White Mage robes named Shirma, and she seems to be the only sane person in Memoria as she quickly takes us away from the townspeople over to her aunt Stella's farm, away from where the bell can be heard. Gale tries to convince Shirma to live with the townspeople in what seems to be a recurring thing but Shirma wants none of this forgetting business.

At the farm, things are a bit dire as Cid is trying to remember the things he just forgot and is suffering greatly because of it, to the point he loses consciousness. While he's resting on the bed, Stella points out that Shirma's staff is missing, which she realizes she must have left in the town. She rushes off alone to go find it, and our mission becomes running after her to make sure she doesn't get into trouble. We run around the farm a bit and all the animals can apparently talk to us, they serve as various guides about different aspects of the game, most of which I haven't discovered yet, but it's fine. It's also becoming apparent that even though we're in a different world, it can't be TOO far off from our world because people recognize me as a chocobo.

We make it to Lostime and find Shirma, who has found her staff. We turn to leave when Gale approaches us again, and then suddenly a meteorite-looking thing falls from the sky right into the town square right next to us: When the dust settles, we see that it's actually an egg, and this egg soon hatches and contains Yes, a baby! This baby somehow not only can talk, but knows Shirma's name, and Gale suddenly remembers that this boy's name is Rafaello. Then the bell rings again, Gale starts forgetting things including his own name, and we're treated to how the main game will progress. A dark void appears over Gale's head, and Rafaello suddenly turns into light and flies into the void, leaving behind a necklace in the shape of a puzzle piece (the game's theme is puzzle pieces, for missing memories I assume) which allows us to enter this void after him. Mission start!

Gale's memories are our first real dungeon, and it goes fine. We pick up leather talons and saddle to upgrade our stats, and we find some potions (restore health) and ethers (restore SP) and get close to our 16 item limit. This is laughably small so I hope there is a way to increase this over the course of the game. After each floor Gale says a couple of things that we have no idea the meaning of but it's clear it's memories of some unknown past event. We get to the end and fight a giant enemy bat as the boss, which for those unfamiliar with MD bosses they are typically just slugfests where you have to outdamage the enemy, as it's one giant room without much room to maneuver like the dungeons are. Anyway, we reach the end and find Rafaello clinging to a puzzle piece - Gale's lost memories. We restore his memory and are treated to a restoration scene which I assume will become the norm, of the character monologuing and regaining their resolve etc. He remembers his name and a couple other things but maintains that forgetting is the key to happiness. We take Rafaello home to the farm with us, where he also seems to know Stella's name. Then, we hear the sound of something breaking upstairs.
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
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06/14/21 9:32:05 AM

Stella exclaims that it must be Cid, and sure enough we run upstairs to find him writhing in bed, still trying to remember the things he's forgotten, and sure enough that dark void appears over his head which Rafaello promptly flies into. We quickly follow and enter Cid's memories, and are treated to a nice treat: The dungeon theme is Hunter's chance from FF9! The boss theme that we heard in the first dungeon was Force Your Way, so it's clear this game will have lots of varied music from the FF series so that's nice. As a FF9 guy this dungeon makes me very happy. Sadly, as it's only the 2nd dungeon, it only lasts a couple floors longer than Gale's (so like 5 total maybe?) at the end we fight another giant enemy as a boss. We do pick up a leather saddle+2, which is another hallmark of these games is that you can refine your equipment should you so desire, though I haven't yet unlocked the way to do so out of just finding them. We've leveled up a couple of times by now which just seems to increase our health and damage but NOT our SP, so we're stuck on 3 bars it seems. However, this dungeon IS more intriguing because of Cid's memory dialogue between floors, as Gale had. The memories here alludes to something about Memoria being a city that just one day disappeared with no trace, and that Cid's father had traveled to this location to find out what happened and disappeared as well. He also mentions this as the reason he's looking for Timeless Power, as maybe that will help him find out the truth behind Memoria. Substantially more plot than Gale. Anyway, we reach the end and restore his memory, and his resolve sequence shows him putting 2 and 2 together that this is the place his dad went to, and that he wants to find out what happened. However, this may be a subconscious thing, as he wakes up and doesn't seem to try to talk to Stella or Shirma about all of this. I would think "hey, did you guys know this city was actually lost forever" would be pretty big on the agenda, but hey plot sometimes right? He thanks them and Chocobo as he seemed to realize Chocobo was inside his head the whole time.

