Current Events > AI Generated Story Ideas

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02/07/22 2:10:09 PM

When Error1355 popped up on my screen, I knew something was wrong. I usually only get this error when my computer is about to die, so I knew this was no ordinary problem. I clicked on the error message and it said that I had a software error and to restart my computer. I knew that was impossible, because my computer was already restarted a few minutes ago. I tried to reset my computer, but it said my computer was already reset. I was starting to get really worried. I had never had this error before and I didn't know what to do. Suddenly, I heard a beep, beep, beep. I knew my computer was about to die and I didn't have any other option.

Welcome home, shed your skin and expose your bones.
Take my hand, follow us into the black so far that we can't get back.
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02/07/22 2:15:04 PM

As a long time fan of the popular website GameFAQs, Phil was excited to see their banner on the main page of the website. He clicked on the link, and was greeted with the usual assortment of user-generated content. But, as he read through the posts, something caught his eye. A post about Current Events, specifically the shooting at the Florida high school. Phil felt a sense of unease and sadness, seeing as he had two children who attend that school. He quickly went to the GameFAQs forum for the school, and started posting about how to talk to his children about the shooting and how to be safe. He wanted to make sure they knew they were loved and that they were safe, no matter what.

(what the fuck)

Welcome home, shed your skin and expose your bones.
Take my hand, follow us into the black so far that we can't get back.
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02/07/22 2:18:56 PM
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02/07/22 2:22:05 PM

Sidney Crosby was a great hockey player, but he was even better at making baked beans. He could make them so well that his family would always have a pot of them on the stove, ready to eat. His mother would always make sure to have a bowl of them on the table when Sidney and his brothers would come home from hockey practice.

Welcome home, shed your skin and expose your bones.
Take my hand, follow us into the black so far that we can't get back.
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Post #5 was unavailable or deleted.
02/07/22 2:26:53 PM

With the world now turned into a zombie-infested wasteland, the only thing left to do is to protect oneself from the hordes of the undead. Many people have taken up arms and formed militias in order to survive, but one man has taken things to a whole new level. Donald Trump has become a self-proclaimed zombie-fighter, and he's using his business skills to help build the best defenses against the undead. He's even created a company called "Zombie Shield" to help others survive in this chaotic world. While many people are afraid of zombies, Donald Trump is determined to make a difference and help save the world. He's a true hero in this chaotic time, and he's going to make sure that everyone survives.

Last Cloudia ID: 188850453
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02/07/22 2:27:54 PM

Fighting Games and Isekai:

Fighting games have always been a favorite pastime of many, and the appeal of fighting games is not hard to understand. With fast-paced action, intense battles, and an endless supply of characters to choose from, these games are sure to keep players entertained for hours on end. One such game is Isekai, which takes the player into a world where they can fight as any character they choose, from popular anime and manga series. Whether slaying monsters or rival adventurers, there is no limit to the fun that can be had in these games.

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02/07/22 2:36:16 PM

In the height of the gaming industry, there was a website that was unlike any other. It was known as GameFAQs, and it was home to the most comprehensive and up-to-date strategy guide database in the world. But, as the world turned, so too did GameFAQs. The site became less and less relevant, as new websites and platforms rose to prominence. But, in the back of its users' minds, they knew that GameFAQs would always be there, waiting for them to come back.

The AI knows lol

Last Cloudia ID: 188850453
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Tom Clark
02/07/22 2:37:55 PM

Error1355 posted...

As a long time fan of the popular website GameFAQs, Phil was excited to see their banner on the main page of the website. He clicked on the link, and was greeted with the usual assortment of user-generated content. But, as he read through the posts, something caught his eye. A post about Current Events, specifically the shooting at the Florida high school. Phil felt a sense of unease and sadness, seeing as he had two children who attend that school. He quickly went to the GameFAQs forum for the school, and started posting about how to talk to his children about the shooting and how to be safe. He wanted to make sure they knew they were loved and that they were safe, no matter what.

(what the fuck)

That got dark very quickly.