I also forgot to mention that prior to the previous segment, we are introduced to a fun side character, DUNGEON HERO X. This is a moogle, kupo, who says kupo in a very cute manner. He appears to give us help but then lets slip that he is helping us because he's sure we'll get stuff to rob in the dungeons before quickly walking it back, so we'll see there. During the dungeon he appeared a few times to give us helpful tips, stuff like you can pass time by walking in place to recover HP faster etc.

Anyway, we wake up the next day and find out the town has lost all use of fire, and the townspeople are up Gale's behind asking him to do something. Meanwhile, at the farm, Rafaello has disappeared for some reason despite being a baby, so we run out lookin after him. The animals around town tell us they saw him flying towards the east side of town in the mining zone so we head over that way. All the shops besides storage are closed because there's no fire, and storage has 2 giant black and white chocobos. So I guess other chocobos do exist in this world, but one girl mentions that those are the only ones she's seen, never a normal chocobo like I am. Anyway, we make it over to the mining zone but before advancing the plot we come across Masked Hero X's (claiming to be different than Dungeon hero X) house and there's a machine here that lets us play a fun side game called pop-up battle, a card game that has common FF figures rendered as adorable paper cut-outs. This was apparently an online capable battle thing, but sadly I'm stuck playing against the AI. I play one game against mog and promptly lose at the very end because he has rarer and better cards than I do, but it's charming and easy enough to understand. There's also a couple other side games that I pass on because they require a wiimote which I am not using for...reasons.

Anyway, we make it to a girl's shop that appears to be a blacksmith, she introduces herself as Freja. She starts to talk to us about the fire being gone meaning she can't smith, when the bell rings again, causing her to forget and decide that she'll just take the rest of the day off instead of whatever her job was supposed to be (Which funnily enough she'd have to do anyway with no fire.) The void appears over her head and out comes Rafaello from nowhere to enter the void. We promptly follow into Freja's memories, our next dungeon.

Here we are treated to a new mechanic: ? items. As Hero X explains to us, these items are unknown what they do unless either equipped or appraised in town (which we can't do yet.) Some of these allegedly have negative effects. Most of the items we find in this dungeon are "Fire" talons/saddles which are better than our leather stuff, so I foolhardedly equip every one I find to find out its effects and realize...I have no idea what any of these symbols mean. Most of the equipment to this point has like 2 notches next to it with a hammer which I assume is some sort of upgrade slot, and a couple of the fire items have a rainbow colored circle with a symbol inside them as well. No idea on this yet either. Anyway, Freja's memories much like Cid are somewhat interesting, Freja's dive into an apparent conflict that happened in the town's past that necessitated a lot of people dying, likely a great battle of some sort. We are told of a man named Zeke who sounds to have died either during the battle or in a later conflict, based on the sound of things. This battle was apparently the catalyst for Freja becoming a blacksmith, and Zeke's death was something she apparently took very hard, claiming it was her fault because the weapons she made weren't good enough. We make it to the end of the dungeon and restore her memories, and she finds her resolve to resume her blacksmith duties.

Conveniently, beating this dungeon restores fire to the town, and we are introduced to the smithing mechanic which is how we add +x to our equipment. I haven't tried it yet but it appears to just be a gil cost. There are also upgrade/downgrade abilities attached to some items, which I assume is those rainbow symbols from earlier, no idea yet on how to read them though. The manual on the desk explains the different effects but I don't know how to actually tell what I have yet. Anyway, Freja asks us before we leave to take some flowers over to the church, which iirc isn't explicitly said but the item description says they're for Zeke. Perhaps he was Freja's brother? Anyway, that is where we leave off, for now.
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
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06/14/21 9:42:26 AM

Some initial thoughts on the game:
It's a mystery dungeon game alright, you've got all the standard stuff I outlined plus a neat little job mechanic that I just leveled up for the first time after having gotten several regular levels, but I havne' done anythign with it yet.

The music is nice, I greatly look forward to the rest of the game to see if there are other tunes I can pick out what they are (as I haven't played many FF games but have listened to tons of OSTs). Man with the Machine Gun is Dungeon Hero X's theme so that was cool, and the FF9 map theme Over the Hill is a nice little tune that plays when you're restoring someone's memory, and the title theme has an adorable rendition of the recurring chocobo theme.

There is full voice acting in this game which is something I did not expect for a FF side game, and it's actually not bad! There haven't really been any moments where I was cringing, and though it doesn't blow me away it's not bad at all.

The dungeons are...sadly less impressive. I've only been in 3 + the tutorial thus far and the tutorial level had more going on than the rest of them. The layouts themselves are fine, it's all randomly generated anyway, but they've all been the same drab color of washed out sepia; on one hand I get it because the theme is memories and typically forms of media use this filter when doing memory scenes, but on the other hand there's NOTHING going on even when the person is different. No treasure hunting stuff for Cid, Freja had a great premise of being a smith so you could've had different tools lying around or something, maybe Mayor Gale could've had some buildings around since he's a mayor of a city, but instead it's just the same design over and over; same walls, same menacing vortex in the background, same everything. The music is great but it's just a bit weird that they went through the effort (and money) to do voice acting but couldn't be bothered to vary up the dungeons even a little bit. Maybe this will change, I don't yet know if maybe there are some dungeons that are actual dungeons and not just people's memories (like the sand tower was).

The gameplay is okay, it's a little less varied than something like PMD because Chocobo is the only controllable character; there's no party (yet?) to vary things up, but MD gameplay has never been super involved. Etrian Odyssey Dungeon is probably the most in depth one I've played. I did unlock another ability with a job level up, a short-range AOE attack called Chocobo Drop. Kick seems to do a bit more damage but it's single target. I haven't yet found any items that you can throw (kick in this game) to attack things at a distance like gravelerocks in PMD. My main complaint is that I haven't yet seen a way to quick-set items or commands. To do an SP move I have to open the menu, select abilities, and select the ability i want to use each time. It's just a bit cumbersome. There's also traps in the dungeons as per usual, along with some floor food and healing circles, but tbh the only time I've come even close to dying was the boss of the most recent dungeon, and that's because I only brought one potion along. HP heals so fast in this game and I haven't really come across a situation with like a monster room or anything. The toughest regular enemy is probably a bomb because it can self-destruct for about 1/3 of your health, but other than that it's been pretty easy.

Overall, it's fine, it's a mystery dungeon game. I am curious to see where the plot goes; also, notably absent thus far are Irma and her chocobo companion, which Cid has brought up to this point. We also saw a menacing looking woman in Black Mage garb at the clock tower, seemingly encouraging the bell to ring and make people forget. We had a mention from Stella and Shirma in an earlier segment about Shirma's missing sister, perhaps this woman is it?
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
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06/14/21 12:49:55 PM

Best part of my FF playthroughs is other users getting the itch to play FF haha.