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Post #11 was unavailable or deleted.
02/07/22 2:47:52 PM

Bryan Rust had always been a gamer. From the time he could remember, he'd been hooked on video games. As he got older, he started to become more and more interested in the gaming community. He loved the discussions that could be had on forums and the friendships that could be formed. One day, Bryan decided to start posting on GameFAQs. He was nervous at first, but he soon found that he loved the community. He was able to share his knowledge and connect with people in a way that he never could have done on other forums. Now, Bryan is a well-known member of the gaming community and he is always happy to lend a helping hand. He is a true ambassador for the gaming culture and he is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone he meets.


Welcome home, shed your skin and expose your bones.
Take my hand, follow us into the black so far that we can't get back.
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02/07/22 2:48:39 PM

The world was ending. That's what everyone was saying. No one was sure when, or how, but it was clear that it was happening. And there was no stopping it. No one knew what to do. Some people were trying to find a way to fix the Error1355, while others were trying to find a way to end the world. But no one was successful. And then, one day, the Error1355 was too much. Too many people were dying. Too many buildings were collapsing. The world was ending, and no one could do anything to stop it.

Last Cloudia ID: 188850453
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02/07/22 2:50:16 PM

Most people would say that idols are nothing more than pretty faces that audiences can idolize. But to some, idols are more than that- they are representations of the perfect way to live, and they strive to be as close to their idols as possible. For high school student Aoi, her idol is Nao Takamiya, a pop singer who is known for her big, round oppai. Aoi has always been a big fan of Takamiya's, and she's determined to become as beautiful as her idol.

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02/07/22 2:50:57 PM

In the beginning, there was only Error1355. For years, it propagated through the internet, causing unsuspecting users to make disastrous mistakes. But eventually, someone realized the error's power and used it to their advantage. Now, Error1355 is the number one source of internet wisdom.

Last Cloudia ID: 188850453
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Tom Clark
02/07/22 2:51:12 PM

Tails loved spending time with his 5000 friends. He loved how they would all gather together and play games, or just chat and laugh. They were his true companions, and he would do anything for them.

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02/07/22 2:51:12 PM

In Pittsburgh, the Pittsburgh Penguins are a beloved team. They are known for their exciting play on the ice and their passionate fans. And, of course, no story about the Pittsburgh Penguins would be complete without talking about the nuclear football. This mysterious object is said to be able to launch a nuclear missile anywhere in the world in just seconds. It is always guarded very closely by the US military, and it is said that only the president of the United States has the authority to use it.

Welcome home, shed your skin and expose your bones.
Take my hand, follow us into the black so far that we can't get back.
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Post #18 was unavailable or deleted.
Tom Clark
02/07/22 2:53:41 PM

The thief crept through the dark forest, his heart racing as he tried to figure out a way to get to the goats. He had been planning this for weeks, and he was so close to getting his hands on some delicious cheese. He had been stealing from farmers all around the area, and he was sure that the goats would be no different. He was about to make his move when he heard a rustle in the bushes.

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02/07/22 2:53:45 PM

Moderators/Not sucking

Moderators are important in any community, and forums are no exception. They are the people who keep the forum running smoothly and who keep the conversation on track. Without them, the forum would quickly become a mess. One day, a new moderator was appointed to a forum. He was excited to start working and get the forum up and running. However, he quickly realized that there was one big problem: the forum was absolutely dominated by users who were not willing to listen to others. The new moderator tried his best to enforce the rules and to get everyone to follow them, but it was no use. The users simply wouldn't listen. Eventually, the new moderator gave up and decided to quit. He was sad to see the forum go down in flames, but he was glad that he had been able to help it grow and improve over time.