I didn't know about this game but might put it on the list depending on how you find it! (Tag)

Slowly becoming a Final Fantasy aficionado.
Just beat: Final Fantasy IX!
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06/15/21 8:36:19 PM

We resume our quest by delivering the flowers to the church as requested. Here we find a strange mirror whose function is to allow us to enter old dungeons, so that's that. We give the flowers to the priest at the church, who says that Zeke was a fallen hero so yeah, he ded. He says that although Gale says forgetting is good, he is not convinced yet and supports our restoration of the town's memories. He is just about to impart some useful information about "jo-" (I assume jobs) when the Bell of Oblivion strikes once more, leading him to forget the information. The void reappears but this looks a bit different, it's kinda reddish. Sure enough, we are introduced to Special Rules dungeons, which have certain limitations based on which one it is, as well as being no items. We enter this one and discover it's a lv1 challenge with no map and fog (titled "Pitch Black Fear"), so here we go!

We are greeted inside the dungeon by Dungeon Hero X as per usual, and holy crap he gives us actually useful information on how to get shortcuts in the menu to items or abilities! I was just griping about that, thanks, kupo! We are introduced to some really mean traps that disguise themselves as the stairs so that sucks, it's also really hard to see jeez. Luckily we find a fire saddle early on so the damage I'm taking is minimal. After a few floors we already happen upon the boss floor only 5F in, but I guess that makes sense for it being a challenge dungeon with the restrictions. The boss is a giant poison toad and it goes down in 3 chocobo kicks, w00t! Weirdly, the memories at the end are not found by Rafaello. I also forgot to mention that in one of the previous dungeons I found a key item called "Knight's memories" which is relevant because here I find the "White Mage memories" which lo and behold, the restoration scene of the priest (Roche is his name) shows that he is indeed the one who will help us with all our job stuff. In each dungeon there has been a weird pillar of light on the opening floor, turns out that is a crystal that will allow us to change jobs before we start the dungeon, so that's cool! We can change to any job that we have the memories for. I wonder if I should turn into a knight or a white mage for the next one, but I don't yet know what the job points are for.
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
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06/15/21 9:27:56 PM

We emerge from the church to find Cid staring into the distance, and he confirms that Memoria disappeared 50 years ago, and this is the place his grandpa went to as well. We also learn that Cid's other main goal is to complete the airship his gramps started building before the whole town disappeared, so our goal becomes finding out the mystery behind Memoria, and the stuff like the airship etc will come along as we go.

We decide to go exploring the town a bit since the fire is back and I thought shops would open up, and we happen upon a fellow who runs "Marris' Mola Mola." He begins to ask us to help him remember something against the mayor's wishes, but sure enough there's the Bell. This is another challenge dungeon, so I'm beginning to think the challenge dungeons are all optional. Well maybe not "optional" per se, like I'd imagine I want to do this at some point, but it wasnt' part of the main quest that I can tell. This one's description is "Make a Beeline: A long hallway! Use items to battle your way through" so uh, that sounds interesting? We try out the job thing and I instantly realize what the job points are for, they're for leveling up your specific job. My "Natural" job is level 2 from earlier while the others are lv 1. Since this is going to be an extremely battle based dungeon from the sound of it, seems like as good a time as any to try out the knight, as it does actually change my stats as do the other jobs. This gives me more defense in exchange for magic and "psyche" (no idea what that does yet). I get a new ability called Power Smack and a cool fancy helmet costume!

The first memory dialogue instantly clues me in to what this is about, also coupled with some side convos from an animal on the farm: This man is a fisherman, so he will introduce us to the mechanic of fishing when all is done. There is also something about flowers in this game too so I imagine that will go the same way. In any case, we go to the first floor and uh...yep. THat's a hallway. With 7 flans. It instantly becomes clear that I am not supposed to do this yet as the level limit was 12, and these flans hit hard. With no items to recover from, I have suffered my first KO of the game. Whoops! After being ejected, we walk around town some more and one lady gives the priest the business to me, saying he's a coward and its no wonder he lost the election to the mayor, damn. We talk with the flower lady and yep, another bonus dungeon. An annoying thing I've noticed is that you can't see what the challenge is until you've deposited your stuff in storage and go in the dungeon, so bleh. We go for it and find out this one is a 1HP challenge. EVERYONE, yourself and enemies, are at 1 hp, so positioning will be crucial.

I go inside and instantly goof up and get lucky that an enemy's attack missed, lol me. Later on the floor, I get ahead of myself and get one-shotted, double lol me. I feel like I can do this one though, so I go back in again. We move into position on a sleeping lizard enemy who wakes up, but I'm at range so I should be...oh, he has a ranged attack. Welp. 3rd time's the charm eh? We find a Phoenix Down, which lets us get a revive on the floor we use it on, so that'll be handy if I can use it correctly. Also all the items in here are ??? items with labels like "very/slightly iffy greens" so I'm scared to use anything lol. Oh but would you look at that, the 2nd floor has us find an item called the Scholar's Glasses, an equippable that appraises any ??? items we find! Useful! Except...I find another item and it isn't appraised, and I realize that this is a one-time pickup that immediately appraises all your current held items, and what I said before was not true at all, whoops. Next floor though I do pick up a one time use that I can wait to use called Appraisal Glasses, which works on one item. Maybe I'll hang on to that for later. Then...I run into a lizard in a hallway, so I try to maneuver around the corner but turns out it can just use its breath around corners and I die again. ****. I think I will call it here for the night and come back to this when I play next. I will not be defeated forever!
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
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06/15/21 9:57:31 PM

andylt posted...
Best part of my FF playthroughs is other users getting the itch to play FF haha.

I didn't know about this game but might put it on the list depending on how you find it! (Tag)

Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy on Switch is a remaster of this one, and it's on sale on the eShop right now.

Change is weird.
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06/15/21 10:06:59 PM

That's cool, I didn't even knwo that existed!
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
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06/19/21 7:55:31 PM

After about an hour and another 10+ runs, I FINALLY beat the lv1 dungeon. That was the worst, it's so rng because most of my runs ended due to missed attacks and getting hit in return. Finally though, we pulled through it. We didn't get a new class but it did unlock the flower shop, which I can't plant flowers from yet because apparently the farm's windmill (and therefore sprinkler system) isn't working. Anyway, back to the main quest!

We head back over to the mines where Shirma and Rafaello (henceforth known as baby) are waiting. Baby throws a fit and urges us to go into the mine, where he promptly BLOWS UP A WALL into the shape of a phoenix, and then somehow gets out of Shirma's grasp and slowwwwly crawls into the mine, while Shirma stands helplessly calling for him instead of going to pick him up. Anyway, we enter the "Fuego Mines" for our first non-memory dungeon! "The Guardian of Flame" hmmm I bet it'll be a phoenix! Dungeon Hero X tells us that if we get multiple types of the same book (Like Fire 3 and Fire 4) and sort our inventory they will be combined into a Fire 7 which is useful!

Sure enough, this is more what I was expecting, an actual different dungeon look! The floor is lava, indeed. This dungeon is definitely tougher than what I've had before, I'm routinely around half health. I get warned about traps that lead to mini-boss rooms and sure enough, I step on one and get teleported to a red flan room. These guys are nasty as they can split up and steal health, but I get a clutch level up that fills my health to full, and luckily beating the main one makes the smaller ones disappear. We run into a big room with a bomb and foolishly decide to head in, and get destroyed as we have no potions. Luckily I still have plenty of equipment in storage.
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
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06/20/21 3:29:46 PM

I haven't played many mystery dungeon games but the RNG stuff sounds annoying, at least in that 1HP dungeon. The plot sounds... well it sounds like they put some effort in, at least. FF references/music could take it a long way!

I wonder if this game is better than FFX-2: Last Mission.

Slowly becoming a Final Fantasy aficionado.
Just beat: Final Fantasy IX!
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Mr Crispy
06/21/21 10:50:11 AM

A few things.

No, this game doesn't have any relation to the old Chocobo Dungeon games. I think it's supposed to tie into Chocobo Tales for the DS (and uses the card game from it), but I haven't played that one.