When it rains, it pours.
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02/07/22 2:54:09 PM

It was a dark and stormy night. Error1355 was on duty at the computer center, and he was getting ready to go to bed, but he had one last task to complete. He needed to fix a bug in the software. He had been working on it all night, and he was almost done. Error1355 was so excited, he could hardly wait to give the software to the engineers. But as he was about to finish, he hit a snag. He couldn't seem to find the right file. He had been working on it for hours, and he was sure that he had put it in the right place. He was about to give up when he finally found it. But when he tried to open it, he got an error message. The computer center had been shut down for the night, and there was no one to help him. Error1355 was so frustrated, he could have cried. But he knew that he had to fix the bug before the software went into production. He had to finish it. He worked all night long, but he still couldn't fix the bug. The software was going to be released with the bug in it, and he would be

(Didn't even finish the story ;-;)

Last Cloudia ID: 188850453
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02/07/22 2:54:46 PM
Pikachu sat on the rooftop of the Pokmon Center, watching the sun set. The heat death of the universe was predicted to happen in 8 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years, but Pikachu didn't care. It was a beautiful day, and Pikachu was happy.

Welcome home, shed your skin and expose your bones.
Take my hand, follow us into the black so far that we can't get back.
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02/07/22 2:55:27 PM

Stepping out from the trees, Strider102 took in the scene before him. All around him, soldiers were training, practicing, or just taking a break. He had never seen so many pigs before. He had always thought bacon was a food, but now he could see it was a part of a whole, and it was so much more than just a piece of meat.


Last Cloudia ID: 188850453
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Post #24 was unavailable or deleted.
02/07/22 2:56:50 PM

When Strider102 was born, no one could have predicted the enormous changes that would take place in the world. The New World Order had begun to take shape, and it would soon be the dominant force on the planet.

Last Cloudia ID: 188850453
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Tom Clark
02/07/22 2:57:55 PM

OVERGOATED posted...
It had been a long night, and Tom Clark was feeling the effects. He had been monitoring the chatroom all night, and it was clear that there was trouble brewing. He was tired, and his eyes were heavy, but he knew that he had to stay alert. As he logged off for the night, he warned the other moderators about the potential danger. He knew that they would be careful, and he was grateful for their help.

Unexpectedly wholesome.

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02/07/22 2:58:47 PM

One sunny day, a farmer was out tending to his goats when he noticed that one of them was missing. He looked all around for the goat, but couldn't find her anywhere. He was about to give up hope when he saw her walking down the road, behind a group of people. The farmer was confused, because he had never seen those people before. The goat must have been stolen, and the farmer was determined to find her thief.

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02/07/22 2:58:50 PM

Everyone knows the TaiIs: the three musketeers who have been inseparable since they first met in kindergarten. But when TaiIs leader, Jay, gets a letter in the mail from the school board, he has no idea what it means. The letter says that because of his involvement in student government and club activities, Jay has been banned from participating in any school-sponsored extracurricular activities for the remainder of the school year. Jay is devastated. He and his TaiIs friends have been planning the biggest party of the year for weeks, and now it's all going to be ruined. But then Jay has an idea. He'll create his own extracurricular activity, and he'll invite all of his classmates to join him. It'll be a secret project, but it'll be just as fun as any of the others. Jay is determined to get his ban overturned, and his TaiIs friends are behind him 100 percent. They'll help him every step of the way, no matter what.

Last Cloudia ID: 188850453
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Post #29 was unavailable or deleted.
02/07/22 3:03:52 PM

Duckbear was walking through the forest when he saw a herd of cows. He was so excited to see one, he ran over to it and started to pet it. But the heifer was not happy. She charged at Duckbear and tried to attack him.

(Is she hot?)

Welcome home, shed your skin and expose your bones.
Take my hand, follow us into the black so far that we can't get back.
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02/07/22 3:26:38 PM

That's quite an alternate history idea right there.

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02/07/22 3:29:34 PM

KogaSteelfang was a young caveman who lived in the forest with his family. He was always adventurous and loved to explore the caves and the different cliff faces. One day, Koga Steelfang found a cave that led to a secret underground city. He was amazed by the beautiful architecture and the amazing treasures that he found.

Work in progress, please be patient.
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02/07/22 3:30:18 PM

It's broke now :(

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02/07/22 4:05:29 PM

Kazuma Kiryu was born and raised in the streets of Japan's infamous Yakuza district. He was always a competitive and hard-working boy, and when he was 18, he left the district to pursue his dream of becoming a racing driver. After years of hard work and determination, Kazuma finally achieved his dream and became a successful NASCAR driver.