Also to be super technical, this game isn't really a Mystery Dungeon game (even though Every Buddy uses the term in the title) since it wasn't made by Chunsoft. But it's not really all that different in the end, so it's not all that inaccurate or inappropriate to use the term (it's just splitting hairs).

There's some changes to the Every Buddy version that should be pointed out too. There's a couple more jobs, and some more dungeons like you would expect. But they also added a partner system (hence the name). Also while the plot is the same, they redid a lot of the dialog/voice acting. The card game is gone though. I can't really comment on it from my own experience since I haven't put more than a few minutes in it personally.

The only certain death in the universe is Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons.
Not changing this line until I beat Seven Heroes (2/24/07) - Fulfilled 2/20/18
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06/25/21 9:56:09 PM

So, back to it! We attempt the fire dungeon again, and make it reasonably far (like 8F) before ultimately succumbing. We try again and get super lucky spawning in the stair room multiple times, but still fall short. Enough is enough, time to use game mechanics! We go and withdraw a bunch of our loot and sell it and buy lots of potions, as well as hone some our equipment, and finally withdraw a teleport wing in case things go south. This time we make it all the way to 10F which is not only a checkpoint (1st I've seen yet), but also contains the memories of the black mage! I'm running knight right now, which I've got to lv2, but I might give white mage a try next, then the black mage.

We attempt to continue but there's a large door blocking our way. Chocobo gives it a couple of solid kicks and...promptly gets teleported out of the dungeon by some mysterious force. We then get treated unexpectedly to another memory sequence, again of Freja. She's telling someone not to go somewhere, presumably to battle, calling both herself and this person an "Oracle" before noticing this person's eyes have gone dark. Assuming that this person has been taken by the darkness, she resolves as the "Oracle of Fire, blessed by Phoenix" to stop this person. We find ourselves back at the entrance to the mines where Freja is there to greet us, telling us about how there are 4 crystals in the town: Fire, water, light, and darkness, and an oracle for each living in the town, all having forgotten who they were. She gives us a fire amulet which should let us venture beyond that door from earlier, so here we go!

...except I stop to eat a burger IRL and while I'm idling the bell rings in town and I freak out! Did I take too long or something? What's happening!? Oh, it's just turning from day to night, sure. Anyway, to the dungeon! As we get past the big door, a black mage looking woman who saw in a cutscene with the clock tower once before appears and tells us to back off, final warning. Nah, that's alright.

Initial impressions of the white mage as we go through pt 2 of this dungeon, it's alright! It's definitely less potent offensively and more squishy than the knight, but the main skill is basically a lesser potion, and the SP recharges a lot faster than the knight's does so it's more frequently usable. I took a look at the black mage skillset and you get the classic fire/thunder/ice trio, so that'll be neat. Part of me wondered if there are elemental weaknesses in the game and that I should've taken the black mage for the ice spell, but decided against it.

We get to about 14F and get full up on items so I decide to get out and go sell some stuff and maybe look into forging stuff, because I still have no idea what any of these icons means. I know you can get seals on equipment but I odn't know if tehse are good or bad. As we go to Freja's, we run into Cid who tells us he's found another clue about airships. We proceed inside and lo and behold, things are starting to come together plotwise. Turns out this person "Glen" from earlier was an inventor who came from far away, and worked with Freja on an airship. Sounds to me like Glen is Cid's gramps he's always on about! Anyway, sure enough, working on fusing stuff allows me to see what all these seals do, so I'll play around a bit here before venturing back into the dungeon, as stuff is starting to hit really hard in there.
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
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06/25/21 10:00:47 PM


Kneel... or you will be knelt
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06/25/21 10:01:16 PM

Oh jeez I didn't realize that. Whatever, Chocobo's dunegon, you have problem!?
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
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06/25/21 10:07:19 PM

no was just expressing my admiration for the game

Kneel... or you will be knelt
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