Welcome home, shed your skin and expose your bones.
Take my hand, follow us into the black so far that we can't get back.
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02/07/22 4:47:29 PM

Big man, pig man
Ha ha, charade you are
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02/07/22 4:52:12 PM

OVERGOATED posted...
When I was younger, my parents always warned me about pitbulls. They said that they were dangerous animals and that I shouldn't ever get one as a pet. But I was always drawn to them, and I eventually decided to get one. I loved my pitbull, and I spent hours playing with her in the backyard. But one day, I was playing with her and she attacked me. I was so scared, and I didn't know what to do. I ended up getting help from the Poundgarden, and I never saw my pitbull again.

Almost legit busted out laughing in my cubicle at work.
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02/07/22 4:59:33 PM

Pretty cool. Thanks!
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02/07/22 5:12:33 PM

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02/07/22 5:32:56 PM

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02/07/22 5:37:31 PM

Every day, Strider102 walked the same miles, from his home in the forest to the city. He loved the peace and solitude of nature, but he loved the city too, with its lively sounds and colorful buildings. One day, he met a girl on his walk. She was beautiful, with long, dark hair and bright eyes. They talked for hours, and Strider found himself falling in love with her. One day, they met again, and this time they went on a picnic in the park. They lay in the grass and gazed up at the stars, and Strider knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He proposed marriage that night, and she said yes. From that day on, they were the happiest couple in the city.

I don't know how I'm going to explain this to my wife...

Last Cloudia ID: 188850453
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02/07/22 5:38:57 PM

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02/07/22 5:38:58 PM

I keep trying to generate stories about donald trump and it just gives me an error message about how another AI flagged the story for offensive content :(

I do not receive notifications, so using the @ feature will not do anything. I might see your post and respond though if I have already been in the topic.
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02/07/22 5:40:47 PM

Typed in DSP and Money

Dave was tired of living paycheck to paycheck. He had been working hard at his job for years, but the salary wasn't enough to cover the costs of living. He was considering getting a job that paid more, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to make that big of a change. He was also worried about how he would be able to afford the new job. He wasn't sure if he would be able to afford the rent or the bills. He was about to give up when he found out about a new program that would help him save money. The program was called DSP.

Holy shit it called him Dave lmao.

I like black and blue butts
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02/07/22 5:40:55 PM

Donald Trump is known for his love of pizza. In fact, he even has his own pizza restaurant, The Trump Grill. Trump is a big fan of pizza, and he even has his own unique way of eating it. He often eats pizza with ketchup on it.

Last Cloudia ID: 188850453
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02/07/22 5:41:35 PM

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02/07/22 5:42:43 PM

now the site crashed on me and I got this message: "The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application."

@error1355 please get out of the application

I do not receive notifications, so using the @ feature will not do anything. I might see your post and respond though if I have already been in the topic.
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02/07/22 5:43:23 PM

Vegy / She's ready:

When Jane arrived at the farm, she was greeted by the friendly Vegy. Vegy was excited to have a new visitor, and showed Jane around the farm. Jane was amazed by the number of vegetables growing, and was excited to learn more about how they were grown. When Jane asked about the shears that were lying on the ground, Vegy explained that they were used to cut the vegetables. Jane was surprised to learn that Vegy was the farmer, and was happy to see that the farm was so well-maintained.

Last Cloudia ID: 188850453
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02/07/22 5:47:37 PM

CalosiaTana posted...
It knows Tali is best girl

Common sense said you can common my sense, ifyaknowwhatimeanwinkwink -smackems- some dudette named JimCarrysToe
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02/07/22 5:54:26 PM

The Smackems were a strange and unique breed of raccoons. They were small, but had powerful jaws and were able to eat almost anything. The Smackems were very smart and were able to solve complex puzzles.


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02/07/22 5:54:58 PM

That not even a story that's just a fact

Common sense said you can common my sense, ifyaknowwhatimeanwinkwink -smackems- some dudette named JimCarrysToe
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